Module 2《Traffic Jam》Introduction and Reading学案2(外研版必修4)

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111 Module2 Traffic Jam学案 Introduction and ReadingILearning goals:1. Learn the following words and phrases:Trolleybus; wire; suburban; cab; permit;receiptbe connected to; in no time; get around;be stuck in2. 能在阅读中认别新学词汇,短语并推断出意义,能读懂课文并获取相关信息Learning guidance:StepI Do activity1 and activity 2 on P11.Step2 Read the passage and do activity2 on P12.Step3 Read the passage again and do activity3 on P12. Reading IILearning goals:1. Master the following words and phrases:display; permit; provide;explore; permit; limitin no time ; under construction; be worth doing; have a good view of; be/get stuck in ; It is convenient for sb. to do sth.2.Express yourself using the words and prases above.Learning guidance::重点单词1 display vt 展示,陈列 n 陈列,展览,显示博物馆正在展示彩画。_学生的作品被展示到墙上。_(3)这男孩没有显示害怕_(4)正在展览中_(5)Put sth on display_(6)While are you going to put your photos _display?A in B at C on D for(7)It is the first time the painting has been _ to the public.A appeared B displayed C bought D caught 2.permit n:通行证.许可证,执照 v :许可,允许.(1)只允许在这间屋子抽烟_(2)这老师不允许我们在河里游泳_或_(3)这些事实不容有其他解释_(4)We will start tomorrow, weather permitting. We will start tomorrow,_ _ _总结:permit sth ,permit sb to do, permit ones doing, permit doing ,permit of sth,without permission.(5)The students were not_ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.A .permitted B admitted C hoped D asked3 limit: n 界限.限度, 限制 vt 限制(1)There is a _ _what I can do for you .(2)His patience reached its _(3)We should _ _ _ _(限制) export.(4)日本限制菜果的进口_(5)我的妈妈限制我吃一块蛋糕_( provide v t 供应 供给. 准备(1)该酒店为客人提供擦鞋服务_(2)这学校将提供帐篷,但我们必须自己带食物_(3)他们为穷人提供食物或衣服_或_思维拓展: provided (that) there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class.(4)My parents provided me _80 yuan _ my study every year.A with, with B with ,for C for, with D with ,in 5 explore. vt 探索(未知地方) 调查 探究(方法,问题,可能性)(1)我们将探索新发现的岛_(2)他们发射了火箭去探索太空_(3)这位经济学家探索了所有可能做这件事的办法_思维拓展:explorer (探险者)exploration(探险) exploratory( 实地考察的)(4)It is Zheng He who _New America.A explored B discovered C found D uncovered6 mood ,n 心情,情绪,语气 ,状态(1)It takes a couple of days to get into the _ _(节日气氛).(2)我现在不谈论此事,我没有心情.I dont want to talk about it now, Im not_ _ _(3)我没有读书的情绪.Im not_ _ _ to read.思维拓展: be in a good mood 心情很好 be in a bad mood 发脾气,情绪低落 be in no mood for sth /to do sth 不想做某事 be in the mood for sth/to do sth 想做某事7 convenient adj,适合需要的,方便的,省事的,合适的常用短语:it is convenient for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是方便的Convenient 形容事物,指事情“方便的”,不能形容人。思维拓展:convenience n 方便,便利 inconvenient adj 不方便的,不合适的 inconvenience n. 不方边之处,麻烦 conveniently adv 方便的 (1) 你明天开始工作方便吗?Will _ _ _ _ _to start work tomorrow?(2)在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便的多。A bicycles often far more _ than a car in busy cities.(3)我家离公共汽车站不远,非常方便My house is _ near a bus stop. 8 react vi 反应,做出反应,反对react to sb /sth 对某人/某物做出反应 vi 有影响,起作用 react on /upon sb /sth react by doing sth 通过做某事做出反应。思维拓展 reaction n 反映,感应 眼睛对光会起作用。 The eye _ _ light. 重点短语1 in no time 立刻,赶快,马上(1) 他一下子把它吃掉了_(2) 汤姆马上把那辆车修好了_思维拓展:on time 按时 in time 及时 for the time being 暂时 from time to time 偶尔 at all time 老是 ,时常 at any time 随时 at a time 一次 同时 at one time 往昔 曾有一时 at the same time 同时 at times 有时 偶尔 at no time 决不(句首,倒装)(3) I will see him_ A in time B on time C at a time D for a time(4)-Dose Maria often ask you for help? -No, only_ A at all times B at one time C at a time D at times2 be get stuck in 被困住(1) 我们的车陷入泥泞中_(2)你被这个问题难住了吗?_ 思维拓展:stick to 紧靠,不离 固执(想法),坚守(规则,诺言) Stick out 伸出,突出 get hurt/get paid/get lost/get married/get separated/get broken/get injured/get changed/get killed/get crowded(3)Just make a decision and stick _it.A to B in C at D on3 be under construction 在建设中(1)当我们到达旅馆时,它尚在建设之中_(2)正在建设中的桥很长._思维拓展: under attack 遭受攻击 under study 在研究中 Under repair 在修理中 under treatment 在治疗中 Under control 在控制中 under discussion 在讨论中 Under examination 在检查中 under consideration 在考虑中 Under investigation 在调查中(3)The firefighters soon got the fire in the building _A under attack B under control C under construction D under study4 be worth doing =be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done =It is worthwhile doing / to do (1)这本书值300元._(2)那个展览会值得参观吗?_ (3)这宝石毫无价值._(4)我觉得它不值那么费事._5 be connected to 与连接 be connected with 与有关系/联系(1) She was connected _the crime.(2) A good leaner must connect what he reads _ what he sees around him.(3) The two cities are connected _ a mew railway.(4) This computer is connected _ that one.6 have/get a good view of 能很好地看见(1)你将能很好地看看迅速变化的城市_.(2)你站起来,就能更清楚地看到那位钢琴家_. 经典句型1make sure (that) you ask for a receipt.(1) 请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗?_(2)你一定要在5点开车来接我._(3)我必须回去看看我有没有关上窗户_(4)Mary, make sure _the lights before you leave the room.A to turn off B to have turned off C that you turn off D turning off2so bad that the local government decided to do something about it.(1) 天气太冷,河都结冰了._(2) 我跑得太快,结果导致腿疼._(3) 这灯给出如此少的光,我看不清墙上的字._(4) So clever _ _ _ _(他是学生)that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.(5) 他是如此好的学生我们都喜欢._或_.(6) She was so angry at all_ he was doing_she walked out and closed the door behind her.A what, what B that, that C what, that D that, what(7)They are _little boys that they cant join the army.A so B such C as D too3 Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.(1) 你若是用功读书,就会考及格_或If_(2) 快点,否则会迟到_或If_(3)另外一小时,我将把这工作做完(2006 高考卷)_或If_(4)再点努力,这问题将被解决._或If_4 You should know the price before you begin the journey.(1) 那件事发生在战争爆发之前._(2)在离开伦敦之前我给他发了一封电报._(3)我们要在他回来之前离开这里._(4) 他还没有来的急回电话,电话铃就不响了._(5) 不久,他就把这事告诉我们了._111


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