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U 2 Wish you were here一 单词拼写1 He said he was a PLA, but a_ he was a farmer.2 In a face-to-face i_with David Frost, the former president talked about some of his personal things that people were interested in.3 This room is rather d_. I am afraid that it hasnt been lived in for years4 . She broke the s_ in the room by coughing loudly.5 When food s_ were cut off that winter, the sick and wounded soldiers managed to scrape by on wild herbs.6. I will have a 15-day holiday soon,_(包括) the coming National Day holiday.7 We are eager to read his newly _(已出版的) book.8 Its_(不舒服的) to go trekking on camels through Gobi Desert.9 With a spirit of _(冒险), nowadays many young people to travel to places which have been seldom visited before.10 The _(政府) is trying hard to fight against air pollution in the city.二 单项选择1 The news we had been looking forward to_ yesterday. A coming B came C has come D had come2 Mary: Shall we go to the cinema this evening? Jack: Sorry I cant. Im _from a day of hard work. A tiring B being tiring C tired D having tired3 If you room is turned upside down, it is total _. A disorder B order C danger D blank4 The news was so_ that we were all _at it. A astonished, astonished B astonishing, astonished C astonished, astonishing D astonishing, astonishing5 The _look on his face suggested he _that. A surprised, hadnt expected B surprising, hadnt expected C surprised, hasnt expected D surprised, wouldnt have expected6 I noticed that she had placed my old shoes under the bed,_with a hole at each of the big toes. A the one B the ones C that D which7 You may do _you want on condition that you stay in the room. A whatever B which C that D all what8 _the top leader, all of the other officers entered the hall. A To follow B Followed C Following D Follows9 His new book _next week. A will be published B is publishing C is being published D has been published10 The factory _the students visited last week is the one _ I have worked for three years. A that, which B where, in which C , where D which, that11 Which would you _ have, tea or coffee? A like B prefer C want D rather12 The books,_ the novels, must be put back where they_. A included, were B to include, are C including, were D including, are13 I guess that one or two of them_ Tom at this time tomorrow. A will be helping B would help C will helping D will be helped14 They cant get along well with each other because they have nothing_. A in all B after all C in common D at all15 This book, written in such fine letters, is difficult_. A to be read B for being read C to read D for reading三 句子翻译1我期待不久后能见到你。(look forward to)2 这张照片使我想起了我的童年。(remain)3从今以后,无论你让我作什么,我都会尽最大努力去完成。(whatever)4到下个月的这个时候,我将正在阳光灿烂的沙滩上躺着.5你最好带把伞,以防今天下午下雨。(in case)四 句子改错1 They are leaving for Beijing in three-day time.2 Rock music is popular by young people.3 This is a good way of study English well.4 He sat on the bed, read a letter and laughing.5 He seemed that he would come to help us.五完形填空Having returned from her round trip, the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station. “The railway owes (欠债) me $12,” she said to Harry Jenks, the young man working at the 1 . “You sold me a ticket 2 May 22nd, but there was no ship from Jersey that night. So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It 3 me $12.”Harry was 4 . He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, Madam,” he said politely. “Ill just 5 the Jersey timetable for May 22nd. The woman and her little girl followed him 6 . She was 7 right, as Harry soon discovered, there was no 8 on May 22nd. How could he have 9 such a careless mistake? He shouldnt have sold her a ticket for that day. Wondering 10 to do, he smiled at the child. “You look sunburned,” he said to her. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“Yes,” she answered, shyly. “The beach was 11 . And I can swim too!” “Thats fine,” said Harry. “My little girl cant 12 a bit yet. Of course, shes only three”“Im four,” the child said proudly. “Ill be four and a half.”Harry 13 the mother. “I remember your 14 , Madam,” he said. “But you didnt get 15 for your daughter, did you?” “Er, well,” the woman looked at the child. “I mean, she hasnt started school yet. Shes only four.”“A four-year-old child 16 have a ticket, Madam. A childs return ticket to Jersey costs, let me see $13. So 17 the railway pays your hotel, you will 18 $1. The law is the law, but since the 19 was mine”The woman stood up, 20 the childs hand and left the office.1. A. trainB. shipC. officeD. hotel2. A. inB. forC. atD. before3. A. paidB. spentC. costD. saved4. A. worriedB. pleasedC. disappointedD. interested5. A. lookB. watchC. testD. check6. A. intoB. outC. outsideD. inside7. A. not B. allC. quite D. never8. A. planeB. sailingC. trainD. bus9. A. brokenB. madeC. givenD. thought10. A. howB. whyC. whatD. which11. A. lovelyB. beautifullyC. terribleD. wonderfully12. A. walkB. rideC. swimD. run13. A. listened toB. asked forC. got toD. turned to14. A. moneyB. ticketC. shipD. daughter15. A. oneB. itC. themD. ones16. A. canB. mayC. needD. must17. A. sinceB. ifC. unlessD. until18. A. oweB. haveC. getD. spend19. A. moneyB. ticketC. faultD. debt (债务) 20. A. raisedB. pickedC. broughtD. took六阅读理解 A few years ago I was shopping with a friend and his 12-year-old daughter in downtown San Francisco. A street musician, whom my friend happened to know from his own musician day, was playing the saxophone on a street comer. His name was Clifford, and he had attracted a large crowd with his performance. After he finished, my friend introduced him to me and his daughter. Clifford asked her if she played any instrument. When she replied that she was taking trumpet(小号) lessons and played in her junior high school band(乐队), he said, Thats fine, little lady. Learn your instrument well and you can play anything. Somehow these simple yet wise words struck me as proper not only for a trumpet player but also for a reader. If you learn to read well, you can read anything you want-not just newspapers and magazines, but more difficult material like philosophy, film criticism ,military history-whatever interests you as your confidence grows. You would not be limited(限制)in any way. If you have the vocabulary-or at least a good dictionary near at hand-you can pick up a book, concentrate on it, and made sense of the authors words. In the United States, reading instruction often ends at elementary school, so students sometimes have difficulty as they progress through school. They must take their assignments, armed only with their elementary school reading skills. The result, too often, is frustration and loss of confidante. And the assigned reading in your college courses will be even greater than they were in high school. Developing Reading Skills is designed to accomplish(完成) several tasks: to show you the skills that will enable you to read with greater comprehension, to help you cope with reading assignment with confidence, and to teach you to become an active reader.1. The talk between the girl and Clifford serves as an introduction to _. A. the importance of reading B. the connection(关联) between playing instruments and reading C. the necessity of learning to play an instrument D. the variety of reading materials2. It can be inferred (推断)from the story that _. A. Clifford was good at playing the saxophone B. the authors friend was once a street musician C. the 12-year-old girl played the trumpet very poorly D. Clifford was a good music teacher3. We can infer from the last paragraph that Developing Reading Skills _. A. is directed to elementary school students B. centers around vocabulary building skills C. aims(目的)at helping students read better D. offers elementary reading skills4. The underlined word struck in Paragraph 2 most probably means _. A. impressed(留下印象) B. influenced C. proved D. awakened(觉醒)5. With good reading skills, you can . A. understand anything you read without difficulty B. work out the authors meaning only if you concentrate on the book C. understand what you read with the help of a good dictionary D. concentrate on whatever you readU2 Wish you were here一 单词拼写1 actually 2 interview 3 dusty 4 silence 5 supplies 6 including 7 . published 8 uncomfortable 9 adventure 10 government 二 单项选择BCABA BACAC DCACC三句子翻译1 I look forward to seeing you soon.2 This photo reminds me of my childhood.3 I will try my best to finish whatever you ask me to do from now on.4 By this time next month, I will be lying on the sunny beach.5 Youd better bring an umbrella with you, just in case that it rains this afternoon.四句子改错1 three-day three days 2 by among 3 studystudying4 read reading 5 HeIt五 完形填空CBCAD DCBBC ACDBA DBACDBACAB

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