Module 2《Traffic Jam》教案(外研版必修4)

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111 Module 2 Traffic jamWriting and Cultural Corner-教案 教学目标1. 知识目标: 1) Help the students to learn about solutions to traffic problems in London.2) Grasp the basic writing rules and according to the example on Page 18, write a similar passage about the students town.2. 能力目标:Encourage the students to discuss and decide whether the congestion charge is a good solution. 3. 文化意识与情感态度目标:By reading the students will learn about different culture in different part of the world. 教学重点与难点 通过cultural corner 的学习使学生能够发表自己对伦敦交通状况的看法,并且通过辩论的形式来增加对话的回合。学习写作的基本技巧。比如,如何使用求雅替换;文章的段落划分等。 学习方法:使用资源策略获取更多国内外新型交通工具的信息。 教学过程:Step 1 Introduction: Brainstorm 1. Say which means you can use to get around your hometown. 2. Which means is more convenient, environmental or comfortable to use? Give us reasons.3. Can you list some kinds of new means of transport in the world? If not, please surf the Internet for help. Step 2 Cultural Corner1. Read the passage “ The London Congestion Charge” and answer the following questions in groups. 1). What was the traffic problem in London? 2). What is the solution of the problem? 3). What is a congestion charge? 4). What do the Londoners think of the idea?5). Would a congestion charge be a good idea in your town?2. Debate whether the congestion charge is a good idea.1) I think it is a good idea. People dont have to use cars, because they have enough facilities of travel like tubes or buses at the central of London. Cars lost the meanings if they can move only in slower speed than when they drove around in vehicles drawn by horses. Moreover, waste gas can be pollution in big cities, so they have to reduce it for themselves. The most important thing is that everyone has realized the harm by using cars.2). In my opinion, the fact seemed no optimistic at all. We should do something basically to release the pressure of the city traffic. The best way to control traffic jam is to encourage people to use public transportations. The congestion charge must be effective, but not all things.Step 3 Consolidation and Extension 1.Read the passage on Page 18 and answer the questions.1). How many problems does the writer talk about?2). What are the causes of the problems?3). How many solutions does the writer find?4). Who are they in They should close the city center?5). Why does the writer divide the passage into two parts?2. Write a similar passage about your town.Step 4 Homework: 完成市监测上的练习 111


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