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_U1 I like redStep1:欢迎光临机器人服装店,请问你喜欢什么颜色的衣服?What colour do you like? red yellow blue whiteI like red.Do you like red? Yes, I do.No, I dont.(学生模仿这个形式造句)语法点:do是助动词,可以用来帮助句子中的动词提问,把陈述句变成一般疑问句Do +主语/+动词?还可以简短回答Yes, I do. / No, I dont.。do还可以帮助动词完成什么呢?练习:一、按要求改写句子,把肯定句改为否定句、疑问句和简短回答。1. I like yellow.I dont like yellow.Do you like yellow?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2,3.4.do还可以用于构成否定句:主语+dont+动词。二、仿照例子写句子。I have a blue car.I dont have a blue car.Do you have a blue car?根据实际回答:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.三、按要求改写句子。1. 把肯定句变一般疑问句I have a red car.2. 把肯定句变一般疑问句I like blue.3. 把否定句变成肯定句I dont have a white cat.4. 把疑问句变成肯定句Do you have a dog? 5. 根据实际情况进行简短回答Do you have brothers or sisters? 6. 根据实际情况进行简短回答Do you like yellow? 总结: do 是助动词,无特别意思。如果一个句子含有实义动词,那么当它变成疑问句、否定句和简短回答的时候就要使用助动词do。在回答Do you like?和Do you have? 的时候用Yes, I do. /No, I dont.U2 Lets colour itStep1:下图的人脸缺少了什么?请把缺少的部分画上,在只有一个的名词前面加a,在两个或两个以上的名词后面加s。 有个鼻子 nose 有只耳朵 ear 有张嘴巴 mouth 有个只眼睛 eye英语中,单数的可数名词前要加冠词a或an,复数可数名词后要加s或es。Step2: 看图仿照例子写短语。a kite two kitesU3 Wheres my car在里面在上面 在下面句型:主语+be + 介词短语(陈述句)Janet找不到她的猫,大家帮忙找一下吧。Where is my cat?Is it on the desk? No, it isnt.Is it under the bed? Yes, it is. 句型:Be +主语+ 介词短语(一般疑问句)有be动词的句子的提问和简短回答,变否定句都不需要助动词do。练习:一、 Ben 找不到他的飞机,大家帮忙找一下吧。 Where is my plane? near the computer?No, . in the box? Yes, .二、根据中文意思补充句子:Where is? 在哪里?(Wheres = Where is)Where is my robot? 我的机器人在哪里?my doll? 我的玩具娃娃在哪里?my pencil-box? 我的笔盒在哪里?? 我的小汽车在哪里?Its on . 它在上面。 (Its=It is)Its on the desk. 它在书桌上。Its . 它在床上。 on the chair. 它在椅子上。. 它在桌子上。Its in . 它在里面。Its in the bag. 它在书包里。Its . 它在笔盒里。 . 它在盒子里。Its under . 它在下面。Its under the chair. 它在椅子下面。Its . 它在桌子下面。. 它在书桌下面。Its near . 它在附近。Its near the box. 它在盒子附近。Its . 它在椅子附近。. 它在书桌附近。三、仿照例子写句子。eg: 红色书在椅子上面。The red book ison the chair.Is it on the chair?Yes, it is. No, itisnt.球在桌子下面。风筝在桌子上面。机器人在盒子里面。玩具娃娃在盒子附近。飞机在椅子下面。注意:it is和is it的区别:Its=it is 它是/它在 Is it? 它是/它在吗? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。U4 Is it in your bag?in front of behind beside在前面在后面 在旁边看图1,仿照例句尽可能多地说出物品所在的位置。The photo is on the table.回答下列问题:(1) Is the doll on the bed? (2) Is the cat under the table? (3) Wheres the ball?(4) Wheres the kite? 翻译句子。(1) 我的英语书在哪里?(2) 它在电视机前面吗?不是。(3) 它在你的书包后面吗?是的。(4) 我的球在床的旁边。英语中两个或两个以上的物体名词后面要加s,称为名词的复数。U5 Happy birthday!什么道理?汉语中,一个苹果,三个苹果,在苹果上没有任何变化。英文有别于中文,人或事物究竟是一个(单数)还是两个或两个以上(复数),一定要作区分。不管是人还是物,都必须使用符合数量的形态来表示。通常名词的复数形式词尾加s,但是也有一些单词词尾加es,更有不规则的复数形式。练习:一、看图片用英文写出下列短语,熟悉名词单复数。语法点:单数和搭配复数和are搭配二、根据实际情况回答问题How old are you?Are you a boy?Where is your bag?Do you have a dog?Do you like green?Is your bag on your desk?U6 May I have your telephone number?根据实际情况回答问题。(1) Do you have a bike?(2) Is this the your phone number, 13566192752?(3) Do you have your teachers phone number?(4) Where is your pencil-box?数字特训营默写数字0-101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 听写数字,三个一组。听写数字,四个一组。听写数字,五个一组。U7 May I have some grapes?Step1:仿照例子写短语和句子。an applesome applesDo you have an apple?Do we have apples?Yes, I do. No, we dont.U8 Apples are good for us现在终于开始要学be动词了,其实be动词非常简单,却也很复杂,乍看之下好像很容易,不过仔细一瞧,它可是不简单呢!最让人头疼的特点,就是形式。不但不同人才的表达方法不一样,还会随着单复数而有所变化。be动词根据主语人称的不同,有am, is, are三种形式,如:I am Mary. 我是玛丽。You are my friend. 你是我的朋友。He is a doctor. 他是位医生。It is my computer. 它是我的电脑。They are my parents. 他们是我的父母。怎么样?有点复杂吧? 因此,我特地将be动词的变化规则归纳成以下表格。人称单数be动词的形式缩写第一人称I amIm第二人称You areYoure第三人称He isHesShe isShesIt is Its人称复数be动词的形式缩写第一人称We areWere第二人称You areYoure第三人称They areTheyre总结:I与搭配,you与搭配,单数与搭配,复数与搭配。练习一、填空:缩写形式:Im = , Hes= , Shes= , Its= , Youre= , Were= , Theyre= 它们的过去式分别是:am/is , are 否定形式: = is not = are not二、把下列词或词组归类,把对应编号写在横线上(1) he (2) she (3) it (4) they (5) Tom (6) my mother (7) the tree (8) a book (9) you (10) I (11) we (12) his father (13) their teacher (14) her grandma (15) your bikes (16) Marys cats (17) my brothers (18) a chicken (19) a duck (20) a sheep (21) birds (22) pigs第一人称:第二人称:第三人称:单数:复数:第三人称单数:三、用am, is, are填空1. I _ from Britain.2. Who _ Mr Webb? He _ Janets father.3. Who _ those boys? They _ my brothers.4. What _ that? It _ my family tree.5. Who _ the children? They _ my cousins.6. What is your name? I _ Sally.7. Mike _ tall and strong.8. Jack and I _ good friends(朋友)。9. These _my teacher books.10. Yeah, she_ a student.11. I _ Jenny. He_ Peter.12. How old _you? Im ten.13. _ this a cat?14. You _ my friend.15. What _ this ? Its a cat.16. My sister_ a teacher.17. How old _ your brother?Module 5同学们在平常的学习生活中,一定有被人称赞过,或者也称赞过别人。例如,妈妈称赞“You are great你真棒”。那在这个句子里面,“great棒”字是不是在形容你们啊。那么这一类的词应该怎么用呢?1. 这辆自行车很贵。This bike isexpensive. 这是一辆很贵的自行车。 This is an expensive bike.2. 你的妈妈真漂亮。Your mother is pretty.3. 我的书包是新的。My bag is new.4. 她是一个好学生。She is a good student.5. 我的妹妹有一块漂亮的手表。 My sister has a beautiful watch.6. 我有一个和谐的家庭。 I have a harmony family.归纳:形容词有三种用法,分别是表语和定语。1. 当形容词作表语时,位于行为动词或be动词后面。2. 当形容词作定语时,它则放在被修饰的名词前面。Unit 11 Theyre lovely一大家可以说出下图里有什么东西吗?There is a lamp on the desk.There are some books on the desk.e.g : There are some animals in the Xiangjiang Zoo.在香江动物园有很多动物。There are some books on the desk.在桌上有一些书。1Are there any?有一些吗?(此句型表示在哪里有什么)Yes, there are./No, there arent.2. Are/is there 是There are/is的疑问句形式Are there any boys in your class?在你的班上有很多男生吗? (此类句型表示在哪里有什么)看图模仿例句造句。There is some bread in the bag.There isnt any bread in the bag.There are some bananas in shop.There arent any bananas in the shop.注意:(1)any和some的区别与联系:区别: any: 用于否定句和疑问句some: 用于肯定句联系: any 和some 后面都接名词复数(2)只有在句型 “would you like ”中只使用some, 例如 “would you like some food”Unit 12 Whose rabbits are these?一、Whose 表示 “是谁的”e.g: 1.Whose books are these? 这些书本是谁的?They are Lilys books. 它们是莉莉的。 2.Whose pencil is this?It is my pencil3.Whose mum is that lady over there? She is Jiamings mum.二、人称代词对应的形容词性物主代词Look at this picture. There are 8 people in my family. The old man is my grandpa. He is my grandpa.His name is Edward Brown. The old woman is my grandma. She is my grandma.Her name is Kate Brown. The man is my father. _is a teacher._name is Robert Brown. Sue is my mother._is a thin woman. I am the little boy. _ name is Peter Brown,Then John Smith is my uncle. Alice Smith is my fathers sister. Her hair is black. Sarah Smith is their baby.单数Iyousheheitmyyourherhisits复数weyou theyouryour theirTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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