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20052006学年度第一学期期末综合评价七年级英语(总分100分) 得分Myboysandgirls,weallknow“Indoingwelearn”.Ibelieveyouarethebest!Youresosmart.Bereadyforanychallenge!Dontgiveup!亲爱的同学们,大家都知道:“知识来源于实践”,我相信你是最棒的,因为你很聪明。别认输哟!准备好挑战吧!.亲爱的同学,请从下列各题的选项中选出最佳的一项,现在开始!Go! 一、用is ,am ,或are填空。Be动词使用的口诀( 15) 1. I a student of No. 1 Middle School. My name Wei Xin. 2. What this in English? it an eraser?3. - How old you, Kate? - I thirteen.4. How much the blue socks near the red hat?5. My good friends in this school Yang Hong and Liu Mei.6. I Li Leis sister and Li Lei my brother.7. Sue and I students and we study in the same school.8. Kens pants on the bed, and his coat on the chair.9. What my name? I Japanese? Can you guess?二.手拉手做朋友,请你从栏中找出与栏相应的答语。(10分) ()1.Howdoyouspell“lost”? A.Its5.()2.Cansheplaytheviolin? B.Yes,heis.()3.Isheplayingfootball? C.No,shecant.()4.Wheredoyoulive? D.No,shedoesnt.()5.DoesBerryhaveacomputer? E.Itsninethirty.()6.Howmuchistheredhat? F.Itsblack.()7.Whattimeisit? G.ItsinJanuary.()8.Whatcoloristhecat? H.IliveinXian.()9.Whenisyourbirthday? I.Becauseitsinteresting.()10.Whydoeshelikemath? J.L-O-S-T.三. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(20分) 1. -Where is your bag? -Its in the _ _ _ _(失物招领处). 2 For dinner, he likes _ (汉堡包) and chicken. 3. Do you _ _ _ (想参加) the music club? 4. Mike enjoys _ _ _ (弹吉他). 5. Can you _ _ _ (把你的相片带到.来) to school? 6. Mike usually (去)to school at 7:30 in the morning.7. We eat lots of _ and _ (蔬菜、水果). 8. He has a _ _(生日聚会) on July 2nd. 9. _ _(谢谢) your letter. (10分)10 Have a look at the T-shirts. We sell (它们)for only 5 dollars.四.完型填空(共20分) AMyname1Frank.NowIlive2China.3Sunday,myfatheroftentakesmetomovies.Myfavorite4areactionmovies.Myfatherlikesthem,too.Many5peoplelikethiskindofmoviesbecausetheyare6.Mygoodfriend,Jimlikesthrillers7.Idontlikethrillers.I8theyarescaryandboring.JimlikesBeijingOpera,9.Andhewantsto10aBeijingOperaartist.()1.A.isB.beC.areD.am()2.A.onB.inC.atD.of()3.A.InB.AtC.OnD.For()4.A.colorsB.sportsC.booksD.movies()5.A.young.B.bigC.smallD.long()6.A.boringB.excitingC.difficultD.different()7.A.good.B.fineC.bestD.nice()8.A.ask.B.buyChaveD.think()9.A.tooB.toC.twoD.also()10.A.isB.beC.areD.amBI 1 a good friend. He is an English 2 .3 name is David. He 4 thirteen. He 5 a good family. There 6 four people in his family, 7 are his father, his mother, his sister and he. His 8 is a worker. His mother is a teacher. His sister and he 9 students. Her sisters name is Marry. She is nine. They go to school at seven and go home at four. 10 are good students.( )1. A. am B. are C. have D. has( )2. A. boy B. girl C. man D. woman( )3. A. My B. Your C. his D. Her( )4. A. has B. is C. have D. are( )5. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )6. A. is B. are C. has D. have( )7. A. He B. She C. They D. Them( )8. A. mother B. sister C. brother D. father( )9. A. are B. is C. am D. have( )10. A. We B. You C. They D. Them五.阅读欣赏(15分) A Im Philip. Im a writer(作家). I write books for the kids. I draw pictures for them, too. I get up at 8 in the morning. I write(写) from 9:00 to 12:00. In the afternoon I often do some sports in the park. My wife(妻子) Tina is a musician. She can play the piano, the drum, the guitar and the violin. She likes to help the kids in the music club. Julie is my daughter. She is a singer. She sings and plays the guitar. She makes CDs and cassettes. She sings in the evenings but not in the mornings. My son Peter is a sportsman. His days are full(满的). Every day, he runs, swims, and plays games. He can only basketball very well.( )1. Who can write books in this family? A. Julie. B. Tina. C. Philip. D. Peter.( )2.Who often does some sports? A. Julie and Peter. B. Philip and Tina.C. Philip and Julie. D. Philip and Peter.( )3.When does Julie sing? A. In the evening. B. In the morning.C. In the afternoon. D. In the morning and evening.( )4. How many people can play the guitar in this family? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.( )5.What does the word sportsman mean(意思)?A. 教师B.工人C.农民D.运动员B.Lucy King Lucy King is 30 years old. She is our English teacher. She likes her job very much because she likes her lovely students. She goes to work at seven in the morning and goes home at five in the afternoon. Her favorite color is white. She likes tennis best. Her favorite fruit is oranges.Name: 1 Age: 2 Job: 3 Favorite color:4 Favorite fruit:5 C. Jennifer-J Selina-S J: How are you, Selina? S: Im fine but busy today. And you? J: Fine, too. So, why are you busy today? S: At 8 oclock I have math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Next at 10:00, I have history. At 11:00 I have PE, thats my favorite subject! I think its exciting. I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music for one hour. Music is relaxing. You see, I have six classes today. 根据对话完成下列表格。TimeSubjects8:00-8:45ammath9:00-9:45am1.10:00-10:45am2.11:00-11:45am3.12:30-1:20pm4.1:30-2:30pm5.六.书面表达(20分)A.读书破万卷,下笔如有神!小作者:这是李明今天的作息时间表,请你根据表中的信息写一篇介绍李明一天生活的短文。6:00a.m.getup6:30a.m.run7:00a.m.Havebreakfast7:45a.m.gotoschool8:00a.m.schoolstarts12:00a.m.eatlunch3:15p.m.playfootball5:00p.m.gethome6:20p.m.eatdinner7:30p.m.dohomework9:30p.m.gotobedB. 假如你叫李磊,你是7年级6班学生。你丢失了一只黑色的双肩背包,内有一些课本、几张唱片和一张身份证。请你写一篇寻物启事,你的电话号码22266300。

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