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_Unit 1 My Classroom一、选择填空。( )1. This my classroom A. am B. is C. are D. /( )2. Whats the classroom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. on B. in C. under D. near ( )3. We have 6 new A. light B. lights C. nights D. night( )4. go and have a look. A. Lets B. Let C. let us D. lets( )5. Amy: Wheres your seat? Mike: A. It near the door. B. Lets go and have a look! C. Its the door. D. Its near the door.( )6. Mike: Miss White: Thank you!A. Let me clean board. B. Lets me clean the board. C. Let me clean the board D. Let clean the board( )7. Lets clean the window. A. Yes. B. OK. C. Sorry. D. Excuse me.( )8. Where is the milk? you know? A. Do B. do C. Are D. are( )9. Let clean the fish bowl. A. my B. I C. me D. our( )10. Where the twenty desks? A. be B. am C. is D. are二、读一读,将相对应的句子连线。1. Wheres my pen? a. Many books.2. Lets clean the window. b. Oh, its nice.3. Whats in the desk? c. Its in your pencil-case.4. Thank you. d. All right.5. Look at the picture. e. You are welcome. 三、阅读理解并判断正误。A clockThis is a clock. Its on the wall of my room. May-be you dont know it. Now let me tell you something about it. It has two hands. One is long, the other is short. The long hand is minute hand and there are60 minutes in an hour. The short hand is the hour hand and there are 24 hours in a day. What time is it now? Its two oclock. I must do my homework now. Goodbye!( ) 1. The clock is on the wall of my room.( ) 2. The long hand is the hour hand.( ) 3. There are 60 hours in a day.( ) 4. There are 1440 minutes in a day.( ) 5. You may know the time from the clock.四、阅读理解。将正确答案的序号写在前面的括号里。My name is Mike. I am a student. I am 9 years old. Im short and thin. I like music. There are three people in my family, my dad, my mom and me. My father is a doctor. He is 37. My mother is 36. She is a teacher. She teaches(教) English.( )1.whats Mikes mother? A.A farmer. B. An English teacher.( )2.How old is Mikes mother? A.36. B.37.( )3.Is Mike a student? A. Yes. B. No.( )4.How many people are there in Mikes family? A4. B.3.( )5.Is Mikes father a doctor? A. Yes. B. No.Unit 2 My Schoolbag一、单词分类。1.lion 2.nurse 4.rabbit 6.rice 7.noodles 8.pen 9.ruler 10.pear水 果: 学习用品: 食 品: 动 物: 人 物: 二、根据情景提示,在四个选项中选出最恰当的一项。1. (Mike问Amy有几本书。) Mike: Amy: I have 6.A. How many books do you have?B. How many books can you see?2. (Mike想看看Amy的新书包。) Mike: Amy: Sure. Here you are!A. May I have a look at your new bag?Whats in your new bag?3.(Amy问Mike书包的颜色。) Amy: Mike: Purple.A. What colour is your bag?B. Whats in your bag?三、读一读,用a, an填空。1.I have bag.2.Here is apple for you.3.Who has English book?4.This is pen.5.Please show me orange.四、读一读,用am ,is ,are填空。1、She my sister .2、The wall white .3、I from America .4、You right .5、It so nice .五、读一读,将相应的句子连线。1、How much is it? A. Five yuan.2、Whats this in English? B. Its under the desk.3、Whos that girl? C. Five.4、How many books do you have? D. Its a window.5、Where is your book? E. Shes my sister.六、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,在括号内打“T”或“F”。Mike is an English boy. Hes ten. His sisters name is Mary. Shes five. She is not a student. Mike has a new schoolbag, but not heavy. There are some books in it. Theyre Chinese book, English book and math book. There is a black and red pen in his pencil-case. He likes the pen very much.( )1、Mikes sister is a student.( )2、Mike has a new schoolbag.( )3、The schoolbag is heavy.( )4、There are three books in the bag.( )5、Mike doesnt like the pen at all.七、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,在括号内打“T”或“F”。Hello! My name is Mary. Welcome to my classroom. Its big. There are 24 desks and 48 chairs. We have a TV. The TV is black. We also have a computer. Its on the teachers desk. There are four windows. Theyre very clean. My seat is near the window.( ) l. Marys classroom is big.( ) 2.There is a TV and a computer in the classroom.( ) 3.Marys seat is near the door.( ) 4.The TV is on the teachers desk.( ) 5.There are 24 chairs and 48 desks in the classroom. Unit 3 My Friend一、找出与其他单词不同类的一个。( )1、A. fish B. long C. short( )2、A. hot dog B. hamburger C. hat( )3、A. kangaroo B. monkey C. key( )4、A. eraser B. crayon C. light( )5、A. notebook B. math book C. sports二、选择填空。( )1、This is his photo. Look! is tall. A. He B. She C. Hes( )2、He short brown hair. A. have B. has C. there is( )3、Listen music. A. to B. of C. for( )4、She is a girl. Name is Lucy. A. His B. Her C. Its( )5、She music. A. like B. likes C. to like三、读一读,把相对应的句子连线。1. Whats in your schoolbag? a. Yes, I do.2. Do you like music? b. Some book.3. Whos your best friend? c. I have many friends.4. How many friends do you have? d. Zhang Qiang is.5. What colour is your eraser? e. Its green.四、情景交际,选出正确的选项。( )1、当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说: A. He has long black hair. B. He has short black hair. C. He has big eyes and long hair.( )2、当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说: A. I like math. B. I like science. C. I like computer games.( )3、当你告诉妈妈你有一位美国朋友时,应该说: A. Mom, I have a new friend. B. Mom, I have an American. C. Mon, I have a Chinese friend.Unit 4 My Home一、找出每组中与其他三个不同类的单词,并把它的序号下在提前括号内。( )1. A. study B. fan C. light D. computer( )2. A. cat B. dog C. duck D. bedroom( )3. A. father B. mother C. sister D. phone( )4. A. apple B. banana C. fridge D. peach( )5. A. thin B. kitchen C. strong D. quiet二、找出相应的答句并将其序号写在题前括号内。( )1.Where are you from? A. Yes, I do.( )2.Do you like grapes? B. No, shes my mother.( )3.How many kites can you see? C. Im from Canada.( )4.Is this your bedroom? D. No, it isnt.( )5.Is she your sister? E. Fifteen.三、选择填空。( )1. How many _can you see? A. English book B. English books C. English books( )2. She _big eyes and small ears. A. is B. has C. have( )3.-Are you in the study? -_. A. No, he isnt. B. No, Im not. C. No, I dont.( )4._clean the board. A. Lets me B. Let me C. Let us me( )5.-Is she in the living room? -_. A. No, she is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, she isnt.( )6. _they in the kitchen? A. Are B. Is C. Am( )7. I have _new eraser. A. an B. a C. the( )8.-Is this a reading-room? A. No, it is. B. No, they arent. C. No, it isnt.( )9.Moms in the living room. Dad is _. A. too B. to C. two( )10. Im looking for a house _this. A. likes B. like C. at四、将正确的选项填在题前括号内。( )1.当别人说:“Your pencil is nice.”时,你应说:( ) A. Thanks. B. Wow! No. C. You speak well.( )2.当你要借别人的尺子时,你会说:( ) A. Thank you. May I borrow your ruler? B. Excuse me. May I borrow your ruler? C. Youre right. May I borrow your ruler?( )3.如果你想洗个澡,你会:( ) A. Go to the living room. B. Go to the bathroom. C. Go to study.五、阅读短文,选出最佳答案。My parents (父母) work in a shoe factory. They get up at five thirty. They first get breakfast ready. Then they go to work by bus. They work from eight to five. They come home at about six and prepare (准备) supper for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening. Father often makes toys(玩具) for us. They are busy all day.( )1.What time do my parents get up? A. At five twenty. B. At five thirteen. C. At four thirty. D. At five thirty.( )2.What do my parents first do in the morning? A. They get breakfast ready. B. They do morning exercise. C. They listen to the radio. D. They go to work.( )3.How many hours do they stay in the factory? A. Seven hours. B. Eight hours. C. Nine hours. D. Ten hours.( )4.Father usually _ in the evening. A. reads newspaper B. washes clothes C. make toys D. watches TV( )5.My parents are very _all day. A. busy B. sad(悲伤的) C. ill D. redUnit 5 What Would You Like?一、找出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. plate B. fork C. shelf ( )2. A. bed B. milk C. water ( )3. A. bus B. bread C. hamburger ( )4. A. rice B. juice C. noodles ( )5. A. doctor B. vegetable C. teacher 二、情景会话。将正确的选项填在题前括号内。( )1.当别人想用你的东西时,你会说: A. Thanks. B. Here you are. C. Yes, it is.( )2.当别人说:“Lets play basketball.”时,你会说:( ) A. Good job! B. Good idea! C. Youre right!( )3.当别人感谢你时,你会说:( ) A. Thank you very much. B. Youre welcome. C. Good job! ( )4.如果你想吃西瓜,你应首先:( ) A. Give me a spoon. B. Pass me a fork. C. Cut with the knife.三、选择填空。( )1. What would you like _breakfast? A. to B. for C. in( )2. _for dinner? A. What B. What are C. Whats ( )3. _a big breakfast! A. What B. Whats C. How( )4. I_ Chinese food. A. is like B. like C. likes( )5. -_? -Yes, pass me a plate, please. A. What would you like? B. Can I help you? C. Can I have some noodles?四、将问句和相应的答句用直线连起来。Where are the boys? A. Yes, they are.Are they on the table? B. Theyre in the study.How much is your book? C. Yes. Here you are.Can I have some fish ? D. Id like a glass of water.What would you like? E. Eight yuan.五、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,在括号内打“T”或“F”。My name is Mike .Im 10 years old. Its 6:30.Its time to get up. But where is my shirt? My shirt is blue. Oh, its on the chair. Its 7:00.Where are my black shoes? Are they under the bed? No, theyre behind the door.Mike is 10 years old. ( )Mikes shirt is green. ( )The shirt is on the bed. ( )Mike s shoes are black. ( )The shoes are behind the door. ( )六、阅读短文,选出最佳答案。Father: Today is Sunday. Tom, I would like to take you to the park.Lucy: Can I come, too?Father: Oh, no, you must look after your sister. And your mother is at work.Lucy: I can take my sister to the park, too. She can play games with other children.Father: Ok. Go to your bedroom and put on your new dressin the box.Lucy: Ok.Father: Its about nine Oclock. Lets go.Lucy and Tom: All right. Lets go.( )1.-What day is it today? -Its _. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday( )2.-Where do they want to go? -They want to go to_. A. the park B. the school C. their home( )3.-What can Lucy do at home? -She can _. A. study B. clean the room C. look after her sister( )4.Who can go to the park with father at last(最后)? A. Tom B. Lucy and her sister. C.A and B.( )5.Whats the time? A.9 Oclock. B.10 oclock. C.11 oclock.Unit 6 Meet My Family一、找出每组中不同类的一项。( )1.A.uncle B. aunt C. picture( ) B. milk C. brother( )3.A.soup B. dad C. baby brother( ) B. nurse C. daddy ( )5.A.driver B. father C. sister二、请找出问句中相应的答语,并将其序号写在题前的括号里。 ( )1.Whats in your bag? A. A music book. ( )2.What colour is your pen? B. Sure. Here you are. ( )3.How many books do you have? C. Yes, she is. ( )4.May I have a look? D. Its purple. ( )5.Is she in the living room? E.I have eight.三、选择填空。( )1._clean the classroom. A. Let we B. Lets me C. Lets( )2.Amy _long hair. A. have B. has C. haves( )3.-_is my seat? -Its near the door. A. Where. B. What C. Who( )4.How many students _ in your class? A. is there B. are there C. there are( )5.Are the keys in your hand? -Yes, _. A. they arent B. it is C. they are( )6.-_your uncle? -Hes a driver. A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres( )7.I have many _. A. a friend B. friend C. friends四、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,在括号内打“T”或“F”。Im Tom. Im eleven years old. I live near the school. I go to school every day. In my family there are three people. My mother, my father and I. My father is a bus driver. He is friendly(友好).He has a lot of friends. My mother is a teacher. She works at my school. She does housework every day. I love them.( )1.Tom is ten years old.( )2.There are three people in his family.( )3.His father is a teacher.( )4.Tom does housework every day.( )5.Toms father has a lot of friends.五、阅读短文,选出最佳答案。(分)This is Jims bedroom. Its new and nice. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it .A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the shelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know? ( )1.Whose room is it ? A. Jims room. B. Fathers room. C. Mothers room. ( )2.Where are the flowers? A. On the floor. B. In the desk. C. On the desk. ( )3.Whats on the shelf? A. Some Chinese books. B. Some math books. C. Some English books. ( )4.Who is the woman? A. Jim. B. Jims mother. C. Jim aunt. ( )5.Who is the boy? Its _. A. Jim B. Mike. C. David.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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