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Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?,1,肥肥-沈殿霞,100kg,heavy,the heaviest,Mr. Wang,Mr. Chen,Miss Shen is heavy. Mr. Wang is heavier. Mr. Chen is the heaviest of the three .,2,Ge You is funny. Zhao Benshan is funnier. Pan Changjiang is the funniest of the three .,3,Guessing Game.,4,He is the tallest basketball player in China .,5,the tallest person,6,He runs the fastest in 110-meter race.,7,the fastest person,8,Hes the most popular actor, and hes famous for playing Chinese Kong fu.,9,the most popular actor,10,happy _ much _ heavy _ important _ careful _ wet _ good _ hot _ easily _ many _ nice _ big _,请给出下列词的最高级,most important,wettest,happiest,most careful,best,hottest,most easily,most,nicest,biggest,heaviest,most,11,形容词的不规则变化,good bad many little well badly much,三、不规则变化,要多加注意哦!,best,worst,most,least,best,worst,most,12,CHANT:,GOOD ,BETTER,BEST,Good,better,best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better is best.,13,Good , better , best, Never let it rest , Till good is better , And better is best . Bad , worse ,worst , Never fight against , Get better and better, And youll be the best.,GOOD ,BETTER,BEST,Remember: Well try to do everything the best ,not the worst.(尽力把所有事情做到最好.),14,形容词最高级专项练习,7.Whos _, Tom,Jim or Kate? A. the most careful B. carefuler C. carefully 8.That is _ (easy) of all.,A,the easiest,15,形容词和副词最高级专项练习,Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _ (young) child. Dick sings _ (well), she sings _(well) than John, but Mary sings_ (well) in her class. Which do you like _, coffee, tea or milk? A. badly B. worse C. the worse D. worst,youngest,well,better,best,D,16,Free Talk,A: Who is the student in our class? B: ,(the smartest, the tallest, the heaviest, the friendliest the thinnest, the most beautiful, the busiest, the funniest, the most popular),班级之最,17,1.Mo Yan is one of _ writers in the world. A:more famous B: most famous C:famous D:the most famous 2.Which apple is_of the three? A:more delicious B: most delicious C: delicious D:the most delicious 3.Of all girls, Lu Xiyuan is_.(beautiful),18,19,Discuss Do you like to go to the movies? Who is your favorite movie star? Which cinema do you like to go?,20,movie theater,=,cinema,21,Whats the best movie theater?,Town Cinema. Its the cheapest.,But I think Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.,22,In Kunming ,I like going to a movie theater called “Nanping Cinema”.,It has comfortable seats.,It has a big screen.,It has friendly service.,Nanping Cinema,23,Movie Palace (影视宫),Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.,Screen City (电影城),Town Cinema (都市影院),Which is the best cinema?,24,has friendly service.,has friendlier service.,has the friendliest service.,friendly,The first cinema,The second cinema,The third cinema,25,How do you choose a cinema to go to? Which is important?Which is not important?,comfortable seats,big screen,friendly service,new movies,close to home,in a fun part of town,popular,cheap tickets,26,What is the most important for you in a movie theater?,A: I think comfortable seats is the most important for me . B: For me, and are the most important in a movie theater. C: But I think is the most important. D: In my opinion, I think is the most important.,Groupwork 1a,27,1b Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Write in the names of the theaters.,Town Cinema Screen city Movie Palace,都市影院,影视城,影视宫,Town Cinema,Town Cinema,Movie Palace,Screen city,Screen city,Town Cinema,28,B1: Do you want to go to the movies? G: Sure. B2: Ill go too. B1: OK, great. Whats the best movie theater to go to? B2: Town cinema. Its the closest to home. G: Yes, but they dont show new movies there. B2: Maybe not, but its the cheapest.,29,B1: I think Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats. G: I like the Screen City because it has the biggest screens. B1: Its the most popular cinema, too. B2: That usually means its crowded. B1: Well, Town Cinema isnt crowded, and it has the friendliest service.,30,G: Its also in the most fun part of town. B1: Lets look at the movie times in the newspaper and then decide. G: OK with me. B2: Me, too.,31,Which cinema is closer, Movie Palace or Town Cinema?,Town Cinema is closer than Movie Palace.,Which cinema is closer, Movie Palace or Screen City?,Movie Palace is closer than Screen City.,Which cinema is the closest of the three?,Town Cinema is the closest of the three.,32,Which cinema has friendlier service, Town Cinema or Screen City?,Town Cinema has friendlier service than Screen City.,Which cinema has friendlier service, Movie Palace or Screen City?,Which cinema has the friendliest service of the three?,Screen City has friendlier service than Movie Palace.,Town Cinema has the friendliest service of the three.,33,Which cinema is the most popular of the three?,Which cinema is more popular, Town Cinema or Movie Palace?,Movie Palace is more popular than Town Cinema.,Which cinema is more popular, Movie Palace or Screen City?,Screen City is more popular than Movie Palace.,Screen City is the most popular of the three.,34,has a big screen.,Screen City,Movie Palace,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,Town Cinema,35,¥40,¥20,¥10,is cheap.,Screen City,Movie Palace,is cheaper.,is the cheapest.,Town Cinema,cheap,36,has friendly service.,Town Cinema,has friendlier service.,has the friendliest service.,Screen City,Movie Palace,37,has comfortable seats.,Screen City,Movie Palace,has more comfortable seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,Town Cinema,38,What is the biggest theaters/cinema in you city/ town?. What is the cheapest theaters /cinema in you city/ town? What is the most popular theaters/ cinema in you town?,Make a list of real movie theaters you know, and answer the following questions:,39,A. 五一电影院 B. 滇池电影院 C. 新建设电影院 D. 南屏电影院 E. 光明电影院,This is Xin Jianshe Cinema. It is the closest to my school. I often go to this cinema.It is the cheapest one, and it has the friendliest service.,40,It has the biggest screens. Its the most popular. Its the closest to home. Its the cheapest. It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats.,A: Whats the best movie theater? B: Showtime Cinema. Its the cheapest. C: But I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: As for me, is the best movie theater. Because F: In my opinion, ,Groupwork,1c,41,Nanping Cinema,Xin Jianshe Cinema,Dianchi Cinema,My house,300 m,400m,500m,42,Lets try! Talk about Nanping Movie Theatre.,Nanping Theatre is _(离最近) my house. Its_(最大的影院) in the city.It has _(最舒适的座位). It also has _(最友好的服务). It is in _(城市最繁华 的地段),the closest to,the biggest cinema,the most comfortable seats,the friendliest service,the most fun part of the city,43,What do we learn today?,最高级规则变化口诀:,最高级,很容易,一般词尾加est。 (cheap-the cheapest) 词尾若有哑音e, 直接就加st。 (close-the closest) 重读闭音节, 辅音字母要双写。 (big-the biggest) 辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i。 (friendly-the friendliest) 多音节,考考你,the most到底加哪里? (popular-the most popular),44,Exercise:写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级. 1. good _ _ 10. friendly _ _ 2. bad _ _ 11. comfortable _ _ 3. big _ _ 12. athletic _ _ 4. late _ _ 13. important_ _ 5 heavy _ _ 14. outstanding _ _ 6. funny _ _ !5. cheap_ _ 7. thin _ _ 16. young _ _ 8. new _ _ 17. dry _ _ 9. popular _ _ 18.interesting _ _,45,Homework Find out the most popular persons or things in your life and write them down.,46,Thank you!,47,CHANT:,GOOD ,BETTER,BEST,Good,better,best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better is best.,good better best bad worse worst,48,Bad , worse ,worst , Never fight against , Get better and better, And youll be the best.,49,1. It has the _ clothing store in the town. A. goodest B. gooddest C. best D. better 2. This clothing store is _ than that one. A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. worst 3. This book is _ of all. A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper D. the cheapest,Choose the best answer.,4. This is one of _ films of this year. A. more exciting B. exciting C. the most exciting D. most exciting. 5. This watch is _ than that one. A. much expensive B. expensiver C. more expensiver D. more expensive,50,


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