英语外研版必修一《Module 2 My new teachers》知识辅导

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111辅导:【重点、难点点拨】. 交际用语:表示偏爱Id prefer to do sth.1. Id rather do sth.2. I prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.3. I prefer doing sth. to doing sth.高考大纲要求的词汇 :. patient. 1)adj.有耐心的;能容忍的;能忍受的 be patient with sb.对某人耐心; be patient of sth.能忍受(事情)的,例如:The doctor is very patient with his patients.那位医生对病人很耐心.You should be more patient with others.你应该多容忍他人一些.She was patient of hardship.她能忍受苦难.2)n.病人,患者拓展: patiently adv. Patience n. “耐心;忍耐力” lose (ones ) patience with sth./sb. 对不能忍耐work hard with patience 勤勤恳恳地工作be out of patience with对不能忍受;讨厌;不耐烦. appreciate vt. 感激;欣赏;赞美;重视,其后可以加名词/代词/动名词,例如:He appreciates your talents. 他很赏识你的才能。I really appreciate having time to relax with you on this nice island. 我真的很欣赏有时间和你一起在这个美丽的岛上放松一下。Her works were not appreciated until her death. 直到她死后,她的作品才受到重视。I greatly appreciate your help.我感激你救了我儿子的命。拓展:appreciation n. 评价;鉴赏(力);理解. admit v. 承认;让进入;(场所)可容纳,其后可接名词/代词/动名词(不接不定式)/宾语从句,常用的结构有:admit sb to do sth.和 admit doing sth.例如:The man didnt admit me into the theatre.Tom admitted having broken the glass.=Tom admitted that he had broken the glass. 汤姆承认是他打碎了玻璃。He doesnt admit me to smoke here. 他不让我在这里抽烟。拓展:admit having done sth.承认干过某事be admitted to Beijing University被北京大学录取. explain v. 解释;说明;阐明 常用的结构有: explain sth. to sb.=explain to sb. sth. 例如:Please explain this problem to me. 请给我说明一下这个问题。I explained to him that I couldnt help him. 我向他说明另外不能帮他的原因。拓展:explanation n.解释;说明;辩解 in explanation of 作为的说明. amusing adj.有趣的;滑稽的;娱乐的 an amusing story 有趣的故事 an amusing man 一个有趣的人拓展:amuse v.使人快乐,逗笑be amused at/by/with 以为乐be amused to do 做取乐. respect vt. n. 尊重,尊敬,敬重(1)respect sb. 尊敬某人; respect oneself 自尊; respect the feeling of others 尊重别人的感情;respect the law 遵守法律(2)have/show respect for 尊敬 We should have/show respect for the old. 我们应该尊敬老人。(3)用作名词,作“尊敬”解,不可数;作“问候”解,常用复数形式。 give/send /pay ones respects to sb. 向某人问候 She sent her respects to my parents. 她向我的父母问候。. avoid vt. 逃避;避免;回避, 后跟名词/动名词做宾语,不跟不定式。即avoid n./doing 例如:Fortunately, we were able to avoid an accident.我们幸而逃过了一场灾难。I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.我尽量避免遇到他。.Phrases and Patterns. Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands. 好老师保证每个学生在课堂上都能听懂. make sure 一定要,保证做到,弄清楚Make sure you get there on time. 一定要准时到达那里。We must make sure of the facts.我们必须把事实搞清楚.Lets make sure that it has been finished. 让咱们搞清楚这工作是否确实已经完成. 注:make sure= make certain2. My first impression on Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy.李老师给我的第一印象是:有点儿紧张,有点儿害羞.impression on sb. 常用短语make a。impression on sb. 给某人留下。印象impression of sb./being 对某人的印象 例如:His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience. 他当会长后的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。He gives the impression of being a hard worker/that he works hard. 他给人的印象是工作很努力。3 Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speakEnglish, but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid! 我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词. 但李老师总是微笑着,这样你就不会感到很蠢.1)always强调“一直是这样”,常与现在进行时或过去进行时连用,给现在的动作或过去的动作披上一层感情色彩。这个动作并不强调动作正在进行。试比较:You do well. 你干得好。(对你的工作只作一般的肯定)Youre always doing well. 你总是干得很好。 (带夸奖的口吻,称赞对方一贯的行径H)2)so that 常引导一个结果状语从句。例如:He studies very hard, so that he can catch up with others in his class. 他学习很刻苦,以便能赶上班上的其他同学。4 hes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! 她语法讲解地如此清晰,甚至连我也能听懂.Sothat如此。以至于。引起表示结果的状语从句。So是副词,与形容词或副词连用,其结构是:so+adj./adv.+that +从句 如:He became so angry that he couldnt speak. 他气得说不出话来。Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我跌了这么多跤,以至全身都是青一块紫一块的。sothat也可以引导目的状语从句。例如:She got up so early that she could catch the early bus.她起地很早,目的是赶上早班车。5.I feel Im going to make progress with her.我感到在她班上我会取得进步的.Make a little/much/rapid progress with在某方面取得一点/很大/迅速的进步。Progress是不可数名词。 例如:I have made a lot of progress with my English. 我在英语方面取得了很大的进步。Have you made any progress with your study? 你在学习方面取得的进步了吗?6. -we dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.如果她不要求,我们连一句话也不敢说.1) dare既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作实义动词。否定式即可以是dare not 也可以是dont/doesnt dare 例如:He dare not tell his father what he did yesterday.= He didnt dare to tell his father what he did yesterday.2)unless=ifnot 如果不,除非 例如:One cannot learn a foreign language well unless he studies hard. 除非刻苦学习,否则是学不好外语的。I will not go there unless I hear from him. 如果他不通知我,我就不去。7. There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late but they are always on time for Mrs. Chens lessons. 在我们班有几个学生上课不断迟到,但上陈老师的课时总是按时.keep doing sth. 不断做某事,老是做某事(连续不断地或反复地发生)Alice kept waving to us. 爱丽丝不断地向我们挥手。They kept improving their technical skill. 他们不断地提高他们的技术水平。For many years he has kept writing to us.好些年来他一直给我们写信。比较:keep on doing sth. 不断,老是做某事(动作之间略有间隔)例如:People kept on coming to the hospital to see him. 人们不断地到医院来看望他。They kept on making the same mistakes. 他们老是犯同样的错误。. -as a result my work is improving. 就这样,我的学习正在进步.as a result 结果 例如:We helped each other in studies and as a result we became good friends. 我们在学习上相互帮助,结果我们成了好朋友。as a result of=because of 由于。 例如:The flight was delayed as a result of fog. 因有雾该航班误点了。. this is one class you do not fall asleep in. 这是一节你不会想睡觉的课.fall asleep 入睡, 睡着 drop asleep 入睡;fast asleep 睡得熟; sound asleep 睡得香10. He is really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored. 当他认为我们厌烦的时候,他真的很有趣并给我们讲笑话.tell jokes 讲笑话(=tell a joke;no joke 不是儿戏;in joke 开玩笑地,不认真地;make a joke 讲笑话,开玩笑;play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 例如:The man often plays a joke on the stupid person. 那个人经常开那个傻子的玩笑。12. In America, students and teachers are quite relaxed with each other. 在美国, 师生之间的关系是不拘束的.relaxed adj. 轻松的,不紧张的; a relaxed smile 轻松的微笑; a relaxed style of teaching 使人感到轻松的教学方法; look/feel/seem relaxed (about sth.)(对某事物)看起来、感到、似乎很轻松 例如:He felt very relaxed after the examination. 考完后他感到很放松。13. -, but teachers can have big problems with discipline. 但是教师却会碰到纪律糟糕的问题. have problem/trouble with sth. 在某方面有问题 例如: Do you have any problems with your English study? 你在英语学习方面有什么困难吗?. Grammar1 Verbs followed by ing英语中许多动词后面常跟-ing形式作宾语。常见动词归纳如下: avoid, admit, dislike,dread, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, imagine, like, love, practise, suggest, stop, appreciate, escape, consider(), allow, permit, forbid, regret, remember, forget, cant help, mind, require, miss, pardon, advise, mean, etc. 例如:1) My brother likes swimming2) They dont allow/permit parking here.3) Do you mind my opening the window?4) Can you imagine living at such a lonely island?5) She is considering going abroad.6) She is practicing playing the piano in the next room. 英语中有一些动词短语也常跟-ing作宾语。常见的跟-ing作宾语的动词短语如下:insist on, object to, be good at, lead to, leave off, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. devote to, get used to, pay attention to, be fond of, be worth等。2 -ing作宾语和动词不定to do作宾语的区别begin, start, continue, like, love, dislike, prefer, cant start 例句 解析. It began to rain. It began raining. It was beginning to snow. I love lying (to lie) on my back. I like listening to music, but today I dont like to. I dont prefer to swim in the river now.1.意思无差别,但谓语动词用进行时,后面只跟不定式。2.表示一种倾向多接动名词作宾语,如果表示某一特定的或具体的行动,多接不定式。 Remember, forget, regret, try 例句 解析. I remember to meet her at the station.I remember seeing her once somewhere. I forgot giving it to you yesterday.I forgot to tell you about it. Now here it is. I regret not having working hard.I regret to hear of your sisters death. Try knocking at the back door. We must try to get everything ready. That will mean flooding some land. I had meat to go on Monday. remember to do sth. 记住要做的事。remember doing sth. 回顾过去发生的事。2. forgot to do sth. 忘记要做的事。forgot doing sth. 忘记做过的事。3. regret to do sth. 对将要做的事抱歉。 regret doing sth. 对发生过的事后悔。4. try to do sth. 设法;试图 try doing sth. 试试看;试一试5. mean to do sth. 打算做,想要干 mean doing sth. 意味着,就是 Want, require, need 例句 解析These desks need repairing.These desks need to be repaired.The patient required examined.The patient required to be examined. need doing =need to be done 需要被做. want doing =want to be done 需要被做. require doing=require to be done 要求被做111


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