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北京朝阳02-03年上学期高一英语期末统一考试(考试时间100分钟,满分100分)第一卷一、听力理解(共10小题15分)第一节:听下面4段对话,从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案,每段对话读两遍。 1.whats the boys name? ABob BTom C.Bill 2What does the woman do? A.Work in college B.Teach in high school. C.Study maths. 3What is the womao going to do? ABuy medicine BHave a rest C.Go to hospital 4Why is the boy working hard for the exam? AThe exam will be very difficult BHis parents make her do so. CHe always works hard for exams第二节:听厂面对话或独白,并根据试题中的问题,从每题A中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第五段材料,回答第56题。5Who is new here? AThe man BThe woman C Both the man and the woman6. What is the man looking for? AA post-office BA store CA store and a post-office 听第六段材料,回答第78题。7Why do they decide to go to a restaurant? Because . Athe man doesnt like the food his wife cooks Bthe woman doesnt know how to cook Cneither of them wants to cook at home8Which restaurant are they going to? AAn Italian restaurant BA Thai restaurant CA Chinese restaurant. 听第七段材料,回答第910题。9Where is Randall from? A.Venezuela B.Utah C.Indiana10What does Randall N0T do in his spare time? AReading BP1aying baseball CBike riding二、单项填空(共20小题,20分) 从四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。11I like to get on the Internet,and . Aso does Jack Bso is Jack Cneither does Jack Dneither is Jack12What about shopping some other day? A,to go Bgoing Cwent Dgone13A fire in their workshop and now the workshop fire Ahappened;is over Btook place;is in Cbroke out;is on Dwas breaking out;was on14一Did you have any difficulty the museum yesterday? 一NO,not at all Afind Bto find Cwith finding Din finding15Our schoo1 library has bought has just bought new books,including some English books。Aa good many of Bmuch of Cthe large number of Da 1arge number of16It is reported that most part of the city railway and peop1e can use it soon Ahas been finished Bhas finished C. will be finished D.will finish17The doctor asked Jane what had for lunch Ahad she Bshe had Chas she Dshe has18Father will not us to use his computer Ahave Bagree C1et Da11ow19This is the museum theyll visit tomorrow. Ain which Bwhere C Dwhen20Is that the man yesterday? Ayouve met Bhas met you Cyou met Dmet you21My grandmothers 80th birthday is . Ain two week time Bin two weeks time Cin two weeks time Din two weekstime22Why did you so much time reading novels? Aspend Bpay Ccost Dtake23We leave it began to rain Awere going to;when Bwere about to;whenCwere to;while Dwere to;as24A1though in a hurry,he me Awouldnt help Bstopped to help Cdid not stop to he1p Dcould stop helping25By 1980,he to the USA twiceAwent Bhad been Chave been Dhad gone26How do you like the food? It wonderful!Akeeps Bturns Csmells D.fells27. be careful when you drive at night AHave to BHope CMust DDo28Do you know what kind of clothes was popular in ? A1960s Bthe 1960s Cthe 1960 D1960s29He always goes into the kitchen to look for something to eat as soon as he home. Aarrives Bgets to C.reaches at Dcomes to30Excuse me 一would you show me the way to the nearest post-office?AP1ease. BNo,Im not CYes? DYes,I am三、完形填空(共20小题,20分) 阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从每小题A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案。Motels are for travelers by car That is why they are mostly near 31 .When travelers need a place for the 32 ,they can just drive up to a motelThe word“motel”is made by putting together two words一motor(=car)and hotelThe number of 33 in a motels can be 34 greatlyThere may be fewer than l0 rooms or more than 200Many 35 motels have the same services but are more 36 than othersSmallermotels,on the other hand, 37 fewer serices. 38 they are cheaperBecause they dont cost as much and are 39 to get to,they usually have large numbers of travelersAlmost all roadside motels have large 40 .They tell whether or there are any rooms1eft.So drivers do not have to get 41 their cars to ask.Before the 1990s,people did not driveThen the car was 42 .People began to travel by car In those days,towns were so far away from one anoher 43 people could not travel between them in one day, 44 drivingSo the first motels were built for travelers by car. During the mid-1900s,the motel business 45 quicklyPeople began travel farther away by car and needed places to stay.They needed 46 along the wayThen they could start out 47 in the morning,strong and fresh In the l970s,a few companies staned chains(连锁店)of cheaper mote1sIhese motels are only half as expensive as 48 .But they have fewer 49 There are no restaruants and no swimming poo1s at these motelsSometimes,even in 50 p1aces,there may be no air conditioning(空调)31 A stations B airports C roads D parts32 A day B night C car D wheels33 A rooms B people C beds D cooks34 A 1arge B small C unknown D different35 A big B good C o1d D new36 A expensive B popular C successful D beautifu137 A need B 1ike C offer D get38 A And B So C But D Then39 A hard B simple C impossible D easy40 A parks B signs C rooms D lights41 A into B out of C on D on with42 A repaired B built C found D invented43 A that B which C when D where44 A if B even C though D unless45 A moved B changed C grew D fell46 A help B sleep C food D drink47 A soon B again C togeher D finally48 A another B one C other D others49 A equipments B beds C signs D rooms50 A warm B co1d C certain D Poor四、阅读理解(共3部分,10小题,20分) 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(A) 0n the first day of class this term,Mr.Whitson gave us a lecture about an animal called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice AgeHe passed round akull(头盖骨)as he talked,as we all felt interested and took notes while listeningLater,we had a test about that lessonWhen he returned our paper,I was very surprised when I saw there was a verylarge cross through each of my answersAnd so it was with everyone elses in our classWhat had happened? Everyone was wondering about that and couldnt wait to get the answer. “Very simple,”Mr. Whitson explainedHe had made up all that story about the catty-tiger. There had never been such been such an animalSo why none of usnoticed that and how could we expect(期待)good marks for the incorrect answers? Needless to say we got very angryWhat kind of teacher was this? “You should have guessed that out,”Mr.Whitson said,After all at the very moment he was passing around the catty-tiger skull(in fact,a cats),hadnt he been tel1ing us that it clearly disappeared during the Ice Age?Clearly he was telling a lie.But we were just kept busy making notes land none used his head.We should learn something from this.Teachers and textbooks are not always correct51We failed the test because we didnt . Atake notes while listening Bshow interest in what Mr.Whitson said C 1isten to the teacher carefully Dthink carefully52Mr.Whitson meant that A teachers couldnt make any mistakesB textbooks and teachers might be wrong sometimes C we should speak up if we thought something was wrongD we shouldnt believe our teachers because they might tell lies(B)The Post Office in Britain is famous for getting letters and parcels to their destinations(目的地).The problem is that we the public have to follow the rules.For example.we must put a stamp on a letter If we dont,the receiver will have to pay double.We often see the sign ALL LETTERS NUST BE CORRECTLY ADDRESSED.These days,this means having to use postcodes(邮政编码).If you didnt use a postcode,its no good complaining(抱怨)that your letter should have arrived sooner.Parcels are a problem because they must be correctly packaged. If Aunt Sophie is going to send you a jar of your favourite jam(果酱),she will have to wrap it up well.The most important thing we have to do is to address our letters and parcels clearly and correctly.This means clear handwriting and correct spelling.What we should do and what we actually do often miles apart.Recently.the Pose Office had to deliver(投递)a letter which showed a name followed by the word Arijaba.What is this,do you think?Say it out loud and youll see its just plain English:HARWICH HARBOUR!53.If you didnt use a postcode. .A. your letter couldnt arrive soonB. your letter be surely lostC. your letter could not be postedD. your letter would be sent back at last54.From the passage we can see that postmen .A. have no difficulty in delivering any lettersB. have difficulty in delivering misspelt lettersC. wont deliver any letters with bad handwritingD. have to deliver all letters to their destinations(C)(1)For saleChinese-made bicycleExcellent conditionZhang Ying306,dormitory(寝室)(2)Roommate WantedMale,English native speakerWanted to shareFurnished 2-bedroom aparment(套房)Near campus(校园)Washer,dryer,kitchenCall Li,228-2406any evening after 5(3)LostBlack bricfcaseWith 3 books on physicsCall John Smith843-3160(4)FoundBrown briefcaseWith some moneySee Joseph HofmanIn Chemistry Dept.55.You can get in touch with Zhang Ying if you want to .A.buy a bike B.see a bike C.have your bike repaired D.borrow a bike56.Who is Joseph Hofman?A. The person who picked up a briefcase.B. The person who lost a briefcase.C. The person who stole a bricfcase.D. The person who robbed of a briefease.(D)(非重点校学生做此题。)Guinness Book of World Records Guinness Book of world Records is a wor1d-famous co11ection of wor1d records in human 1ife,including all specific skills How the book came out is an interesting story.On Nov.10,1951,an Englishman,Sir Beveagh,was having a discussion with his friendsThey couldnt agree with each other whether the falcon(猎鹰)flew quickest among a11 birds in EuropeAnd they failed to find the answer in any booksHe knew that there must be many such problems in the worldWhy not publish(出版)a useful book to give the answers to all these problems?In 1954,Beveagh decided to work for itHe asked for help from two friends who owned an information supp1y centre in LondonThey Put together the first edition(版本)of Guinness Book of World Records in August,1955The book had only l97 pages,but it was a great successIt was well received by readers and immediately won the No1 best-seller in BritainThe Book of Records has been renewed each year,and has been bought and enjoyedin l41 countries around the worldIn the end,it has 262 editions and 35 languages,and the book in itself may be a world record57In this passage,“best-seller”means . Asomeone who sells books in large numbers BSomeone who sells the best books Ca book that sells in small numbers Da book that sells in large numbers58How1ong did it take Beveagh to prepare the first edition of Guinness Book of World Records? AMore than two years BNearly two years CFive yearsDWe have no idea59Guinness Book of World Records . Ainterests a lot of people a11 over the world Binterests famous people in the world Cis published in a few languages every year a11 over the world Dis enjoyed especially by the British people60The passage mainly tells us . Ahow Guinness Book of World Records came into being Bhow to publish a book of world records Chow Sir Beveagh published a book Dwhy Guinness Book of World Records was well received(D)(重点校学生做此题。)Mary Quant was born in l934when she was young,there were no teenage fashions(时尚)Young women were dressed like grown-ups or little girlsAt thirteen,sheDesignde(设计)her own schoo1 uniform(制服)She wore short dresses and long socksAfter school,Mary went to Goldsmiths College in LondonShe didnt enterthe co11ege gate but she met her future husband,Alexander P1unkett Greenlike Mary he wore unusual clothes,such as purple velvet trouser and pyjama jackets. In l955 Mary left co11ege and worked for a hat maker in Londons West EndBut soon they opened their own shopIt was called Bazaar and it was the first small shop for women in the Kings Road in ChelseaMary designed a11 the clothes and madeon her old sewing machine The 1960s are often called the“Swinging Sixties”During these years Marys designs became became very popular Everyone loved her mini-skirts and cloured tightsThanks to Mary,London became the fashion capital of the world Marys fashion shows were quite different from what they had been beforeMarysmodels(模特)didnt walk-they danced to pop musicSoon Marys clothes became popular in America,tooAt the age of 37,Mary had a son,OrlandoShe says“Becoming another was quite the most important thing that ever happened to me” In 1966,Mary received the OBE(a special medal given by the Queen)She went to Buckingham Palace in a mini-skirt to collect the medal.Later on Mary started her own cosmetics(化妆品)company.Today,Marys business is worth 100 million poundsShe is still designingnot just clothes,but also cosmetics and some other thingsShe has now opened the Mary Quant colour Shop in Londons Carnaby Street.57When Mary was thirteen, . Ashe dressed like a little girl Bshe designed her schoo1 uniform Cshe dressed like a grown-up Dshe became a teacher58In 1955 Mary . A1eft London Bopened her own shop Cdesigned and made all her own clothes Dworked for a hat maker59In 1960s London became the fashion capital of the world . Abecause Marys designs became very popular Bbecause Mary changed fashion shows greatly Cbecause of Marys business,which was worth 100 million pounds Dbecause of Marys husband60The most important thing for Mary was . Aher becoming a mother Ba special medal given by the QueenCher cosmetic company Dher fashions becoming popular第二卷五、单词拼写(共5小题,5分)根据句意和空白处单词首字母的提示填写恰当的单词,将答案写在相应题号后的横线上。1Professor Presley gave us some good a on how to learn English well.2.Do you have a p for winter vacation? Yes.Im going to Hainan first and then Im going to take an English course.3.My friend George works as a g and often takes foreign visitors to different places in China.4.The m Olympic Games from the old Olympic Games and began in 1896 in Greece.5.Abraham Lincoln is c as one of the greatest presidents in American history1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、选词填空(共5小题,5分)根据短文意思,从方框中选出恰当的词并用正确形式填空,将答案写在相应题号后的横线上。 spend finish do enioy fall When I was growing up, one of the places I 1 most was the cherry(樱桃)tree in the garden.Behind the garden was a small road and then more houses.Every summer when the cherries were ready to be eaten,I often 2 hours high in the tree,picking and eating the sweet,sun-warmed cherries.My mother always worried about my 3 out of the tree,but I never 4 .But I had some competition with the birds that enjoyed them as much as I did and would be all over the tree,getting the fruit whenever I wasnt there.I used to wonder why the grown-ups never ate any of the cherries;but in fact when the birds and I 5 ,there werent many left.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .七、书面表达(共一题,15分) 根据下面所给提示,写出一篇连贯完整的短文。1. When was it? (Sunday morning)2. what were Jane and Tom going to do? (go skating)3. What happened when they were about to leave home? (it,begin to snow)4. What did they do then? (decide to stay at home)5. What did Ton and Jane want to do? (Tom,watch TV;Jane,repair her bicycle)6. Did Tom help Jane repair her bike?7. How did Jane feel?

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