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冀教版英语四年级下册第一、二、三、四单元知识点总结(4篇)冀教版英语四年级下册第一单元知识点总结1. 需要背诵的单词人称代词:she (女)她her (女)她的he (男)他his (男)他的you 你,你们your 你的,你们的数量词:forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十seventy七十eighty 八十ninety 九十特殊疑问词:what 什么whose 谁的how 如何,怎么样when什么时候名词:teacher老师pupil学生friend 朋友desk 桌子chair椅子schoolbag 书包pencil 铅笔pen 钢笔pencil box铅笔盒ruler 尺子crayon 蜡笔blackboard 黑板位置关系词:between 在.之间beside 在.旁边behind 在.之后in 在.之内on 在.之上2. 需要认读的单词in front of 在.之前 hundred 一百under 在.之下when 什么时候,何时sea 大海 thread毛线moon 月亮 wood木头,森林3. 需要背诵的句子Danny is between the desk and the chair.丹尼在桌子和椅子之间.Jenny is beside Kim.珍妮在金旁边.The schoolbag is on the desk.书包在桌子上.The book is in the schoolbag. 书在书包里.The crayons are under the chair. 蜡笔在椅子下.Li Ming is in front of the tree. 李明在树前.Li Ming is behind the tree. 李明在树后.Where is Danny? 丹尼在那里?Hes reading a book. 他正在读书.They are playing a game.他们正在玩游戏.Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校.My name is Jenny. 我叫珍妮.You can call me Mr. Wood. 你可以叫我无德先生.Jenny, this is Steven. 珍妮,这是史蒂芬.He is a new pupil.他是一名新学生.How are you? Fine/Very well, thanks/thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。His name is Danny.他的名字是Danny.Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.这是你的铅笔吗?是,它是。/不,它不是。Whose pencil is this? Its Dannys pencil.这是谁的铅笔?它是丹尼的铅笔。How many books are there on my desk?我桌子上有多少本书?There are eight books. 有八本书。Lets put eight books on the eight books.让我们把八本书放到这八本书上。Whats in it?它里面是什么?4. 语法总结1. (The) A is/are (the)B A在B的.方位“.”部分可以是以下词:beside/in front of/behind/on/in/under/between注意:A 和B是名词的时候加the,是人名和代词的时候不加the, A是单数后用are, A是复数后用is2. 现在进行时: be+动词ing形式例句:He is reading a book. 他正在读书 They are playing a game. 他们正在玩游戏注:现在进行时的标志词:now (现在)3. welcome 欢迎 welcome to欢迎 来 到Welcome back to欢迎 回 到4. call 称呼,打电话You can call me你可以叫我5. “某人的”单词后面一般接名词,“某人”的单词后面一般接动词,注意:you-your, I-my, he-his, she-her这几组次的用法6.I 我(主格)-放动词前,me我(宾格)-放动词后7.Whats in 里面是什么?例句:Whats in the pencil box? 铅笔盒里是什么?7. Whose is this? 这是谁的?回答:Its +某人的+(单数物品)Whose pencil is this?Its Dannys (pencil)8. Is this +某人的? 这是某人的吗?回答: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Is this Stevens pencil? No, it isnt.9.How many . are there+地点/时间短语?某地/某时有多少个.?(注:many 后面接复数词 )答语:用there be句型回答: There be.+(时间或地点短语)注:be取决于紧跟在后面的名词单复数,单数用is,复数用are10. Lets put .on. 让我们把放在上例句:Lets put the books on the desk. 让我们把书放在桌子上。扩展:put in把放在里面 put unde污”或者短音“污”,以下单词要求会读:r把放在下面11. 字母组合ea和oo的发音规则:ea发“哀”或者“医”的音,oo发长音“ea ea oo oo医 哀 长污 短污meat bread zoo bookread sweater school looksea thread moon wood冀教版英语四年级下册第二单元知识总结1.需要背诵的单词一月至十二月的缩写:Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.第一至第十二的序数词:first(第一), second(第二), third(第三), fourth(第四), fifth(第五), sixth(第六), seventh(第七), eighth(第八), ninth(第九), tenth(第十),eleventh(第十一), twelfth(第十二)天气词:rain 雨 sun 太阳 sunny晴朗的snow雪 cloudy 有云的weather天气 windy有云的hot 热的 cold冷的warm温暖的 cool凉爽的特殊疑问词:how 怎样,如何2 .需要认读并理解的单词:新年/元旦:New Years Day国际劳动节:International Workers Day儿童节:Childrens Day教师节:Teachers Day春节:Spring Festival国庆节:National Day一月一日:Jan. the first五月一日:May the first六月一日:Jun. the first九月十日:Sept. the first十月一日:Oct. the firstnurse 护士 fur毛dirty 脏的 driver司机work 工作 word单词world世界 dancer 舞者3. 需要背诵的句子Li Ming is the first.李明第一The girl is the second.女孩第二The boy in red shorts is the third.穿红色短裤的男孩第三Whats your favorite month?你最喜欢的月份是什么My favorite month is May.我最喜欢的月份是五月Whose birthday is in July?谁的生日在七月? My birthday is in July.我的生日在七月These are the twelve months of the year. 这些是一年中的十二个月January is the first month. 一月是第一个月When is ?isIts .New Years DayJanuary the firstInternational Workers DayMay the firstTeachers DaySeptember the tenthNational DayOctober the firstChildrens DayJune the firstthe Spring Festivalin January or FebruaryThis is the sun. The sun is hot.这是太阳。太阳很热Do you see the cloud and the rain?你看到云和雨了吗?Look at the wind.看,风!Snow is cold and white.雪很白很冷How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?How is the weather in December?十二月天气怎么样Its warm and windy. 天气温暖刮风。4.语法总结:1. in+颜色+衣服 表示:穿着颜色的衣服2.在句中,序数词前面要加the3.月份首字母要大写,缩写加点,五月除外。4. 在几月份的“在”要用in 在星期几的“在”要用on5. Of: 的 A of B = Bs A B的A例:books of Jenny= Jennys books 詹尼的书6.几月几号的说法:先说月, 再说日, 序数日, 前加the7.字母组合发音规则: ir, ur, er, or都发“呃”的音,以下单词要求会读ir ur er or呃 呃 呃 呃first nurse teacher workthird Thursday driver worddirty fur dancer world诀窍: 在辨音题中有相同部分字母组合的单词发音相同。冀教版英语四年级下册第三单元知识总结【有删改】1.需要背诵的单词am是(只跟I搭配用)birthday生日tall高的live居住(住在哪里用:live in.)too也(同义词:also)foot脚(复数:feet)on foot步行(同义词:walk)by乘,坐(同义词:take)when什么时候,何时2.需要认读的单词class班级walk步行know知道ride骑stand站立drive开车,驾驶metre米take乘,坐short矮的ping-pong乒乓球address地址grass草me我(I的宾格)flower花朵star星星glass杯子mouse老鼠or或者3.需要背诵的句子How old are you?你几岁了?Im nineteen years old.我十九岁了When is your birthday?你生日是什么时候?My birthday is December 17.我生日是十二月十七日。How tall are you?你多高?Im 1.4 meters tall.我身高1米4.How tall am I?我多高?You are 1.3 meters tall.你身高1米3.How tall is she/he?她/他多高?Lets get to work class.让我们开始上课吧,同学们。Stand on your feet, please.请用双脚站立。Where do you live?你住在哪里?I live in a house beside the park.我住在公园旁的房子里。Whats your address?你的地址是什么?My address is 135 Ninth Street.我地址是第九大街135号。Is that near the cinema?那离电影院近吗?No. Its near the Mr. Donut Restaurant.不,它靠近甜甜圈先生餐厅。How do you go to school?你如何上学?I go to school on foot.我步行上学。Do you walk to school?你步行上学吗?No. I ride my bike.不,我骑自行车。I take a bus to school.我乘公交车上学。I take a taxi to school.我乘出租车上学。I ride a bike to school.我骑自行车上学。I drive/take a car to school.我开车/乘车去上学。I walk to school.我步行去上学What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?I like to fly kites with my friends.我喜欢跟朋友放风筝I like to play ping-pong.我喜欢打乒乓球。Jenny likes to fly kites, but Steven likes to play ping-pong.詹尼喜欢放风筝,但是史蒂芬喜欢打乒乓球。I like to play with my toys.我喜欢玩我的玩具。I like to play computer games.我喜欢玩电脑游戏。Kim likes to lay with her toys, but Danny likes to play computer games.金喜欢玩她的玩具但是丹尼喜欢玩电脑游戏5. live in+地点表示住在某地,例:live in a house, live in the apartment,注意in不能丢。6. too的用法:放在句尾,前加逗号。例:Nice to meet you, too. Me, too. I like red, too.7.表示乘坐:by和take,两者对应关系如下。by bus=take a bus. (go to.by bus= take a bus to.)by taxi=take a taxi (go to . by taxi= take a taxi to .)by car = take a car/drive a car(go to .by car= take/drive a car to.)by bike= ride a bike(go to .by bike= ride a bike to .)on foot= walk(go to. on foot= walk to.)8. like to +动词原形表示:喜欢做.9.字母组合发音规则: ou和ow发“凹”的音,ar发“啊”的音,ass发“啊思”的因,以下单词要求会读:ouowarass凹凹啊啊思housecowMarchclasscloudybrownfargrassmouseflowerstarglass冀教版英语四年级下册第四单元知识总结【有删改】1.需要背诵的单词favourite最喜欢的colour颜色brown棕色blue蓝色clothes衣服our我们的their他们的subject学科Chinese语文,汉语English英语science科学math数学PE体育art艺术music音乐and和but但是2.需要认读的单词food食物hungry饥饿的hamburger汉堡soup汤milk牛奶hot dog热狗noodle面条vegetable蔬菜dumpling饺子chicken鸡肉breakfast早餐lunch午餐dinner晚餐oclock点钟also也chalk粉笔draw画画write写字sing唱歌song歌曲game游戏love爱,喜爱corn玉米pour倾倒interesting有趣的school work学校作业3.需要背诵的句子Whats your favourite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?My favourite colour is brown.我最喜欢的颜色是棕色。Blue is my favourite colour.蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色。Our favourite colour is blue.我们最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。Their favourite colour is green.他们最喜欢的颜色是绿色。What are your favourite clothes?你最喜欢的衣服是什么?I like skirts.我喜欢短裙。Our favourite clothes are skirts.我们最喜欢的衣服是短裙。Their favourite clothes are shorts.他们最喜欢的衣服是短裤。Whats your favourite food for lunch?你午饭最喜欢的食物是什么?Hamburgers are my favourite.汉堡是我最喜欢的(食物)。Its twelve oclock.现在是十二点钟。Whats your favourite subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么?My favourite subject is science.我最喜欢的科目是科学。I also like music.我也喜欢音乐。Whats your favourite school work.你最喜欢的学校作业是什么。I like to draw pictures.我喜欢画画I like to write stories.我喜欢写故事I like to play games.我喜欢玩游戏I like to sing songs.我喜欢唱歌4.语法总结1. like +复数名词喜欢某类物品例:I like skirts.我喜欢短裙I like dogs.我喜欢狗注意:当like后面的名词是不可数名词或者有this/that修饰的时候,名词要用单数。例:I like red.我喜欢红色(颜色不可数)I like this skirt.我喜欢这条短裙。(this修饰skirt)2. clothes本身为复数词,跟clothes搭配的be动词应选用are.例:What are your favourite clothes?My favourite clothesareskirts.3.数量词+oclock表示“几点钟(整)”,例:five oclock五点钟(整)4. Chinese和English两门学科除了“汉语“和”英语“的意思外,兼有“中国人“和“英国人”的含义,无论何时首字母都要大写。5. draw pictures= draw a picture画画write stories= write a story写故事play games=play a game玩游戏sing songs= sing a song唱歌6. we(我们)our(我们的)they(她们)-their(他们的)8. and表示并列关系,意思是“和,并且”but表示转折关系,意思是“但是”9.字母组合发音规则: or发“奥”的音,our发“奥鹅”的音,al发“奥”的因,以下单词要求会读:oroural奥奥鹅奥shortyourwalkfortyfourtalkcornpourchalk


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