高中英语牛津译林版选修七《Unit 4 Public transport》 Reading 理解附答案

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111【学习目标】1.Gain some information about the London Underground, practice their spoken English and shareideas with each other in a group and a class.2. Gain some knowledge about the development of the public transport, practice their reading skillsand improve their overall ability.3. Put the skill in reading strategy (how to read an argument) into practice.【学习重难点】1. know the structure of tourist brochure.2. know how to read tourist brochure.【学习方法】1. 熟读单词表单词p49-53,注意把音标读准。2. 通过自上而下的阅读,分析文章的框架,了解Reading的主旨大意。3. 通过对文章的进一步阅读,了解世界上第一条地铁的发展过程。【预习内容】任务一:熟读单词表单词Page49-53,注意把音标读准。任务二:请同学们课前完成Pre-reading questions.1. Do Part D on Page 52.2. Read the passage do Part A on Page50 and do Part C1 on Page 52. 3. Read the passage again and do part C2 on Page 52 after discussion in pairs. 4. Read the text once more and Do Part E on Page 53. 任务三:Try to know the structure of a tourist brochure.【课堂教学】1. 检查单词预习情况。2. 在老师的帮组下阅读课文,理解课文框架。3. 检查Pre-reading完成情况,掌握课文内容并复述。【目标检测】 I. Choose the correct answer:1. What fame does the London Underground have? ( ) A. It is the oldest and most complex underground system. B. It is the longest underground. C. It is the busiest underground. D. It is the most modern underground.2. When was the last line added? A. In 1884 B. In 1902 C. In 1933 D. In 19793. What is the right structure of this text? ( )A. B. C. D. II. Fill in the blanks according to the text.(1)_ why the first underground system was developedl Most trains to London only went to the outer city limits.l Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to (2)_ people to and around the city centre.l The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams. (3)_ of the underground system before World War IIIn 1854,the British government gave approval to the (4)_ by the Metropolitan Railway Company of an underground railway in the centre of London.In 1868,the next section of the underground system was opened in the south of London.In 1884,the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug.In 1933, a public organization (5)_ the London Passenger Transport Board was created.Some unusual (6)_of the underground system during World War IIl When London was bombed, many underground stations (7)_ as bomb shelters.l A new line was used as a center for directing the defence (8)_ air attacks.l A station was used by the Prime Minister as meeting rooms for the administration of government.(9)_ and popularity of the first underground systemOver three million people travel on the underground every day.The network of the underground system (10)_ twelve lines now goes twenty-six miles out of central London.附参考答案:ADB Readings convey Development construction called uses functioned against Expansion including 111

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