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初二 (下) 期末测试 (B卷). 语音知识 (10)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相的选项。(5) 1. push A. music B. unusual C. husband D. pull 2. kind A. traffic B. wifeC. instead D. holiday 3. handbagA. fat B. age C. afraidD. grandma 4. nobody A. pocketB. worried C. alone D. operation 5. volleyball A. restB. problem C. cleverD. farthestB)下列各组单词划线部分的读音都相同,将其音标填入题前的括号内。(5) 6. matter land granny back 7. nobody understand afraid holiday 8. husband country something worry 9. until granny pocket itself 10. traffic pocket kind wake. 词汇知识 (20)A)以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确。(5) 11. d_nger A. a B. e C. i D. o 12. h_sb_nd A. e.o B. o.e C. u.a D. a.u 13. ar_ndA. auB. ouC. awD. ow 14. int_esting A. irB. arC. orD. er 15. m_st_ke A. i.a B. a.i C. o.u D. u.oB)根据括号中的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(5)16. in the end (同义词组) _ 17. wake (过去式) _18. operation (动词) _ 19. farther (原级) _20. visit (名词) _C)词组英汉互译。(10)21. (生病) 住院 _ 22. 小心;照料;保管 _23. 洗衣服 _24. 过得愉快 _25. 嘲笑 _26. place of interest _27. in the end _ 28. make faces _29. take exercise _30. look around _. 单项选择 (20)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 31. There is a new hospital _ the end of this street.A. in B. on C. at D. to 32. The little boy is waiting _ his mother over there.A. to B. of C. with D. for 33. Li Mings telephone number is _ a piece ofpaper. Look! Here it is.A. in B. on C. at D. to 34. Dont laugh _ your classmates mistakes.You must help him.A. in B. on C. at D. to 35. There is a beautiful park _ my way _ school.A. on.for B. at.for C. on.toD. at.to 36. His mother is ill in _ hospital.A. a B. anC. theD. / 37. This is _ interesting book. Its my brothers.A. a B. anC. theD. / 38. The foreign friends (外国朋友) think that theChinese people are very _.A. friendlyB. friendful C. friend D. friends 39. Theres always _ traffic in the street on Sunday.A. manyB. a few C. a lotD. a lot of 40. These old workers are on _ to Beijing.A. visit B. a visit C. visitsD. the visiting 41. The teacher told us _ the story in English.A. readB. reading C. to read D. reads 42. The old woman wanted her son to bring hersomething _.A. eat B. eatingC. to eatD. eats 43. The students of Class One went to the parkyesterday. They enjoyed _ very much.A. theyB. their C. them D. themselves 44. The old man in the blue coat looks _.A. worry B. worried C. worriesD. worrying 45. Youd better _ football in the street.Its too dangerous.A. dont play B. not playC. play not D. not to play 46. Its November now. Its getting _.A. colder and colderB. warm and warmerC. cold and coldD. warm and warm 47. When spring comes the flowers _.A. come on B. go on C. come out D. go out 48. Look! Lingling is _ the tree. Lets go and help her.A. falling toB. falling off C. fall to D. fall off 49. There is _ in this book. You may read it.A. interesting anything B. interesting somethingC. anything interesting D. something interesting 50. � Can you come and play basketball with us?� _.A. Sorry, I cant. I have to finish my homework firstB. No, I am not. Im very busy nowC. Yes, I do. I like it very muchD. Im afraid I mustnt. Im doing my homework now. 句型转换 (10)根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一个单词,使句子意思完整与正确。51. Is the letter in one of your pockets? (改为陈述句)The letter _ in one of your pockets.52. Li Hong has to do a lot of work in the garden. (改为一般疑问句)_ Li Hong _ to do a lot of work in the garden?53. What are you going to do tonight? (用Li Dong做主语改写原句)What _ Li Dong going to do tonight?54. The old woman wanted to see the doctor because her back hurt.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the old woman _ to see the doctor?55. Liu Mei is a very good girl. (改为感叹句)_ _ good girl Liu Mei is!. 动词填空 (10)用各句中所给动词的适当形式填空,使其意思完整与正确。56. Last Sunday Wei Fang _ (go) to the park with her classmates.57. Mrs Smith stopped _ (buy) some food on her way homeyesterday.58. This morning Mother let me _ (do) some washing at home.59. Jim doesnt like _ (swim) in the river.60. It takes me about 15 minutes _ (get) to school by bike. 翻译选择 (10)根据所给中文,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的句子 将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。 61. 我们国家越来越强大。A.Our country is geting stronger and stronger.B.Our country is geting strong and strong.C.Our country is getting stronger and stronger.D.Our country is getting strong and strong. 62.那位老工人让我们停下来休息。A.That old worker told us to stop to have a rest.B.That old worker told us stop to have a rest.C.That old worker told us to stop having a rest.D.That old worker told us stop having a rest. 63.我每天早晨六点二十五听气象预报。A. I listen the weather report on six twenty-five everymorning.B.I listen the weather report at six twenty-five everymorning.C.I listen to the weather report on six twenty-five everymorning.D.I listen to the weather report at six twenty-five everymorning. 64.请问,去北京电影院怎么走?A.Excuse me, which is the way of Beijing Cinema, please?B.Excuse me, which is the way to Beijing Cinema, please?C.Excuse me, where is the way of Beijing Cinema, please?D.Excuse me, where is the way to Beijing Cinema, please? 65.陈爷爷非常喜欢晚饭后出去散步。A.Grandpa Chen likes going out for a walk after suppervery much.B.Grandpa Chen likes go out for a walk after supper ver much.C.Grandpa Chen very likes going out for a walk aftersupper.D.Grandpa Chen very much likes go out for walk aftersupper. 补全对话 (10)根据对话内容,每空填入一个适当的词,使对话完整与正确。Tom: Hello! Jack!Jack: Hello! Tom!Tom: Its Saturday afternoon now.Jack: Yes. Tomorrow is 66 . We have no classes.Tom: How nice! What are we going to 67 ?Jack: I have no idea. What 68 you?Tom: Shall we go out 69 a picnic?Jack: 70 a good idea! But whats the 71 like, do you know?Tom: I listened to the weather report this morning. It will 72 fine and warm tomorrow.Jack: Good! Lets go. Shall we go by bus 73 by bike? And when and where are we going to 74 ?Tom: I think wed better go there 75 bike. And well meet outside the school gate at 6 tomorrow morning. Is that OK?Jack: OK! See you tomorrow.Tom: See you tomorrow.66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _. 阅读理解 (10)先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正 (T),误 (F)。The lights were red, so the old man stopped his car and waited for them to change (改变) to green. When he was waiting, a police car came up behind him and hit his car in the back and stopped.There were two policemen in the police car, and they were very surprised (惊奇) and happy to see the old man was all right. It didnt hurt him at all. He was more than 70 years old. The old man came up to the door of the police car and asked, Tell me, young men, how do you stop this car when the lights are red and I am not here? 76. The old man stopped his car at the traffic lights. 77. The old man was waiting for the red lights. 78. A police car hit the old man. 79. The old man was only 70 years old. 80. The old man didnt ask the policemen to mend the car.

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