Unit 3《Science versus nature》同步练习2(译林版必修5)

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111译林牛津版高中英语模块五 Unit 3单元测试Unit 3 Science versus nature第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Lets hurry. Perhaps we can catch the train.Its too late now, _ .A. otherwiseB. therefore C. anyway D. however2. Some people argue using _ nature to meet our own needs may spell disaster, unless we start to look around and understand how _ clean environment benefits us all.A. /; a B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a 3. Many children think they are _ with when their parents are trying to show concern about them.A. interfered B. separated C. disturbed D. offended4. Over years, scientists have made a great _in the treatment of cancer.A. break-inB. breakthrough C. breakupD. breakdown5. Some people are sitting on the grass; others are walking along the lake, _ .A. chatting and to laugh B. to chat and to laughC. chatting and laughing D. chatted and laughed 6. We had intended to do everything according to the schedule, but it didnt _ as planned.A. make upB. turn out C. go onD. come up7. _ by many well-known experts and film stars, the product was very popular at one time.A. To advocate B. Having advocated C. AdvocatingD. Advocated8. When the headmaster spoke out his plan, the _of the students in the class _ against it.A. majority; were B. most; were C. most; did D. majority; did9. All the candidates were _ the street to be named after a great man _ his great contributions to the city.A. in favor of; in need of B. in praise of; in favor ofC. in praise of; in need of D. in favor of; in honor of10. When the stranger was dragging him away, the baby reached out his hands in _ want of his mother.A. curious B. desperate C. sincere D. serious11. The explorer traveled to several remote villages, _a lot of unusual information.A. gatheringB. having gather C. to gatherD. gathered12. In the questionnaire, the subjects are questioned whether they _ banning cars in the city center.A. agreeB. comment C. advocateD. conduct13. It was more than he could bear when his old friend _ him to accept a cigarette.A. invited B. urged C. persuadedD. agreed14. Experienced as she is, the teacher is still thinking of new ideas about how the new textbooks should be _ .A. conducted B. made C. sent D. carried15. Where are you going to spend your summer holiday?Ill go _ it is already cool.A. what B. that C. whether D. where第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Every August on the island of Heimaey, off the southern coast of Iceland, young people often take a walk along the streets throughout the night. Whats more, their parents allow them to 16 .Why? The children of Heimaey are going to 17 young puffinssmall black-and-white seabirds.The cliffs(悬崖)above the town are 18 to a large group of puffins. The birds dig holes all around the cliffs. These holes are their homes. Their 19 stay in the holes for about seven weeks. Then they begin to leave. Some move slowly on their 20 wings and feet down to the northern Atlantic Ocean that surrounds Heimaey. 21 , they swim, which they can do naturally, and learn to dive for fish. 22 , however, may lose their way at night and 23 themselves in the town instead. On the ground, the young seabirds are 24 . Because their wings are not fully developed, they cannot 25 quickly to sea and safely. The birds then become a good 26 for cats and other animals. For many years, islanders have 27 many young puffins. Early at night in late August, children 28 thick paper boxes and lights hurry to the seashore to catch puffins. They spend most of the night 29 after the birds. They put the birds theyve caught in 30 and take good care of them. The next morning the children take the puffins to the ocean and set them 31 . The birds will live 32 until they are at least two years old. Then they will 33 to the cliffs to build homes of their own for their families. 34 the children of Heimaey always come to save puffins? “Yes,” answer the boys. “We look forward to it. The 35 time for us is setting the birds free.”16. A. take a walk B. stay out C. come back D. make friends17. A. killB. watch C. catch D. save18. A. home B. close C. dangerous D. falling19. A. brothers B. friendsC. parents D. young20. A. undevelopedB. strong C. beautiful D. ugly21. A. HoweverB. There C. Therefore D. Again22. A. These B. Those C. Others D. Puffins23. A. make B. send C. bring D. find24. A. at ease B. in trouble C. at rest D. in safety25. A. take off B. give off C. send off D. run off26. A. friend B. toy C. meal D. game27. A. caughtB. eaten C. helped D. observed28. A. making B. buying C. tearing D. carrying29. A. running B. walking C. playing D. flying30. A. water B. pockets C. paper D. boxes31. A. off B. free C. out D. away32. A. on landB. at sea C. in cliffs D. in town33. A. stick B. devote C. return D. fall34. A. Will B. Man C. Must D. Did35. A. first B. last C. next D. best第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A In todays world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to peoples health. However, not all the persons know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and that is harmful to human health, too.People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf. Today, however, scientists believe that 10 percent of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old persons, for these young people like to listen to pop music and most of pop music is a kind of noise. Besides, noise produced by jet planes or machines will make peoples life difficult and unpleasant, or even make people ill or even drive them mad.It is said that a continuous noise of over 85 decibels(分贝) can cause deafness. Now the governments in many countries have made laws to control noise and make it less than 85 decibels.In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollution problems.36. The passage is mainly about _ . A. air pollution B. water pollution C. noise pollution D. world pollution 37. According to the passage, a continuous noise of _decibels can make people deaf. A. less than 85 B. less than 65 C. about 65 D. more than 85 38. 10 percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened because _ . A. they are working in noisy places B. they often listen to pop music C. they live near airports D. they are too busy to listen to otherstalk39. The government of China is trying to reduce _.A. only the air pollution B. only the air and water pollution C. only the water pollution D. the air, water and noise pollutionB Cloning is suggested as a means of bringing back a relative, usually a child, killed tragically. Some parents can understand that wish, but it must first be recognized that the copy would be a new baby and not the lost child. Here lies the difficulty, for the sad parents are seeking not a new baby but a return of the dead one. Since the original would be fondly remembered as having particular talents and interests, would not the parents expect the copy to be the same? It is possible, however, that the copy would develop quite differently. Is it fair to the new child to be placed in a family with such unnatural expectations?Copying is also suggested as a means by which parents can have the child of their dreams. Couples might choose to have a copy of a film star, baseball player or scientist, depending on their interest. But because personality is only partly the result of genetic inheritance(遗传), conflicts would be sure to arise if the cloned child failed to develop the same interests as the original. What if the copy of Einstein shows no interest in science? Or the baseball player turns to acting? Success also depends upon fortune. What if the child does not live up to the hopes and dreams of the parents simply because of bad luck?Every child should be wanted for itself, as an individual. In making a copy of oneself or some famous person, a parent is deliberately(深思熟虑地) specifying(详细说明) the way he or she wishes that child to develop. In recent years, particularly in the U.S., much importance has been placed on the right of individuals to reproduce in ways that they wish. So I suggest there is a greater need to consider the interests of the child and to reject these proposed uses of cloning.40. What happens to parents in cloning a lost child?A. Parents expect too much from the copy. B. Parents may get a quite different copy.C. Parents are sure to have an identical copy. D. Parents lose the talents of the lost child.41. What, in the authors opinion, affects the success of parents dreams?A. The cloned childs interest in Einstein. B. The cloned childs natural talent.C. The cloned childs personality. D. The efforts of the parents.42. In the third paragraph, the author implies that _.A. the cloned child is viewed as independentB. the right of growing in his own way is taken away from the cloned childC. parents carefully protect the rights of the cloned childD. parents are eager to wish the cloned child to be somebody.43. In this passage, the author is mainly concerned about _. A. the future of a cloned child B. the possibility of cloning peopleC. the importance of cloning a lost child D. the problems of cloning lifeC Municipal(市政府) regulations normally ban anything from smoking in public places to parking in certain zones. But officials in the Brazilian town of Biritiba Mirim, 70km (45 miles) east of Sao Paulo, have gone far beyond that. They plan to prohibit residents from dying early because the local cemetery(墓地) has reached full capacity. Theres no more room to bury the dead, they cant be cremated(火化) and laws forbid a new cemetery. So the mayor has proposed a strange solution: outlaw death. Mayor Roberto Pereira says the bill is meant as a protest against federal regulations that prohibit new or expanded cemeteries in preservation areas. “They have not taken local demands into consideration”, he claims. A 2003 decree(法令) by Brazils National Environment Council forbids burial grounds in protected areas. Mr. Pereira wants to build a new cemetery, but the project has been stopped because 98% of Biritiba Mirim is considered a preservation area. Biritiba Mirim, a town of 28,000 inhabitants(居民), not only wants to prohibit residents from passing away. The bill also calls on people to take care of their health in order to avoid death. “I havent got a job, nor am I healthy. And now they say I cant die. Thats ridiculous,” Amarildo do Prado, an unemployed resident said. The city council is expected to vote on the regulation next week. “Of course the bill is laughable, illegal, and will never be approved,” said Gilson Soares de Campos, an assistant to the mayor. “But can you think of a better resolution to persuade the government to change the environmental decree that is prohibiting us from building a new cemetery?” The bill states that “offenders will be held responsible for their acts”. However, it does not say what the punishment will be.44. What is the bill to be proposed by the officials in Biritiba Mirim?A. Ban on smoking in public places. B. Ban on parking in certain zones.C. Prohibiting residents from dying early. D. Forbidding buried grounds in preservation.45. What can we infer from the phrase “have gone far beyond that”?A. Officials in Biritiba Mirim have nothing of these regulations.B. The bill to be proposed by officials in Biritiba Mirim is much too unexpected.C. Officials in Biritiba Mirim have been to many places around the world.D. The officials in Biritiba Mirim have built too many cemeteries in their town.46. Whats the attitude of the mayor of Biritiba Mirim towards the federal regulations?A. He objects to them. B. He gives strong backing to them.C. He asks the residents for advice on them. D. He remains silent about them.47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?A. The mayor of the town wants to build a new cemetery against federal regulation.B. The residents of the town sing the praises of the bill.C. The government is going to change the environmental decree.D. No better resolution of the problem has been thought out.D A San Francisco self-service laundry(自助洗衣店) may be one of the worlds most unusual places to surf the Internet but a fashionable club on Moscows Red Square is definitely the most fashionable, according to a Yahoo survey of the globes best cybercafs(网吧). The winners of the first Yahoo Mail Internet Caf Awards were published on Wednesday to mark the 10th anniversary(纪念日) of the worlds first cybercaf in Londons West End. Among the top picks were the unusual Brain Wash in San Francisco, named as “the height of Internet caf with self-service laundry” and Moscows Phlegmatic Dog, selected as Most Stylish with its “unique combination of comfort and hi-tech”. Taking the Best UK Internet Caf award was Caf Curve in Brighton, southern England“a must for anyone who likes style, comfort, typing and keeping in touch”. And the title of the worlds Most Remote Internet Caf went to an internationally funded centre in Timbuktu, Mali. The winners were chosen by a team of judges who considered travelers more than 1,000 nominations(提名) of cybercafs in 111 countries. The results have been collected in a Rough Guides e-book. In the decade since Londons Caf Cyberia first opened its doors in 1994, approximately 20,000 Internet cafs have sprung up in 171 countries, according to Yahoo Mail. “Despite the fact that home and work Internet access is now commonplace, Internet cafs fulfill the same role as they did 10 years ago,” Eva Pascoe, a co-founder of Caf Cyberia, said in a statement. “They are the post offices of the wired generation.”48. The purpose of Yahoo Mail Internet Caf Awards is _ . A. to honor the 10th anniversary of Yahoo B. to celebrate the rapid development of Internet cafsC. to mark the 10th anniversary of Londons Caf CyberiaD. to promote the most fashionable club49. Which is NOT the correct match of the following cybercafs?A. Caf Curve in Brightonthe Best UK Internet Caf awardB. The internationally funded centre in Timbuktu the worlds Most Remote Internet CafC. Moscows Phlegmatic Dogthe most fashionable D. Brain Wash in San Franciscocombination of comfort and hi-tech50. What does the last sentence “They are the post offices of the wired generation.” imply?A. Internet surfers communicate with each other on Internet rather than by posting letters.B. Internet cafes start the same service as post offices.C. Post offices and Internet cafes are of the same importance to surfers.D. Post offices turn to be Internet cafes in e-mail times.第三部分:写作(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 对话填空。根据上下文对话语境及所给单词首字母,补全所缺单词(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)A: Lets begin. What do you think about the way water is used for (51) a ?B: Well, its a good way to use water. (52)S we need food and nothing can grow unless there is enough water.A: I agree. But Ive read that a lot of water is in (53) d need when we water(54) f and other farmland. It would be better to use (55) a technology to make sure that we dont waste water.B: Thats true. We should be (56) c with our water. Using water for (57) f is good because many people will (58) b from it: the farmers, the people who sell vegetables, fruits and other food which is rich in (59) n , and people who eat the vegetables and food.A: Yes. If we learn to use the water in a (60)c way, without wasting or polluting it, we can grow more food and use our land well, too.第二节: 书面表达(满分25分)请根据所给提示,以“交友”为题,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文,题目自拟。1.人需要朋友,有许多工作需要合作。人们在生活中有许多方面需要帮助;2.社会越来越复杂(complicated),无论我们走到哪里,都离不开朋友。我们既需要互相帮助,更需要友好;3.朋友不但给你帮助,而且给你生活的乐趣;4.和朋友一起外出、游览,增强协作能力。注意:1.字数120左右;2.不要逐句翻译提示;可适当增加情节,使短文连贯。 译林牛津版高中英语模块五 Unit 3单元测试Unit 3 Science versus nature参考答案1-5 CAABC 6-10 CDADB 11-15 ACBAD 16-20 BDADA 21-25 BCDBA 26-30 CCDAD 31-35 BBCAD 36-40 CDADA 41-45 CBDCB 46-50 ADCDA 51. agriculture 52. Surely 53. desperate 54 fields 55. advanced 56. cautious /careful 57. farming 58. benefit 59. nutrition 60. correct书面表达One possible version:Making FriendsA person cannot live alone in society because there are many different kinds of work to do, which requires cooperation. Mens life depends upon each other in many ways.Our society has become more and more complicated. No matter where we go, live and work, we cannot work or live without friends around us. Sometimes we might need their help. Of course, we will also lend them a hand whenever one is needed.When you have many friends, you will find that they can not only give you the aid you need but also make you feel the pleasure of living. They may be your good teachers who teach you many things about life and the world. They may help you solve many problems. You may also enjoy going out with them and doing things with them. You will find life worth living.111

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