高三英语复习教案模块八《Unit 3 The world of colours and light》牛津译林版

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111Module 8 Unit 3新课标单词111talented adj. 有才能的,有才华的architecture n. 建筑;建筑学photographer n. 摄影师,摄影家masterpiece n. 杰作calculate vt. & vi. 计算astronomy n. 天文学range vi. (在一定范围或幅度内)变动,变化float vi. & vt. (使)漂浮pond n. 池塘peaceful adj. 安宁的,宁静的;和平的;爱好和平的weep vi. 哭泣,流泪thunderstorm n. 雷暴rainbow n. 彩虹abstract adj. 抽象的sunflower n. 向日葵starry adj. 布满星星的distribute vt. 传播,散布,发行negotiate vi. 谈判,洽谈,协商 vt. 通过谈判达成(或解决),谈成adore vt. 喜爱;崇拜;爱慕subjective adj. 主观的appetite n. 爱好,欲望;食欲,胃口explore vt. 探索,探究,探测artistic adj. 艺术的assistance n. 协助,援助framework n. 框架,构架,结构abandon vt. 放弃,丢弃;遗弃scratch n., vt. & vi. 抓,挠,刮,擦ankle n. 踝;踝关节reservation n. 预定,预约;保留dormitory n. 宿舍highway n. 公路eastern adj. 东方的,东部的shore n. (江、河、湖、海等的)岸,滨fee n. 费,费用,酬金bargain n. 便宜货;划算的买卖 vi. 讨价还价,讲价;讲条件,谈判graduation n. 毕业gallery n. 美术馆,画廊scholarship n. 奖学金experiment vi. 实验,试验cloth n. 布,织物height n. 高处,高地;高度;身高cave n. 洞穴,岩洞slice n. 薄片,切片yummy adj. 美味的,可口的apron n. 围裙chef n. 厨师cheese n. 奶酪hairstyle n. 发型,发式strawberry n. 草莓mushroom n. 蘑菇eggplant n. 茄子ham n. 火腿cube n. 小方块;立方体grocery n. 杂货店string n. 线,细绳glue n. 胶,胶水pattern n. 图案;模式crayon n. 蜡笔shell n. 壳,贝壳stick vt. 粘住,粘贴seashell n. 海贝壳pillow n. 枕头disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的,令人作呕的print n. 印画cardboard n. 硬纸板dip vt. & vi. 浸,蘸paint n. 颜料;油漆repeat vt. & vi. 重复,反复课文出现短语1. a piece of artwork 2. make a lot of scientific discoveries3. develop different styles of painting 4. share with5. devote ones whole self to 6. be subjective to7. with the assistance of 8. a collection of9. dip into 10. rather than11. range from 12. distribute to 13. as well as 14. build up15. focus on 16. talented artists17. be amazed to 18. fly over19. negotiate a successful sale 20. have an appetite for21. be admitted to 22. stick onto23. be with 24. be off25. try hard 26. abstract artwork27.on the way 28.so far29.hurry back to 30. book full31. make a reservation 32.twist ones ankle33. have a go 34. after graduation35.set up astudio 36.three metres tall37. win a scholarship 38. make pictures39. take a photo of 40. try out一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. Van Gogh created a lot of a_ artwork during the last years of his life. 2. They decided to take apart the machine and started again from s_. 3. The oil company is d_ for oil in this area. 4. Were going to wash down our kitchen. A p_ will be invited to paint the wall.5. The national flower of Japan is c_ blossom.6. In the lab you must follow your teachers i_ before doing your experiment. 7. Every year, he won s_ at school because of his excellent study. 8. The boy p_ the button and the stuffed toy began to laugh.9. Ive only d_ into the book and havent read it all the way through.10. I was a_ to hear that you were leaving. 11. The children have gone _ (探索) in the woods. The teacher told them to take notes of all the unknown things. 12. The explorers sailed on the ocean for two weeks and _ (最终) found the mysterious land. 13.Tom hasnt _ (计算) the cost of the journey to Disney World, but he has made up his mind to go this summer.14. There have been many great European painters, but it is _ (主观) to say who was actually the best. 15. She has a lot of _ (癖好), ranging from playing chess to canoeing.16. She _ (相似) her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.17. If a film wins a _ (胜利) at the Cannes Film Festival, everyone will hear about it.18. He created his _ (杰作)between 1503 and 1506.19. _ (考虑到) the history of our festival, we feel it is important not to favor films from any one country.20. In the 1900s, he won a _ (奖学金) to study in the USA. 二词形转换1. talent n -_ (同义词) 2. architecture n. -_(n. 人)3. calculate v. -_ (n. 物) 4. astronomy n. -_ (adj.)5. peaceful adj. -_ _(n.) 6. abstract adj. -_ _(n.)7. distribute v. -_ (n. ) 8. negotiate v. -_ (n.), _ _ (adj.)9. assistance n.-_ (v.) 10. adore v. - _ _ (n.) 三选词填空rather than, show considerable talent for, range fromto, devote oneself to, distributeto, go shares with, figure out, serve as, have an appetite for, start from scratch, build up, in case, with the assistance of, make a reservation, take turns to do, experiment on, be admitted to, afford to do, in case of, be off to1. _ allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 2. His younger brother tried hard to sell and _ Van Goghs painting _ buyers. 3. Have you _ how much the holiday will cost? 4. She _ getting what she wanted. 5. You need more protein to _ yourself .6. He is _ reading. 7.Wanting to stay in a hotel in an old castle, we tried to _.8. They can see camels which _ North Africa _ Central Asia. 9. A soft eraser will also be needed _ you make a mistake.10. Some people feel that _ animals causes unnecessary suffering.11. The frozen river _ a road throughout the bitter winter. 12. They walked because they couldnt _ take a taxi. 13. He _ life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals. 14. I finally got everything for the Christmas party arranged _ my parents. 15. Lets _ you in the taxi fare. 16. Tomorrow we _ another country to further my study and I will miss all my friends at home. 17. In 2005, Mary took part in the entrance college examination and _ Beijing University. 18. _ fire, ring the alarm bell. 19. In fact, he abandoned them and _, created a style of art known as cubism, which is a type of abstract painting. 20. The four sisters and brothers _ look after the lonely old lady.四句型结构1. talented adj. 有才能的,能干的talented players/ youngsters天才运动员/神童talent n. 天资, 才能, 禀赋; literary talent文学才能special talent特殊才能have a talent for n./doing = have a gift for对.有天赋He has a talent for music.他有音乐天赋。集合词人材, 有才干的人He is a great talent.他是一个伟大的天才。There is a wealth of young talent in British literature. 英国文学年轻一代人才辈出。2. architecture n. 建筑, 建筑学She studies architecture in America. 他在美国学习建筑学。architect 建筑师;设计师An architect is a person who designs buildings.3. amaze 使惊奇;使吃惊Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。be amazed to do / at (by) / that对.大为惊奇We were amazed to hear the news. I was amazed at/by the news of Georges sudden death.听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。I was amazed that he had made such rapid progress in English.amazed / amazing adj.4. represent vt. 表现;描写;描画 This painting represents a storm. 这幅画描绘暴风雨。代表;象征; 代理; A dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。On this map what does a star represent? 这地图上的星号代表什么?We chose a committee to represent us. 我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。声称 represent + n +as/ to beHe represented himself as a philosopher. 他声称自己是哲学家。representative n.代表; 代理人(与of连用) / adj.典型的, 有代表性的a representative of a company 公司的代表a representative collection of ancient Greek art 古希腊艺术代表作品集5. historic adj. 有历史意义的,有历史影响的【注意】historic和 historical尽管在意义上有重叠的地方,但用法上有区别。 historic指历史上有重要意义的,产生重要影响的:a historic spot古迹a historic event 历史性事件historical指不管重要与否而在过去存在的所有事物,和历史有关,一般和知识有关a historical novel 历史小说historical research 历史研究6. calculate vt. 计算, 考虑, 计划, 打算calculate the cost of a journey 计算旅行费用You need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. 你需要计算一下要花多少时间才能完成被分配的任务。It is calculated that. 据计算.It is calculated that at least 47000 jobs were lost last year. 据计算,去年至少丧失了47000个工作。推测, 预测It is possible to calculate what influence he had on her life.现在无法估计他对她的生活产生过多大的影响。be calculated to do/for sth 为适合.而设计的; 适合于This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives.这份广告是为引起家庭主妇们的注意而设计的。calculate on (upon) 指望着, 期待着We cant calculate on having fine weather for the sports meeting.我们不能指望着有好天气开运动会。7. range vi. (在一定范围内)变化, 变动 range from A to B/ range between A and BPrices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars. 价格自五美元至十美元不等。n. 行列, 范围, 射程in the range of 在. 范围内; 在射程内 / out of beyond range 在射程外a wide range of knowledge 广博的知识the annual range of temperature每年的温度变化范围range over v. 涉及, 包括,射程范围The discussion ranged over various problem. 那次讨论涉及到种种问题。The gun ranges over five miles. 这次枪的射程可达五英里多。8. float vt. /vi. 漂浮流, 浮起; 飘动The ship was floated by the tide. 船被潮流冲走。The boat floated down the river. 小船沿河漂流。The smell of roses floated around. 玫瑰花的芳香在四周飘荡。9. weep vi. (wept, wept) 流泪; 哭泣(常与for, over连用) weep for the dead 哀悼死者She wept when she heard the bad news. 当她听到这个坏消息时哭了。He wept over his sad fate. 他为他的悲惨命运而哭泣。10. scare vt 恐吓,惊吓;使受惊;惊恐(常与of, to连用)I was scared of the big dog. 我害怕这条大狗。be scared to death 吓得要死把吓跑(常与away, off, up连用)The dogs scared the thief away. 那些狗把贼吓跑了。11. devote vt. 献身;专心于(与to连用)devote to把.献给; 把.专用于He devoted his life to literature.他专心致志于文学。He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。devote oneself to 致力于, 献身于; 专心于After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.退休后,他将要致力于园艺。be devoted to 忠诚于Everybody knows that our director is very devoted to his wife.从都知道我们的厂长对妻子十分忠诚。12. distribute vt. 分发, 分配, 散布, 分布distribute sth. to/among 把某物分配, 发给.to distribute books to students 给学生发书The firm distributed its profits among its workers. 公司将利润分给工人。distribute.over . 把.配给到分配到, 散布于.distribute seeds over a field 在田间播种distribution n 分发,分配, 分布,散布They couldnt agree on the distribution of profits 他们对于利润的分配意见不一致。13. negotiate vi, vt 谈判;协商;商谈;达成协议(常与with连用)The government will not negotiate with them. 政府不会和他们谈判。They negotiated a peace treaty. 他们通过谈判达成和平协议。negotiation n. 谈判;协商;商谈carry on negotiation with sb. 与某人进行谈判The issue is still under negotiation. 这个问题还在商讨之中。14. adore vt 崇拜;喜爱;爱慕adore doing喜爱做某事He adores the cinema. 他非常爱看电影。She adores going to the volleyball match. 她非常喜欢看排球比赛。15. abstract adj. 抽象的,理论上的, 深奥的, 难以了解的abstract noun 抽象名词Astronomy is an abstract subject.天文学是一门深奥的学科。16. subjective adj. 主观的 反义词是objectivemans subjective initiative 人的主观能动性Everyones opinion is bound to be subjective. 每个人的意见都必定是十分主观的。17. appetite n. 食欲, 欲望,嗜好have an appetite forShe has an appetite for learning 她有求知欲(嗜好学习)。to lose ones appetite 食欲不振He has a good / poor appetite. 他胃口很好/不好。18. assistance n.协助, 援助, 补助financial assistance 经济资助Can I be of any assistance to you? 我能帮你什么忙吗?with the assistance of 在某人的帮助之下come to sb.s assistance 援助某人give render assistance (to) 给以援助assist v assist sb with sth/ in doing sth/ to do19. abandon vt 抛弃;舍弃;离弃abandon ones home 离弃家园He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money. 他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。abandoned himself to陷入,沉湎于He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。abandoned adj. 被遗弃的an abandoned house 被遗弃的房子20. start from scratch从头做起, 白手起家It was years since Id learned any German, and I really had to start again from scratch.我好多年没学德语了,真的要重新从头开始了。21. Having twisted her ankle, our tour guide had to be taken to the hospital.twist n. 一扭, 扭曲 v. 拧,扭曲twist ones ankle 扭伤了踝骨 The papers twisted everything I said. 报纸把我的话全都歪曲了。22. reservation n. 保留; (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约 make reservations定座, 定房间(等); without reservation 毫不保留地Id like to call the restaurant and make a reservation. 我要给饭店打个电话预定座位。Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal. 委员会一些成员对这项提议持保留态度。reserve v. 预定,预约,保留Ive reserved a room in the name of Jones. 我已经以琼斯的名字预定了一个房间。These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的。23. However, that hotel was booked full.book v. 预定,预约Book early to avoid disappointment. 及早预约,以免失望。The performance is fully booked up. 这次演出的票全预定出去了。24.a couple of 两个, 几个I have a couple of things to do. 我有几件事要做。25. hardly when “一 就 ”通常when 前面的动词用过去完成时,后面的用过去时;Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop. 我们刚开始就被叫停。当否定副词hardly放在句首时,主句的主谓用倒装语序,类似的结构还有No sooner than ; Scarcely when 等,如:Scarcely had we gone out when it began to snow. 我们刚一出来就下起雪来了。No sooner had she reached the station than the train left. 她刚到车站火车就开走了。Sentences:(Line 7)I was amazed to learn thatjust a painter.我惊讶地得知,毕加索一生创作了两万多件艺术作品,而且他不仅是一位油画家。“that” 后面的整个句子做“learn”的宾语,其中,第二个宾语从句中“that he wasnt just a painter”中的引导词“that”不可省。(Line 16)In the Louver Museum is the artist Leonardo da Vinci.卢浮宫里有意大利画家奥纳多达芬奇著名的油画蒙娜丽莎。本句是一个倒装句,主语the famous Mona Lisa painting 放在谓语动词is 之后,在有些句子中,由于没有宾语,而主语又比较长,可将主语放句末,将谓语放在主语前面,而将状语或表语放句首,这是一种完全倒装形式,不需要借助助动词,本句就是这种类型的句子。如:At the top of the mountain stands a temple. 山上有座寺庙。From the distance came occasional shots. 远处传来零星的枪声。(Line 19)This painting is so valuable that wanted to sell it.这幅画如此珍贵,如果博物馆想卖了它,都很难为它估价。“so that ” 如此 以至于 如对“so”后面的成分进行强调,放句首, “so”后面的从句要用部分倒装,即把助动词提前。“that”后面的从句使用的是if 引导的虚拟语气,表示与客观事实相反的情况。(Line 23)Besides the works of Da Vinci, to the 19th century.除了达芬奇的作品,卢浮宫里还藏有其他欧洲画家从13世纪到19世纪创作的六千余件作品。复习一下“works”的用法“range from to ”意思是“从 到 ”,“在 和 之间”Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars. 价格自五美元至十美元不等。(Line 44)The sad thing is that although he died in 1890.令人可悲的是:虽然凡高把自己都奉献给了绘画,但在他1890年去世前他仅卖出了一幅画。 “devote to ” “that”后面的整个从句是is的表语,“that”引导的是一个表语从句;其中,表语从句中又是一个“although”引导的让步状语从句。完成句子1. 那不会有什么好处,因此我们决不能允许它继续。It wont do any good, so we can _ _ _ allow it _ _.2. 她正在电话里和她男朋友交谈,线路突然被切断了。She _ _ _ while _ _ her boy friend _ telephone.3. 帮我个忙把收音机声音调低一点当我在打电话时。_ _ _ _ and _ the radio _ while Im on the phone.4. 你的作文很出色,就是有些拼写错误。Your composition is very good_ _ there are some _ _.5. 他远游到西藏,并了解了西藏人的文化。He _ _ _ _ Tibet and _ _ the _ of the Tibetans.6. 那是我们无法忍受的,所以便决定到户外去游戏了。That was _ _ we could _, so we _ _ _ _ outdoors.7. 三兄弟轮流照顾生病的妈妈。The three brothers _ _ _ _ _ their sick mother.8. 不论困难多大,他决心去尝试一下这个实验。_ _ _ _ it is, he _ _ _ _ _ _ at the experiment.9. 这里所有的人,包括老人,都参加了抗洪斗争。Everyone here _ _ _ the fight _ the flood, _ _ _.10. 他一生致力于研究英语语法。He _ _ _ _ _ English grammar.五语法应用谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语这前。一、全部倒装1、句首为there be, stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come 等时,引出全部倒装。There stands a stone bridge across the river.There stands an old pine tree on the summit of the mountain.2、句首为状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语:Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcers voice从角落里的便携式收音机里传来了播音员的声音。At his side lay Eva Brown. 在他的身旁躺着的是爱娃.布劳恩。3、以 here, there, now, then等开头的句子,位于常用 be, come, go, begin, follow 等,引出倒装:There goes the bell. 铃响了。Here comes the bus. 汽车来了。Now come your turn. 现在轮到你了。但是,如主语是代词而不是名词时则不发生倒装。4、在表示动作的简短句子里,为了生动可把副词放于句首引出倒装。Out rushed the dog from the gate. 一条狗从大门里窜了出来。Up went the rocket into the sky.窗体顶端窗体底端 火箭嗖地一声飞上了天空。5、在表达祝愿的句子里:Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people!中美人民的友谊万岁!May you succeed! 祝你成功!6、在强调表语时Worst of all were the humiliations. 最令人难以忍受的是羞辱。Such is the case. 情况就是这样。二、部分倒装1、省略 if 的虚拟条件句中Had I known what was going to happen,I would never have left her alone.如果当时知道可能发生的事的话,我就不会撇下她一个人在那了。Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.没有空气和水,世界上就不会有生命。2、在以 so(肯定)和 neither, nor(否定)的句子中He didnt fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.他不怕新想法,也不怕未来。Ive had some good ideas, so have other men. 我有些新的想法,别人也会有啊。Distrust can be contagious, but so can trust. 不信任有传染力,同样信任也具有传染力。 3、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,如never, little, often, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no sooner . than , in no way, at no time, under no circumstances, by no means, in no case.,采用部分倒装。Little does he care about money. 他很少关心钱。Not until recently did I know what he had done. 直到最近我才知道他所做的事。4、句首状语由 only+副词,only+介词短语,only+状语分词时Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. 直到昨天他才发现表丢了。Only in our country can science serve the interests of the people. 只有在我们国家科学才能服务于人民的利益。 5、在强调宾语时Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction. 我们应该为社会主义建设作出更大的贡献。Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid.从废弃液体中我们能提取有用的化学肥料。6、在某些句型中1). 以as 引出的让步状语从句Poor as he was, he was honest. 他尽管贫穷,但很诚实。Poor as I am, it is beneath me to steal. 我虽然穷,还不屑于去偷。Much as I admire him as a writer, I dont like him as a man. 他作为作家我虽然敬慕他,但作为人我不喜欢他。Try as he may, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.尽管他很努力,然而其工作却不令人满意。2). 连词不位于句首的某些让步从句(把动词原形置于句首)Object though you may, they will go on as usual. 尽管你反对,他们仍然我行我素。3). 在某些相当于让步从句的固定结构中,动词置于句首Be it right or wrong, well still go. 无论对错,我一如既往。4). 在 so . that 的结构中, so 位于句首So fast does the light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 光传播的很快我们无法测量其速度。So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs. 他说话的声音很高连楼上的人都听得见。So astonished was he that he could scarcely contain himself for joy.他如此吃惊竟然控制不住自己的喜悦之情。巩固练习1.Not until all the fish died in the river _ how serious the pollution was. A. the villagers realize B. did the villagers realize C. didnt the villagers realize D. the villagers did realize2. The door opened, _. A. came in a pretty girl in B. in came a pretty girl C. came a pretty girl in D. in a pretty girl came 3. Not only _ polluted but _ crowded. A. was the city; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets C. the city was; the streets were D. was the city; the streets were 4. I began to fall over my own feet. Down _ again and again. A. I went B. did I go C. went I D. I did go 5. Against the wall on the opposite side _ . A. stand two cupboards B. there stand two cupboards C. two cupboards stand there D. there two cupboards stand 6. Did you know Jim quarreled with his brother? I dont know, _. A. nor do I care B. I dont care neither C. nor dont care D. I dont care also 7. _ when to go there. A. Only did he know B. Only knows he C. Only he knows D. Only does he know8. Never before in her life_ such a strange man. A. she met B. she has met C. has she met D. did she met 9. Tom has never been to Paris, _. A. not have I B. nor have I C. I havent too D. So have I 10. On the wall _ her schoolbag. A. hang B. hanged C. hangs D. hanging 11.So hard _ that all of us praised him. A. does he work B. he worked C. he works D. did he work 12. _ , the crops would be saved. A. It should rain B. Rain it should C. Should it rain D. If it had rained 13. _ Mother came home_ I go to bed yesterday evening. A. Not until; did B. Until ; do C. Until ; did C. Not until; do 14. I have fin


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