外研版 八年级上册课文短语及练习.doc

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_八年级上册课文词句M11.练习说英语 practise _(speak) English 2.计划打算(将要)去做某事 be going _=will _=be about _3.谈论 talk _4.一些建议 some _5.一条建议 a _ of advice6.尽可能多地说英语。Speak English as _ as _.7.不要忘记写下正确答案。Dont forget _(write)down the _answers.8. 做某事是个好主意 Its a good idea to do sth.9.大声地拼读新单词 spell new words _10.听音乐怎么样? How about _(listen) to music?11.对什么有好处 be good _12.对.有害处 be bad _ =be harmful _ 13.我有机会知道这么多关于这个世界的事情。I get _(know) a lot _ the world.14.关键词 _ words15.主要思想 _ idea16.对于阅读来说也是一样的。Thats _ same for _(read).17.为什么不做. why not do18.某人为什么不做 why dont sb do19.写信给某人 write to sb20.我同意你 I agree _ you.21.在字典里查找新单词是个好主意。Its a good idea _(look) up new words in the dictionary.22.在录音机上 _ the radio23.许多学生寻求关于怎么改善他们英语的建议。 Many students ask _ advice about how _(improve) their English .24.我喜欢看英语电影。 I like _(watch) English films.25. 三个基本问题 three _ problems26.看电影和听歌曲都是学习英语的好方法。 _ films and _ to songs are good ways _(learn) English.27.猜新单词的意思 guess the _(mean) of the new words28.每一次 each _29.建议某人去做某事 advise sb to do sth30.和你的朋友们谈论这些电影talk _ the films with your friends31.我害怕和她讲话 I am afraid _(talk) to her.32.你应该对她微笑 You should _ at her.33.不要害羞,而是去尝试 Dont be shy,just try.34.建议某人做某事 _ sb do35.我很快忘记他们。 I forget them _(quick).36.忘记他们是很自然的。It is_(nature) to forget them.37.努力去做某事 try _ sth38.尝试去做某事 try_ sth 39.擅长做某事 be good _ sth be good_ _(do)sth40.做某件事是困难的 Its hard to do sth41.考虑做某事 think about _(do) sth42.不同种类的 _ kinds of43.数不清的. _of. 44.最新的英文歌曲 the _English songs45. 与某人聊天 chat _ sbM21.在海岸线上 _ the coast2.更加宽广 much _(wide)3.想要去做某事 would like _ = _4.非常好 pretty good5.它正在变得更大和更加忙碌。It is getting _ and _.6.来自 come from= _7.海宁因为皮革城而闻名。Haining is famous _the Leather City.8.他作为歌手而闻名。He is famous _ a singer.9.例如 such as10.某人随身携带某物 bring sth _sb11.在英格兰的东边 _ the _ of England12.坐船沿着这条河 take a boat _ the river13. 以.最为著名 be best _ forM31.更加的有乐趣 more _(enjoy) 2.你怎么了? Whats _ with you? Whats the _ with you?3. 这个星期的比赛 this _(week) match4.观看时不危险的。 _(watch) is not dangerous.5.你看起来是累的。 You look _.6.没关系 It doesnt _.7.我不擅长网球。 I am not good _ tennis.8.十分钟以前 ten minutes _9.不是做.而是做 I dont go to school for lessons,but_(play) football.10.与其他学校打比赛相抗play _ another school 11. 尽我们能够早地 as _ as we can12. 做某件事是困难的 Its _ to do sth 13. 我们是粗心的。 We are _(care).14. 天黑得更早。 It gets dark _(early).15.为了 _=in order that16.熟能生巧 Practice _perfect17.对.感到满意 be _(please)with18.有机会做某事 have a _ of doing sth 19.比平时更努力训练 train _ than usual20.你的最喜欢的运动 your _ sport21.决定去做某事 decide to do22.在某些地方迷失 get_in sp23.真遗憾! What a pity/shame!24.在周末 _weekends25.你慢跑地越多,你将会感到更越健康,The more you go _(jog) ,the _(healthy) you will feel.26.我们感到自信去赢得这个比赛We are _ _(win) the match.M41.交通事故 _ accident2.拥堵的交通 _ traffic 3.一个好的选择 a good _(choose)4.最为舒适的方法 the most _(comfort) way5.坐地铁 _ the underground6.我将会小心的。 I will be _.7.公交车是非常拥挤的。The bus is _(crowd).8.靠近于 be _ to9.亲密朋友 _ friends10.和.相同 be the same _11.记得去做某事 remember _12. 记得做过了某事 remember _ sth 13. 在我去.的路上 on _(I)way to 14.最好去做某事的方法 the best way to do 15.计划去做某事 plan _ 16.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb _ sth 17.花费我好几个小时去做完我的回家作业。It _ me many hours to finish my homework.18.订票 _ tickets19.不但.而且 not only .but also20.待在城市中心的外围stay _ the city center21.由于坏天气我们不得不等数个小时。 We have _(wait) for hours _ _ the bad weather,22. 去做某件事是最好的 It is best to do sth.23. 处于一个匆忙的状态中 be in a_ 24. 做某事是简单的 It is easy to do sthM51. 男演员和女演员 actor and_2.在最后 finally =in the end3.在中国的普通人 the _ people in China4.中国社会的变革 the _(develop) of Chinese society5.在.出生 be _ in6.观看一小时 watch _ an hour 7.下一次 next time8.他尤其因为他的话剧“茶馆”而有名。Hes _(especial) famous for his play Teahouse.9.传统音乐 _(tradition) music10.完成学业 _ school11.人民的艺术家 peoples _(art)12.取代 take _ of13.在.的结尾处 at the end of 14.20世纪 the _(twenty) century15.做得好 do a good job16.玲玲主动提出带我到那。Lingling offered _(take) me there.17.这个表演是有趣的。 The play is _(interest).18.我有兴趣观看这个话剧。I am _(interest) in _(watch) this play.M61.我更有兴趣去看大熊猫。I am more interested _(see) the pandas.2.他允许人们更靠近他们。It allows people _(get) closer to them.3.我们需要去保护他们 We need _(protect) them.4.带走他们的土地和森林 take _ their land and forests5.干净的水 _ water6.处于危险中的动物 some animals in danger7.筹一些钱 _ some money8.还有其他. what _ 9.找出 ,弄清楚 find out10.照顾 look after11.帮助婴儿熊猫存活 help baby pandas live12.担心. be _(worry) about 13.在全世界的 all over the world 14.以.为食 feed _15.自然公园 _ park16.是去做某事的时间了Its time to do sth17.远离 be far away from18.为了保护在野生环境中的大熊猫,政府正在设立一些自然公园。In order _(protect) pandas in the wild,the government is _(set) up nature parks.19.世界野生动物正在努力工作为了拯救他们。The WWF is _(work)hard to save them.20.安全地 live _(safe)M71.在河附近 _ the river2.路过 run _3.对每一个人微笑 smile _ everyone4.一只有着粉色眼睛的白色兔子a white rabbit_ pink eyes5.干树叶 dry _ (leaf)6.追赶在.后 run _ it7.有兴趣做某事 be _ in doing sth 8.发生在某人身上 happen to sb9.大雨 _ rain10.把.拿出. take sth _of sth11.在英国的每个知道这个故事。Everyone in Britain _(know) the story. 12.某人去做某事是不礼貌的Its _ of sb to do sth 13. 有时间去做某事 have time to do sth 14.爱丽丝跟着它然后掉进了一个洞里。Alice _(follow) it and fell down a hole.15.爱丽丝到达了三月兔的家。Alice then arrived _ the March Hares house.16.是睡着的 be _(sleep)17.告诉我们一个故事 _ us _18.这些苹果在树上。 These apples are _ the tree.19.这些鸟在树上。 These birds are _ the trees.20.停止唱歌 stop _21.停止去唱歌 stop _22.一个干净的杯子 a _ cup23.听故事 listen to _(story)M81.看起来苍白 look pale 2.一场事故 _ accident 3.一个男孩一边骑自行车一边听音乐。A boy is _(ride) his bike and _(listen) to music.4.变成红色 _ to red5.等着去做某事 wait _ sth 6.很高兴去做某事 be glad _ sth 7.在手机上聊天 talk _ the phone8.这辆车刚好及时停下来。The car stopped just _time.9.准时 _ time10.这个男孩从他的自行车上摔下。The boy falls _ his bike.11.并排 side by side12.的风险 the risk of13.在.的角落上 _ the corner of 14.在.的角落里 _ the corner of 15.降落在.上面 _ on sth 16.他的手开始疼得厉害。His hand began to hurt _(bad).17.匆忙赶去某地 hurry to sp18.拿出你的电话机 take _ your telephone19.捡起来 _ it up20.一盒香蕉 a box of _ 21.躺在桌子上 _ on the table22.就如你所知道的 _ you know23.在他从学校回家的路上on _(he) way home from school24.匆忙赶去某地 _ to sp25.注意某物 pay _ to sth26.在.的中间 in the _ of 27.像往常一样 as _ 28.热心肠的人们 warmhearted man29.采取我的建议 _ my advice30.承诺去做某事 _ to doM91.为.准备. prepare sth _ sth2.1/5 one _3.增长迅速 grow _4.我们增长的人口 our _ (grow) population5.一个有着巨大人口的大城市a big city with large _6.太多的交通 too _ traffic7.太多的人 too _ people8.在未来 in future9.一个安静的村庄 a _ village10.稍等一分钟 _ on a minute!11.当地学校 _ school12.这要花费一个小时坐公交车到那。It takes an hour _(get)there by bus.13.事实上 in fact=actually14.保护城市免受污染 _ the city _ pollution15.仔细地看着某物look _(careful) at sth 16.我们正在努力为的使他们变得更好。We are _(work) hard to make them even _(good).17.谈论她的观点 talk _ her ideas18.一辆私家车 a _(person)car19.加入汽车俱乐部对你有好处。 _(join)car clubs is good for you.20.日常使用 _(day) use21.不得不去做某事 have _ =have _ 22. 有机会去做某事 have _ to do sth 23.空气是污染的。 The air is _ (pollute).24.越来越多的 _ and _ 25.结果 as a _ 26.死于. die from sth/doing sth M101.在美国的的天气怎么样?Whats the weather _ in America?2.多雨的天气 _(rain) weather3.刮风的天气 _ (wind)weather4.你在开玩笑么? Are you _(joke)?5.零下2度 minus 2 _6.在公园里滑冰 go _(skate) in the park7.拍些秋树的照片 take photos_the autumn trees8.一把雨伞 _ umbrella9.最好夏天去_better_(go) in summer10.泳衣 swimming clothes11.一件温暖的毛衣 bring a warm sweater _ you12.与.相比较 compare to13.不时 from time to time 14.与.相似 be _ to 15.在暑假期间 _ the summer holiday16.在周末 _ weekend17.天将要刮风了。 It will _ windy.18.为.支付 pay _ sthM111.真是一个惊喜! What a _!2.我们立刻打开一个礼物。We open a gift _(immediate).3.你不需要等。 You neednt _.4.另一个不同点 another _(different)5.中国传统 Chinese _6.春节 Spring Festival7.你绝不能做任何打扫。You mustnt do any _(clean).8.红色意味着幸运 red _ luck9.他们尝起来很棒。 They _ great.10.庆祝某人的生日 _ ones birthday11.喝下午茶 _ afternoon tea12.最好不做某事 had better not do 13.严肃的 be _14.家庭成员 family _15.我在英国的经历 my _ in England16.传统的食物 _(tradition) food17.有礼貌地微笑 smile _(polite)18.摘下(脱下). take sth off19.把数条建议放在一起put pieces of _ together20.排队站好 stand in _17.带走. take sth _19说英语的国家 English -speaking _(country)20.寻找. look _22.熬夜. _ up23.一个外国国家 a _ (foreign) country24.犯错误 make _M121.基本医药帮助 basic _(medic) help2.在.的底部 at the _ of sth3.有听力问题 have trouble _(hear)4.大叫求助 _ for help5.使他舒适的 make him _6.警告某人关于某事 warn sb _ sth 7.把他抬起 lift him _8.用大衣把他盖住 cover him _ coat9.地震往往是突然间发生的。Earthquakes always happen _(sudden).10.远离窗户 stay _from the window11.保持冷静 keep _12.勇敢些 be brave13.电线 _ lines14.把落石从道路上清除clear the rocks _ the roads15.对某人大叫 shout _ sb16.大雨 _ rain17.简而言之 in _18.为.骄傲 be _ of =_练习M11.Its a good idea _(play) football twice a week.2.They ran to the bus station as _(quick) as possible.3.I enjoy watching English films and _(listen) to English songs.4.Please guess the _(mean) of the new word.5.What about _(play) football together?M21.I am busy _(wash) my sisters clothes.2.Our classroom is bigger than _(you).3.There are _(hundred) of sheep on the hill.4.The Palace Cinema shows the _(good) films of the two cinemas.M31.I think English is _(difficult) than any other subject.2.Lily is listening to the teacher _(careful).3.Dont talk _(loud).The baby is sleeping.4.She plays the piano _(bad).M41.The bus stop is _(crowd) with people in the early morning.2.You should be _(care) when you cross the road.3.Monday is my _(busy) day of a week.4.Her mother runs much _(fast) than her.M51.My father offered _(take) me to school in her car.2.I decided _(visit) my grandfather.3.Would you like me _(take) you to New York?4.I finished _ (make) the model plane.M61.It is very _(interest) to play with snow outside in winter.2.You money pays _(look) after the animals.3.Many poor people dont have a safe place _(live).4.The good news make me _(excite).5.We found it difficult _(get) a car at this time .M71.My father went to Shanghai _(two) last year.2.I saw Lucy _(lie) on the ground.3.It is too dark for him _(see) anything.4.Boys were singing and girls _(dance).How happy they were!5.I fell _(sleep) when I watched the movie.6.The story is about a dog _(call) Lucky.M81.Youd better not _(read) in the sun.2.My dad asked me to pay attention to _(listen) to the teacher.3.He was sitting there and _(smile) at me.M91.There is _ apple on the desk and _ apple is red.2.India is one of the _(country) with the _(large) population.3.It usually takes me half an hour _(walk) to school.M101.Its often _(snow) in January in the north of China.2.The best time _(visit) the city is in spring.3.Dont forget _(say) hello to your teacher.4.It was _(probable) the most popular of her songs.5._ bad weather ! Its raining.6.It often _(rain) here in summer.M111.You had better _(listen) to the teacher carefully in class.2.Christmas is a _(tradition ) festival in Western countries.3.Its very late now.I have to go home _(immediate).4.He was _(luck) enough to be chosen for this team.5.He went to school without _(eat) breakfast.6.Im too tired .Lets stop _(have) a rest.7.Lots of _(visit) come to China every year.8.We went _(fish) last week.9.The vegetable soup _(taste) delicious.M121.We never have any trouble _(get) the car started.2.John may _(come) to see us tonight.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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