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小学英语5A期末测试卷Class Name Marks (时间:45分钟)一、 找出下列各组中与其它单词不属同一类的单词。(10分)( )1.A. a swing B. a slide C. a see-saw D. a garden( )2.A. dance B. swim C. a chicken D. skate( )3.A. read a book B. play chess C. sing a song D. telescope( )4.A. a mask B. a duck C. a horse D. a pig( )5.A. a blanket B. a pumpkin C. a pillow D. a towel二、 选择所给的单词填空。(20分)bedroom day make lesson family each other evenings join1. It is the first of the new year (年).2. There is a in the house.3. They are having a Music , now.4. He can a puppet. 5 . Ben and his are in the sitting-room.6. In the we watch TV. 7. They are playing basketball in the playground. Ill go and them.8. They are showing their things to .三、选择题(30分) ( )1开学的第一天,你遇见同学可以说:A. Glad to see you. B. Goodbye. C.Thank you.( )2.当你问对方去哪里时,你会说:A.What are you doing? B.Where are you going? C.Whats your name?( )3.你走进商店,服务员一般会对你说:A .Excuse me. B.Can I help you? C.Youre welcome.( )4.你想知道对方是否有空闲,可以说:A. Are you free now? B. What are you doing now? C. How are you ?( )5.-Is there a dog near the tree? - A. Im not sure B.Yes, there are. C. OK.( )6.LiMing and LiLei are .A. in the first floor B. on first floor C. on the first floor( )7. are back at school.A. All the students B. All student C. All the student( )8. -Is there a map of the world on the wall? - A.Yes,there is. B.No, there is. C. Yes, there isnt.( )9.There is elephant in the zoo.A. a B. an C. /( )10. There arent pictures.A. a B. any C. some( )11. -Can you sing the song? - A.Yes,we can. B.No,we can C.Yes,we cant( )12.- -I can dance.A.What do you do? B. What can you do? C.What you can do?( )13.Can you .A. piano B. play the piano C.play piano( )14 - do you need? -Some masks,please.A.Else what B.What else C.what else.( )15. me,please.A. listen B. Listen C.Listen to( )16.They would like for a Halloween party.A.to buy things B. buy things C.buying things( )17.-What are you doing? -Im .A. doing my homework B. do my homework C.does my homework.( )18.Can you help me my Maths?A.of B. with C.to( )19. The children are a camping site.A. at B.on C.of( )20.Xiao Hong a lot of apples.A. have B. is C.has四、读一读,选择合适的图。(10分)1.( )-What is she doing? 2.( )-Where is Zhang Wei?I cant find him. -She is sweeping the floor. He is in the study.3.( )-Do you like dancing? 4.( )-How many footballs are there in the picture?-No,I dont . There are 3.-What do you like? 5.( )-How much is the TV?-I like singing . 988 yuan, please.五、把下面的单词连成句子。(10分)1are you what doing ( ? ) 2. is Sunday morning it ( . ) 3. can sing the you song ( . ) 5. what they have do ( ? ) 六、看图,用表示方位的词填空。(15分) on under between under beside behind This is Wang Mings bedroom. There is a big bed it. the bed, there is a desk . the desk, there is a lamp. the desk, there is a football. The bed is the chair and the desk .七、阅读,然后判断句子正误。(5分)


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