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阿拉丁中英文对白噢,我来自一个遥远的国度Oh,I come from a land From a faraway place一个沙漠骆驼队徜徉的地方Where the caravan camels roam那里平坦宽阔、广袤无边、酷热难耐Where its flat and immense And the heat is intense那里的人们放荡不羁 但是,嗨!它是家Its barbaric but hey, its home当风从东边刮过,太阳从西方照过来When the winds from the east And the suns from the west这正是时候And the sand in the glass is right来吧,来到这里吧 跳上飞毯飞向Come on down, stop on by Hop a carpet and fly另一个阿拉伯之夜To another Arabian night阿拉伯之夜Arabian nights就象阿拉伯的白天Like Arabian days经常是火一般的热情More often than not Are hotter than hot有很多好的方法In a lot of good ways阿拉伯之夜Arabian nights沉浸在阿拉伯的月光下Neath Arabian moons提高警惕,谨防骗子 否则你会跌的很惨A fool off his guard Could fall and fall hard在那边的沙丘上Out there on the dunes 骆驼喘息声camel panting尊敬的朋友,晚上好Ah, salaam, and good evening to you, worthy friend.来,来,靠近些Please, please, come closer.太近了,有点太近了Too close. A little too close.好了There.欢迎来到阿古拉巴,Welcome to Agrabah,神秘之城city of mystery,到处是魔法of enchantment,约旦河边最好的商品今天大减价了and the finest merchandise this side of the river Jordan, on sale today.看这个,对Look at this. Yes.水烟袋和咖啡壶的混合体 还可以切土豆条Combination hookah and coffeemaker. Also makes julienne fries.不会碎,不会.Will not break. Will not.碎了It broke.噢!再来看看这个Ohh! Look at this.我从未见过这么美妙的东西I have never seen one of these intact before.这是著名的死海牌塑料盒This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware.听听,哈,还是好的Listen. Ah, still good.等等,别走啊Wait. Dont go.可以看出来你只对那些稀世珍宝感兴趣I can see that youre only interested in the exceptionally rare.我想,你值得考虑一下这玩意I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider this.不要被它普通的外表所蒙蔽Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.象许多事情一样,不能以貌取人Like so many things, it is not what is outside,内在的东西才算数but what is inside that counts.这不是一盏普通的灯This is no ordinary lamp.它曾改变了一个年轻人的一生It once changed the course of a young mans life.那个年轻人象这盏灯一样 比他的外表更出色A young man who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed.他象一块璞玉,深藏不露The diamond in the rough.或许你想听听这个故事?Perhaps you would like to hear the tale?那是一个漆黑的夜晚.It begins on a dark night.一个隐藏在黑暗中的人where a dark man waits等待着邪恶的到来with a dark purpose.马嘶声horse nickers你来晚了You are late.对您的耐心致以十万分的抱歉A thousand apologies, O Patient One.你拿到了?You have it then?我不得已杀了几个人,但是我拿到了I had to slit a few throats, but I got it.Ah-ah-ahhh.珠宝呢The treasure.Ow!相信我,可怜的朋友Trust me, my pungent friend.-你会得到你那份的 -你的那份- Youll get whats coming to you. - Whats coming to you. Awk!快!跟上它Quickly! Follow the trail.快点Faster.马嘶声horse neighs风啸声wind howling经过多年的寻找,终于找到了.Jafar At last, after all my years of searching.奇幻谷the Cave of Wonders.喔,奇幻谷Awk. Cave of Wonders.真主By Allah.记住, 把神灯拿来Now, remember. Bring me the lamp.其余的珠宝都是你的 但是神灯是我的The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine.神灯.神灯 Awk, the lamp. Awk, the lamp.天哪,你是从哪儿找到这蠢家伙的?Jeez, whered ya dig this bozo up?嘘Shh.隆隆的回声echoing rumble-谁把我吵醒了?- Who disturbs my slumber? - thief gasps是我,贾西姆,It is I, Gazeem,一个卑贱的小偷a humble thief.知道了Know this.只有一个人可以进去Only one may enter here,一个品质优秀的人one whose worth lies far within.象宝玉,深藏不露A diamond in the rough.你还等什么?快去What are you waiting for? Go on.叹息声beast sighing-咆哮声 -尖叫声- roaring - screaming不!No!找到他,那个深藏不露的人Seek thee out the diamond in the rough.咳嗽声coughing我不敢相信 我真的不敢相信I cant believe it. I just dont believe it.我们可能永远也找不到那盏蠢灯了Were never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp.别想它了,看看Just forget it. Look at this.气死我了,毛都掉光了Im so ticked off that Im molting.耐心点,拉戈.耐心点Patience, lago. Patience.贾西姆显然还达不到那条标准Gazeem was obviously less than worthy.刚才太让我吃惊了Oh, theres a big surprise.我要犯心脏病了,吓死我了I think Im gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise.我们要怎么做? 我们遇到大麻烦了,一个大.What are we gonna do? We got a big problem here, a big.是的Yes.只有一个人可以进去Only one may enter.我必须找到这个人,这个.I must find this one, this.深藏不露的家伙diamond in the rough.站住!抓小偷!man Stop! Thief!00:06:28,539 - 00:06:31,474站住!抓小偷!我要把你的双手砍下来,叫化子Ill have your hands for a trophy, street rat.就为一块面包?All this for a loaf of bread?Whoa!尖叫声screaming-他在这! -你不会这么轻易逃掉的!- guard There he is! - You wont get away so easy!你觉得那很容易吗?You think that was easy?格格地笑声giggling你们两个,去那边 你,跟我来You two, over that way, and you, follow me.-我们会抓到他的 -女士们,早- Well find him. - Morning, ladies.阿拉丁,今天遇上麻烦可有些早啊?Getting into trouble a little early today, arent we, Aladdin?麻烦?不可能.如果被抓了才能算麻烦Trouble? No way. Youre only in trouble if you get caught.-抓到了 -我有麻烦了- Gotcha. - Im in trouble.And this time.monkey squeaking来的正好,阿布,象往常一样Perfect timing, Abu, as usual.-阿布 -快点,让我们离开这- Abu. - Come on. Lets get outta here.每天必须跑在救济队伍的前面 Gotta keep one jump Ahead of the bread line在锋利的剑锋前闪躲 One swing ahead of the sword我偷因为我没有钱 I steal only what I cant afford这就是一切Thats everything.与警察周旋 One jump ahead of the lawmen就这样,没开玩笑 Thats all and thats no joke这些家伙不会感激我这个穷光蛋 These guys dont appreciate Im broke败类,叫花子.- Riffraff. - both Street rat.-无赖 -给你- guard Scoundrel. - man Take that.这只是小点心,伙计 Just a little snack, guys要将他撕碎,把东西追回来,伙计们 Rip him open Take it back, guys我明白必须面对现实 I can take a hint Gotta face the facts-你是我唯一的朋友,阿布 -谁?- Youre my only friend, Abu - women Who?噢,可怜的阿拉丁真是穷到家了 Oh, its sad Aladdins hit the bottom他已经罪行累累了 Hes become a one-man rise in crime我该狠狠责备他的父母, 可他是个孤儿 Id blame parents Except he hasnt got em吃是为了活, 偷是为了吃 Gotta eat to live Gotta steal to eat有时间的话,我会告诉你一切 Tell you all about it When I got the time和那些笨蛋捉迷藏, 在厄运面前挣扎 One jump ahead of the slowpokes One skip ahead of my doom下次会用个笔名 Next time gonna use a nom de plume他在那儿There he is.跑在杀手前面,在羊群头上打斗 One jump ahead of the hit men One hit ahead of the flock我想我会在街上散散步 I think Ill take a stroll Around the block-站住,小偷 -野蛮人- man Stop, thief. - Vandal.-阿布! -无赖- Abu! - Scandal.别太性急了 Lets not be too hasty我仍然觉得他很有味道 Still I think hes rather tasty吃饭是为了活着, 偷东西是为了吃饭 Gotta eat to live Gotta steal to eat要不让我们和平相处吧 Otherwise wed get along不行guards Wrong.抓住他!main guard Get him!他手里有剑!Hes got a sword!你们这群笨蛋 我们也有剑You idiots. Weve all got swords.groaning-跑得比马蹄还快 -野蛮人!- One jump ahead of the hoofbeats - Vandal!-在沙丘城堡上逃窜 -叫化子!- One hop ahead of the hump - Street rat!-灾难临头却诡计多端 -无赖!- One trick ahead of disaster - Scoundrel!他们很快,但是我更快 Theyre quick, but Im much faster快来啊,来抓我啊 Here goes, better throw my hand in希望我能快乐地着陆 我需要做的只是纵身一跃 Wish me happy landin All I gotta do is jump 尖叫声screaming肥料, 打折guards Yuck! Oy!现在,尊敬的先生,我们尽情享受吧And now, esteemed effendi, we feast.现在,尊敬的先生,我们尽情享受吧And now, esteemed effendi, we feast.好吧All right.好吃,好吃!Abu Yum, yum!Uh-oh.叹息声sighs给你.拿去吧Here. Go on. Take it.gigglinggroansAh, dont. Huh?我想他一定是去皇宫On his way to the palace, I suppose.又来一个向公主求婚的人Another suitor for the princess.- giggling - woman screams别挡道,小毛孩- whinnying - Out of my way, you filthy brats.Hey!如果我象你那样有钱 我会懂点礼貌If I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners.我来教你礼貌Oh. Ill teach you some manners.男人的笑声men laughgrimacing看那儿,阿布Look at that, Abu.这可是非常罕见的 一匹马有两个屁股Its not every day you see a horse with two rear ends.crowd Ooh!你是个没教养的叫化子You are a worthless street rat.你生来就是个叫化子 死了还是个叫化子You were born a street rat, youll die a street rat,只有你身上的跳蚤会为你送葬and only your fleas will mourn you.我有教养Im not worthless.而且我身上没跳蚤And I dont have fleas.快点,阿布 我们回家吧sighs Come on, Abu. Lets go home.无赖,叫化子 Riffraff, street rat我不信 I dont buy that只要他们看清楚 If only theyd look closer难道他们只看见个穷孩子 Would they see a poor boy不,先生 No, siree他们会发现 Theyd find out还有很多东西 Theres so much more在我身上 To me 叹息声sighs总有一天,阿布, 事情会有所改变Some day, Abu, things are gonna change.我们会变得富有,住在皇宫里Well be rich, live in a palace,不再有任何麻烦and never have any problems at all.天亮了roosters crowing我从来没有被这么羞辱过Ive never been so insulted.阿赫麦德王子 你这么快就走了?Oh, Prince Achmed. Youre not leaving so soon, are you?祝你走运,能把她嫁出去Good luck marrying her off.噢!茉莉.Oh! Jasmine.茉莉!Sultan Jasmine!茉莉!Jasmine!茉莉!- Jasmine! - snarling该死的!拉扎Confound it, Rajah.原来这就是阿赫麦德王子 大发雷霆的原因So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out.父亲Oh, Father.拉扎只是和他逗着玩 对吧,拉扎?Rajah was just playing with him. Werent you, Rajah?你只是和那个衣冠楚楚You were just playing with that overdressed,自恋狂的阿赫麦德王子逗着玩,对吗?self-absorbed Prince Achmed, werent you?both laughingclears throat亲爱的,你不能拒绝每一个前来求婚的人Dearest, youve got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call.法律上规定.你必须嫁给一个王子.The law says you must be married to a prince.在你下一个生日by your next birthday.法律是错的The law is wrong.你只剩下三天了Youve only got three more days.父亲,我讨厌被逼迫着嫁人Father, I hate being forced into this.如果我嫁人,那一定是为了爱If I do marry, I want it to be for love.茉莉.Jasmine.不只是因为那条法律its not only this law.我不能照顾你一辈子, 并且,我.Im not going to be around forever, and, well, I.我只想确认有人能照顾你I just want to make sure youre taken care of.早点做准备Provided for.请你理解我Please try to understand.我从没有自己拿过主意 我也未曾有过真正的朋友Ive never done a thing on my own. Ive never had any real friends.嘟囔声grumbles除了你,拉扎.Except you, Rajah.我甚至从没踏出过这宫殿的围墙Ive never even been outside the palace walls.但是,茉莉,你是公主啊But, Jasmine, youre a princess.那我不想当公主了Then maybe I dont want to be a princess anymore.我.我.Oooh! I. I.真主啊,但愿你没有女儿Allah forbid you should have any daughters.嗯?Hmm?我不知道她这是象谁I dont know where she gets it from.她妈妈可没这么挑剔Her mother wasnt nearly so picky.贾法尔.Oh! Ah, Jafar.我最信任的大臣My most trusted advisor.我确实需要你给我出个主意I am in desperate need of your wisdom.我生来就是为您效劳的,国王陛下My life is but to serve you, my lord.就是求婚的事Its this suitor business.茉莉不愿选一位丈夫Jasmine refuses to choose a husband.-我已经绞尽脑汁了. -绞尽脑汁!- Im at my wits end. - Awk! Wits end!laughing Oh!-吃块饼干吧,亲爱的波利- Have a cracker, pretty Polly. - Jafar laughs陛下对付不会讲话的动物 确实有办法啊Your Majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals.grumbles那么对于这个棘手的问题Now, then, perhaps I can divine a solution也许我可以用占卜术 找出办法来to this thorny problem.如果有人可以帮忙的话, 那就是您了If anyone can help, its you.需要借用一下那颗神秘的蓝宝石But it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.噢,我的戒指?Oh. Uh, my ring?但它可是我的祖传宝贝啊But its been in the family for years.要想为公主找到一个求婚者 它是必需的It is necessary to find the princess a suitor.别担心Dont worry.一切都会好的Everything will be fine.一切都会.好的Everything will be. fine.宝石The diamond.在这儿,贾法尔.Here, Jafar.不管你要什么我都给你Whatever you need will be fine.您真是太伟大了,国王陛下You are most gracious, my liege.现在,您可以玩您的小玩具了Now, run along and play with your little toys, hmm?对,那真是太好了Yes. That will be pretty good.spits, coughs我再也无法忍受了!I cant take it anymore!如果再硬塞给我那些发霉的、 讨厌的饼干的话.If I gotta choke down on one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers.我打!打!Bam! Whack!安静些,拉戈Calm yourself, lago.我就要篡夺他的王位了Then Id grab him around the head. Whack!不久国王就是我了, 不再是那个糟老头子了Soon I will be sultan, not that addle-pated twit.到时候我会把饼干塞进他的喉咙里And then I stuff the crackers down his throat.Ha, ha!whining对不起,拉扎Oh, Im sorry, Rajah.我不能再呆在这儿, 象现在这样过一辈子But I cant stay here and have my life lived for me.我会想你的Ill miss you.whimpers再见了Goodbye.vendors calling out好,阿布.开始吧Okay, Abu. Go.尝尝这个吧,真是太好吃了Try this. Your taste buds will dance and sing.squeaking将你的爪子拿开- Get your paws off that. - taunting你.Why, you.滚开,你这只讨厌、肮脏的猴子!Get away from here, you cursed, filthy ape!再见Goodbye.干的好,阿布.- Nice going, Abu. - cooing早饭准备好了Breakfast is served.可爱的小姐,买个壶吧Pretty lady, buy a pot.再没有这么好的铜壶和银壶了No finer pot in brass or silver.甜枣,卖甜枣了,还有无花果Sugar dates. Sugar dates and figs.甜枣,还有开心果Sugar dates and pistachios.这位小姐喜欢项链吗?Would the lady like a necklace?只有这你这样美丽的姑娘 才配得上这条漂亮的项链A pretty necklace for a pretty lady.新鲜的鱼!Fresh fish!我们捕鱼,你们买鱼!We catch em, you buy em!不.不对Oh, no. I dont think so.- Oh! - gulping对不起- Excuse me. - gulpsbelches真的很抱歉Im really very sorry.Wow.Uh-oh.喂?喂?Hello? Hello?你一定是饿了Oh, you must be hungry.拿去吧Here you go.你最好把钱给我Youd better be able to pay for that.钱?Pay?没人能从我的货车里偷走东西No one steals from my cart.对不起,先生 我没带钱Oh, Im sorry, sir. I dont have any money.-小偷! -求求你.- Thief! - Please.如果你让我进到皇宫里 我可以从国王那里拿钱给你If you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan.你知道对于小偷是如何惩罚的吗?Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?别!别,求您了!No! No, please!谢谢,您真是个好人 很高兴你帮我找到她了Thank you, kind sir. Im so glad you found her.我一直在到处找你Ive been looking all over for you.-你在干什么? -快点配合一下- What are you doing? - Just play along.你,认识这个女孩?You, uh, know this girl?是的,她是我妺妺.Sadly, yes. She is my sister.她有点疯疯癫癫的Shes a little crazy.她说她认识国王.She said she knew the Sultan.她认为这只猴子就是国王She thinks the monkey is the Sultan.英明的国王,我愿为您效劳O wise Sultan, how may I serve you?gibberish悲剧,您说呢?Tragic, isnt it?但是没什么伤害But no harm done.现在,妺妺,咱们走吧 该去看医生了.Now, come along, sis. Time to go see the doctor.医生,你好Oh, hello, Doctor. How are you?-不,不,不.不是他 -快点,国王- No, no, no. Not that one. - Come on, Sultan.gibbering, gasping什么?Huh? What?回来,你这个小偷!Come back here, you little thieves!爆炸声explosion请恕我冒犯,你这个烂人,With all due respect, Your Rottenness,难道我们要等真正的风暴吗?couldnt we just wait for a real storm?闭嘴,拉戈.再快点Save your breath, lago. Faster.遵命,你个大魔头Yes, O mighty Evil One.panting到时候了Part, sands of time.告诉我谁能进入奇幻谷Reveal to me the one who can enter the cave.对!对!Yes! Yes!就是他There he is.深藏不露的家伙My diamond in the rough.就是他?那个乡巴佬? 他就是我们要找的人?Thats him? Thats the clown weve been waitin for?我们派卫兵去请他来皇宫,是吗?Lets have the guards extend him an invitation to the palace, shall we?对极了Swell.coughssinister laughter快到了Almost there.我要谢谢你帮我拦住了那家伙I want to thank you for stopping that man.不用谢Uh, forget it.你是第一次来市场,对吗?So, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?有那么明显吗?Is it that obvious?是啊,你确实有点与众不同Well, you do kind of stand out.我是说,你不知道 阿古拉巴有多危险I mean, uh, you dont seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be.我学的很快哟Hmm. Im a fast learner.Wow.chuckling Hey.来.走这边Come on. This way.小心别碰头Whoa. Watch your head there.小心!Be careful.你就住在这里?Is this where you live?是.只有我和阿布,来去自由Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please.难以置信That sounds fabulous.还有呢,这里位置绝佳Well, its not much, but its got a great view.皇宫看起来是多么壮观啊Wow. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?是很棒Oh, its wonderful.我想不出在那里面 是什么样I wonder what it would be like to live there,有仆人服侍你and have servants and valets.是啊.总有人告诉你要去哪儿、 该穿什么衣服Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress.比这里好Its better than here.你总是要省吃俭用, 还要提防那些卫兵Youre always scraping for food and ducking the guards.这里你无法自己作主Youre not free to make your own choices.-有时你会觉得. -你只是.- Sometimes you feel so. - Youre just.被困住了both.trapped.你从哪儿来?clears throat So, where are you from?这重要吗?What does it matter?我从家里跑出来,我不想再回去了I ran away and I am not going back.真的?怎么会呢?Really? How come?为什么?你.Why, you.我父亲非逼我嫁人My fathers forcing me to get married.那.那真是太可怕了Thats. thats awful.阿布!- Aladdin Abu! - angry squeaking它说什么?What?阿布说. 那不公平Abu says, uh. thats not fair.什么?What?-真的? -当然了- Oh, did he? - Yeah, of course.阿布还说了别的什么吗?And does Abu have anything else to say?我想,他想帮你做点什么Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help.天哪!Oh, boy.Hmm.告诉他,那可太好了Tell him thats very sweet.你在这儿Here you are.-他们在抓我!是在抓你? -一定是我父亲派来的.- both Theyre after me! After You? - My father must have sent them.-你相信我吗? -什么?- Do you trust me? - What?-你相信我吗? -是.- Do you trust me? - Yes.那么,跳!Then jump!我们一直在相互较量,对吗? 叫化子?We just keep running into each other, dont we, street rat?快跑!快!离开这!Run! Go! Get out of here!快把这个东西给我拿开!Get this thing off of me!-你等着进地牢吧,臭小子 -放开我- Its the dungeon for you, boy. - Get me off放了他Let him go.快看啊,一个叫化子- Looky here, men. A street mouse. - guards laugh放开他,这是公主的命令Unhand him, by order of the princess.茉莉公主Princess Jasmine.-公主? -公主?- The princess? - Abu Princess?你在皇宫外面干什么? 还和一个叫化子What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat.那和你没关系 照我说的做,放开他Thats not your concern. Do as I command. Release him.遵命,公主, 只是这是贾法尔的命令I would, Princess, except my orders come from Jafar.-您必须让他同意才行 -相信我,我会的- Youll have to take it up with him. - Believe me, I will.贾法尔?Jafar?噢,公主Oh, Princess.贾法尔,我被卡住了Awk! Jafar, Im stuck.愿为您效劳How may I be of service to you?卫兵刚在市场上抓走了个男孩, 是你的命令The guards just took a boy from the market, on your orders.是您父亲让我负责 维持阿古拉巴的秩序Your father has charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah.-那个男孩是个罪犯 -他犯了什么罪?- The boy was a criminal. - What was his crime?憋死我了,贾法尔I cant breathe, Jafar.当然是绑架公主了Why, kidnapping the princess, of course.如果你能. 疼死了!If you could just. Aah! That hurt!他没有绑架我, 是我自己跑出来的He didnt kidnap me. I ran away.天哪!Oh, dear.这太让我意外了 我要是早知道.Oh, how frightfully upsetting. Had I but known.你是什么意思?What do you mean?很不幸,那个男孩的判决 已经执行了Sadly, the boys sentence has already been carried out.什么判决?What sentence?死刑- Death. - gasping-杀头 -不- By beheading. - No.我非常抱歉,公主I am exceedingly sorry, Princess.你怎么能?How could you?weeping咳嗽声coughingcoughing, gasping就这么走了?So, how did it go?我想她会接受. 这个事实的I think she took it. rather well.Jasmine crying都是我的错,拉扎.Its all my fault, Rajah.我连他的名字都不知道- I didnt even know his name. - Rajah murmuring她是公主She was the princess.我简直不敢相信I cant believe it.我早应该看出来的, 看她有多笨I must have sounded so stupid to her.阿拉丁!Abu Yoo-hoo! Aladdin!你好!Hello!阿布.下来.Abu. Down here.squeaking快点,帮我逃出去Come on, help me out of these.斥责声scolding可是当时她遇到麻烦了 是啊,那是她自找的Hey, she was in trouble. Ah, she was worth it.对,对,对Yeah, yeah, yeah.别担心,我再也不会见到她了Dont worry. Ill never see her again.我是个叫化子,对吗? 有条法律Im a street rat, remember? And theres a law.她必须嫁给王子Shes gotta marry a prince.她应该嫁给一个王子- She deserves a prince. - Ta-da!我真是个傻瓜Im a, Im a fool.孩子,如果你放弃的话 你就真是个大傻瓜man Youre only a fool if you give up, boy.你是谁?Who are you?一个囚犯,象你一样A lowly prisoner, like yourself.但如果我们合作的话,也许会得到很多But together, perhaps we can be more.我正在听着呢Im listening.孩子,有一个谷名叫奇幻谷There is a cave, boy, a Cave of Wonders,那里堆满了你永远 也想象不到的金银财宝filled with tre


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