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_七年级英语单词表Starter Unit 1good/gud/ adj. morning/m:ni/ n. Good morning! hi/hai/ interj. hello/hlu/ interj. afternoon/,a:ftnu:n/ n.Good afternoon! evening/i:vni/ n. Good evening! how/hau/ adv. are/a:/ v.you/ju:/ pron. How are you? I/ai/ pron.am/m/ v.fine/fain/ adj. thanks/ks/ interj.&n.OK/ukei/ interj.& adv. Starter Unit 2what/wt/ pron.&adj. is/iz/ v.this/is/ pron. in/in/ prep.English/igli/ n. adj. in English map/mp/ n. cup/kp/ n. ruler/ru:l/ n. pen/pen/ n.orange/rind/ n. jacket/dkit/ n. key/ki:/ n. quilt /kwilt/ n. it/it/ pron. a/ art.that/t/ pron. spell/spel/ v. please/pli:z/ interj. Starter Unit 3color/kl/ n. (=colour) red/red/ adj.& n. yellow/jelu/ adj.& n. green/gri:n/ adj.& n. blue/blu:/ adj.& n. black/blk/ adj.& n. white/wait/ adj.& n. purple/p:pl/ adj.& n.)brown/braun/ adj.& n. the/i; / art. now/nau/ adv. see/si:/ v. can/kn/ modal v.say/sei/ v. my/mai/ pron. Unit 1name/neim/ n. nice/nais/ adj. to/tu:/ meet/mi:t/ v. too/tu:/ adv. your/j:/ pron. Ms. /miz/ his/hiz/ pron. and/nd/ conj. her/h:/ pron, yes/jes/ interj. she/i:/ pron. he/hi:/ pron. no/nu/ interj. not/nt/ adv. zero/ziru/ num. one/wn/ num. two/tu:/ num. three/ri:/ num. four/f:/ num. five/faiv/ num. six/siks/ num. seven/sevn/ num. eight/eit/ num. nine/nain/ num. telephone/telifun/ n. number/nmb/ n. phone/fun/ n. telephone/phone number first/f:st/ adj. first name last/la:st/ adj. last name friend/frend/ n. China/tain/ middle/midl/ adj. school/sku:l/ n. middle school Unit 2sister/sist/ n. mother/m/ n. father/fa:/ n. parent/pernt/ n. brother/br/ n. grandmother/grnm/ n. grandfather/grnfa:/ n. grandparent/grnpernt/ n. ;family/fmli/ n. those/uz/ pron. who/hu:/ pron. oh /u/ interj. these/i:z/ pron. they/ei/ pron. well/wel/ interj. have/hv/ v. Have a good day! bye/bai/ interj. (=goodbye) son/sn/ n. cousin/kzn/ n. grandpa/grnpa:/ n. mom/mm/, /ma:m/ n. (=mum) aunt/a:nt/ n. grandma/grnma:/ n. dad/dd/ n. uncle/kl/ n. daughter/d:t/ n. here/hi/ adv. photo/futu/ n. of/v, v/ prep. next/nekst/ adj.&n. picture/pikt/ n. girl/g:l/ n. dog/dg/ n. Unit 3pencil/pensl/ n. book/buk/ n. eraser/ireiz/ n. box/bks/ n. pencil box schoolbag/sku:lbg/ n. dictionary/diknri/ n. his/hiz/ pron. mine/main/ pron. hers/h:z/ pron. excuse/ikskju:z/ v. me/mi:/ pron. (I的宾格) excuse me thank/k/ v. teacher/ti:t/ n. about/baut/ prep. What about.? yours/j:z/ pron. for/f:/ prep. thank you for. help/help/ v.&n. welcome/welkm/ adj. Youre welcome. baseball/beisb:l/ n. watch /wt/ n. computer/kmpju:t/ n. game/geim/ n. card/k:d/ n. ID card notebook/nutbuk/ n. ring/ri/ n. bag/bg/ n. in/in/ prep. library/laibrri/ n. ask/:sk/ v. ask. for. find/faind/ v. some/sm/ adj. classroom/kl:sru:m/ n. e-mail/emeil/ n. at/t/ prep. call/k:l/ v. lost/lst/ v. must/mst/ modal v. set/set/ n. a set of Unit 4where/we/ adv. table/teibl/ n. bed/bed/ n. bookcase/bukkeis/ n. sofa/suf/ n. chair/te/ n. on/n/ prep. under/nd/ prep. come/km/ v. come on desk/desk/ n. think/ik/ n. room/ru:m/ n. their/e/ pron. hat/ht/ n. head/hed/ n. yeah /je/ interj. know/nu/ v. radio/reidiu/ n. clock/klk/ n. tape/teip/ n. player/plei/ n.tape player model/mdl/ n. plane/plein/ n. model plane tidy/taidi/ adj. but/bt/ conj. our/au/ pron. everywhere/evriwe/ adv. always/:lweiz/ adv. Unit 5do/du:/ aux v. &v. have/hv/ v. tennis/tenis/ n. ball/b:l/ n. ping-pong /pip/ n. bat /bt/ n. soccer/sk/ n. soccer ball volleyball/vlib:l/ n. basketball/ba:skitb:l/ n. hey /hei/ interj. let/let/ v. us/s/ pron. lets = let us go/gu/ v. we/wi:/ pron. late/leit/ adj. has/hz/ v. get/get/ v. great/greit/ adj. play/plei/ v. sound/saund/ v. interesting/intrsti/ adj. boring/b:ri/ adj. fun/fn/ adj. difficult/difiklt/ adj. relaxing/rilksi/ adj. watch/wt/ v. TV/ti:vi:/ n. (=television) watch TV same/seim/ adj. love/lv/ v.&n. with/wi/ prep. sport/sp:t/ n. them/em/ pron. only/unli/ adv. like/laik/ v. easy/i:zi/ adj. after/a:ft/ prep. class/kla:s/ n. classmate/kla:smeit/ n. Unit 6banana/bna:n/ n. hamburger/hmb:g/ n. tomato/tma:tu/ n. ice-cream/aiskri:m/ n. salad/sld/ n. strawberry/str:bri/ n. pear/pe/ n. milk/milk/ n. bread/bred/ n. birthday/b:dai/ n. dinner/din/ n. week/wi:k/ n. think about food/fu:d/ n. sure/u/ adv. How about.? burger /b:g/ n. vegetable/vedtbl/ n. fruit/fru:t/ n. right/rait/ adj. apple/pl/ n. then/en/ adv. egg/eg/ n. carrot/krt/ n. rice/rais/ n. chicken/tikin/ n. so/su/ conj. breakfast/brekfst/ n. lunch/lnt/ n. star/sta:/ n. eat/i:t/ v. well/wel/ adv. habit/hbit/ n. healthy/heli/ adj. really/ri:li/ adv. question/kwestn/ n. want/wnt/ v. be/bi:/ v. fat/ft/ adj. Unit 7much/mt/ pron.&adj. How much.? sock/sk/ n. T-shirt/ti:t/ n. shorts/:ts/ n. (pl.) sweater/swet/ n. trousers/trauzz/ n. (pl.) shoe/u:/ n. skirt/sk:t/ n. dollar/dl/ n. big/big/ adj. small/sm:l/ adj. short/:t/ adj. long/l:/ adj. woman/wumn/ n. Can I help you? need/ni:d/ v. look/luk/ v. pair/pe/ n. take/teik/ v. Here you are. ten/ten/ num. eleven/ilevn/ num. twelve/twelv/ num. thirteen/:ti:n/ num. fifteen/fifti:n/ num. eighteen/eiti:n/ num. twenty/twenti/ num. thirty/:ti/ num. Mr./mist/ clothes/kluz/ n. (pl.) store/st:/ n. buy/bai/ v. sale/seil/ n. sell/sel/ v. all/:l/ adj. very/veri/ adv. price/prais/ n. boy/bi/ n. a pair of Unit 8when/wen/ adv. month/mn/ n. January/dnjuri/ n. February/februri/ n. March/ma:t/ n. April/eiprl/ n. May/mei/ n. June/du:n/ n. July/dulai/ n. August/:gst/ n. September/septemb/ n. October/ktub/ n. November/nuvemb/ n. December/disemb/ n happy/hpi/ adj. Happy birthday! old/uld/ adj. How old.? . party/pa:ti/ n. See you! first/f:st/ num. second/seknd/ num. third/:d/ num. fifth/fif/ num. eighth/eit/ num. ninth/nain/ num. twelfth/twelf/ num. twentieth/twenti/ num. test/test/ n. trip/trip/ n. art/a:t/ n. festival/festivl/ n. dear/di/ adj. student/stju:dnt/ n. thing/i/ n. term/t:m/ n. busy/bizi/ adj. time/taim/ n. Have a good time! there/e/ adv. Unit 9favorite/feivrit/ adj.&n. subject/sbdekt/ n. science/sains/ n. P.E./pi: i:/ n. music/mju:zik/ n. math/m/ n. Chinese/taini:z/ n. geography/digrfi/ n. history/histri/ n. why/wai/ adv. because/bikz/ conj. Monday/mndei/ n. Friday/fraidei/ n. Saturday/stdei/ n. for sure free/fri:/ adj. cool/ku:l/ adj. Tuesday/tju:zdei/ n. Wednesday/wenzdei/ n. Thursday/zdei/ n. Sunday/sndei/ n. A.M./ei em/ (=a.m.) P.M./pi: em/ (=p.m.) useful/ju:sfl/ adj. from/frm/ prep from. to. Mrs./misiz/ finish/fini/ v. lesson/lesn/ n. hour/au/ n. THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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