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旅游英语常见词汇零钱 change信用卡 credit card补充词汇:room rate 房价standard rate 标准价en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 带两张单人床的房间double room 带一张双人床的房间advance deposit 定金reservation 订房间registration 登 记rate sheets 房价表tariff 价目表cancellation 取消预定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 总统套房suite deluxe 高级套房junior suite 简单套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 楼顶套房unmade room 未清扫房on change 待清扫房valuables 贵重品porter 行李员luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托运行李light luggage 轻便行李baggage elevator 行李电梯baggage receipt 行李收据trolley 手推车storage room 行李仓briefcase 公文包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 标有姓名的标签regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 国际航班domestic flight 国内航班flight number 航班号airport 机场airline operation 航空业务alternate airfield 备用机场landing field 停机坪international terminal 国际航班候机楼domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼control tower 控制台jetway 登机道air-bridge 旅客桥visitors terrace 迎送平台concourse 中央大厅loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路airline coach service 汽车服务shuttle bus 机场内来往班车如何叫出租车1、在酒店要 taxi 可以请酒店服务人员为你叫一 辆: Could you call me a taxi?( 请为我叫辆的士 。 )2、或者直接打电话到出租车公司 : Can you send a taxi to State Hospital? Ill be waiting at the main entrance。 ( 请派辆的士到州立医院好吗 ? 我会在大门处等候 。 )3、如果在街上叫taxi ,直接说:Taxi! ( 的士!) 就可以 了。上车以後,先告诉司机目的地: City Hall, please。( 请到市政厅。) 或者说, Please drop me off at Park Street。( 请让我在公园路下车 )4、如果对路线熟悉以告诉司机: Can you take the Victory Bridge?( 请从胜利挢那条路过去 )5、上车後,可以先问一下行车所需的时间: How many minutes does it take to get to the Capital Airport? ( 到首都机场要几分钟) 如果赶时间需要催促司机快些开时,可以说: Would you hurry, please? ( 能不能快一点?) Can you make it in five minutes?( 能否在五分钟内赶到?) 当然也可能会提醒司机小心驾驶: Can you slow down a little?( 能否慢点开?) 或者, Im not in a hurry, so please drive slowly and carefully。 ( 我不赶时间,所以请小心慢慢开。) 如果越过了目的地,你可以说: We missed it。 Would you mind turning around? ( 我们走过头了,请绕回来好不好?)6、到了目的地後付车费时,你要说, Please let me off here。 How much do I owe you? ( 请让我在这里下车。我该付你多少钱?) 通常要付些小费给司机。付小费的方式可以是: Keep the change。( 不用找零钱了。) Give me three back。( 找给我三块钱。) 即给司机的整钱比车费高(超过三块),而要求找回块,司机留下其馀。日常用语请问公用电话在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the payphone?请问洗手间在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the toilet?请问_餐厅怎么去?Could you please tell me how do I get to_restaurant?请问出租车站(的士站)在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the Taxi stop?-冲浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)-赌场(Casino)-_酒店(_Hotel)-布里斯本国际机场(Brisbane International Airport)-黄金海岸机场(Gold Coast Airport)生病(Illness)我不舒服,我病了。Im not feeling well. I feel sick.请带我去看医生。Please take me to a doctor.请送我去医院。Please take me to the hospital.我需要中文翻译。I need a Chinese interpreter.机场(Airport)请问行李提取处在哪里?Could you please tell me where I can get my baggage?请问去黄金海岸的巴士站在哪里?Could you please tell me where is the bus station that goes to Gold Coast?请问_航空公司办理登机手续的服务台在哪里?Could you please tell me where is_s check-incounter?请问从几号登机口登机?Could you please tell me at which gate I should be boarding?您好,我想转机。Hello, I am just transferring.对不起,我不会说英语。Sorry, I dont speak English.你能帮我吗?Can you help me?我的航班号是_,时间是_.My flight No.,the time is.感谢您的服务Thank you for your excellent service.出租车(的士)(Taxi)请载我去_。Please take me to_.请问多少钱?How much is it please?不用找钱。Keep the change.公共汽车(巴士)(Bus)去_多少钱。How much is it to_please?到_站请叫我。Please let me know once the bus arrives at_.酒店(饭店)(Hotel)我要办理酒店住宿登记。Checking-in,please.我叫_名字。My name is_.我的房间号码是_,请_点叫醒我。My Room No.is_. Please give me awake-up call at_oclock.请送_个枕头,_床被子/毯子到_号房间。My room No.is_.Could I have_pillow, _blanket.我想去_,请帮我安排出租车(的士)。I want to go to_.Could you please call a Taxi for me.我要退房。Checking-out,please.餐厅(Restaurant)我们没有预约(订位),我们一共有_个人。We dont have a reservation, there are_of us.我们有预约(订位),用_名字订位的。We have a reservation in the name of_.吃喝玩乐杂志已帮我们订了位,用_名字订位的。The Chinese Magazine has already booked a table for us in the name of_.我想喝_。May I have a glass of_,please?-红葡萄酒(Red Wine)-白葡萄酒(White Wine)-啤酒(Beer)-可口可乐(Coke)-雪碧(Lemonade)-橙汁(Orange Juice)-冰水(Ice Water)-中国茶(Chinese Tea)-奶茶(White Tea)-咖啡(Coffee)龙虾多少钱1公斤?Could you tell me how much is the lobster per kilo?-皇帝蟹(King Crab)-泥蟹(Mud Crab)-石斑(Coral Trout)我想点菜。Could we order please?你们的招牌菜是什么?What is your chefs special?请添点饭。Could I have more rice,please.请结帐。May I have the bill,please.请给我收据。Could I have a receipt please.飞机上食品及用品常用词汇购物常用词汇旅行常用词汇酒店常用词汇16


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