Module 3《Music》speaking and writing教案1(外研版必修2)

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Module 3《Music》speaking and writing教案1(外研版必修2)_第1页
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111Module 3 MusicSpeaking and WritingTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla. To develop speaking ability by talking about likes and dislikes.b. To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to music and composers.c. To develop writing ability by presenting a biography of a famous Chinese musician or composer.d. Train the ability of collecting and dealing with information, and develop their abilities of getting new information, communication and cooperation.2.Emotion and Valuesa. To raise students interests in science and form the right attitude towards all kinds of music.b. To help them know Chinese traditional music well and cultivate their interest in playing some Chinese instrument.3. Character-building:a. To make them know how to enjoy different kinds of music.b. Arouse their interest of playing some kinds of instrument and enrich their leisure time.4. Cross-cultural awarenessa. To help them know the difference between China and some western countries in instruments.b. Cultivate their awareness of cultural communication through the special languagemusic.Difficulties and Importance:a. To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to music.b. To enable the students to know how to use adverbial clause of time.Teaching Method:a. Task-based methodology b. Communicative ApproachTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-readingLook at the picture and answer the following questions.1. Who is he? 2. Have you ever know something about him?Step 2 While-readinga. SkimmingRead the passage quickly, and make a note of some basic information about Ye xiaogang Name SexNationalityJobMain achievementStyle of musicSuggested answers:Name Ye xiaogangSexMaleNationalityChinaJobComposerMain achievementreceived many prizes, home and abroadStyle of musicmixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentationb. Detailed readingRead the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words. Find what Ye Xiaogang did or what happened to him in the following years:TimeWhat he did1955From 1978 to 1983198519861996Suggested answers:TimeWhat he did1955bornFrom 1978 to 1983studied at the Central Conservatory of Music of China1985held a concert of symphonies in Beijing1986his album appeared1996played with Italian musician Enrico Rava at the Beijing International Jazz FestiveStep 3. Post-readingDiscussion. 1. Are there any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module?2. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music?Step 4 Everyday Englisha. Listen to two people talking about the way they listen to music and answer the questions.1. How do they listen to it?2. Are they happy with the way they listen to music?3. What does Anna offer to do for Tom?b. work in pairs. Discuss your favourite music and how you listen to it.Step 4 Guided writingWrite a short passage of a famous singer in ChinaHan Hong.The following words may help you:1. sing well successful song writer 2.born in1971 in Tibet(西藏)3. young watch her mother sing and dance4. at the age of nine professional(专业的) training in Beijing.5. in 1985 her first national prize6. write songs in 19937. song Hometown number one in ChinaHomework:1. Finish writing the biography of Han Honga famous Chinese singer.2. Finish other exercises in this module.111

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