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Reading and Vocabulary,Module 4 Carnival,1,costume hide confusion extend pretend firearm empire,n. 服装;戏装;化妆服 vt. 掩藏;躲藏 n. 杂乱;混乱 vt. 延长 vi. 假装 n. 火器 n. 帝国,2,memory revive council book wander elegant magic,n. 记忆 vt. 复兴;再兴起;再流行 n. 地方议会;政务委员会 vt. 预订 vi. 漫步;闲逛 adj. 优美的;高雅的 n. 魅力;魔力,3,脱(衣、帽等)装扮,打扮 完结 由构成 达到 连续地 脱离,脱落,Match up,dress up on end consist of come off take off up to come to an end,4,1. To understand the passage about the carnival in Venice and try to summarise the main idea of the passage 2. To learn some useful words and expressions in the passage 3. To get a right attitude towards Chinese and Western festivals,Objectives,5,阿根廷狂欢节,德国科特布斯狂欢节,古巴圣地亚哥狂欢节,Now lets enjoy some pictures about carnivals.,法国尼斯狂欢节,6,Carnival in Venice today,7,Whats the feature of the Carnival in Venice?,All of them are wearing masks!,Lets read a passage about the Venice carnival.,8,for general ideas,Skimming,9,Origin,Special food,Venice,Para 1,Para 3-6,Para 2,Fast reading for structure and the main idea,Carnival,10,Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6,A carnival in Venice and the problem it caused when people celebrated it B the carnival in Venice today C the meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated in history D peoples general impression of carnival E the revival of carnival F the law about wearing masks,Match,11,Careful reading for detailed information,Part 1 Peoples impression of carnival,crowds,costumes,confusion,excitement,12,Read part 1, the general impression of carnival,Answer the questions 1. Whats the general impression of carnival? Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of _, _, _ and _. 2. Whats the purpose of this part? (no more than 10 words),crowds,costumes,confusion,excitement,To introduce the topic of the passage,The Magic of the Mask,13,Origin,Part 2 The origin of carnival,Careful reading for detailed information,In Europe,No more meat,By eating dancing and dressing up,the last chance to have fun,14,Read part 2, the brief introduction of carnival,Answer the questions 1. What does the word “carnival” mean? Carnivals originates from_, which comes from two Latin words, meaning “_”. 2. List three activities at carnival. (no more than 5 words),Europe,no more meat,eating, drinking and dressing up,15,In what order is the passage organized?,think,The Magic of the Mask,Patr3,16,At the beginning,As time passed,The 14th century,In later times,In the late 1970s,Today,The passage is organized in time order.,The Magic of the Mask,17,at the beginning,as time passed,in 14th century,at the end of 18th century,in the late 1970s,today,one day,extended,limited,banned,revived,five,Carnival in Venice,The Magic of the Mask,Careful reading for detailed information,18,In time order,Read part 3, carnival in Venice,1. In what order is it organised? 2. In what way is Venice carnival special? 3. what the purpose of people wearing masks during the festival? 4.What are the differences of the carnival in Venice and Rio?,It is the mystery of the mask that makes Venice carnival special.,To add to the mystery of the festival,In time order,The key to Tio is music and movement ,then in Venice it is the mystery of masks.,19,Read Part3 and do true or false questions,(1) The first carnival in Venice lasted for five days.( ) (2) People walked round the street wearing masks, doing what they wanted,without being recognised.( ) (3).Their use of masks was limited by laws, dating back to sixteenth century.( ) (4). At the end of the eighteenth century, masks were banned partly. ( ) (5) The idea to start the carnival again came from students.( ),F,T,F,F,T,one,fourteenth,completely,20,Complete the passage with proper phrases.,“Carnival”, which comes from Latin words, means “no more meat”. Now you _ crowds, costumes, and confusion when thinking of it. It began in Europe and people saw it _ to have fun at the end of the winter season. Having fun meant eating, drinking, and _. The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For weeks _ people _ the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised.,think of,as the last chance,dressing up,on end,walk around,21,Many crimes went unpunished. So the use of masks was limited by laws, the first of which _ the 14th century. At the end of 18th century, masks were completely banned. But in the 1970s, the tradition _by students. The town council realised the carnival _ business, and the carnival was developed for tourists. The spirit of Venice carnival is _. Nobody takes the masks off. If they _, the magic is lost.,dated back to,was revived,was good for,the mystery of the mask,come off,22,Reading and Vocabulary,Module 4 Carnival,23,Enjoy the movies,24,Try to retell the text with the help of the words below.,carnival,origin,Europe, no meat, last chance to have fun, eat, drink, dress up,development,Venice, famous, mask, one day, extend, walk around, pretend, adventure, crime, laws, put into prison, ban, revive, be good for,today,celebrate, book, be crowded with, the spirit, wander, lose magic,25,As time goes by, Western festivals are popular with Chinese people, especially the young. Some of them are even crazy about Western festivals, but show little interest in our traditional festivals. How do you think about it? What attitude should we take towards our Chinese traditional festivals?,26,Right attitude towards different festivals:,We can see cultures and the national spirits contained in the festivals. So we should not only cherish and protect our traditional festivals, but also pay great respect to foreign festivals.,27,Carnival , which means _, originates from _. Seen as the last chance _, it is celebrated in February, lasting _. People from all over Europe come to enjoy the fun. They cover their faces with _ and _ through the streets, _ , _ and _. Hotels are fully _ and the streets _ wonderful costumes . The spirit of Venice carnival is a little different from other carnivals. The _ to Rio is music and movement, _ in Venice it is the _ of the masks Nobody takes it off as the _ will be lost if the masks _.,Carnival in Venice,no more meat,Europe,to have fun,for five days,masks,wander,eating,dancing,dressing up,booked,are crowded with,key,while,mystery,magic,come off,28,.教材与语法填空 Carnival,which comes from two Latin words,1._(mean) “no more meat”,is connected with crowds,costumes and confusion. The sounds and sights change from one country to 2._ but the excitement is the same everywhere.It began in Europe.People saw 3._ as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.Having fun meant 4._(eat),drinking,and dressing up.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks,doing 5._ they wanted without being recognised.,meaning,another,it,eating,what,29,Many crimes went unpunished.So the use of masks was limited by laws,the first of 6._ dates back to the 14th century. At the end of the 18th century,masks were banned 7._(complete).But in 8._ late 1970s,the tradition 9._(revive) by students.Today,carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February.As you wander through the streets,you see thousands of masks.However,nobody takes them 10._,otherwise,the magic is lost.,completely,the,was revived,off,which,30,重难点句子分析,Careful Reading,31,Homework: complete the sentences,1). _, however, the carnival period was extended , _ it began just after Christmas. 然而,随着时间的推移,狂欢节的时间延长了,圣诞节刚过,狂欢节就开始了。 2).Ordinary people could _rich and important , _famous people could have romantic adventures_. 普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷的体验浪漫奇遇。 3).Hotels are fully _and the narrow streets _wonderful costumes. 旅馆被预定一空,而且窄窄的街道上挤满了盛装打扮的人。 4).Their use was limited by law, _ _the 14th century. 他们(面具)的使用受到法律的限制,最早可追溯到14世纪。,As time passed,so that,pretend to be,while,in secret,booked,are crowded with,the first of which,dates back to,32,In Europe, where it began, carnival was followed by forty days without meat, as people prepared for the Christian festival of Easter.,欧洲是狂欢节的起源地,在那里,狂欢节过后会有40天不食肉的日子。这期间,人们准备迎接基督教的节日复活节。,地点状语,非限定性定语从句,as: while; during the time that当时;在的同时 eg: I saw him as I was coming into the building. 我进楼时看到了他。,时间状语从句,33,1. 所有的邻居都羡慕这个家庭,父母对待 孩子就像朋友。 All the neighbors admire this family, where the parents are treating their child like a friend. 2. 我下公共汽车的时候看见了彼得。 I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus.,practice,34,2. As you wander through the streets, you see thousands of masks - elegant or frightening, sad or amusing, traditional or modern - but you have no idea what the faces behind them look like.,走在街上,你能看到成千上万的面具,高雅的、可怕的、忧伤的、有趣的、传统的、时尚的,但你并不知道面具后面的是哪张面孔。,as引导的时间状语从句,同位语,同位语从句,but连接两个并列句,35,1.我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。 2.我从王先生那里来,他让我带信儿你他今天下午不能来看你了。,practice,Ive come from Mr. Wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon,Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.,36,Complete the passage with proper phrases.,“Carnival”, which comes from Latin words, means “no more meat”. Now you _ crowds, costumes, and confusion when thinking of it. It began in Europe and people saw it _ to have fun at the end of the winter season. Having fun meant eating, drinking, and _. The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For weeks _ people _ the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised.,think of,as the last chance,dressing up,on end,walk around,37,Many crimes went unpunished. So the use of masks was limited by laws, the first of which _ the 14th century. At the end of 18th century, masks were completely banned. But in the 1970s, the tradition _by students. The town council realised the carnival _ business, and the carnival was developed for tourists. The spirit of Venice carnival is _. Nobody takes the masks off. If they _, the magic is lost.,dated back to,was revived,was good for,the mystery of the mask,come off,38,At the beginning,Carnival _Europe. It lasted for just one day.,As time passed,The carnival period was_. For weeks _ people walked round the street wearing masks. Ordinary people could _ to be rich and important. Many crimes went unpunished.,The 14th century,Their use was limited by laws, the first of which _the 14th century. Men were not allowed to wear masks and _ women.,Words and Phrase from the text,The Magic of the Mask,originates from,extended,on end,pretend,dates back to,dress up as,39,In later times,In the late 1970s,Today,More laws were passed. If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for _two years. Finally, masks were banned completely, and the original Venice carnival _.,The tradition was _ by students.,Carnival in Venice is _ for five days in February. _Venices carnival is the mystery of the mask.,The Magic of the Mask,up to,came to an end,revived,celebrated,The key to,40,41,42,43,44,45,

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