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General IntroductionWelcome to ENVI-metVersion 3.1www.envi-met.comcopyright (c) 1997-2009 by Michael Bruse and TeamWelcome to ENVI-met Version 3.1 !This manual helps you to find your way though the new version of the microscale climate model.4Overview over ENVI-met.The InterfaceWho-is-who on the ENVI-met interfaceGraphical overview over the data flowGives you an impression how the different files in ENVI-met work togetherList of all files required/producedA more detailed list on what is going in and coming out of ENVI-metOverview over the general model designShows an overview over the main concept of ENVI-met and explains some of the vocabularyOverview model runShows the different steps executed during the simulation and explains what they doAlso, a lot of hints are given, which problems might occur and how they can be solved.Quick guide: Visualisation with LEONARDOGives a quick-and-dirty introduction on how to visualize ENVI-met data using the software LEONARDOENVI-met Knowledge Base IndexGives answers to some specific questions when using ENVI-met.4Whats new in Version 3.1?Version 3.1 mainly holds bugs fixes and smaller improvements in the core model.Click here to see a list of changesImportant Note :Simulation results obtained with Version 3.1 might differ from results calculated with other versions. (If everything would remain the same, there would be no sense in improvement)Therefore it is essential, that you continue using the same model version all through one project.If you decide to change to a newer model version inside one study, you shouldre-calculate all simulationsto make sure that the results are scientifically sound.I hope that ENVI-met is a tool that suits your needs and I look forward to your comments, questions or money checks:Mail to:infoenvi-met.comContents-IndexHistory of changes4Whats new in Version 3.1 compared to 3.0.Overviewc00: Bug-Fix in Km/Kh calculationc01: Review of pollutant dispersion routinesc02: Review of flow solver (SOR algorithm)c03: Changed interpretation of soil humidityIMPORTANTc04: Improved Batch-Managerc05. Face lift of software interfacec06: New options for telescoping gridsc07: Saver time steps in spin up phasec08: Limit in iterations for all energy balance calculationsc09: SELECT.VAR option removedc10: POSITION| information moved to Area Input filec11: Backward compatibility removedc12: Reorganisation of foldersc13: Small changes in output files variablesc14: Improved Sky-View factor calculationc15: Improved flow calculation stability (BETA 3)c16: Project directory enforced (BETA 3)Changes in detail:c00: Bugfix in Km/Kh calculationThere has been a programming error in the calculation of the Km turbulent exchange coefficient (and of the other Ks consequently) that has been removed in v3.1.However, the results obtained by V3.1 differ from those obtained by V3.0.c01: Review of pollutant dispersion routinesThe pollutant dispersion has been re-worked and partyl re-coded. This should fix a number of problems arising due to numerical instabilityc02: Review of flow solver (SOR)The flow solver has been adjusted to increase calculation speedc03: Changed interpretation of soil humidityIMPORTANTThe relative soil humidity as input value was related to thesaturation valueof the soil.This has been changed. Relative wetness is now related to thefield capactiy.c04: Improved Batch-ManagerThe interface for starting a batch job has been extended with a preview and the option to cancel the run.c06: New options for telescoping gridsV3.1 allows you to define a z-level where the telecoping starts (seehere)c07: Saver time steps in spin up phaseDuring the first 30 min of model simulation time, the smallest available time step will always be used.c08: Limit in iterations for all energy balance calculationsThe maximum amount of allowed iteration cycles for solving the energy balance has been limited to 300 iterations.This prevents the whole model from hanging in an endless loop if a single surface or leaf energy balance cannot be solved for whatever reason.c09: SELECT.VAR option removedThe option to select which variables are written into the _ATM_ files has been dropped s they caused too often missing variables and disappointed user.c10: POSITION| information moved to Area Input fileThe position information (location of area in terms of longitude, latitude and reference time zone) has been moved to the Area Input Filec11: Backward compatibilty removedENVI-met 3.1 will only accept files that follow the new format specifications. In case of the Area Input Files that means that you need to open your old files in the V3.1 ENVI-met Editor and save them in order to use them with ENVI-met V3.1. In case of the .CF configuration file, all old sections must be removed.c12: Reorganisation of foldersIn order to allow a more flexible project management and a better integration of the different ENVI-met applications, the names and the meaning of folders have been reorganised.Especially, the global databases for soils, profils and plants have been moved from the input folder to the sys.basedata folder for a better separation with the normal input files of the model simulationsc13: Small changes in output files variablesAdjustmens to the variables written into the output files, please check the summary of variables of the associated file type.c14: Improved Sky-view factor calculationThe algorithm has been improoved for a finer resolution of the results.c15: Improoved flow calculation stability (since BETA 3)The flow solver algorithm has been reviewed an changed in order to improove performance and stabilityc16: Project directory enforcedIn oder to further separate the model from the input files, the user must select a project directory during setup. (SeeMYALIAS.DAT)Contents-IndexThe ENVI-met InterfaceOverviewDifferent to most other software products, the user will not spend a lot of time working with the ENVI-met interface itself.The main purpose of the interface is to load and start your simulations.You cannot use the interface to change your simulation settings (except those options available via theAdvanced Settings Tab)!In order to change simulation settings, you have to modify the responsible file (Configuration File, Area Input File,.) in the associated editor.The reason for this is the following:If you change simulation settings using the interface and then start the simulation, you might not be able to trace your changes afterwards. After several weeks you find astonishing results and you cant remember what you have changed.The interface has three different view modes that can be selected using the registry at the top:Configurationshows the Configuration Panel and the selected Configuration Page.ENVI-met Outputdisplays the output window of ENVI-metENVI-metshows the About page.On the right hand side you find the mainControl Panel, where you can select and start your simulations. In the configuration mode,Configuration Panelfor selecting the configuration page is on the left hand side.To find out more about the interface, click on the figure below or choose a keyword from the list:Configuration PanelMinimize CheckboxArea DefinitionOutput OptionsSimulation TimingMeteorology, LocationBuilding PropertiesSoil PropertiesPlant ModelSources ModelBiometeorologyAdvanced SettingsControl PanelModel EnvironmentTest ModelRun ModelContents-IndexOverview Data/File StructureWhat kind of files are needed and created when running ENVI-met?The files needed and produced by ENVI-met can be distinguished betweenInput-Files(defining a specific simulation),Database Files(collecting information for all simulations) andOutput Files(created by ENVI-met).In addition, two files in the groupOther Filesare used for special tasks in ENVI-met.The following list gives you an overview on all the files. You can also use thisgraphical chartto explore the data flow.A. Input Files4A1. The Configuration File.CFDefining the settings for a specific single simulation4A2. Area Input File.INDefining the simulation area (buildings, trees, etc.)4A3. Batch File.EBFAllows to define a sequence of individual simulationsB. Database Files4B. General Overview4B1. Soil DatabaseSOILS.DATDefining the properties of different natural and artificial soils4B2. Profiles DatabasePROFILES.DATDefining different soil types as vertical sandwiches of soils from SOILS.DAT4B3. Plant DatabasePLANTS.DATDefining all plants4B4. Sources DatabaseSOURCES.DATDefining the output and emission height of particle or gas sources4Defining additionallocal databasesfor plants and sourcesLinks to the LOCALDB section description in the configuration fileC. Output Files4C. General Overview4C1. Main Data Files.EDI/.EDTContaining all the data calculated by ENVI-met4C2. Receptor FilesData for selected points in the model area chosen by the user4C3. 1D-Model FilesContaining the state of the 1D model4C4. BOTworld FilesMaking the link to the BOTworld modelD. Other Files4D1. Defining Alias(MYALIAS.DAT)Using relative file paths for easy simulation transfer between computers,Inital project managementENVI-met Input and Output FilesA. Input FilesoA1. Configuration FileContents-IndexA1. The Configuration File .CF: OverviewWhat is in the Configuration File?The .CF File (Configuration File) defines thesettingsfor the simulation to run, for example the name for the area input file, the name of the output files or the meteorological settings.Each simulation task is identified by its .CF file. You might use the same area input file (.IN) in different simulations, but each simulation needs its own .CF file. ENVI-met comes along with several example files.Every ENVI-met input file is a simple ASCII-Text file. Simple means, that it has no formatting commands in it. So dont save it as a special document of your word processor. If you use MS Word for example, choose Text only as output format.We recommend the use of the ENVI-met Configuration Editor which comes along with the program distribution. The editor also allows you to add new sections to the CF.-file by just using the mouse button.Each configuration file consists of abasic information blockwhich must be included to run the model:4Basic Settings: The minimal configuration fileIn addition, different sections can be added to the configuration. Each section begins with a keyword (e.g. SOIL ) followed by the settings.4Overview over all sections in ENVI-met 3.1Sections allow to overwrite default values of ENVI-met. Some sections will probably be included in each of the .CF files, some of them seldom or never. If a section is not included in the .CF file, the default values (shown in brackets behind the entries) are used.It doesnt matter in which order the sections appear in the configuration file, but inside a section itself, the information must follow the fixed sequence.(Remark lines with % do not affect the sequence order).Important Notice for users of Version 2.x:From Version 3.1 on, the following information have been moved from the configuration files into the area input files, where they are better placed: the rotation information the number of nesting grids the type of soil for the nesting area the location on earth (position)Therefore the sections ROTATION, NESTING and POSITION do not exist any longer in the model !Contents-IndexA1. Configuration File: Basic SettingsWhat is in the file?Every .CF file begins with a fixed structure, which is essential for EACH simulation: This is how the first part might look like (the line numbers are for this documentation only !):00:%-ENVI-met Configuration File V3.100:%-00:%MAIN-DATA01:Name for Simulation (Text): =Simple Example02:Input file Model Area =C:mysiminputstreet.in03:Filebase name for Output (Text): =StreetA04:Output Directory: =C:mysimresultsStreetA05:Start Simulation at Day (DD.MM.YYYY): =23.16.199806:Start Simulation at Time (HH:MM:SS): =06:00:0007:Total Simulation Time in Hours: =24.0008:Save Model State each ? min =6009:Wind Speed in 10 m ab. Ground m/s =310:Roughness Length z0 for Reference Point =0.111:Wind Direction (0:N.90:E.180:S.270:W.) =22512:Initial Temperature Atmosphere K =29313:Specific Humidity in 2500 m g Water/kg air =714:Relative Humidity in 2m % =5015:Database Plants =Plants.datBasically, this is all you need to define your own simulation task.Some important things to look after when working with this file: Do not change the sequence of the entries inside a section. ENVI-met does not check what stands in front of the line. It always needs, for example, the output directory to stand in line 04. (See next point) You can place remark lines anywhere you need them. Lines beginning with % are ignored and ENVI-met continues reading the next line. So, if we refer to line 04, this is meant without counting additional remark lines. The values/ information in each line begin with =.Text can be quoted, but this not necessary.Dont use = inside the explanation text !What do the lines mean?00: Remark linesBecause of the % at the beginning. Can be deleted.01: Name of SimulationGive your simulation task a name. This name is stored in the data files and shown while running the model.02:Input File Model AreaSelect the name of the file and define yourinput area. Full file names must be given here !If you want to exchange data with other users or want to keep the directory structure flexible, we recommend to use analiasinstead of absolute filenames (see XXXXX).ENVI-met provides the following system aliases:HOME : the folder where the program is installed.INPUT =HOMEINPUTOUTPUT =HOMEOUTPUTAll other aliases must be defined inMYALIAS.DATFor example, if ENVI-met is installed to C:envimet the filename INPUTmyfilestest.in will be translated to C:envimetinputmyfilestest.in.ENVI-met 3.1 supports long filenames and spaces in filenames.03: Filename Base for OutputThis name will be used to construct the name of the output files.Restrictions: Only use valid file names for your operation system !For WINDOWS for example Trees+Houses is NOT a valid name. ENVI-met tries to build output files containing .Trees+Houses. which will be refused by the operation system because of the + !Also do not use anything that could be interpreted as directory information (:,.)04: Output DirectoryLocation to where ENVI-met writes the output data.A row of sub folders will be created, to give the data a better structure (SeeOutput Folders).You can use absolute file names as well as alias-filenames.05,06: Start Simulation at Date/TimeThis is at what (model-)time the calculation starts. Use the format DD.MM.YYYY, HH:MM:SS !.Remember: A numerical model needs initialisation time ! Do not try to start your simulation at high noon, the model will not be able to guess the right start conditions. Best time to start is in the night or at sunrise, so that the calculation can follow the atmospheric processes.07: Total simulation time in hoursTime to calculate. Should be at least 6 hours, depending on your problem, probably more. If you use less calculation time, you will get data still influenced by the initialisation !08: Save model state each ? minTime interval to write the model state to disk. In addition, a final set of data is written after the simulation has finished.This refers to themain simulation files. Forreceptors, a different output interval can be chosen.For an overview on all output files, clickhere.09: Wind Speed in 10 m above groundThis is the first of a number of meteorological input data for your simulation task. This defines the wind speed in 10 m above ground. Not further used after initialisation.10: Roughness Length z0 at Reference PointComplementary to the Wind Speed. Defines the surface roughness at the location, where the wind speed in 10 m (08) was measured. Both values are used to calculate the geostrophic wind. Not further used after initialisation.11: Wind DirectionGiven in degrees where 0 is North (or from the upper side in the bird-view of the area), 90 is East (or left) and so on.Remember:If you have a rotated domain, the inflow of the wind will change as the degrees refer to the earths co-ordinate system.12: Initial Temperature AtmosphereSets the start value for all layers in the atmosphere and the constant reference temperature in 2500 m height.Temperature values are always given in potential temperature!ENVI-met starts with a zero-gradient and lets the thermal stratification develop during the initialisation based on the initial surface temperature.13: Specific Humidity in 2500 mValue for the top of the model. Basically defined by the advected mesoscale air mass and (like the temperature and the geostrophic wind) kept constant during the simulation.14: Relative Humidity in 2mValue given in %. Used together with the spec. Humidity in 2500 m to calculate the vertical humidity gradient. Not further used after initialisation.15: Database PlantsThis line is no longer interpreted, bust must be kept. The global plants.dat file MUST be in sys.basedata !With these information, it is possible to run a simulation task, but still a lot of options are unused. These are presented in the following sections:oOptional SectionsContents-IndexA1. BUILDING SectionPurposeBuildings are active elements of the model area, therefore a number of data is required to simulate then correctly.In this version, the same settings are applied to each building. It is not possible to define different thermal properties or colours for a single house. This is still future work.The thermal complex of the building system is defined by the indoor temperature (which is kept constant during a model run) and the heat transmission through the walls and the roof. In addition, the albedo of the walls and the roofs are needed. They represent the colour of the house.Please note, that model roofs are always flat. At the moment it is not possible to construct inclined roof surfaces.It is also still not possible to simulate heat storage in the walls.00:BUILDING_Building properties01:Inside Temperature K 29302:Heat Transmission Walls W/mK 1.9403:Heat Transmission Roofs W/mK 604:Albedo Walls 0.205:Albedo Roofs 0.3What do the lines mean?01: Inside Temperature(Default 293 K)Indoor temperature for all


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