Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》reading 同步练习54(牛津译林版必修2)

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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》reading 同步练习54(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》reading 同步练习54(牛津译林版必修2)_第2页
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Unit1 《Tales of the unexplained》reading 同步练习54(牛津译林版必修2)_第3页
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111Unit1 Tales of the unexplained- reading测试一、完形填空: A rich man was camping alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain 1 _ the tent wet. At last he had to make his way home. As he passed a beautiful house he 2 to look for rest. A lady 3 in silk walked past him with her nose in the 4 . Following her were her two pretty daughters. They stopped and glared at him. “ 5 are you? We dont like tramps (流浪汉) going 6 our home,” one of them shouted. “Go away at once!” 7 the other. “But Im no tramp,” said the man, “ 8 I want is food and stay for the night.” “How dare you come here? Go away at once,” the lady repeated. “We dont like your 9 _ around our house. Go, go!” The man moved on and 10 a small house. On entering it he saw a couple preparing their supper. Though the light was dim and the furniture was poor, 11 had a warm, friendly atmosphere,. “Can I have 12 food and rest for the night?” he asked. “Of course, friend,” said the woman, 13 forward a little stool for him. “Were going to 14 our supper. Come and 15 us. “ The food was scarce but they 16 it with the stranger. That night they let him sleep on their bed 17 they themselves used the stable (马厩). Early the next morning, the man said good-bye to them. Their 18 made a good impression in his 19 . When he arrived home he quickly ordered a lovely house to be 20 for the couple in the woods.1.A.madeB. keptC. droveD.sent2.A.forgotB. stoppedC. managedD.asked3.A.wasB. woreC. putD.dressed4.A.windB. roomC. skyD.air5.A.HowB. WhatC. WhoD.Where6.A.fromB. overC.inD.around7.A.answeredB. spokeC. criedD.replied8.A.WhichB. WhatC. BothD.All9.A.modelB. kindC. menD.feet10.A.arrivedB. gotC. reachedD.stopped11.A.itB. they C. heD.she12.A.anyB. someC. much D.good13.A.handingB. pullingC. pushingD.bringing14.A.prepareB. buyC. finishD.have15.A.helpB. joinC. moveD.see16.A.addedB. gaveC. dividedD.shared17.A.whileB. becauseC. whenD.after18.A.friendshipB. kindnessC. spiritD.poorness19.A.lookB. memoryC. heartD.head20.A.movedB. sentC. builtD.found二、阅读理解:AMillions of years ago dinosaurs(恐龙)lived on the earth. In the days of dinosaurs the whole earth was warm and wet. There were green forests and they could find enough to eat. Later, parts of the earth became cold and dry, and the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to eat, This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.We can guess another reason. New kinds of animals came on the earth. Some had big brains and were fast and strong. They could kill dinosaurs.There may be other reasons that we dont know about yet. Scientists are trying to make more discoveries about dinosaurs.Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes. Some were as small as chickens, while some were about 90 feet long.There were also terrible fights between dinosaurs. They might have happened more than 100 million years ago. Though there was no man to see any of the fights, we can be told by the animals footprints that fight did take place.1. According to the passage, dinosaurs did exist only _ on the earth.A. for millions of years B. millions of years agoC. more than 100 million years ago D. when it was warm and wet somewhere2. One reason why dinosaurs died out is that _.A. there were too many dinosaursB. parts of the earth became cold and dryC. the dead forests there could not supply them with enough foodD. they couldnt find enough to eat3. One more reason may be that _.A. new kinds of animals came on the earthB. some fast and strong animals with big brains could kill themC. some dinosaurs were as small as chickensD. some big dinosaurs died in the fights4. We can see from this passage _.A. scientists are trying to make some dinosaursB. dinosaurs are dangerous enoughC. dinosaurs are worth studyingD. scientists know nothing about dinosaurs5. That terrible fights can be explained by _.A. footprints of the animals B. imaginationC. rocks and forests D. dinosaurs eggsBIt was the first day of school. A new student, the son of a businessman, took his seat in the classroom of Grade 4. The teacher soon came to the class and said, “Ill begin by going over the American history we have learnt. Who said Give me liberty(自由), or give me death?” What she saw were only blank faces except Toshibas. He held up his hand and then said, “ Patrick Henry, 1775.” “Good,” said the teacher. “Who said Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish(毁灭)from the earth?” There was no answer. Again Toshiba raised his hand and said, “Abraham Lincoln, 1863.” The teacher said to the class, holding back(忍住)her anger, “You should be ashamed of yourselves. Toshiba is new to our country, but he knows more about our country.” As she turned to write something on the blackboard, she heard a whisper(嘀咕), “Damned Japanese.” “Who said that?” she asked.Toshiba put his hand up. “Tom, in the second row, 2005,” he said.6. The story took place in _.A. a Japanese school B. an American schoolC. a French school D. an English school7. In the second paragraph, the word “blank” means _.A. white B. surprised C. without expression D. interested8. One student said “Damned Japanese” to show that _.A. he didnt like ToshibaB. he thought Toshiba was a good studentC. he didnt like JapaneseD. he knew the answers but Toshiba said first9. From the passage, we can know _.A. Japanese have much more knowledge than AmericansB. who was Patrick Henry and who was Abraham LincolnC. new students are better than old studentsD. some American children dont know much about the history of their countryCSPECIAL EVENTS THIS WEEKENDCaptain GoodfellowDo your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.Walking Tour of the TownForget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about its history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes!Films at the MuseumTwo European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898.International PicnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm. Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.10. You can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food _.A. at the front entrance of City Hall B. at the gameC. at 5:00 pm D. at Central Park on Saturday11. You can see movies at _.A. the City College B. the Museum TheatreC. the City Theatre D. the Central Park12. Walking Tour of the Town will be taken _.A. in the City Hall B. outside C. at the gate D. at the zoo13. “The Zoo” is _.A. a park with lots of animals there B. a US concertC. a music group D. an interesting eventDA tour of the Wuyi Mountains in the northwest of Fujian Province is well worth your time. This place has clear rivers, beautiful forests on hills and peaceful villages. The UN honored much of Wuyi in 1999. Since then, more and more tourists have visited it and some have used air travel to get there. But you will be glad to know that it is still a special quiet place to see. Yunufeng, or Jade Lady Peak, is as beautiful as ever. Jiuquxi, a river in the shape of a snake in the southwestern part of the Wuyi Mountains, is still green and clear as it travels nearly ten kilometers to the flats (平地) below. On the river you can see many high hills or stop to climb a rock staircase to the top of Tianyoufeng. From there you might stand in a light warm rain as you look out over the beautiful valleys (山谷) below. Clouds come and go among the mountains and into the valleys. Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, perhaps calling out names from long ago. In another part of the river you can take a boat down a whitewater but be sure to wear a T-shirt and shorts as you will get wet! If you need to wear glasses, tie them to your head. Dont change your mind about going down the river! Be brave! Some guides will help you on the boat and take care of you on the river. You can watch the green water become white as it begins to move more rapidly. You will probably feel both excited and nervous, but enjoy the ride! When your journey is finished, dont forget to go to the village nearby and try the famous Wuyi rock tea. Then you can have a rest and think about the trip.14. The Wuyi Mountains lies _ of China. A. in the northwest B. in the southwest C. in the southeast D. in the northeast15. On the top of Tianyoufeng tourists can _. A. fly fog between the mountains and into valleys B. hear birds calling out names from long ago C. get wet all over because of heavy rain D. enjoy the beauty of a dream world16. How can you describe the boat ride down a whitewater? A. Dangerous. B. Adventurous. C. Not worth trying. D. Too frightening.17. From the passage we can conclude that _. A. the Wuyi Mountains is well worth visiting B. only one way leads to the top of Tianyoufeng C. the glasses must be tied to your head on Jiuquxi D. the Wuyi rock tea is tried only after the trip三、选词填空:with amazing speed, in search of, break off, heavily build, look into, put on, divide into, rule out, tire from, run after1. Everyone on our school weightlifting team _ and well trained.2. If you _ two rabbits at the same time, youll catch neither of them.3. The new type of car can not only run _ on land but also can move on water.4. Before the fruit _ from the trees, farmers must pick them in time.5. All the villagers started off _ the fifteen-year-old boy.6. So far, they _ all the possibilities they can think of, but still havent found out the cause of the fire.7. The doctor took X-rays _ the chance of broken bones.8. He was the very student to open the door and _ the light that night.9. Standing around the big cake, they watched it _ twelve pieces.10. The manager got very _ working all day without a rest.四、句型转换:1. As more and more people want to have cars of their own, the car factories have increased their output.As more and more people want to have cars of their own, the car factories have _ _ their output.2. I met an old friend of mine by chance in a supermarket.I _ _ an old friend of mine in a supermarket.3. The villagers went into the wood in search of a lost child.The villagers went into the wood _ _ a lost child.4. Is it possible that you will go camping with us this weekend?Is there _ _ that you will go camping with us this weekend?5. How can such an ordinary man take control of a multinational company?How can such an ordinary man _ _ _a multinational company?6. He was disappointed to hear that their team lost again._ _ _, he heard that their team lost again.7. In Georges opinion, she is a great player._ _ George, she is a great player. 8. I was almost asleep when Chris finally arrived.I was almost asleep when Chris finally _ _.9. Scientists have many theories about how the universe first started to exist. Scientists have many theories about how the universe first _ _ _.五、完成句子:1. 我们是按工作量而获取报酬。We are paid _ _ how much work we do.2. 公司的问题是由于运气不好和管理不善。The companys problems are _ _ a mixture of bad luck and poor management.3. 警察已经排除了自杀的可能。The police _ _ _ the possibility of suicide.4. 我出去时由哈里负责管理这个部门。Harry will _ _ _ the department while Im away.5. 我给孩子们讲了个故事,是现编的。I told the kids a story, _ it _ as I went along.6. 他为准备那场赛跑加强了训练。He _ _ _ his training to prepare for the race.7. 我们最近为装修新房子花着太多的钱。We have _ _too much money these days, decorating our new flat.8. 侦探们在院子里搜寻线索。Detectives are out _ the yard _ clues.9. 离他们远点;他们是冲着你的钱来的。 Keep away from them. They _ _your money!10. 恐怕我们这不是在进步。Im afraid we are not _ _.六、句子改错:1. All the villagers set out to search the forest for the child who went missed.2. The man in white went straightly to the heads office and knocked at the door loudly.3. No evidence of human beings were discovered on any of the islands so far.4. Why do you look so tired? I have cleaned the dirty windows the whole morning.5. If you take only one coin at one time, it will take you twenty years to take all of them away.6. As you see, about 60 percent of the apple have gone bad and it cant be eaten.7. Where have you been? Beijing. I have been visiting the city twice during this vacation.8. The policemen have been doing everything they can to help build the city for the interest of the country.9. At every time I told you that you needed a good rest, you wouldnt believe me.10. Dont be discouraged at me, because I have tried my best and there is nothing to be done.七、对话填空:Mike: Where did you go this summer?Jane: I went to Miami Beach, Florida, (1) w_ I stayed for two weeks. Mike: How did you get there?Jane: My friend John and I flew to Miami from New York. It(2)t_ us three hours to get there. It was the(3)f_ time for both of us to travel by air. We settled back in deep armchairs and enjoyed an unusual and breathtaking view of the world. Mike: Why did you choose to go there?Jane: We went there (4)b_ the cost was lower out of season. It was very good every day, and the two weeks went (5)b_ only too quickly. We were both very sorry when we had to(6)l_. Mike: What did you do there?Jane: We stayed at a(7)h_ on the beach. We slept late every morning and then had breakfast outdoors near the pool. When the(8)w_ was not too hot, we used to go sightseeing in the morning. We visited the campus of the University of Miami and the Everglades. In the afternoon, we (9)u_ to go swimming in the ocean or the pool, lie in the sun, or go water-skiing. After dinner in the evening, we used to go dancing in a discotheque to enjoy(10)o_ in the nightclubs.Answers:一、完形填空:1 5 ABDDC 6 10 DCDBC 11 15 ABCDB 16 20 DABCB二、阅读理解:1 5 BDBCA 6 10 BCADD 11 15 BBCCD 16 17 BA三、选词填空:1. is heavily built 2. run after 3. with amazing speed 4. breaks off 5. in search of6. have looked into 7. to rule out 8. put on 9. divided into 10. tired from四、句型转换:1. stepped up 2. ran into 3. searching for 4. any possibility 5. take charge of 6. To his disappointment 7. According to 8. showed up 9. came into existence五、完成句子:1. according to 2. due to 3. have ruled out 4. take charge of 5. makingup6. is stepping up 7. been spending 8. searching for 9. run / are after 10. making progress六、句子改错:1. went missedwent missing 2. straightlystraight 3. werehas been4. have cleanedhave been cleaning 5. one timea time 6. havehas 7. visitingto 8. interestinterests 9. At every timeEvery time 10. atwith 七、对话填空:1. where 2. took 3. first 4. because 5. by 6. leave 7. hotel 8. weather 9. used 10. ourselves111


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