高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》introduction学案(外研版必修2)

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高一英语备课《Module 4 Fine Arts—Western Chinese and Pop Arts》introduction学案(外研版必修2)_第1页
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111Module4 Fine ArtsWestern Chinese and Pop Arts Introduction学案导学Learning aims:1To Improve interest in learning about arts2To learn the topic“Fine ArtsWesternChinese and Pop Arts”3To master some words to describe arts4To learn how to give opinions Learning contents: Introduction, Function and Cultural corner.Learning difficult and important points:1To master some words to describe arts2To learn how to give opinionsLearning methods: Make a thorough enquiry between SS-Ss; Ss- Teacher; Ss-alone.(三探一练四步学习法。)Learning Procedures:Step 1Preparing for the class【课前预习】-【个人探究】 初步了解Arts. Step2.Answer the teachers questions (1)Are you interested in art? (2)Do you like traditional Chinese art using brush and ink? (3)Can you name the artists of the following pictures? Do you know other famous artists at home and abroad?Suggested Answers: (1)Various answers are acceptable (2)Various answers are acceptable (3)The artists of the four pictures are:Da Vinci Qi Baishi Xu Beihong; Other famous artists are,for example,Zhang daqian,Pablo Picasso,Vincent van Gogh and Roy Lichtenstein. (图241) (图242) (图243)Step3:Pair work【合作探究】1) Listening to the teacher.Introduce some new words by showing some picturesArtists art gallery(图2-4-4) (图2-4-5)Chinese brush drawing Chinese brush ink for brush drawing (图246) (图247) (图248) oil painting brush colored inks (图249) (图2410) (图2411)2)Look at the two pictures below and answer the following question:These two paintings bellow are about(风景) (图2412) (图2413)参考答案 The two paintings above are about scene 【合作探究】-查阅词典-辨析scene与scenery scene指风景,所见之物,包括户内或户外的、城市或乡村的、活动或静态的景物;scenery指自然景色。Step 4Function【个人探究】-【合作探究】Practise how to give opinions 1) 【个人探究】 Read the sentences in Activity 1 on P34 and underline the phrases for giving opinions参考答案 I thinkI likeI really likeI cant standIm interested in1 want2)【合作探究】Think more expressions about giving opinionsFor your reference: I believeIn my opinion I likeloveenjoy I really likeappreciate 1 wantwould likeprefer is greatwonderfulcolourfuldelightfulamazingamusing! is awfuldreadfulterribleugly! (2)Ask Ss to look at the pictures on the screen,and try to use the expressions they just learnt to express their opinionsSay which one they prefer and what they think of the pictures (图2414) (图2415) (图2416)Step 5Cultural Corner【合作探究】-【个人探究】1)【合作探究】 Answer the following questions: Q1What do you think of this picture? Q2Do you know who painted it?(Pablo Picasso)2)【个人探究】 Read the passage on P39 and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F) (1)Picasso was born in Germany (2)From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures in pink,So this period was known as Picassos “pink period” (3)With another artist called George Braque,he started a new important art movement called Cubism (4)Picassos greatest Cubist painting is about a city called Guernica (5)Picasso didnt show his feelings about what had happened in his pictures参考答案 (1)F Picasso Was born in Spain (2)F From 19021904 he painted a series of pictures in blue,SO this period Was known as Picasso S“ blue period” (3)T (4)T (5)F Picasso did show his feelings about what had happened in his picturesStep6:【全员探究】-教师点拨Read the passage again and try to retell the life of Picasso_参考句子(1)He had his first exhibition at the age of 16(2)Picassos “blue period” was from 1902 to 1904,when he painted a series of pictures where the main color was blueThese pictures mainly showed poor,unhappy people(3)From 1904 to 1906 Picasso painted much happier pictures in the colour pinkThis period was known as Picasso S“ pink period”(4)With another Spanish artist called George Braque,Picasso then started an important new artistic movement called CubismHis first Cubist paintings were all painted in brown and greyThe picture Guernica is his greatest Cubist paintingStep7Homework1Ask Ss to review the words that they have learnt in this period2Preview Reading and Vocabulary in this module3Write a short passage about the life of Picasso111


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