高考英语一轮复习课时作业23:Unit 4《Public transport》(牛津译林版选修7通用)

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111课时作业(二十三)选修模块7Unit 4Public transport限时:30分钟.单项填空1Having been attacked by terrorists,_.Adoctors came to their rescue Bthe tall building collapsed Can emergency measure was takenDwarnings were given to tourists2She is _ a hardworking student that we all cannot admire her perseverance _.Aso;very much Bsuch;too muchCso;too much Dsuch;much too3It is reported that some wild animals were found _ in a big cave in the mountain.Ato hide dead Bhidden deadChiding dead Dhidden death4This is the better use that we _ the limited space in our kitchen. Amake of Bmake upCmake into Dmake from5He was dismissed,because he had been warned to be _ but was late again. Aintelligent BdiligentCpunctual Davailable6_ is up to all of _ road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. AIt;our BThat;weCIt;us DThis;our7 Because of the rain,well have to _ the football match. Im free next Sunday if you would like to play then.Aadvance Bpostpone Cabandon Dadvocate8She just didnt know how to express the beautiful feeling of studying in such a university_with a good atmosphere of studying English.Afilling Bhaving filled Cfilled Dto fill92011福建卷 Id prefer to_my judgement until I find all the evidence.A. show B. expressC. pass D. reserve10Do you think it is _to judge a man only by his looks?I dont think so.Atrue Breal Creliable Drelative11Many a student _ failed in the biology exam,and Tom is the only one of them who _ decided to give up the course.Ahave;has Bhave;have Chas;have Dhas;has12He kept a little notebook,in which _ the names and addresses of his friends.Awriting Bwas writtenCwrote Dwere written13Is the meeting held in Room 302 or 303?It should be 302.But I hear that it _ till tomorrow.Awas put off Bwill put off Chas been put off Dis put off14Put these glasses away before they _.OK.Ill put them in the cupboard.Ahave broken Bare breaking Cget broken Dwill be broken15_yourself steady and you will not lose the balance.AIf you held BHolding COnce you hold DHold.完形填空The rain was coming down in sheets and I was bound to be late for an important conference.Dressing up quickly,I called for a cab,_16_ that would be faster than the subway.It wasnt.After a long wait,I finally got one,but the traffic was _17_.I looked constantly at my _18_.Just as the traffic started moving,the driver _19_ a man up ahead in a wheelchair.“Wouldnt he be cold sitting right there?” the driver cried and began to _20_.I could see another 20 minutes_21_the whole period of _22_ him into the cab,folding up his chair and fitting it into the cabs small _23_,then dropping him off who knows _24_.“What are you doing?” I exclaimed to the driver.As the _25_ came out,I wanted to take them back.The wrongness of my _26_ started to sink in and it _27_ me.I almost wasnt sure who that person was who had just spoken.The driver _28_ me and we continued the journey.Eventually I got out of the cab and _29_ to the office.As I ran,I understood that,_30_ it wasnt my duty to take the time to help others,I shouldnt have complained about the drivers stopping.I should have been able to see _31_ my impatience to attend to what was most inerrant (无误的)Whenever I come to it,this is my _32_: I am not a _33_ selfcentered person,but I still feel _34_ of being the selfcenteredness that living a busy life in a big,fast paced city can _35_.16A.reminding BexpectingCrealizing D. attempting17A.light BtenseCrough D. heavy18A.document BfileCmessage D. watch19A.witnessed BpickedCspotted D. observed20A.pull over Btake offCpass by D. run away21A.complaining BsufferingCwaiting D. struggling22A. indicating BrecommendingClifting D. urging23A. trunk BboxCcushion D. carriage24A.what BwhyChow D. where25A.anxieties BwordsCresults D. comments26A.reaction BassumptionCconscience D. privilege27A.defeated BshockedCembarrassed D. convinced28A.comforted BpreventedCencouraged D. ignored29A.hesitated BfledCsettled D. flooded30A.when BwhetherCthough D. unless31A. behind BwithoutCin D. beyond32A. feeling BmottoCdream D. determination33A. skillfully BstrangelyCparticularly D. hopefully34A. proud BawareCguilty D. confident35A. predict BpromoteCintroduce D. preserve.阅读理解Throughout the world,bus travel is one of the cheapest ways to get around.Taking a bus from country to country or in between cities can be a budgetfriendly way to travel,but theres a reason why bus travel isnt more popular.Unlike flying,bus travel is quite slow,and unlike train travel or renting a car and driving,buses can be uncomfortable,which is a reason many people cite for not taking buses more often.Those who have traveled long distances by bus will know that while on a bus,passengers are largely at the mercy of the bus driver.Airplanes are equipped with drinks and clean,usable restrooms,but bus travelers often dont have access to these luxuries.So,when nature calls,or if you run out of water and food or need to stretch your legs,you have to wait for the drivers to decide its time for a break.The infrequent nature of stops on long bus trips brings us to the most important thing to keep in mind when traveling by bus: think ahead and make preparations.Bring plenty of food and water on the bus with you,and restock your supplies each time the bus stops,even if you dont think you need to.Watching where you sit is also necessary.If youre traveling alone,you may find yourself in a situation where youre elbow to elbow with a total stranger.Sometimes,its possible to take measures to ensure you end up next to someone you can tolerate.If youre lucky enough to join the bus at a relatively uncrowded point on its route,you may be able to sit in an empty row.If you see that the bus is getting more populated,consider switching seats to sit next to someone who seems friendly.Many people bring pillows and blankets along on bus journeys,and this is really a good idea.Inflatable(膨胀的) pillows are a great item,because they take up hardly any room in a carryon bag when deflated,but can make your bus ride much more luxurious once you blow them up.Consider packing a few travel towels to use as blankets,which are small and portable and work well as blankets when you arent using them to dry off.36It is known from the first paragraph that _.Ait is the cheapest for people to travel by busBan increasing number of people hate taking busesCall people dont like to take busesDtaking buses is the least comfortable37The purpose of the second paragraph is to _.Aadvise people not to take busesBlist some problems with taking buses Cshow the advantages of airplanes over busesDexplain the reason why people should take buses38According to the passage,when traveling by bus,you should _.Ajust carry some of your favorite food and enough waterBbuy something necessary whenever the bus stopsCtry to sit next to a tolerable person near the windowDalways sit in an empty row with someone friendly39For a bus traveler,it is a good idea to _.Atake some small and portable travel towelsBtake an inflatable pillow and a large towelCkeep a good relationship with the bus driverDget along well with the other passengers40Which of the following questions is the passage aimed at answering?AWhat should you watch out for while traveling by bus?BWhy should you choose to travel by bus?CWhat are the disadvantages of taking buses?DWhat can be done to make bus travel more comfortable?课时作业(二十三).1.B本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。Having been attacked by terrorists为分词短语,作全句的状语,其逻辑主语应与句子主语一致。句意为:遭到了恐怖者的袭击后,那幢高楼倒塌了。故选B。2B考查固定搭配和短语辨析。空格处的中心词是名词student,前面的形容词hardworking是定语,所以用such;“cannottoo”表示“再也不过分;越越好”。句意为:她是如此勤奋的个学生,我们都非常佩服她的毅力。3Bfind宾语doing/done,其被动形式为be founddoing/done,现在分词表示“主动,动作正在进行”,过去分词表示“被动,动作已经完成”。dead adj. 作状语通常表示主语所处的一种状态。4A考查make better use of短语意为:好好利用。5C句意为:他被解雇了,因为他不听规劝要严守时间,又迟到了。punctual 意为“守时的”。6C考查句型It is up to sb. to do sth.由某人决定做某事。7B考查动词词义辨析。postpone the football match 推迟足球赛。advance前进,提升;abandon抛弃,放弃;advocate主张,提倡。8C考查非谓语动词。此处为过去分词短语作后置定语。9D本题考查动词辨析。根据句意“我在找到所有的证据之前宁愿保留自己的判断。”可知选D。10C该题考查形容词的辨析。 根据句意:你认为单凭容貌来判断一个人是可靠的吗?只有C项符合句意。11D考查主谓一致。主语是many a单数名词时,谓语用单数形式;第二空定语从句修饰的先行词是the only one,谓语用单数。12D 该句为倒装句,正常语序为:the names and addresses of his friends were written (in his little notebook)。13C句意为:会议在302室还是在303室召开?应该在302室吧,但我听说它已被推迟到明天召开了。答案选C,表示过去的动作对现在的影响。14C根据主语they(指代these glasses)与break是被动关系,排除A、B两项;before引导的时间状语从句中不用一般将来时表将来,排除D。15D根据连词and并列两个语法作用相同的句子,排除A、B、C三项。D项为省略形式。.16.B由语境可知,作者叫出租车,是希望能比坐地铁快一些(faster than the subway)。expect 期望。17D由下文的描述(车等了很长时间才动,其间我不断地看表)可知,当时交通相当拥挤,也就是说,车辆很多。这四个词中只有heavy可以表示“很多的,大量的”。18D由语境可知,作者一直希望快点到,所以在车被堵的漫长的等待中最关心的是时间,所以应该是不停地看表。19C句意为:当车正要启动时,司机发现前方有一位残疾人正坐在轮椅上(在路边等车)。20Apull over意思是“把开到路边”。由语意可知,司机很同情这位残疾人,所以也就有了把车开到路边让他上车的动作。21C由前文可知,由于堵车,我已经在车里等了很长时间,现在司机停下车让那位残疾人上车(包括弄轮椅等),所以我还得在车里再等20分钟。22C由常识可知,出租车要比轮椅高,所以司机把这位残疾人从轮椅上抱起,然后放进车里。lift意思是“抬起”;indicate 指示;recommend推荐;urge劝说。23A由常识可知,旅客的行李应放在车尾的行李箱(trunk),轮椅也是这样。24D25B这里指的是上文“我”所说的“What are you doing?”,所以用words,指“简短的一句话”。句意为: 话一出口,我就想收回来。26A由于自己意识到了自己的错误(抱怨司机停车让那位残疾人上车),所以这里说自己对司机所做事情的这一反应(reaction)是错误的。assumption假设;conscience良心;privilege特权。其中conscience干扰最大,但不符合语境。27B由下一句可知,这里应该是:使自己很震惊(shocked),以至于都不相信是自己说出口的。28D由下文的描述来看,司机只是在开车,而对我的言行没有理会,所以应选ignore。29B下文的ran也有暗示。由于我对自己所说的话感到很后悔,所以下车后我“逃”到了办公室。只有B最符合当时的情景。30C“花时间帮助别人不是我的职责”和下一句“我不应该抱怨司机停车”是转折关系,故选though(尽管,虽然)。31Dbeyond超越,超过。作者对自己所说的特别后悔,认为自己当时应该控制住自己的急躁(beyond my impatience),不去抱怨司机。32A下文描述的是自己对这件事情的感受,所以用feeling(感觉,感受),而不是motto(座右铭),dream(梦想),determination(决心)。33Cparticularly表示程度,意思是“特别地,程度很大地”。句意为:我不是特别以自我为中心的人,但是仍对自己(某种程度的以自我为中心)感到很内疚。34Cguilty内疚的。 句意见上题。35B生活在忙碌的、快节奏的都市里,这种以自我为中心的意识会得到进一步的助长(promote)。.乘坐公共汽车虽然省钱,但也有令人不舒适之处,那么如何克服公共汽车之不足,而使之更舒适呢?这就是本文旨在回答的问题。36C细节理解题。从第一段“The uncomfortable aspect of bus travel is a reason that many people cite for not taking buses more often.”可知许多人都不愿坐公共汽车,即并非所有的人都鼓励坐公共汽车,故选C。37B段落主旨题。综合第二段可知,该段介绍了坐公共汽车存在的几点不近人意的地方,故选B。38B细节理解题。根据第三段“restock your supplies each time the bus stops,even if you dont think you need to”可判断选B。39A细节理解题。根据最后一段“Consider packing a few travel towels to use as blankets”可判断选A。40D推理判断题。第一、二段简单介绍坐公共汽车的不舒适之处后,文章后三段详细地介绍了如何克服公共汽车之不足,而使之更舒适,由此可推断全文旨在解决的问题是D项。111

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