Unit 10 Money—Lesson 2《The Right Price》同步练习1(北师大版必修4)

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Unit 10 Money—Lesson 2《The Right Price》同步练习1(北师大版必修4)_第1页
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111Lesson 2 The Right PriceI单词填空1. Excuse me, but Ive no c_ on me. Can I pay by cheque?2. This jacket is a real b_ at such a low price. 3. Petrol is the most important p_ of many Middle-East countries4. She was a_ to ask such a simple question. 5. Mother kept a f_ (紧紧) hold on her sons hands as he said goodbye to her abroad.6. Tom, will you go down to the g_ store and get me some sugar?7.Its not polite to be a_(好争吵的) with customers.8.He made a c_(评论) about the bad road.9.He is e_(热情的) about the subject though he doesnt know much.10.The color of the b_(衬衫) I bought yesterday ran, so I asked the salesgirl to change it for another one.11.The millionaire was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man and live in a small d_ with old furniture.12.“The c_ is always right.”said the department store owner.II单项选择1. The boss _ the hospital to _ the patient.A. called, see B. called on, sawC. called at, see D. called for, seen2. Shanghai is _ the Changjiang River and lies _ the east of China.A. on, to B. at, on C. on, in D. by, to3. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _known for his plays. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most4. Why do you want a new job_ youve got such a good one already? A. that B. where C. which D. when5. She tells us the people and things _ she had seen on her holiday. A. which B. who C. that D. when6. He made another wonderful discovery , _ very important to science.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think it D. I think which is7. Shirley _a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing8. Youll find this map of great _in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness9. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _by _ hour. A. pay, the B. paid, an C. paid, the D. to pay,10. - Hi, Tracy, you look tired. - I am tired. I _ the living room all day. A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted11. She is the only one among the _ writers who _ stories for children.Awomen, writesBwomen, writeCwoman, writesDwoman, write12. Last Sunday, Mr. Smith took with some of his friends,_ ,to the World Park.Aincluding IBincluded meCI includingDme included13. You shouldnt _ the empty bottles. They can_ again.Athrow away, useBthrow away, be usedCthrow over, be usingDthrow off,be made use14. If anyone at work_ my secret, Ill lose my job.Afind out Bdiscovers Cwill findDwill know15. It was said _ _ factory would be rebuilt in our city.Athat, whichBthat, that Cwhat, thatDso, thatIII完成句子 1.你想买什么? _2.我可以看看那件夹克衫吗 _3.它很好看并且皮质很好 _4.它价值远远超过40英镑 _ 5. 她很惭愧地对售货员说她没带够那么多现金(be ashamed) _IV单句改错1We made several American friends in New York so as to improve our English better. _2He advised to start early _ 3We were made work for ten hours by the boss every day _4She married to a man from America _ 5. This is the only EnglishChinese dictionary which I could find in the shop _6. She said she would refuse clearly help him. _7. He came into the room, held a book in his hand. _8. I wont lose heart even though I will fail in politics. _ 9. I will be used to live in the south._10. She did nothing but cried all day._参考答案:I.单词填空1. cash 2.bargain 3.product 4.ashamed 5.firm 6.grocery 7.aggressive 8. comment 9. enthusiastic 10.blouse 11.dormitory 12. customerII.单项选择1. C call at 接地点, 不定式表目的2. C 上海位于长江之畔用on, 属于中国内部用in3. C well-known 比较级 better known4. D when 既然5. C 先行词既指人又指物6. A I think 为插入语7. D 去年一直在写,不一定写完8. C of + 抽象名词 value 意为valuable 类似用法还有help, use, importance等9. C get paid 得到报酬, get为连系动词 by the hour 按小时10. C. 现在完成进行时, 表示 “一直在”11.A.女作家的复数 women writers the only one (of)后定语从句谓语动词用单数12.D 包括我me included 或including me13.B. 扔掉throw away use应使用被动语态14.B.条件状语从句中,动词为一般现在时,anyone 第三人称单数15.B 据说It is said that 第二个that 指示代词III.完成句子1. What can I do for you?2. Can I have a look at the jacket?3. It is pretty and the leather is of good quality.4. It is worth more than 40 pounds.5. She is ashamed to say that she hasnt got that much cash with her. IV.单句改错1.去掉better。improve意为“改善,改进”,已含better之意。2.to start starting。advise 后直接跟ing形式作宾语,或跟不定式作宾语补足语。3.work前加to。某些使役动词和感官动词(如:make,have,hear,see,watch,notice,feel等)后常接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但若变成被动语态,不定式符号to不能省略。 4去掉to 或在married 前加was。“和某人结婚”只能用marry sb 或be/get married to sb ,其中marry和get married都是非延续性动词,因此不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;表示结婚已有一段时间用be married。5 whichthat。先行词前有the only/very等修饰时,关系代词往往用that而不用which。6. “帮助他” 属宾语性动作,应用不定式to help him表达。7. “手里拿着一本书”属伴随状语,因此不能用谓语动词held表达,应用现在分词holding表达。8. 删去will 简析:连词even if/ even though的意思是尽管.即使,引导让步状语从句,从句中需用一般现在时表示一般将来时。9. live改为living. be used to 意思为习惯于 ,to为介词,后接Ving.10. 把cried改为cry but 为介词, 意思为,“除了”,前面有动词do的过去式did, but后接动词原形.111

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