高考英语外研版选修6Module1《Small Talk》单元强化训练

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111单元强化训练(一)(解析为教师用书独有).单项填空1He is a man of _ ideas and he often makes a careful plan _.Aadvanced;before advanceBadvanced;in advance ofCadvanced;in advanceDadvancing;in advance of【解析】句意为:他是一个有着超前思想的人并且经常提前作出详细的计划。advanced形容词,“先进的”,作定语。in advance固定短语,“提前”。【答案】C2_,the materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.AIt is well known BWe all knowCIt is well known that DAs is well known【解析】as引导非限制性定语从句时,as指代整个主句或主句的一部分内容,并在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。若选B、C,则应去掉横线后的逗号。若选A,句子结构错误。【答案】D3At first I _ confidence to try it,but now Im beginning to get the idea.And my marks have improved.Amissed Blacked Cordered Dleft【解析】考查同义短语的辨析。句意为:李老师不光教我们英语,还在报社工作。as well as连接平行结构。in addition后不跟任何成分,in addition to和besides可跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。【答案】C5I had written twice to Janet, but she didnt _ to my letters, so I decided to go there myself.Areturn BreplyCanswer Dreceive【解析】句意为:我已经给简写了两封信,但是她没有回复,因此我决定亲自去那儿一趟。answer ones letterreply to ones letter意为“回信”。【答案】B6Its dark and little Anne cant find way home. she really doesnt know _.Awhen to leave Bwhen to chooseCwhether to do Dwhat to do【解析】句意为:天黑了,小安妮找不到回家的路,她不知道怎么办。本题考查“疑问词不定式”作宾语,句中what to do相当于what she will do。【答案】D7We can hardly imagine Tom_the heavy task in a single day.Afinish BfinishingCto finish Dto have finished【解析】imagine sb./sb.s doing sth.意为“想像某人干某事”。【答案】B8Why didnt you tell me there was no meeting today? I _ all the way here _ the heavy snow.Aneednt have driven;throughBcant have driven;acrossCmustnt have driven;throughDshouldnt have driven;across【解析】句意为:你为什么不告诉我今天的会议取消了?我本没有必要穿过厚厚的雪开车过来。考查情态动词和介词的用法。【答案】A9I made an_to my teacher for the_I had made in the composition.Aapologise;mistake Bapology;mistakes Capology;mistaken Dapologise;mistakes【解析】空一考查make an apology to sb. for sth.“因某事向某人道歉”;空二考查mistake用作可数名词,意为“错误”。句意为:我为我在作文中犯的错误向老师道歉。【答案】B10To pick up as soon as possible, Tom was advised to exercise _ a change in diet.Ain addition to Bin favor ofCin response to Din return for3你真是太好了,我永远不会忘记你对我的帮助。(favour)You_are_really_very_kind.Ill_never_forget_the_favour_you_have_done_to_me.4由于某种原因他在会上一语不发。(certain)He_didnt_say_anything_at_the_meeting_for_a_certain_reason.5我不在时,格林先生负责。(absence)Mr._Green_will_be_in_charge_during_my_absence.完形填空When I was about 11 years old,I was at my friend Jennys house after school one day,and we were doing homework.While I was there,a friend of Jennys moms came over to visit.I dont remember her name or _1_ what her face looked like.I just remember her _2_,her voice and the lesson she taught me.I can still see her hands reaching out for mine in our _3_.They were so beautiful,I thought.Then I heard her saying.(and not at all in a condescending manner)“Oh no,that is NOT _4_ you shake hands.Let me show you how.”After that,I just remember her voice explaining the _5_ of a good handshake _6_ a positive sense of _7_,looking the other person in the eye,making that first moment _8_ I think in that exchange I first understood _9_.I respected her for taking the _10_ to teach me about one of those subtleties(微妙的事情)in life.I _11_ the fact that she didnt _12_ down to me because I was 11 or because I didnt _13_ something.And so because of that I felt somewhat respected.I mean in the way she _14_ me.It felt good to be talked to like a _15_ person,and not like whatever the _16_ perception(观点)of an 11yearold would be.I also appreciate her instilling(逐渐灌输)the idea that if someone doesnt know or isnt_17_ of something,you should have compassion,point him or her in the right _18_ and dont be afraid to share your _19_.I think of her every time I meet someone _20_ and Im so thankful for her little lesson1A.elseBevenCstillDotherwise【解析】作者此处的表达方式类似于欲擒故纵,为突出后面对方教给她正确的握手方式让她铭记作铺垫。为了突出后面事物的重要程度,所以用even。而or else连在一起,意思是“否则的话”,相当于otherwise,不符合语境。【答案】B2A.figure Barms Ceyes Dhands【解析】综观全文,作者对别人教给她正确的握手方式念念不忘,因此文章围绕着“握手”这一中心话题展开,令作者难以忘怀的自然也是对方的手。【答案】D3A.expectation BintroductionCinterview Dreception【解析】根据语境和常识判断,作者和对方是第一次见面,所以要互相介绍、握手,从而引出握手的故事。因此应选B。其他选项显然都脱离了文章的具体语境。【答案】B4A.how Bwhen Cwhy Dwhere【解析】根据语境和常识判断,作者当时是一个11岁的孩子,因此不知道“怎样”跟别人握手,即不知道握手的正确方式,这是很自然的事情。其他引导词显然违背了文章的原意。【答案】A5A.procedure BvalueCattraction Dimportance【解析】看到作者不知道怎样跟别人握手,对方教给她正确的握手方式,很自然地会谈到正确握手的重要性。因此正确选项为D。四个选项中干扰性比较大的是value“价值”,用来修饰“握手”这一行为,显然不妥当。【答案】D6A.indicating BconveyingCpredicting Dproducing【解析】此处是对方向作者介绍正确握手的重要性:正确的握手方式能够把自己积极的一面传达出去。convey意为“传达”意义、讯息;indicate“暗示,预示”;predict“预言”;produce“生产,产品”。【答案】B7A.self Bpride Cothers Dimpression【解析】根据具体的语境和常识判断,正确的握手方式能够显示握手者自己积极的情绪,因此用self。【答案】A8A.preserve Boccur Cmatter Dlast【解析】根据常识判断,人们初次握手时会给对方留下第一印象,因此,第一次见面非常重要,所以选动词matter,当“关键,重要”讲。【答案】C9A.manners Bequality Ccharm Drespect【解析】文章下文多次提到“respect”,握手这一动作显然能够体现对对方的尊重,而作者此刻也明白了什么是尊重。故正确选项为D。【答案】D10A.time Bchance Cefforts Doccasion【解析】作者非常感激,因为对方并没有忽视或敷衍作者,而是拿出时间来非常耐心地给她讲这些道理。It takes sb. time to do sth.花费某人时间做某事”。13A.know Blike Cfeel Dcorrect【解析】根据语境判断,此处作者还是说明自己对“握手”的无知,所以选know。其他动词显然不符合文意。【答案】A14A.reminded BtreatedCtaught Dhelped【解析】此处作者作了概括,作者感激对方是因为对方对自己的尊重,即以平等的方式对待自己。故正确选项为B。C项表示“教育、教学(的方式)”,显然过于片面。【答案】B15A.close Bgood Creal Dgreat【解析】承接上文,作者为自己能够被当作一个真正的人来对待感到高兴。根据语境和常识判断,可排除D,因为a great person,表示“伟人”。故正确选项为C。【答案】C16A.general BextremeCrealistic Dwrong【解析】根据语境判断,此处作者非常感激对方,因为对方没有按照普遍的观点来对待一个11岁的孩子。大人很容易把一个11岁的孩子当作小孩来对待,这不能说是“极端”,也不能说这是“错误”,因此不选B或D。【答案】A17A.short Bcareful Caware Dfond【解析】对方向作者灌输了一种观点:当别人不知道,或者没有意识到什么事情的时候,要教对方。be aware of意思是“意识到”,符合语境和题意,C为正确选项。【答案】C18A.way Bdirection Caspect Dstage【解析】本题极易受汉语思维的影响而选way。in the right way表示“以正确的方式”,而此处作者表达的意思是要把对方引导到正确的方向上来。故正确选项为B。【答案】B19A.knowledge BsenseCwisdom Dexperience【解析】上文中作者叙述学会了正确的握手方式,这显然是一种“知识”,而不是“经验”或“智慧”,因此此处作者的用意是号召大家分享自己的知识。【答案】A20A.important BstrangeCfamiliar Dnew【解析】如果不能把握全文的主旨和作者的用意,本题非常容易错选A。文章叙述的是学会握手的过程,因此每当第一次见到一个人的时候,作者都会情不自禁地想起朋友母亲的那位朋友,用new符合逻辑。someone strange意思是“奇怪的人”,要表达“陌生人”,英语用stranger。【答案】D厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.阅读理解President Barack Obama has apologized for a gaffe (失言) in which he described his bowling skills as akin to participants in the Special Olympics, a sports program for people with intellectual disabilities.Obama made the mistake during an interview on Thursday night on “The Tonight Show” with host Jay Leno, the first time a sitting US. president had been on the show.Talking about living in the White House, Obama said he had been practicing his bowling in the homes bowling alley and had scored a 129 out of a possible 300.It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago. “Its likeit was like Special Olympics or something,” Obama said.The Special Olympics is a global nonprofit organization serving some 200 million people with intellectual disabilities, with a presence in nearly 200 countries worldwide.Soon after the Jay Leno interview, Obama telephoned Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.Shriver told ABCs “Good Morning America” television show that Obama had apologized “in a way that I think was very moving” and that he said “he did not intend to humiliate (羞辱) the population, didnt want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or kind of suffering.”Shriver said people should gain a lesson from the incident.“I think its important to see that words hurt. Words do matter. And these words in some respect, can be seen as humiliating or a putdown to people with special needs, do cause pain. And they do result in stereotypes,” Shriver said.White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama “made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to look down upon the Special Olympics.”“He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world,” Burton said.1What does the underlined word “akin” in Paragraph 1 mean?Askillful. Bsimilar. Cappealing. Dsuperior.【解析】词义猜测题。从文章第四段中的“Its like.It was like the Special Olympics or something”,我们不难发现奥巴马说自己的保龄球技术就像特奥会运动员的一样,于是我们可以判断akin表示“类似的”,因此应该选B项。【答案】B2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AObama loves sports and is especially gifted at bowling.【解析】推理判断题。从倒数第三、四段中Shriver的话中,我们知道他认为“言语的作用很大,有些话可能会贬低别人,给自己带来伤痛”。由此推断,我们要对自己的话负责,小心自己的言语,所以答案选B项。【答案】B4The passage is mainly about_.AObama receiving a TV interviewBObama looking down on the disabledCObama apologizing for his gaffeDObama being attacked for his words【解析】主旨大意题。文章第一段就告诉了我们全文的大意:奥巴马总统为自己的“失言”而道歉,所以答案选C项。【答案】C厚积薄发在本篇文章的阅读过程中,你有没有发现自己尚未掌握的或比较重要的词汇、短语或者句型?赶紧动手,把它们记下来吧!单词:_短语:_句型:_.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As is known, that is interesting to teach children to itswim when they are still babies. Most the large towns in ofFlorida and California have already run particularly lessons particular 111

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