高三英语复习教案模块七《Unit 3 The World online》牛津译林版

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111Module 7 Unit 3新课标单词111analysis n. 分析value n. 价值 vt. 给估价,给评价;重视,珍视affair n. 事务;事件forecast n. 预报,预测package n. 包裹,包;一揽子计划,整套计划click n. (鼠标)点击,点击声;滴答声 vt. 用鼠标点击,使发出滴答声 vi. 发出滴答声acquire vt. (尤指通过努力)取得,获得;学到leader n. 领头人,领导者,领袖,首领useless adj. 无用的,无价值的;无益的,无效的frequent adj. 频繁的,经常的,惯常的advance vt. 促进,提高,增加common adj. 共同的;普通的,通常的appearance n. 外表,外貌;出现,露面popularity n. 人气,受欢迎程度background n. 背景lifelong adj. 终身的,毕生的moreover adv. 而且,此外remain vi. 保持,仍然是drawback n. 缺点,欠缺,不利条件;障碍address vt. 针对,对付,探讨,处理;对作演讲;称呼uncontrolled adj. 不受控制的,失控的accurate adj. 精确的,准确的,正确无误的advantage n. 有利条件,有利因素,优势disadvantage n. 不利条件,不利因素,劣势judge vt. 判断,鉴别;审理,审判;裁决,裁判 n. 法官,审判员;裁判员;仲裁员false adj. 错误的,不正确的,不真实的;虚假的,伪造的paper n. 论文,文章;作业inaccuracy n. 不准确,不精确occur vi. 发生,出现private adj. 私人的,个人的;私有的,私营的;私密的,保密的gain vt. 获得,得到,赢得addicted adj. 上瘾的,沉溺的;入迷的heavy adj. 超过一般程度的,过度的,大量耗用的disconnected adj. 脱离的,分离的,断开的handle vt. 处理,对付present vt. 提出,呈现;赠送,授予dynamic adj. 有活力的,有生气的presentation n. 陈述,表达,呈现evident adj. 明显的,显然的accustomed adj. 习惯的alarm vt. 使惊恐,使忧虑,使担心 n. 惊恐,忧虑,担心;警报;闹铃dull adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的appreciation n. 欣赏,赞赏admire vt. 钦佩,赞赏,欣赏,佩服;羡慕skilful adj. 有技术的,熟练的reasonable adj. 有道理的,合理的,讲道理的,通情达理的;正当的,适当的intelligent adj. 聪明的;明智的manner n. 方式applaud vi. 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好 vt. 对鼓掌,为喝彩;称赞,赞许predict vt. 预言;预料,预计,预报hopeful adj. 怀有希望的,有希望的brief adj. 简要的,简洁的,简短的guide n. 说明,指南aid vt. & n. 帮助;援助engine n. 引擎,发动机direct adj. 直接的link n. 链接;连接differently adv. 不同地,不一样地classify vt. 将分类;将分级content n. 内容;目录evaluate vt. 对评估,对评价;对鉴定qualification n. 资格;资格证书patient adj. 有耐心的comb vt. 梳;梳理;搜索,搜寻 n. 梳子specific adj. 具体的,明确的basis n. 基础,根据 equal vt. 等于;与相当consideration n. 考虑,思考error n. 错误general adj. 一般的,常规的,通常的manage vt. 管理,经营;操控consult vt. 查阅,查看;请教,向咨询confirm vt. 确认,确定,证实cheat vt. & vi. 欺骗,诈骗,骗取legal adj. 合法的;法律的,法定的outline n. 提纲;概要,要点attach vt. 附上,贴上课文出现短语1. search for2. have positive/ negative effects on3. in need of4. answers to questions5. be involved in6. feel disconnected to7. point out8. stop from doing9. be eager to do10. be related to11. keep in mind12. as a general rule13. in double quotation marks14. keep in touch with15. turn to16. according to17. become addicted to 18. pros and cons19. have a great appreciation for20. in an intelligent manner21. be happy with22. be divided into23. be sure about24. that is to say25. be included in26. focus on27. be based on31. deal with32. become accustomed to33. feel worn out34. stay silent35. keep in mind36. make a difference37. be involved in 38. access to sth39 hand in papers 40 affect peoples private lives 41 gain popularity 42 rather than43 feel disconnected to sth28. limit the use of 29 handle the problems 30 form lifelong friendship 44Build social ties 45. at an Internet cafe 46. deal with Internet addiction111一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Everything has negative effects and also p_ effects.2. If you want to know about c_ affairs, you can read newspapers or surf the Internet. 3. I am fond of skiing while he is a_ to skating.4. I believe friendship should be based on c_ interests.5. We shouldnt judge a person by a_.6. We cannot always tell if the information is true or f_.7.The accident o_ on a cold night.8. When you come across new words in the text, its better to guess their meaning before c_ the dictionary.9. Her books enjoy a high p_ among teenagers in many countries.10 Dont i_ me in your family problems.11 Before making up your mind, you have to take everything into _(考虑).12 The weather _ (预报)said there would be sunny.13 She has _ (获得、习得)a knowledge of English by careful study.14 Buses run _(频繁 ) between the city and the airport.15 The public remain _(怀疑 ) of these claims.16 The figures are not _(准确 ).17 I lost touch with all my friends and I felt d_ from the world around me.18 When I come to a new place, itll take me a long time to get a_ to it.19 One of the greatest _ (优势 ) is that they can save people lots of time and energy.20 I dont think the price is _(合理 ), so I wont take it.二词形转换1. history n.- (adj.)2. long - (n.)3. apply - (n.)4. pure - (v.)5. relief - (v.)6. physics - (adj.)7. chemistry - (adj.)8. able - (opp.)9. transparent - (adv.)10. adjust - (n. )三选词填空in need of, be addicted to, deal with, have an effect on, keep in touch with, get accustomed to, make out, make sense, make of, turn to1. You look sleepy. You are _ sleep.2. Can you tell me how to_ these old books?3. Ii _ my parents by telephoning them regularly.4. She has grown up and I cant _ her _.5._e for help if you have any difficulty.6. Theyve_ going to bed early and getting up early.7. Raising sheep and cows I hilly areas really_.8. This table is_ solid dark wood.9. The medicine _ instant _me. I am fine now.10. Those who _ drugs are suffering greatly.四句型结构1. That is to say, I believe that the Internet has positive effects on our lives. (P34) 也就是说,我相信因特网对我们的生活产生正面的影响。That is to sayThat is; in other words Next Monday, that is to say, the 14th of April.effect1) n. C or U 1) the result of a particular influence:The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didnt have any effect.I think Im suffering from the effects of too little sleep.She has a lot of confidence which she uses to good effect (= to her advantage) in interviews.2) take effect to produce or achieve the results you want:They had to wait ten minutes for the anesthetic to take effect before they stitched up the cut.n. U use:The present system of payment will remain in effect (= be used) until the end of the rental agreement.When do the new driving laws come into effect?The new salary increases will take effect (= begin) from January onwards.2. The first is its value for people who are looking for information. (P34) 第一是因特网对于搜索信息的人具有的价值。valuen. 1) S or U the importance or worth of sth. for someone:For them, the houses main value lay in its quiet country location.They are known to place/put/set a high value on good presentation.2) U how useful or important sth. is:The photos are of immense historical value.His contribution was of little or no practical value.The necklace had great sentimental value.It has novelty value because Ive never done anything like it before.3) the amount of money which can be received for sth.:She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.What is the value of the prize?The value of the pound fell against other European currencies yesterday.Property values have fallen since the plans for the airport were published.I thought the offer was good value (for money)/US ALSO a good value (= a lot was offered for the amount of money paid).v. T 1) to consider sth. important:Ive always valued her advice.2) to give a judgment about how much money sth. might be sold for:He valued the painting at $2000.The insurance company said I should have my jewellery valued.高考链接To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. (2006湖北)A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values答案及解析:选A. 根据句意,此处与weakness并立的只有strengths(力量, 力气);而benefit(利益, 好处);technique(技术, 技巧, 方法);value(价值, 估价, 评价, 价格)。3. With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student can acquire knowledge from the information held in the largest libraries and museums in the world, whether he or she lives in a small village or downtown in a big city. (P34) 轻按键盘或点击鼠标,无论是住在小村庄还是大都会的闹市区,学生们都可以从世界上最大的图书馆和博物馆中获取知识。clickv. I or T to (cause a computer instruction to) operate by pressing a button on the mouse (= small control device) of a computer:If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon for it.When you have selected the file you want, click the Open box.whetherconj. 是否 if I dont know whether he is ill. The question is whether you can do the work well. conj. 两个中的任何一个 either It matters little whether it will rain or snow. conj. 不论 no matter if.or Whether we help him or not, he will fail. 高考链接1. We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad. (2006江苏)A. if B. where C. whether D. that2. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _it is rough or smooth. (2005天津)A. 不填 B. whether C. how D. what答案及解析:1. 选C. 根据句意,此处为whether引导的宾语从句,意为“我们还没有决定他是否去国外学习”。2. 选B. 意为“大象有自己的办法区分物体的形状和物体是粗糙的还是光滑的”。4. They say children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of focusing on their school work. (P34) 他们说,孩子们花大量时间聊天或打游戏,而不是集中精力学习。focus onphrasal verb: to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject or thing:Tonights programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.When the kitchen is finished Im going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sorted out.5. One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance, age or popularity. (P34) 网络友谊最大的好处之一在于它是基于共同的兴趣爱好而形成的,而非取决于人们的外貌、年龄或人气。base onvt. 基于;以为根据;建于之上 rest; build; place; found (=place upon) This song is based on an old folk tune. Scientific theories must be based on facts. The calculation is based on false data. rather than倒不如说;是而不是 which is better than; instead of 1) 接名词 He is a writer rather than a teacherJohn, rather than his roommates, is to blame. The job will take months rather than weeks. 2) 接代词 You, rather than she, are my guest. We are to blame rather than they. It ought to be you rather than me that sign the letter. 3) 接形容词 The color seems green rather than blue. It was made shorter rather than longer. 4) 接副词 The ship sank quickly rather than slowly. He usually gets up early rather than late. 5) 接动词 He loves her rather than likes her. She left rather than stayed at home. Rather than cause trouble, he went away. Rather than have the radio repaired, hed like to buy a new one. 6) 接介词短语 Id prefer to read in the library rather than at home. Id prefer to do it in this way rather than in that way. He went to the park in the evening rather than in the morning. 7) 接动词ing She likes dancing rather than singing. Rather than regretting for the failure, why not try again? It is snowing rather than raining outside. She is laughing rather than crying. 8) 接过去分词 He had the house rebuilt rather than repaired. 9) 接句子 We should help him rather than he should help us. It was what he meant rather than what he said. 高考链接It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. (2005天津)A. that B. what C. which D. this答案及解析:选A. 此句为强调句型。what you do rather than what you say为被强调部分。6. Moreover, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can communicate with the outside world and meet others with similar interests. (P34) 还有那些必须待在家里的残疾人也可以通过因特网与外部世界进行交流和沟通,结识有相同爱好的人们。moreoveradv. FORMAL: (used to add information) also and more importantly:The whole report is badly written. Moreover, its inaccurate.7. Of course, access to up to date, accurate information is an important thing for anyone who is involved in research. (P35) 当然,对于做研究的人们来说,获取最新的精确的信息是重要的。accessn. U the method or possibility of approaching a place or person, or the right to use or look at sth.:The only access to the village is by boat.The main access to (= entrance to) the building is at the side.The tax inspector had/gained complete access to the company files.The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.The childrens father was refused access to them at any time (= refused official permission to see them).be involved in vt. 陷入;专注be very busy with sth.: Jill does not want to come because shes too involved in her sewing. The real meaning of his remark is involved in ambiguity. 他这句话的真正意思难以捉摸。 Poverty involved his family in misfortune. 贫困使他的家庭陷入不幸。 be deeply involved in debt 债台高筑 be involved in the scandal 卷入这一丑事中 be involved in working out a puzzle 专心于解出一道难题 8. In fact, some young people spend so much time playing computer games and using the Internet that they have become addicted to computer games. (P35) 事实上,有的年轻人将大量的时间花在玩电脑游戏和上因特网上,结果越来越上瘾。become/be addicted toBy the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin.Im addicted to (= I very often eat/drink) chocolate/lattes.I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.完成句子1. How much do you know about international _ _ (时事)?2. Do you know how to _ _answers_ questions (搜索问题的答案) on Internet?3. With no one to _ _(求助), she felt hopeless and homesick.4. He prefers to _ _ (上网) _ _ (而不是) go shopping with his wife.5. Have you _ _ _ (把.考虑进去) all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office?6. I become _ _ _ (习惯于写) my most private thoughts in my diary.7. You may come to my home whenever you want to, only letting me know _ _ (提前).8. Whenever we run into new words, we may _ (查询) the dictionary.五语法应用连系动词:1)be + 表语 2)keep(保持)/stay(保持)/remain(依然)/seem/appear/prove3) look(看起来) sound(听起来) taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来/感到)4) 表示“变;变得”1) turn(变化);grow(变得)get(变成)become(变成)2) come(变得) go(变得) 3) fall(进入某状态)1. That young Swedish _ quite still, except that his lips moved slightly. A. kept B. grew C. got D. stood2. In late autumn leaves _ brown. A. get B. turn C. stand D. come3. Little Jims speech sounds _. A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely 4. The poor boy _ blind at the age of three. A. turned B. went C. became D. looked5. As a child, Frank _. A. was alive B. grew patience C. ran wild D. came true 6. In spring, all the flowers in the garden _ sweet. A. become B. taste C. smell D. sound7. She _ like her mother in character. A. feels B. seems C. looks D. is8. It _ another fine day tomorrow. A. seems B. appears C. promises D. looks9. His father _ that older than he really is. A. grows B. appears C. turns D. becomes10. His girlfriend _ a singer. A. has turned B. grew C. has becomeD. turned11. Obviously, the old soldiers knowledge of English _ very weak. A. seems B. raised C. remained D. looked12. His mother _ teacher. A. became B. has turned C. came D. proved13. It sounds _ the singing of rails. A. as B. in C. like D. as if14. Her temperature _ to be all right. A. seems B. sounds C. appears D. looks15. His wish to become a driver has _ true. A. realized B. come C. grown D. turned16. His plan _ to be a perfect one. A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D. proving 17. When her mother came home yesterday, it was _ dark. A. running B. coming C. getting D. going18. These apples taste _. A. to be good B. good C. to be well D. well19. -How about the cloth you bought yesterday? -Thats very beautiful. It _ so soft. A. felt B. feels C. is feeling D. fall 20. When his brother telephoned him last night, he _ asleep. A. kept B. got C. fall D. fell21. He looks _ he hadnt had a good meal for a month. A. that B. as if C. when D. so far 22. It _ that he was late for the train. A. loops B. turns C. gets D. seems 23. What does your brother look _? A. as B. on C. after D. like24. She _ red with anger as soon as she heard the news. A. went B. stayed C. became D. remained25. What a lovely day! I hope it _ fine. A. stayed B. will stay C. will get D. turn六翻译句子1. 这座桥应该建在交通最繁忙的地方。2. 无论你在世界的任何地方都可以与家人保持联系。3. 尽管他只有有限的技术知识,但这个老工人有很多经验。4. 有多少比例的人上网查新闻?5. 比起乒乓球人们更喜欢什么运动?6. 这一段和十月革命有关系。7. 在昏暗的大街上,他找不到可以求助的人。8. 你习惯与住在乡下吗?9. 因特网对我们的生活方式有积极的影响。10. 在参加某项减肥项目前,你得考虑健康。11. 如果你对你找到的信息没有把握,你可以查看其他网页进行核实。12. 完成报告时,你应该记得附上你获得信息的网址清单。七单项选择1. Letter boxes are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. commonB. normalC. ordinaryD. instead2. It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the teahouse. A. leftB. remainedC. delayedD. deserted3. Be quick! There are only ten minutes _. A. to remainB. remainedC. remainingD. to leave4. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _ poor. A. provesB. remainsC. maintainsD. continues5. It remains _ whether he is suitable for the position. A. seenB. to be seenC. seeingD. to see6. Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dark. A. was occurredB. was happenedC. came uponD. came about7. It suddenly _ to me that they went there by bike. A. occurredB. happenedC. took placeD. looked8. The boy has _ a fine knowledge of geography by careful study. A. requiredB. inquiredC. acquiredD. addressed9. Jane has _ a good knowledge of Chinese by reading lots of original works. A. readingB. acquiredC. studiedD. learned10. Her usual talent _ her worldwide reorganization. A. gainedB. wereC. getD. was11. We must _ ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. A. deal with B. work outC. solveD. address12. When I was young, I was always _ to my elder brother wherever he went. A. attachedB. attackedC. attendedD. surrounded13. We should _ importance to job training. A. concentrateB. devoteC. attachD. emphasize14. Fitness is important in sports, but of at least _ importance are skills/ A. fairB. reasonableC. equalD. proper15. He quickly became _ to TV soap operas. A. accustomingB. ashamedC. addictedD. accomplished八Reading strategyReading an argumentWhen you read an argument, you must remember that a specific view is being given. If you know what to lokk for, you can be a better judge of whether the argument is well made.The first thing you will read is a statement of what the argument is about. After that, you will usually find a list of the points the person wants to make or individual sub-arguments. It is important that you look for supporting facts in the rest of the arguments. If all they have are opinions, then the argument is not well made.Another thing you will commonly find in an argum


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