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南长区小学英语质量调研卷(四年级英语 时限40分钟)听力部分30分一、听录音,选出你听到的选项(听两遍,8分)( )1. A. bhd B. dbh C. hbd( )2. A. NMWU B. MVUW C. VMUW( )3. A. sad B. salad C. sandwich( )4. A. three B. thirty C. thirteen( )5. A. nice cake B. small cat C. sweet candy( )6. A. run fast B. jump high C. swim well ( )7. A. would like a pie B. would like some juice C. like tea( )8. A. in the bedroom B. in the kitchenC. in the bathroom二、听录音,选出合适的应答句(听两遍, 12分)( ) 1. A. Its in the fridge. B. Theyre in the box. C. Yes, here they are. ( ) 2. A. Theyre pens. B. Theyre books. C. Its a pen. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I can.B. No, he cant. C. She can run fast. ( ) 4. A. Its five oclock. B. Its time for home. C. Its time to eat cakes. ( ) 5. A. Four, please. B. Four yuan. C. I have four.( ) 6. A. Id like this doll.B. I like dolls. C. I like this doll.三、听录音,根据所听对话作判断,用T表示相符,用F表示不相符(听两遍,10分)( ) 1. Mike and his friends are in the library.( ) 2. Mike has (有)some mangoes.( ) 3. Su Hai has some sweets.( ) 4. Yang Ling has four cakes.( ) 5. Liu Tao has many grapes. 笔试部分70分一、在四线三格内按正确的格式书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号(3分)mike can you play baseball well yes I can 二、根据发音规则选词填空(3分) good hat library hot family bike1. Helen would like a hamburger and a _ dog. 2. Fanny is flying a kite with her _.3. Bill bought a toy _ for his brother.4. I can see eleven lights in the _.5. My _ little dog, go and get my bag on that log.6. A fat cat is wearing a black _. 三、英汉互译(12分)1. 喜欢苹果 like _ 2. 跳得高 _ high 3. 踢足球 _ _ 4. 开门 open the _5. 十八个球 _ _ 6. 看那匹马 _ at that _7. 做水果沙拉 _ a fruit _ 8. 在课桌后 _ the _9. 一条绿色的短裙 a _ _10. 在卧室里 in the _11. pigs on the farm _12. so funny and lovely _13. I cant fly either. _14. Your cap is in the kitchen. _四、选择题(10分)( ) 1. - _ you like robots? - No, we _. A. Can; cant B. Do; do C. Do; dont( ) 2. I like dogs. _ cute.A. Theyre B. Its C. They( ) 3. -I have _ oranges. Do you have _ oranges? -Yes, I do.A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any( ) 4. -Is my clock_ the living room? -Yes, _. A. in; it is B. in; they are C. on; they are( ) 5. -Can I ? -OK!A. have look B. have a try C. have a like( ) 6. -How many _ do you have? -I have one.A. toy trains B. toys trains C. toy train( ) 7. Id like_ noodles. _ five yuan. A. a; Its B. some; TheyreC. any; Theyre ( ) 8. This toy is _ your brother. A. with B. to C. for( ) 9. -_ my pencils? -On the table. A. Where are B. Where is C. What( ) 10. - Dont talk. - _. A. Thanks. B. OK. Im sorry. C. Thats OK.五、在B栏中找出与A栏匹配的选项(6分) A B( ) 1. Can birds swim? A. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. Can you close the window? B. Pineapples.( ) 3. I cant swim. C. No, I dont.( ) 4. What do you have? D. No, they cant. ( ) 5.What do you like? E. I cant swim either.( ) 6. Do you like pigs? F. We have some toy monkeys.六、连词成句 (12分)1. make, let, a, us, kite( . ) _2. like, we, living room, the, in, TV, the ( . ) _3. toy, cute, tigers, those, are (.)_ 4. is, where, jacket, your ( ? ) _5. fifteen, have, they, beautiful, pears ( . ) _6. orange, what, an, about (?) _七、选择括号中的单词将下列对话补充完整(8分)A: _ (look, look at) these stickers. B: Oh, animal stickers. How lovely! A: Thank you. I like this _(cow, cows)sticker. Do you like cows?B: No, I _(doesnt, dont). A: _ (What, What colour ) do you like?B: I like _ (panda, pandas). Theyre cute and fat.A: Look! I have _ (much, many) panda stickers. Would you _ (like, have) some?B: Yes, please. A: _ (how much, how many)do you want(要)?B: Two, please.八、将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话(6分)( ) Would you like a hot dog?( ) A glass of milk, please.( ) Thank you.( ) Here you are.( ) Anything else?1( ) Yes, please.( ) Dad, Im hungry. 九、阅读判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示(5分) A: Hello, Liu Tao. B: Hi, Wang Bing. May I use (用)your ruler? A: Sure. Oh, wheres my ruler? B: Is it in your pencil box? A: No, it isnt. B: Heres a ruler. It is yours? A: No. Its yellow. Its Gao Shans. My ruler is green. B: I see a ruler under your desk. Is it yours? A: Yes, it is. Here you are. B: Thank you. ( ) 1. Wang Bing cant find his ruler.( ) 2. Wang Bings ruler is in his pencil box.( ) 3. Gao Shans ruler is yellow.( ) 4. The green ruler is Liu Taos.( ) 5. Wang Bing finds his ruler at last(最后).


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