高二英语课下作业北师大版选修7《Unit 19 Language》Section Ⅳ课时跟踪检测

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111 Unit 19综合检测.单项填空1The school _ a group to offer suggestions for the activities.ApurchasedBregisteredCestablished Daccompanied解析:选C。句意:学校组织了一个小组,为活动提供建议。空白处应该填入“组织”。purchase“购买”;register“注册”;establish“建立”;accompany“陪伴”。所以C项符合题意。2_ English, I have to study a second foreign language.AIn addition that BIn additionCIn addition to DBeside解析:选C。考查短语用法。句意:除了英语,我还要再学第二门外语。in addition to“除之外(还)”,后接名词、代词或动名词。in addition为副词短语,在句中需和其他成分隔开;D项若为Besides则正确。3He has just bought quite a few good books, _The Scarlet Letter, Wuthering Heights.Asuch as Bfor exampleCthat is Dwhich are解析:选A。考查词组辨析。句意:他刚买了很多好书,比如红字、呼啸山庄。such as“举例说明,给出一些例子”;for example“举例证实”;that is“即,也就是说”。4_ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.ANot only they broughtBNot only did they bringCNot only brought theyDNot only they did bring解析:选B。句意:他们在森林中野餐时不仅带了快餐和饮料,还带了扑克娱乐。并列连词词组not only .but also连接并列分句,not only位于句首时,其引导的分句须用部分倒装,即在主语前加适当的助动词、情态动词等。5We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and _, dogs give us their all.Ain all Bin factCin short Din return解析:选D。句意:我们给予狗时间、空间和我们可以匀出的爱,作为回报,它们给予我们它们的全部。in all“总之”;in fact“实际上”;in short“简言之”;in return“作为回报”。6I was not there at that time; _, it was not possible that I did it.Aat the same time Bthat isCin a way Din other word解析:选B。考查词组辨析。句意:我当时不在场,换句话说,不可能是我干的。at the same time“与此同时”;that is“也就是说”;in a way“在某方面”;D项应改为in other words。7It was at the very beginning of the holidays _ our monitor made the suggestion that we _ for an outing.Awhen;go Bwhere; wentCthat; go Dwhich; went解析:选C。考查强调结构和同位语从句的虚拟语气。句意:在假期开始,我们班长建议我们去郊游。第一个空用that,构成It was .that .强调结构;第二个空出现在suggestion的同位语从句中,用should do表虚拟语气,should可以省略。故选C。8One day I_a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.Acame across Bcame aboutCcame after Dcame at解析:选A。句意:某天我偶然发现报纸上有一篇关于附近州立大学一位英语教授退休的文章。come across“(偶然)遇见(发现)”;come about“发生”;come after“跟在后面”;come at“达(得)到,袭击”。9An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.Adoes BdidChas to Dhad to解析:选B。考查谓语动词的强调。句意:那天,确实发生了事故。由the other day可知事故发生在过去,所以用助动词did对谓语动词occur进行强调。10He is said _ in the states for three years.No wonder he speaks English so well.Ato have stayed Bto stayChaving stayed Dstaying解析:选A。此题考查了sb. is said to do结构,且由for three years可知应选A。11Tomorrow is Toms birthday.Have you got any idea _ his party is to be held?Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhere解析:选D。考查同位语从句引导词。从句对应的是名词idea的内容,且引导词在从句中需要充当地点状语,因此选用where。句意:明天就是汤姆的生日了,你知道舞会在哪儿举行吗?12_ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay by themselves.AAnyone BThe oneCWhoever DWho解析:选C。考查主语从句引导词。whoever引导主语从句且在从句中作主语。whoeveranyone who,此时名词性从句转化成了定语从句,anyone为先行词。句意:任何想要住酒店的人要自己付账。13People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years.Athat BwhichCwhat Dhow解析:选C。考查宾语从句引导词。what引导介词of后的宾语从句,并且what在从句中作achieved的宾语。句意:重庆人为他们在过去十年取得的成就感到自豪。14Our country will _ in the world for its great achievements in economy, sports, space, technology and so on.Astand up Bstand outCrise up Drise out解析:选B。句意:我国因为在经济、体育、航天、科技等方面取得的巨大成就而在世界上显得很突出。要表示此意,动词stand out是最佳选项,意为“突出,引人注目”;stand up仅表示“站立”,无“突出,鲜明”之意;其余两项rise词组也无此意。15The more _ you listen to the tape, the _ you will find it to understand.Acarefully; more easily Bcareful; more easilyCcarefully; easier Dcareful; easier解析:选C。考查比较级the more .,the more .结构。句意:你听录音越认真,就会发现它越容易理解。前句缺少副词,所以选carefully;后句是finditadj.to do sth.结构,缺少的是形容词,所以答案选C。.完形填空Whats on your life card?Theres a book where the author, Elizabeth McCracken, suggests that everyone have a life card.This is _1_ to a business card, but instead of listing what you do for a living, it _2_ things that have happened in your _3_ that you dont want to explain, but would like people to _4_ before dealing with you.McCrackens first child, her son, was born still and she writes about her _5_.She talks about having to deal with insensitive (不顾他人感受的) comments and _6_ conversations with others who didnt know of what _7_ and how she wished she had her _8_ life card that said her first child had died.Wouldnt this be great? You could _9_ those things that you most need others to understand before having a _10_ with you.Your life card could _11_ I have a child with a disability or my mother has cancer.With this _12_, others could be more careful with their _13_ so they didnt cause unintentional harm.But we dont all have life cards.Instead we must endure (忍受) these _14_ from others who dont know or _15_.Perhaps this makes us stronger or at the very least we _16_ to guard our hearts.What it does _17_ us is that we need to keep the idea of life cards in _18_ when dealing with others.Think of what would go on your life card and with this, _19_ others have their own tragedies and heartaches on their cards _20_ you will deal differently with them.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。每个人在生活中都有不幸的事。当我们牢记这一点时,我们与别人的交往也就变得容易了。1A.familiar BsimilarCuseful Dharmful解析:选B。根据语境可知生活卡片跟商业名片相似(similar),但也有不同之处。2A.expresses BsharesCsuggests Dlists解析:选D。本空前listing有提示。3A.dream BlifeCimagination Dpast解析:选B。既然是life card,那么列举的应该的生活(life)中已经发生的事。4A.know BacceptCovercome Dhold解析:选A。你想让对方在和你打交道之前了解(know) 这些事,而不用你花费时间去解释。5A.exercises BeffectsCexperiences Ddirections解析:选C。由下文的“She talks about having to deal with insensitive comments”可知,她谈到了自己的经历(experiences)。6A.boring BuncomfortableCpolite Dwise解析:选B。由上文的“insensitive comments”可知,这里填uncomfortable符合语境。7A.existed BoperatedChappened Ddeveloped解析:选C。有些谈话令人不舒服是因为这些人不知道发生过(happened)什么事情。8A.only BgreatCstrange Down解析:选D。她希望能有属于自己的(own)生活卡片。9A.put down Bhand outCtake over Dbring in解析:选A。put down此处意为“写下、记下”。10A.competition BrelationshipCholiday Dtrade解析:选B。有了生活卡片,你就可以把那些希望在别人跟你交往(relationship)之前就能了解的情况写在(put down)卡片上。11A.find BdenyCsay Dforget解析:选C。卡片上可以写有(say)自己的各种不幸。12A.wealth BgestureCappreciation Dinformation解析:选D。此处指上文中写下的信息,故用information。13A.methods BdemandsCwords Dappearances解析:选C。有了这些信息(information),其他人跟你交谈时就会注意自己的言语(words),避免对你造成伤害。14A.differences BhurtsCexpectations Ddiseases解析:选B。由上文的harm可知,这里说的是我们必须忍受他人给我们造成的伤害(hurts)。15A.understand BcomplainCmind Dlook解析:选A。我们得忍受那些不知情(understand)的人对我们的言语伤害。understand与know表达的意思一致。16A.promise BlearnCafford Dlike解析:选B。也许,这会让我们变得更坚强,或者至少让我们学会了(learn)保护自己。17A.spare BpayClend Dteach解析:选D。teach此处意为“教导,教育”。18A.memory BbusinessCmind Dhand解析:选C。这些伤害教会(teach)我们的是,在跟别人打交道时,我们需要把生活卡片的主意记在心(mind)上。19A.remember BrealizeCremind Dwarn解析:选A。你在生活中会遇到不幸,记住(remember),其他人也都有自己的不幸。20A.because BifCand Duntil解析:选C。“记住别人也有不幸”和“采取不同的态度对待别人”之间是顺承关系,故选and。.阅读理解Its natural to greet friends with a smile and a wave.When you do this, your face and body work together to show your friends that youre happy to see them.But what happens if your face and body send mixed message?Would someone be more likely to believe the look on your face or the way you hold your body?Scientists have recently tackled (解决) these questions.They found that when a person is looking at your face, he might not believe what he sees if your body language doesnt match the feeling that your face shows.Studying such mixed message is nothing new for scientists.Previously, they had found that the tone of a persons voice can be more important than the words that are spoken.For example, most people tend not to believe a person who says in a flat voice, “Im so excited.”When it came to emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language, most scientists suspected that face was more important.To test if this was true, psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated (单独的) faces and isolated bodies that showed anger or fear.They also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies.Using the pictures, the researches asked people to quickly press a button that matched the correct facial emotion:anger or fear.When people looked only at faces, they chose the right emotion about 81 percent of the time.But when people looked at a mismatched picture a scared face with an angry body, for example, they correctly guessed the emotion on the face only 64 percent of the time.These results told the researchers that mixed signals can confuse people.Even when people pay attention to the face, body language subtly (微妙地) influences the emotion they read.1According to the scientists, a person will believe you only when _.Ahe judges from your faceBhe judges from your body languageChe judges from both your face and your toneDhe judges from your face together with your body language解析:选D。细节判断题。从第二段可以看出,科学家认为人们对一个人的判断不仅看expressions而且还要兼顾其他语言因素,包括body language。2The purpose of this passage is to find out _.Awhether facial expressions are more importantBwhat role body language playsChow people can recognize different emotionsDwhether picture can convey a persons feelings解析:选A。综合判断题。第一段的最后一句是承上启下的句子,引出了短文的中心the look on your face。第五段详细描述了这个实验,证明人们对图片的认知,从而证明人的面部表情在交际中的重要性。最后一段对此作了总结。3The results of the test show that _.Aa mismatched picture is easy to cause misunderstandingBthe expressions on a face can tell everythingCanger and fear are the two most obvious facial expressionsDa scared face with an angry body is most complex解析:选A。细节判断题。从第五段可以看出。4It can be inferred from the passage that _.Aones facial expressions and body language always mean the sameBones facial expressions and body language always happen at the same timeCones facial expressions always work alone when expressing feelingsDones facial expressions and body language dont always agree解析:选D。推理判断题。从第三段的最后一句可以看出,人们的spoken language和body language有时并不一致。111


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