Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 Advertisements学案2(北师大版必修4)

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Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 Advertisements学案2(北师大版必修4)_第1页
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111Words and Expressions in Unit 10, Module 4,BNUP1. be determined to do 2. get rich 3. dream up 4. dream of / about sth. / doing sth. 5. not dream of sth. / doing sth. 6. think about 7. turn ones back(s) on 8. turn ones back(s) to 9. be tired of 10. give away money to charities 11. give up 12. drop out 13. drop in ( on sb. / at some place) 14. go back to 15. no way 16. appeal to sb. 17. Yellow River erosion 18. the point of view 19. whats more20. the remote headphone 21. a credit card 22. the Euro 23. be associated with 24. be keen to do 25. make up 26. at present 27. put off 28. out of work / without a job 29. be aware of / that 30. be ashamed of sth. / to do sth. / that 31. be of great importance 32. motivation techniques 33. speak fluently 34. a native speaker of English 35. weak areas 36. earn a good salary / earn good money 37. be careful with money 38. pocket money 39. be concerned about / for sth. / that 40. be concerned with sth. 41. be concerned in sth. 42. raise money / collect money43. a piece of second-hand furniture 44. a charity shop 45. Father Christmas 46. make New Years resolutions 47. a man of great resolution 48. take up a sport 49. the Tennis Final 50. to be exact 51. keep the balance of 52. play an important role in (doing) sth. 53. the Yellow River 54. the second longest river 55. over time 56. a tree-planting programme 57. Inner Mongolia 58. change into 59. create a green future 60. farming areas 61. take an advanced English course 62. electric toothbrushes 63. electrical equipment 64. a mini camera 65. floor cleaners 66. an alarm clock 67. special offer 68. a complete set of 69. achieve ones goal 70. pay in cash 71. bargain with sb. about / over sth. 72. for a start (= to start with) 73. make a choice 74. get a discount 75. get good offers 76. comment on 77. be a bargain 78. beg sb. for sth. 79. beg sth. of (from) sb. 80. all night and day / all day long / day and night / day in and day out81. take the place of / in place of / instead of 82. modern management techniques 83. science and technology 84. achieve the four modernizations85. come into existence 86. as / so far as be concerned 87. drunken driving 88. be greedy for (power) 89. be enthusiastic about 90. a wolf in sheeps clothing 91. the balance of nature 92. be removed from the post 93. Behave yourself! 94. advanced math 95. practical experience96. a danger signal97. be in out of contact with 98. stay keep in contact with 99. lose contact with 100. a contact point 1 决心2 致富3 臆想,想入非非4 梦见某事物/做某事;想象5 无论如何也不做某事6 考虑7 拒绝,不理睬8 转身,背朝着9 厌倦10 捐款给慈善事业11 放弃12 退出,不再参加13 顺便拜访某人/ 某地14 回到状态,回去15 决不可能16 使喜欢,吸引17 黄河水土流失18 观点19 而且,更重要的是20 无线耳机21 信用卡22 欧元23 把和联系起来24 渴望做25 创造,编造26 目前,现在27 推迟28 失业29 知道,明白,察觉,意识到30 羞愧,因而惭愧31 很重要,重要性32 激励方法、技巧33 讲得流利34 母语是英语的人35 薄弱领域36 薪水高 / 收入不菲37 注重理财38 零用钱39 关注,担心,忧虑40 与某事有关;涉及某事物41 与某事有牵连;对某事负有责任42 集资,筹款43 二手家具44 慈善店45 圣诞老人46 下新年决心47 很有果断力的人48 学一种运动项目49 网球比赛决赛50 确切地说51 保持的平衡52 在方面起重要作用53 黄河54 第二长的河流55 经年累月,渐渐地56 植树计划57 内蒙古58 把变成、转变成59 创造绿色的未来60 耕地61 选修高级英语课程62 电动牙刷63 电气设备64 迷你照相机65 地板擦66 闹钟67 特惠价68 一整套69 达到目的70 用现金支付71 与某人关于协议或谈判72 起先,作为开始73 做出选择74 得到打折优惠75 得到好价码(实惠)76 对发表评论77 便宜,廉价78 向某人乞求某物79 向某人乞求某物80 日日夜夜,夜以继日 / 整天地 / 日日夜夜地 / 天天81 代替;交换82 现代管理技术83 科学技术84 实现四个现代化85 出现,产生86 就而言87 酒醉后开车88 贪图(权力)89 热心于90 披着羊皮的狼91 生态平衡92 被解雇93 规矩点!94 高等数学95 实践经验96 危险信号97 与有(没有)接触(联络,交往)98 与保持联系99 与失去联络100 接触点,触点1. product 产品,产物Its main products are wheat, corn and fruits.它的主要产品是小麦、玉米和水果。拓展:produce n. 农产品(总称,不可数) Vt. 生产,出产,产生,造成,引起production n 产量,生产,作品producer n 生产者,演出者productive adj. 有生产力的;肥沃的,多产的productivity n 生产率辨析:pruduce/product/productionproduce 不可数名词(重音在第一音阶),指农产品的总称product 可数名词,意为“产物,产品”,它的词义范围较大,多指工业产品,也可指任何体力劳动或脑力劳动所产生的东西或发源于其他事物的东西。production 作为不可数名词,可指生产的行为,意为“生产,制作”,作为可数名词,侧重指戏剧作品,电影片,艺术作品。2. ashamed adj. 惭愧,羞愧,在句中多作表语,其主要用法如下: 跟of 引起的短语。I was ashamed of what I did.我为我的所作所为感到羞愧。 常和反身代词连用,后面有时跟for 引起的短语。Im ashamed of myself for having stayed so long.我为我自己待了这么长时间而感到不好意思。 跟不定式。Im quite ashamed to have to trouble so long.真不好意思,我不得不麻烦你一下。 跟从句。He was ashamed that he had lied.他为他的撒谎而感到不好意思。1. advancev. 往前走, 有进展 提高,提升,促进,提前 上涨 提出(看法、建议等)例: A month has passed and the work has not advanced.一个月过去了,工作没有任何进展。The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.会议的日期由6月10日提前到6月3日。Sugar has advanced two cents a pound.糖的价格涨到了每磅二分钱。The plan he advanced was not good.他提出的计划不好。n. 前进(不可数) 进展,进步(可数)Nothing could stop the advance of the soldiers.没有什么能阻止士兵前进。Science has made great advances in the last fifty years.在过去的五十年里科学取得了巨大的进展。拓展:in advance 事前,提前in advance of 在前面2. contain的主要用法: 含有;装有;载有Sea water contains salt.海水含有盐分。The plate contains a variety of fruits.盘子里装有各种各样的水果。 容纳;折合The bottle contains two pints.瓶子能装两品脱。A foot contains 12 inches.一英尺等于12英寸。 控制,抑制She could hardly contain herself for joy.她因高兴而无法控制自己。拓展:container 容器,集装箱111


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