高三英语 Module 3《Literature》教案(外研版选修7)

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111Module 3 Literature The first period (词汇教学)Teaching aims 1. Train and develop students ability of solving problems(multiple choices)2. train and develop students ability of reading comprehension3. enable students to master the usages of the following 9 words: Scene; feed: Serve eager; appetite ;whisper; desperate; seize;hangTeaching procedures:Step 1. Check students homework1. Check the answers of daily exercise 59 and solve the difficult problems in groups ( Students activity 1)T: Have you done your daily exercises ?First let me check your answers . Then you can deal with your problems in your groups.2. Check the answers of reading material A in the newspaperStep 2 New words 1.Scene 1). (戏剧的)一场2). 场面;事件C3.) 景色,景象;(舞台)布景CWhat a fantastic mountain scene! 多么迷人的山景!4.) (事件发生的)地点,现场;(戏剧等的)背景the S(+of)The criminal fled the scene.罪犯逃离了现场。The scene of this play is set in Ireland.这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。辨析:scene, scenery, sight 和 view I. 相同点:都可表示 “风景,景色”II. 不相同点:1). scene (c) 具体某处一时的景色, 以天然景色为主 The sunset is a beautiful scene.日落是很美的景象。2). scenery (u) 某个地区或国家整体的自然风景 The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 3). sight (c) 以人文景观或历史遗址为主的景观 The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world. 4). view (c) 在远处或高处展现在眼前的景色 The hill affords a view of the city.从这座小山上可以眺望都市。选词填空:view/scenery/scene/sight (活动二) 1.What a wonderful from your window! 2. After the fire ,the house was a terrible . 3.The in the mountains is very beatiful.4. We had a good of the town from the top of the hill .Keys:1.view 2.sight/scene 3 scenery 4.view 2. feed The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall, with a large pot at one end. 喂(养)、饲(养),为提供食物,供给。其用法归纳如下:She has a large family to feed , 在feed sb/sth on/-给吃-He feeds the dogs on/ with fresh meat. She feeds her baby with a small spoon. feed on 主语是“人”或“动物”。意思是:吃;以为食物。如:Cows feed mainly on grass. Feed sth to sb/sth 拿-喂 -Be fed up with 吃得过饱 对-极其厌倦 受够了 Be well /poorly fed/吃得好、不好即时演练。活动三1.Bats fiy at night and insects2.She his laziness and carelessness and decided to leave him.3.You can milk the baby who is hungry.4.Their mother couldnt them meat and fish every day Keys:1.feed on 2. was fed up with 3.feed;to 4.feed ;on3. Serve v 端上饭菜 Do they serve meals in the bar?Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 7 and 9.早上7-9点之间供应早餐。Well serve lunch at one oclock 我们一点将会开饭。They serve us a delicious lunch.(2)为服务, 为服役Serve the people 为人民服务Will you serve him?.He served as a captain in the army.Eg ;In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar.A.is serving B is served C .serves D served ( B )4 eager渴望的,急切的F(+for)+to-v+(that)She is eager for success.她渴望成功。Tom was eager to visit me. 急于做-He has handed in his test paper fpr several daysEg:.He is to know the result of the exam. A. anxious B eager C worried D A or B key. D 5. appetite N 胃口,食欲,欲望 还可指 “兴趣 爱好 渴望”Eg: When I was ill,I completely lost my appetile. He has an appetile for writing poems. 她爱好写诗。 Have an appetile for 对渴望 Have a good /bad appetile 胃口好/不好Lose ones appetile 食欲减退 To ones appetile 合某人的口味Eg:Having been ill for quite a long time ,the little girl doesnt have for any food . A.a touch B desire C an appetile D a wish 6 whisper vi. whisper to sb 低语,耳语;私语She is whispering to him.她正对他窃窃私语。Eg:Mum to us ,”Be quiet! ” your little sister”s sleeping A.whispered B shouted C expained D replied key. A 7 desperate 危急的;绝望的He was desperate when he lost all his money.当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。极度渴望的He was desperate for work to provide for a large family他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。EG: Look at that old woman ! She is looking around for help .She must be lost.A.socially B accidentally C desperately D absolutely Key. C Eg: She felt very when her husband ,a man whom she had been loving all through her life ,died.A.desperate B disappointed C disabled D deserted key .A 8. seize vt.1. 抓住;捉住The police seized an escaping convict.警察抓住了一个在逃犯。He seized her hand and shook it heartily.他拉住她的手高兴地握着。2. 夺取;攻占The enemy seized the town after a violent attack.敌人猛攻后占领了这个城镇。3. 抓住(时机等),利用He seized the chance of a trip to Singapore.他抓住那次去新加坡旅行的机会。4 掌握,理解 she could seize what I said just now.Seize on /upon sth 采纳 利用 抓住 She seized on my suggestion and began to work immediately .Eg: He decided to the moment and ask her to marry him.A achive B keep C seize D hold key . C 9. Hang v 绞死 吊死 hang-hanged-hangedHe was hanged for murder. He was found guilty and hanged later that year.He was condemned to be hanged. With so little evidence to prove her guilt, few people thought she should hang.V 悬挂着 吊着 hang-hung-hung I hung my coat on a hook(挂钩).Hang about 闲逛 徘徊 hang back 退缩 踌躇不前 hang on紧紧地抓住,继续等待 坚持 hang up 挂断电话eg: My sister told me that the wet clothes should up to dry in the sun. A hang B be hung C be hanged D hanged key B The second period Words (词汇教学)Teaching aims 1 Train and develop students ability of solving problems(multiple choices)2 Train and develop students ability of reading comprehension3. Enable students to master the usages of the following 9 words: reward ,intend repay, cast, distribute, attain ,pile, bunch ,accomplishTeaching procedures:Step 1. Check students homework1. Check the answers of daily exercise 60 and solve the difficult problems in groups 活动一 T: Have you done your daily exercises ?First let me check your answers . Then you can deal with your problems in your groups.2. Check the answers of reading material B in the newspaper 活动二Step 2 New Words1.reward n.1. 报答;报偿;奖赏;报应UCIt is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work.他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。2. 酬金;赏金;奖品C(+for)A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。vt.1. 报答,报偿;酬谢;奖励(+with/for)O1Winners will be rewarded a trip to England.优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。2. 报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)(+for)He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct.他的恶行迟早会受到报应。award,reward 这两个词都可以用作名词和动词,作名词时,意义相近,但不是同义词。 作名词时,award的意思是“奖品”、“奖金”,其义与prize近似,两者都指因为作出杰出成就而受奖。例: The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award He won the second award of $ 2,000 而reward作名词时,其意为“赏金”、“酬金”或一些非金钱的报酬。例: We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case 如果有人提供有关案件的情报,我们愿意出一万元赏金。 We dont expect substantial rewards我们并不期望得到优厚的报酬。 用作动词时,award的意思是“授与”、“颁发”、“判给”;reward则表示“报答”、“酬谢”之意。例: He was awarded the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design他获杰出工业设计一等奖。 We judge awarded him twenty thousand dollars as damages法官判给他二万元作为赔偿费。 You should reward them according to their deserts你应该对他们论功行赏。 Is that how you reward me for my help?你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗? 选词填空Award/reward/ prize 活动三1.Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” ,a title given to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.2. The mayor has offered a of $ 5,000 to anyone who can capture the tiger alive or dead.3.Since I won the big ,my telephone hasnt stopped ringing.People called to ask how I would spend the money.KEYS 1.award 2. reward 3 prize2. intend v 打算 意欲 想要 主张 He intends no harm.他没有恶意。I intend to go home.我想回家。The book is intended for beginners.本书是为初学者编写的。I intend it as a stop-gap.我想拿它凑数。Be intended for 打算供-使用;打算为-准备 intend sb to do sth 打算让某人做某事 Intend to do sth/intend doing sth 打算做某事Intend 作“建议主张”解 从句谓语用 should +do Eg: They intended going. but the president intended that she should go . 【辨析】intend mean propose 都含“想做某事”的意思。intend 系正式用语, 指“心里已有做某事的目标或计划”, 含有“行动坚决”之意, 如:I intended to write to you. 我要给你写信。mean 可与 intend互换, 但强调“做事的意图”, 较口语化, 如:I mean to go to bed earlier tonight. 今晚 我想早些睡觉。propose指“公开明确地提出自已的目的或计划”, 如:I proposed to speak for an hour. 我想讲一小时。Eg:1.All the photographs in our websites are for educational purposes only and are not for commercial use in any form.A.enclosed B inspected C related D. intended 2.The film Harry PotterIV is for children above 12 and adults for it contains horror and violence. A promised B intended C admitted D permitted Keys D B 3.repay vt. 偿还, 报答, 报复vi. 偿还, 报答, 报复When will you repay me? 你什么时候还我钱?You should repay your你应该偿还你的债务。How can I ever repay you? 我要怎样才能报答你呢I am obligated to repay the loan. 我必须还清贷款 .We hope to repay your visit betimes. 我们希望不久能对您回访。 I can never repay you for your kindness. 你的善意我终生难报。 I cannot repay you for all your kindnesses. 我永远报答不完你多方的好意4. cast v 1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒N 演员阵容CGThe cast of the play was very strong.这出戏的演员阵容非常强。5. distribute 1. 分发;分配(+to/among)They had distributed the lands among the peasants.他们把土地分给农民。2. 散布,分布(+over)This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country.这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广。3. 把.分类4. 分,分开(+into)The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.老师把学生分成三组EG:Clothes and blankets among the refugees by now after the earthquake happened.A .are distributed B have been distributed C. had been distributed D are being distributed Key. B 6.attain vt.1. 达到;获得They are not likely to attain this aim.他们未必能够达到这一目标。2. 到达vi.1. 达到;获得(+to)She tried in vain to attain to fame.她想出名但没有成功。2. 到达(+to)He will soon attain to manhood.他很快就要到达成年期了Attainable 可获得的 可达到的 可实现的 attainment 达到 7.pile n.C1. 堆;一堆(+of) A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine一堆脏衣服放在洗衣机旁边。2. 【口】大量;大数目SP(+of)Hes got piles of work to do this morning. 今天上午他有大量工作要做8.bunchn.C1. 串,束(+of)Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer.怀特小姐收到爱慕者所送的一束花。2. 【口】群,伙,帮GA bunch of children were at play. 一群孩子在玩 9.accomplish vt 1. 完成,实现,达到 n accomplishment They didnt accomplish the purpose desired.他们没有达到预期的目的。They have accomplished their mission successfully.他们成功地完成了任务。2. 走完,度过She has accomplished 95 years of her life.她已达九十五高龄。The journey was accomplished in five weeks.花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。Eg; The project by the end of 2009 will expand the citys telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.A accomplished B being accomplished C to be accomplished D having been accomplished 2.What do you intend to do when you are with your college education?A done B accomplished C graduated D completed Keys C A Homework; 1. Review the main ideas in Oliver asks for More2. Ask the students to retell the text.The third period Introduction and Cultural corner Teaching aims 1 Train and develop students ability of solving problems(multiple choices)2 Train and develop students ability of reading comprehension3. Enable students to master the usages of the following 5 phrases : in astonishment :in a -voice ;no soonerthan;a huge amount of ; bring sth to the attention of sb 4. Learn about the great novelist Charles Dickens5 . Master the main language points in the text in Culture Corner.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Check students homework1. Check the answers of daily exercise 61 and solve the difficult problems in groups 活动一 T: Have you done your daily exercises ?First let me check your answers . Then you can deal with your problems in your groups.2. Check the answers of reading material C in the newspaper 活动二3.Expain these phrases .Step 2 lead-in T: Good morning, class!Ss: Good morning, -T: From today on, we are going to learn a new module. That is Module 3 and you are familiar with the topic- Literature. Have you heard of Charles Dickens? Can you say something about him?S: He is one of the English most famous novelists.T: Good. Thank you! Have you read any novel from him?S2: I have read (Hard Times, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and so on.)T: It seems that you are very interested in literature. Im so glad that you have read some of Charles Dickens novels. Today, the lesson for us is related to Charles Dickens and his novelsT: Please open your books and turn to Page 29. Here is a brief introduction about Charles Dickens. Let us read the short passage here to know something about him and his novels. (Ask the students to read the short passage together and fill this chart according to the introduction .) 1.Finish these questions according to the passage .photo a scene from Oliver TwistNovelist CharlesDickens(England) When was the Victorian period? In the middle of the 19th century Where did the story take place?Many of his novels take place in _ London .Who is Oliver? a poor orphan_boy_who lives in a workhouse_T: Very good. Now can you tell me who the boy is in the picture?S1: Oliver. T: He is the main character in the novel called Oliver Twist. Can you find a sentence in the passage to describe him?Ss: Oliver is a poor orphan boy who lives with other children in a large house called a workhouse.T: Thank you. Anyone can tell us some more about the novel?T: Great. Before our class, I asked you to find some information about his other novels in groups. Now I will give you some more minutes to work together and then please show something for us.(The students work in groups.)T: Time is up. Its your time to show. Which group wants to be the first?T: Just now we have talked about Charles Dickens novels. From his novels we can know he is such a famous novelist, but what about his life? Ss: We dont know.T: So please turn to Page 41 and read the passage about Charles Dickens.(Give the students some time to read the passage and finish some related exercise in groups. They can choose the following tasks.)Task 1: Fill in the chart with some information from the passage.The year of birth and death1812-1870The place of birthLondonHis familyHis father was put in prison.His childhoodunhappy and poorWhen he was youngHe worked as a journalist and met many people.His novelsOliver Twist David CopperfieldA Tale of Two cities Great ExpectationsHis influencesHis books were popular and the readers usually became excited.Step 3. . Ask Ss to read the Cultural Corner carefully and tell us the main idea.For your reference:Para 1: Charles Dickens birth and his schooling (education) and his childhood as well.Para 2: Charles Dickens work or experiences, which has influenced his fictions and stories.Para 3: Charles Dickens writing experiences.Para 4: Charles Dickens influence and contributions.3. Ask Ss to read the Cultural Corner carefully and discuss the questions on page 41.Suggested Answers:(1) His father was in prison, and he had to make a living by working in a factory as a child; He worked for a newspaper and a political journalist in his novels.(2) The story has a happy ending. Oliver Twist at last found out who his parents were and found a loving home.(3) Dickens often wrote about the social problems related to the poor people, who lived a hard life, so that the lives of the poor were improved.4. Ask Ss to understand the difficult sentences.(1) His father was put in prison because he could not pay his bills.(2) He was very unhappy, but later in life, he was able to write very well about poverty because he has actually experienced it himself.(3) Dickens always had a huge amount of energy.(4) However, it brought child poverty to the attention of the public, and for this reason alone it is a very important novel.Step 4 Language points :1. amount 只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little,a large sum of 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, a good supply of【例题】(1) As a result of destroying the forests, a large _ of desert _ covered the land. (Key:B)A. number; hasB. quantity; hasC. number; haveD. quantity; have(2) The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _ pictures of them. (2003年,上海) (Key: B)A. many of B. masses ofC. the number ofD. a large amount ofHomework:1. Learn the new words by heart and prepare for a dictation next class.2. Preview the next part of this module:Introduction and Vocabulary and Reading.(102. Finish the Exercises in the textbook.Step 5 板书设计The fourth period Reading and Vocabulary (1)Teaching aims ;1. Ask the students to talk about Charles dickens and his works.2. Read and find the main idea of Oliver asks for More in Reading and Vocabulary (1) 3. Finish Ex. 1, 2 and 3 in Reading and Vocabulary (1)Teaching procedure ;Step 1 Revision: Step 2 1. Check the answers (daily exercises and newspaper ) 活动一2. Ask the students to introduce Charles dickens orally.3.Leading-inGive Ss several film posters of Oliver Twist and The Great Expectations, and then ask them to express their opinions about the two works. Step 3 Reading Comprehension:1. Ask Ss to finish Activity 3 on page 32 to learn the new words. If they dont know the meanings, they can look up the dictionary.2. Ask Ss to fill in the following blanks with the correct form of the words just learnt.John has just got out of prison. Now he is _(1)_ to hunt for a job to _(2)_ his big family, but he has not been _(3)_ for three months yet. Yesterday he was walking on the street when he was _nudged _ by somebody, and the man _(4)_ him by his arm. To his great _(5)_, it was one of his _(6)_. They were so excited to meet each other at first, but a _(7)_ look appeared on Johns face at once when John heard that the man has been _(8)_ by the government and is going to work abroad. Suggested Answers:(1) eager (2) support (3) employed (4) seized (5) astonishment (6) companions (7) desperate (8) rewarded选做 ;Make your own choices to the following questions to make sure you have understood the text well.1.Why did the boys sit staring at the pot when they had finished eating their soup? A.because they wanted to clean the bowls. B.Because they waited there for more food. C.Because they were so hungry that they wanted to eat more. D.Because they wanted to practice cooking .2.How did Oliver feel when he asked for more food? A. Excited B.Desperate C.Hopeful D.Brave 3.How did the managers of the workhouse think of Olivers asking for more food.?A.Thoutful B.Interesting C. Unthinkable D.Amusing 4.What can we infer from the text ?A. The tall boys father had kept a small cook shop.B.Oliver was chosen to ask for more food.C.When Oliver asked for more ,he was immediately locked in a room.D. The poor suffered a lot and had no right in the old society. Keys C B C D 3. Ask Ss to read the story quickly and choose the best summary in Activity 1 on page 30. 4. Get Ss to find out where the words of Activity 2 are in the passage. Then ask them to choose the best meaning. 5. Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and complete the sentences in Activity 4 on page 32. 6. Check their answers.Main points explaining.Explain some language points in the passage.1. in astonishment He stared in a complete astonishment at the child and held on to the pot for support. 他非常惊讶地盯住那孩子,手扶在锅上,撑住自己。He looked at me in astonishment. 他惊奇地望着我。in astonishment 十分惊愕, 惊异不已 to ones astonishment使人吃惊的是eg:I was looking for my keys all day, but when I came home, to my ,the keys were in the door.A.sorrow B excitement C astonishment D .curiosity 2. in a -voice 以的声音 He speaks in a loud voice so


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