高考英语一轮复习课时作业14:Unit 2《The environment》(牛津译林版必修5湖南专用)

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111课时作业(十四)必修模块5Unit 2The environment限时:30分钟.语法填空1First impressions are the most lasting.After all,you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression.Aa;the Bthe;the Ca;a Dthe;a2The extraordinary success of Dr.Doyle,mainly with his Sherlock Holmes,has _ the market with detective stories.Aflew Bcontrolled Ccharged Dflooded3If we dont sell more goods,well have to cut back _ production _10% next year.Aupon;to Bon;by Cof;by Dfor;to4Have we _ money?Yes,_.Wed better get some from the bank near here.Arun out of;we have run it outBrun out of;our money has run outCrun out of;our money has been run outDrun out;our money has been run out.5The campus shooting spread throughout the county,_to great concern about students safety at school.Ahaving led Bled Cleading Dto lead6As a result of peoples destroying the forest,a larger _ of desert _ covered the earth in recent years.Anumber;has Bnumber;have Cquantity;has Dquantity;have7_ everyone knows is _ the kind girl,for _ life was once hard,still insists on helping the old men around every day.AWhat;/;whom BWhat;that;whoseCIt;/;whom DWhat;that;whom8The number of traffic accidents caused by drinking is _ as the number of those caused by nondrinking driving.Atwice as many Bmany as twiceCas twice large Dtwice as large9_ the right decisions _ the future is probably the most important thing well ever do in our lives.AMaking;concerned BMake;concerning CTo make;concerned DMaking;concerning 10As these new products are not selling well,the members of the board have decided to _ production.Acut down Bcut down to Ccut down on Dcut off11The workers are all going out to make the output _ three times what it was five years ago.Agrow to Bgrow upCgrow by Dgrow into12_ was clear to everyone that he couldnt get full marks if not cheating in the test.AIt BThat CThis DOne13The boy was having an operation on the stomach,tears _ down his cheeks quietly.Aflew Bflowing Cflown Dto flow14Bad luck.They didnt offer the job to me._Youve been well prepared for the interview.ASo what? BWhat if?CHow come? DWhat about?15Lilys mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally,never _again.Ato find Bto be foundCfinding Dbeing found.完形填空(二)New studies show how food and its production affect the globe and its climate. The process of making a hamburger, for example, requires lots of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland. And cow waste is a major source of methane(沼气) 16._ especially powerful greenhouse gas. The cow has to be killed. The meat has to be processed and shipped, 17._ takes fuel. Most of the cow wont even be used for meat people eat. By the time a hamburger finally lands to a dinner plate, 18._ has made bad effect on the environment. We can reduce the production of global warming gases by eating less beef. Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do 19._ harm to the environmentat least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released. 20._ , all kinds of meat are harder 21._ the planet than vegetables. 22._ changing our diet to less meat and more vegetables, as it turns 23._, may do the world some good.阅读理解 Our Community One Tuesday evening in the beginning of the fall 1996 semester (学期) at Shippensburg University, sirens sounded. These sirens were not in celebration; they were a cry to the university that something was wrong. A house, only one block away, was on fire. Nine of the universitys students lived there. From the minute the word got out that help was needed, it seemed like everyone showed up. The victims (受灾者) of the fire were offered endless invitations for housing for the night. The very next day, everyone got_into_gear to do their part in helping them. Flyers( handbills) were posted with items that were immediately needed, just to get these students through this next couple of days. Boxes for donations (捐赠品) and money jars were placed in every residence hall (学生宿舍) As a residence director, I went before the students in my hall to ask them to do what they could. I knew that college students dont have much, but I asked them to do their best: “Every little bit will help.” I really didnt think they could do much. I was proved wrong. At the hall council meeting the night after the fire, my residents decided to have a wing competition, where each wing of the building would team up to see who could bring in the most donations. I announced that the wing who won would receive a free pizza party. Thursday evening we announced over the PA system that we were beginning the wing competition. Within minutes, the place exploded. The single large box that I had placed in the lobby (大厅) was overflowing. We quickly grabbed more boxes, and we watched in_amazement as they, too, filled to the brim(边;沿). Members of the resident assistant staff and I began to count the items. I was astonished by what I saw, and I was inspired by these kids. When we came to the final tally(得分), the winners turned to me and announced that they would like to donate their winnings as well. They wanted the victims of the fire to have their pizza party. Tears welled up in my eyes. I had watched these students jump to action, work tirelessly and donate all that they could. And then, as if that were not enough, they handed over their reward. I was touched and so very proud of them.24The writer mainly wanted to_ by the story.Atell us nine of the college students suffered from a fireBsing praise of the college students helping the victims selflesslyCdescribe how successful the wing competition was Dexpress he was deeply moved by the college students action25The phrase “get into gear” in the second paragraph means _. Astart working Btake measuresCbe ready Dbe eager26At first, the residence director thought _.Ait was impossible to expect the college students to donate anythingBit was easy to collect a lot of donations from the college studentsCthe college students would donate something, but not muchDthe college students would donate all they could27The wing competition was held _. Aseveral days after the fire Bthe night after the fire Ca week after the fire Dtwo days after the fire28The phrase “in amazement” in Paragraph 5 means _. Asatisfactorily BexcitedlyCsurprisedly Dhappily.阅读填空阅读短文,根据所读内容在表中的空格处填上适当的单词或短语。注意:每空不超过3个单词。When I opened my email the other day, a pretty woman named Rachel appeared on my computer screen. She greeted me by name and started talking with great enthusiasm. Every now and then she stopped to smile at me or blow a kiss. She was reading to me an email from my brother, and a lot of it was about his getting the phone company to give him a highspeed Internet connection. It was pretty cool. Rachel was there thanks to a new technology called Facemail. Facemail lets you send emails that can be read to the receiver by an attractive male or female or by a clown. The software, which is free, can be downloaded at www.Facemail.com. Facemail faces are lifelike, and they copy emotions based on the ones that you put in your text. For example, type in X, and Rachel blows a kiss. Life FX, the company that develops the Facemail, is sure that there are broad business uses. The reason ebusiness is not popular, the company says, is that buying over the Internet lacks the human touch. But what if you went to the Nike website and Michael Jordan greeted you by name, waited on you and personally closed the sale? Besides, the company is talking with Whirlpool Company about the technology in a computer screen on a fridge. Then if Mom cant be at home when the kids get back from school, she can leave a note with voice and image telling them what there is to eat.Facemail could get hot fast. Personally, I am a fan. But Facemail should be used with words in an email and add angry emotions when youve got junk mails.Title: A New Technology on _29_. My findings: I was greeted by _30_ on my computer when I opened my email the other day; She kept reading to me an email from my brother about a highspeed Internet connection; Sometimes she would stop to smile or _31_;. More details of Facemail: _32_: Facemail can let your emails read by a “person”; Feature: Facemail faces are _33_and changeable; _34_: Life FX Future of Facemail: It is sure to have _35_; It may be used in a computer screen _36_ to help mothers;. My personal _37_ about Facemail: It could get hot fast; It should be used with words in an email; It might make you _38_ when getting junk mails.课时作业(十四).1.A考查冠词。很多同学错在第二个空to make _ first impression上了。在做题的时候不够细心,因为此题的句意是:第一印象是最持久的。毕竟,你永远不可能再有一次机会去给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是“再有一次机会”a second chance;“留第一印象”用make the first impression表示。first为干扰因素。2D考查动词词义辨析。句意:主要以夏洛克福尔摩斯而取得非凡成功的柯南道尔以侦探小说正冲击着市场。flow“流动”;control“控制”;charge“要价,索价;控告”;flood“淹没;充满;溢出;涌出”。根据句意可知选择D项。3B题意:我们若不能增加货物的销售量,明年就必须降低百分之十产量。 cut back on“削减,缩减”,是固定短语。by常用来表示程度和范围增减的幅度,符合题意。to表示减少或增加到。4B考查run out和run out of的用法。run out of 是及物动词短语,后接宾语;run out是不及物动词短语,不能跟宾语,也没有被动语态,根据题意可知,选择B项。5C考查非谓语动词。句意为:校园枪杀事件传遍了整个县,也引起了人们对学生在校安全的关注。The campus shooting和lead之间是主谓关系,并作spread的伴随状语,所以用leading。6C考查数量词和主谓一致。a number of后跟可数名词复数,quantity of后可跟可数名词复数也可跟不可数名词,所以首先排除A和B,再根据quantity,谓语动词用单数,如果是quantities时,谓语动词则用复数形式。7D考查名词性从句和定语从句。句意:大家都知道,这个生活一度困难的善良女孩仍然坚持每天帮助周围的老人。第一空引导主语从句,同时也作knows的宾语,所以选用what。第二空引导表语从句,用that。第三空引导定语从句,指代先行词the kind girl,也作为for的宾语,所以用whom。8D考查倍数表达。the number of作主语时,其表语要用large,不能用many;倍数词应放在同级比较句型中第一个as之前,综上所述本题应选D。9Dis为谓语动词,因此应当用动名词短语作主语;concerning “有关的,关于”。根据题意应选D。10Ccut down 砍倒/减缩(费用); cut off 切掉,割。根据题意“在产品方面缩减”,应选C。11Agrow to 增加到(同become);grow up 长大;grow into 变成。根据题意应选A。12A考查代词。句意:大家都清楚他考试不作弊是不可能获得满分的。It在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。13B考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,主句的主语是the boy,而tears则是flow的逻辑主语。在英语中两个句子主语不一致时,需要用独立结构来表达,即tears flowing down his cheeks quietly。原句为The boy was having an operation on the stomach and tears were flowing down his cheeks quietly.14C考查交际用语。句意:“真倒霉。他们没有录用我。”“怎么会是那样?你已为面试做好了充分准备。”So what那又怎么样呢?What if如果将会怎么样?How come怎么会是那样? What about怎么样?15B考查非谓语动词。句意:莉莉的手机意外地忘在出租车里了,再也没有找到过。手机再也没有被找到,故用被动语态,所以用never to be found作结果状语。.16.an沼气是一种强而有力的温室气体,故填an。17which该空引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整句内容,故填which。18it该空指“a hamburger”,故填it。19less根据“at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released”推断填less。20However根据前后的转折关系可判断填However。21onon the planet意为“在地球上”。22So根据前后的因果关系可判断该空填So。23outas it turns out结果是,结果证明。.本文是记叙文。全文叙述了在救灾捐助活动中,大学生的积极表现,以此赞扬他们正义的精神。24B主旨大意题。作者写此文章意在通过救灾捐助活动歌颂大学生忘我的助人为乐精神,描述场面是手段,颂扬精神是目的。25A词义猜测题。整段叙述救灾的紧急行动情况和大家的积极性,四个选项中只有A项的意思能和前后文统一起来。26C细节理解题。作者原先的想法在第三段I knew that college students dont have much, but I asked them to do their best: “Every little bit will help.”体现出来。27D细节理解题。星期二晚上发生火灾,星期四晚上搞募捐比赛,即募捐比赛是在灾后两天搞的。28C词义猜测题。作者原以为大学生没什么东西可捐,对他们的捐献本没抱多大的期望。但捐献现场的气氛却是那样热烈,这大大出乎其意料,所以感到“惊讶”是很自然的。本段最后一句中的 “astonished” 对此题也可起到提示和印证的作用。.29.Facemail综合全文内容可判断。30a pretty woman/Rachel根据第一段When I opened my email the other day, a pretty woman named Rachel appeared on my computer screen.可判断。31blow a kiss/kisses根据第一段Every now and then she stopped to smile at me or blow a kiss.可判断。32Function根据空后的Facemail can let your emails read by a “person”可判断。33lifelike根据第三段Facemail faces are lifelike可判断。34Producer/Developer根据倒数第二段Life FX, the company that develops the Facemail, is sure that there are broad business uses.可判断。35broad business uses根据倒数第二段Life FX, the company that develops the Facemail, is sure that there are broad business uses.可判断。36on a fridge根据倒数第二段Besides, the company is talking with Whirlpool Company about the technology in a computer screen on a fridge.可判断。37opinion/view/point of view根据最后一段可判断。38angry/annoyed根据最后一段可判断。111


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