必修五 3.7《Unit 3 Life in the Future》

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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修5-3.7,Life In The Future,Reading,What did our parents and grandparents think today would be like 30 years ago?,They predicted that people would be able to go to visit big cities like Shanghai and Beijing in one day and then come back for supper in the evening. They predicted that people would live in high buildings with lifts and electric lights and telephones which could communicate with any place in the world. They predicted that people would live more than seventy years old. They predicted that people would watch others doing things in faraway countries.,People can live longer.,We have high ways everywhere throughout the country.,Maglev trains are used in some big cities.,Famous cars have entered ordinary families.,Robots are used in many places.,More and more people are using smart cards instead of cash.,We have nice modern studies ,schools and libraries.,Will the following come true in the future?,By the year 2020 the technology will exist that will allow for “faxing” real things, such as text books, clothing, jewelry and the like. There will be only three important currencies used in the world by 2063. More than 95% of the countries will use one of them. People may live anywhere on earth if they agree to obey local laws.,What knowledge?,货币,4. By 2070, at least 6 countries will have officially implemented a four-day working week. 5. At least one human alive in the year 2000 will still be alive in 2150. 6. By 2050, we will receive intelligent signals from outside our solar system.,履行(契约、诺言等),Scan the text and tell the main idea of each paragraph.,How will people shop in the future? Paragraph _. 2. How will people travel in the future? Para _. 3. What will schools be like in the future? Para _. 4. What will the future be like in general? Para _. 5. What kind of life will people live? Para _.,3,2,5,1,4,Listen to the tape and decide True or False,It is easy to predict what life will be like in the future. One wise way to get the glimpse of the future is to exam the major trends in contemporary society . The maglev train is controlled by an advanced computer system to ensure safety. People will use cash or smart cards to pay their purchases. All diseases will be cured because of new discoveries in genetics. We are sure that our dreams will come true that distance education will help people study whenever they have time.,趋势、走向,make sure of,购买,cure somebody of No doctor can cure her of the breast cancer.,Read the text again more carefully and choose the best answer to each question.,What may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made? A. Healthy diet and active life. B. Eating and exercises. C.Advances in medical science. D.New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry.,2. The new maglev train is a good example of future transportation NOT because A. it travels faster B. it becomes much cheaper C. it ensures safety D. it doesnt pollute the environment,3. Which is NOT true about shopping in the future? A. Shopping malls will disappear thanks to e-commerce. B. People will do much of their shopping online. C. Shopping will become a form of entertainment. D. In shops, people will use smart cards instead of cash.,4. Which of the following will be least likely to help people in the future to enjoy a loner and healthier life? A. Exercise regularly. B. A balanced diet. C. Advances in medical science. D. A better understanding of smallpox. (天花),5. According to the last paragraph, which of the following will probably take place in the future? A. People will look at education and knowledge differently. B. Students will not have to do homework. C. Real classrooms will disappear gradually. D. The schools of the future will remain the same.,What may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made? A. Healthy diet and active life. B. Eating and exercises. C.Advances in medical science. D.New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry.,2. The new maglev train is a good example of future transportation NOT because _. A. it travels faster B. it becomes much cheaper C. it ensures safety D. it doesnt pollute the environment,magnet levity,3. Which is NOT true about shopping in the future? A. In shops, people will use smart cards instead of cash. B. People will do much of their shopping online. C. Shopping will become a form of entertainment. D. Shopping malls will disappear thanks to e-commerce.,4. Which of the following will be least likely to help people in the future to enjoy a longer and healthier life? A. Exercise regularly. B. A balanced diet. C. Advances in medical science. D. A better understanding of smallpox.,(天花),5. According to the last paragraph, which of the following will probably take place in the future? A. People will look at education and knowledge differently. B. Students will not have to do homework. C. Real classrooms will disappear gradually. D. The schools of the future will remain the same.,Complete the sentences: The weather f_ said it would rain today, but it turned out to be fine. Ann looks smart in the new hat; she always follows the latest t_in fashion. If a horse has its ears forward, that i_ that it is happy. Please e_ that the door and windows are shut before you leave the lab. C_ should complain if they are not satisfied with the service they receive. Hes done wrong in the past, but he has made great efforts to r_. Many employees have the opportunity to p_ shares (股票)in the company they work for. Would you prefer me to pay in c_ or by cheque?,orecast,rends,ndicates,nsure,onsumers,eform,urchase,ash,Fill in the blanks with the given phrases: catch a glimpse of, keep in touch with, in genetics, adapt to, cure, come true.,1.To _ the songbirds, we came in the cool of the morning and quietly waited for them to come out. 2. During the years she was abroad, they _ each other by letter. 3. New discoveries _ and biochemistry may lead to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicines are made. 4. The world will be different, and well have to be well prepared to _ the change. 5. Believe it or not, many of his predictions have _. 6. Can doctors _ him of the disease? I have no idea. Lets wait and see.,catch a glimpse of,keep in touch with,in genetics,adapt to,come true,cure,Post reading:,What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?,Fill in the blanks with: in general, keep in touch with, lead to, pay (no)attention to, in store.,Ann lives in a small town. She studies hard and helps her parents with the housework. She is fond of surfing the Internet. _, She spends about an hour a day online. To her, it is a wonderful place because you never know what it may have _ for you. Last Friday, she found an e-pal. He called himself “Future”. They promised to _ each other. Anns parents and friends told her to be careful. “What will it _?” They asked. “A happy ending,” Anne said and continued typing, _ them. One month passed and “Future” Asked Anne to meet him at the school gate.,In general,in store,keep in touch with,lead to,paying no attention to,Homework:,Read the text. Finish the exercises in Language Study on Page 45.,

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