高中英语Unit2《Fit for life》-Grammar and usage导学案(选修七译林牛津版)

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高中英语Unit2《Fit for life》-Grammar and usage导学案(选修七译林牛津版)_第1页
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高中英语Unit2《Fit for life》-Grammar and usage导学案(选修七译林牛津版)_第3页
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111M7U2 Fit for life Name _ Class_ Grammar and usage: Linking verbsLearning aims :1. To know about some basic information about linking verbs 2. To summarize usages of common and important linking verbsImportant and difficult points:1. To apply what theyve learned about linking verbs Learning procedures: Step 1自主学习 Choose the best answer.1. What is Mr Wang like? _. A. He is a teacher B. He is patient and kind C. He looks like a balloon D. He likes English 2. His voice_ as if he has a cold. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems3. This shirt_ as if it is made of cotton. A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems 4. These apples taste_. A. to he good B. to be well C. well D. good5. He _ much younger than he really is. A. appears B. grows C. becomes D. turns Step 2 合作探究A. 定义系动词,亦称连系动词(Link Verb)。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,亦称补语(形容词),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。B.系动词探究1. appear、seem表示“似乎”1) She appears/seems all right.2) Children appear/seem in favour of the Internet.3) He appears/seems to be friendly to us.4) They appear/seem to have misunderstood me.5) It appears/seems that she will win.6) It appears/seems to me that you are wrong.比较: He seems (to be) in his thirties. 他似乎三十多岁了。_ He appears (to be) in his thirties. 他看上去三十多岁。_2. look, sound, feel, taste, smell表示“感觉”。 (1) That sounds wonderful, but some people claim that the Internet is a waste of time.(2) If you always eat fast food, vegetables may not taste delicious to you.(3) It feels good to sit in front of the TV after a whole days hard work.(4) When he got up on stage, he looked a little nervous.(5) The air often smells bad in Internet cafes.3.become , come , get , grow , turn , fall, go 表示 “变化”。(1) Leaves turn green in spring.(2) The boy will go mad if you dont allow him to use the computer.(3) She fell asleep the moment she got into bed.(4) Your son has grown much taller.(5) John gets easily excited when playing computer games. 4. keep, remain, stay, stand , prove 表示 “状态”。(1) The Internet proved of great value to us during our project.(2) You shouldnt keep quiet in a debate.(3) People stayed silent and listened to us, and applauded at the end.(4) I believe the Internet remains a positive tool that helps make our lives better.Step 3 展示交流Step 4 点拨总结A. 常见连系动词的用法总结:2. become become + noun.become + adj.become + v-ed/ing1. seem seem (to be) +表语seem to have done sth.seem to be doing sth.seem +从句3. growgrow + adj.grow to do sth.grow into (= become)Its growing colder at night now.I grew to like the dog.He has grown into a fine young man.4. remainremain + n.remain + adj.remain + pron.remain + v-ed/ingremain + prep.remain + to do sth. Step 5 巩固练习1. Find the linking verbs here I am a teacher from DaiTou High School. Today ,I feel so honoured and excited to have the lesson for you . It seems that you are exceited ,too. Actually, I graduated from here. Today when I come back ,I find that our school remains beautiful as before. When I was studying here , I wanted to turn teacher in the future. Fortunately ,my dream has come true . So I think all of you here can realize your dream.2. 用come, get, fall, grow, turn, go, become,run填空1.When we_up, were going to help build up our country.2.Her face _red.3.The meat_bad. 4.The machine _out of order.5. My father was so tired that he _ asleep quickly.6. He has _an excellent actor.= He has _ excellent actor.7. My son _6 in July.8. He _ paid for teaching others.9. I saw that the garden had _wild3. Choose the best!1. The cloth that _ smooth and soft _. A. feels; sells well B. feels; is well sold C. is felt; sells well D. is felt; sells good2. _ delicious, the food was soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. To taste3. Happy birthday, Alice! So you have _ twenty-one already. A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed4. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating5. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may _ run over by a car. A. have B. get C. become D. turn6. Your suggestion _ good. A. hears B. sounds C. listens to D. listens7. The theory that he had stuck _ true. A. to proved B. proved C. proving D. to prove 8. The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away. A. came B. went C. got D. grew 9. What he said caused us _. A. to feel frightening B. feel frightened C. feeling frighten D. to feel frightened10. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything. A. to tell B. to be told C. to have been told D. to be telling11. The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels 12. He shook his head _ and looked _ when he was told the bad news. A.sadly; sadly B.sad; sad C.sadly; sad D. sad; sadly13. I love to go to the forest in summer. It _ good to walk in the forest or sit in the shade of trees. A. does B. feels C. gets D. makes14. -I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend. -_ good. A.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.Sounds15. His method should be popularized; it _ practical. A. proves B. is proved C. has been proved D. was provedStep 6. Homework Students Book P25 A B学习感悟: 1. 我学会了:_2. 我的困惑是(还有哪些不理解的地方):_Answers自主学习:1-5 BACDA合作探究实际上是实际上不是巩固提高:1. am ;feel;seems;are; remains; turn; come2. growturnedwentgot fell become/turnedturned getsrun3.1-5 ACBCB 6-10BABDC 11-15 CCBDA111


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