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HOTEL PRODUCT & KNOWLEDGE HOTEL PRODUCT AND KNOWLEDGE HANDBOOK酒店产品知识与公共信息手册RAMADA HANGZHOUCHINAXXXX华美达酒店Ramada Hotel HangzhouXXXX华美达酒店 1. Hotel General Information酒店基本信息 Invested by Hang Zhou Yingguan Real Estate Develop Limited Company投资商: XXXX房地产开发有限公司 Managed by Wyndham Hotel Group加盟集团: 温德姆酒店集团 Date of soft opening Dec. 12th , 2007试营业日期: 2007年12 月 12 日 Date of post opening Dec. 12th, 2007正式开业日期: 2007年12 月 28 日 General Manager Ms. Helen Qiu 总 经 理: 裘帼丽 女士 Deputy General Manager Mr. Liming Xu副总经理: 许利铭 先生 Executive Manager Mr. Derek Chen 总经理助理: 陈广胜 先生Wyndham Hotel Group Overview温德姆酒店集团概要q Wyndham worldwide is one of the worlds largest hospitality group温德姆集团是全球最大集团酒店之一q 9 Lodging Brands besides Ramada Worldwide.温德姆集团旗下除了华美达外还有其他9个酒店品牌q 6 400 Properties Worldwide全球有6400家连锁酒店及度假村q 535,000 Rooms共计535,000间客房q 5 Continent Presence集团酒店遍布全球q Ramada is the best and the largest brand hotels of Wyndham Hotel Group 华美达是温德姆旗下档次最高、规模最大的酒店管理集团品牌q 25 Ramada hotels in Asia-Pacific area at present 目前在亚太地区已开业的华美达酒店有25家q 14 franchised Ramada hotels in mainland China, all are four-star or five start hotels 中国大陆地区有14家加盟华美达酒店,均为45星级标准的酒店Address: No.3399,Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hang Zhou地址: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Zip code: 310053邮编: 310053 Operator: 86-571-87779888总机电话: 0571 87779888 Fax No.: 86-571-87778999传真: 0571 87778999 Website: www.ramada-hz.com网址: http:/www.ramada-hz.com Hotels Location:酒店位置: Stand on the south of the Jiangnan Avenue of Hang Zhou Binjiang Hi-tech Industry Development Zone 位于XXXX市滨江高新技术开发区江南大道南侧 Located in the core area of heaven Silicon Valley ,the fastest developed economy district of Hang Zhou位于天堂硅谷核心地段,XXXX经济发展最快速区域之一 Located in the most advanced area of city infrastructure and ecological environment城市基础设施,生态环境最现代化的城区 Steps away from the Hangzhou central business district and Westlake scenery. 距XXXX城市商业中心和西湖风景区近在咫尺 DIRECTIONS FORM出行信息表Traveling From Hotel从酒店出发LOCATION地点MILES & DIRECTION (E , W ,N, S,)里程 (英里) & 方向 (东,西,南,北)Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport XXXX萧山国际机场25&E25&东The West Lake西湖风景区 20&N20&北Qiantang River钱塘江1&W1&西Industrial park :NOKIA Building, SUMSUNG Building高新工业园: 诺基亚,三星科研大厦0.1&W0.1&西Commercial zone :Wulin Plaza商业中心区: 武林广场25&N25&北Shopping market place:INTIME,Jiebai,Yuanhua and etc.购物中心:银泰百货,解百商厦,元华商厦15&N15&北Lanshan Coffee蓝山咖啡2&W2&西Diou Coffee迪欧咖啡1.5&W1.5&西Shengdi KTV圣迪3&SW3&西南Feima G.M.飞马体育馆1&NW1&西北Hang Zhou Huanglong palaestraXXXX黄龙体育中心10&E10&东Hang Zhou Railway StationXXXX火车站(城站)8&N8&北Hang Zhou East Railway StationXXXX火车东站25&E25&东Hotel service:对客服务项目:Airport shuttle 机场接送服务 Foreign currency exchanging for 24 hours24小时外币兑换业务 Transportation, Luggage deposit and carrying, Car-renting for 24 hours24小时协助运送,寄存行李,用车旅游服务 EMS, DHL service快速邮件传递服务 Room service送餐服务 Weather forecast service 天气预报 Laundry service洗衣服务 Typing, Fax, Secretary, DDD,IDD service 商务文字处理,传真,宽带上网,国内国际电话直拨 Air Tickets机票服务Organization Chart酒店组织架构图General Manager Ms. Helen Qiu总经理 裘帼丽 女士 Deputy General Manager Mr. Liming Xu副总经理 许利铭 先生Executive Manager Mr. Derek Chen总经理助理 陈广胜 先生 S&M市场营销部 Sales & MarketingManager/ Ada Cai经理:蔡娅群ADM行政人事部Manager of Administration Dept.Echo Xu经理:徐霞 F O前厅部Front Office Manager Maggie Rao经理:饶秋玮 HSKP管家部Executive HousekeeperChristine Xu经理:徐亚君FIN财务部Finance ControllerXiahong Zhou经理:周霞红ENG工程部Chief Engineer Yu Han经理:韩俞 SECU保安部Chief Security Mark Ma经理:麻光大F & B餐饮部Food & BeverageManager George Yang经理:杨惠铭 2Front Office前厅篇Telephone extension of Reception: 8866前台内线: 8866 Telephone extension of Concierge: 8867 礼宾部内线: 8867 Telephone extension of Business Center: 8869商务中心内线:8869 Telephone extension of Gymnasium: 8850 健身中心内线:8850Telephone extension of Executive Lounge: 8878 行政酒廊内线:8878Front Office Manager: Maggie Rao 前厅部经理:饶秋玮Front Office GSM: Cecily Yang and Michelle Liang宾客服务经理:杨海波、梁思.Reception 前台:The reception provides the room reservation, check-in, registration, information, message leaving, balance checking foreign currency exchange service etc. in our lobby for 24 hours.为宾客提供客房预订,办理入住,住宿登记,信息咨询, 客人留言,并提供24小时外币兑询,留言等服务。Concierge礼宾部:On the first floor, provides guests the luggage delivery, mail delivery, car arranging, fax delivery service etc. 位于酒店一楼,为宾客提供行李运送及寄存,邮件寄发,物品转交,预定车辆,送递传真等服务。Business Center商务中心:On the third floor, business time from 07:30am to 11:00.Services the Business Center provides includes Fax, DDD&IDD, E-mail, file copy, typing, word processing in both English and Chinese, laptop renting, internet, EMS, ticket booking ,meeting room renting etc,.于酒店三楼。主要提供的服务项目包括:收发传真、国内国际电话直拨,电子邮件、复印、中英文打字、装订,出租电脑、互联网,快递寄发、车、船、机票预定会议室出租等服务。商务中心业务价目表打字(A4纸)中文40元/张,英文/图形文件30元/张打印(A4纸)10元/张复印1元/张(A4),2元/张(A3),1元/张(B5),2元/张(双面)收传真5元/张发传真本市6元/张,国内9元/张,港澳台13元/张,国际18元/张上网20元/小时,不足半小时15元,不足1小时按1小时收费笔记本电脑出租100元/小时,押金10000元(可商议)信件明信片:国内0.6元,港澳台1.5元,国外4.5元。挂号信:国内邮费+2元,港澳台邮费+3元,其他邮费+6.5元。快递:实际费用+8元手续费机票预定机票面额+20元手续费笔译价格(联系翻译公司)中英文互译180元/1000字, 60元/张;中日文互译130元/1000字, 80元/张口译价格(联系翻译公司)英文:陪同500-800元,商务800-1000元,会议1200元,同传6000元。(8小时内)日文:陪同800-1000元,商务1200元,会议1400元,同传8000元(8小时以内)会议室租用400元/场,含茶水Executive Lounge行政酒廊:The Executive Lounge is on the 27th floor. Executive guests can check in or check out fast and conveniently. With modern and elegant environment, the Executive Lounge serves business guests coffee, dessert, soft drinks, alcohols and other beverage, which is a good place to work and enjoy. 位于客房层的行政酒廊,为行政客人办理快速地入住、离店手续行政酒廊主要为商务楼层宾客提供咖啡,糕点,饮料,名酒等,环境清雅,是商务政要商洽要事的绝佳场所。Car-renting车辆服务:Telephone Extension: 8867内线电话:8867Car Service of Ramada Hang ZhouXXXX华美达酒店出车服务Destination目的地Price23座柯斯达Price17座全顺萧山国际机场 500元/单程.400元/单程东站/北站400元/单程300元/单程城站火车站/南站/西站300元/单程200元/单程市区400元/单程300元/单程XXXX市区包车 1000元/8小时 800元/8小时超出收费100元/小时80元/小时1、 报价以单程计算,往返须加收50%2、 半天起租,不足半天按半天计算;超过半天不足一天按一天算,市区包车一天为8小时,如超出,按实际超过收费加收。3、 以上报价只含路桥费,租车如需过夜、停车费、司机食宿费费用另计(正餐:50元/天,住宿费200元/晚)4、 本价格由酒店保留最终解释权。如阁下需要车辆服务,我们可根据您的要求尽量安排车辆接送服务,详情请与礼宾部联系。 If you need a car, please contact with the Concierge 15 minutes in advance.Entertainment and Body-building Service娱乐、健身服务 Chess & Cards Room棋牌室It is located on the 6 th floor of the hotel. You can play chess and cards here.Business hours:24 hours a dayTelephone:8859位于酒店6楼,为您提供棋牌娱乐服务。服务时间:10:00-02:00 营业电话:8859Gym Bar健身房Gym bar: 150健身房面积: 150It is located on the 5 th floor of the hotel. It is equipped with body shaping and fitness equipments and you can enjoy the pleasure of bodybuilding in exercising here. Business hours: 6:30-22:30Telephone:8850位于酒店5楼,为您提供形体培训和健身器材,让您在运动中感受健身的乐趣。服务时间:6:30-22:30电话:8850A、棋牌室:35元/小时,试营业期间8折,茶水另计,免费赠送果盘及干果各两份B、健身房:住店客人凭房卡免费,散客单次60元/次C、游泳池:住店客人凭房卡免费,散客单次80元/次D、康体会员卡:a、月卡780元(平均每次26元),总计30次,有效期90天,不限单次使用人数, 1.2米以下儿童使用此卡以每人单次计算;b、年卡3600元(平均每天9.8元),此卡只限本人使用,不限次数,不可转让,使用时间1年。每次消费都必须出示本人的年卡换取更衣柜钥匙。酒店指定商品(泳衣,泳具类)可打7折。(可考虑享受酒店会员卡的客房折扣)购买以上卡种的客户,即成为康体俱乐部的会员,部门针对前100名入会的会员给予价格上八五折的优惠。E、培训卡a、周末培训卡:480元/人限指定时间段(12:00-13:00)每次一小时共计12课时,包学会免费使用更衣室沐浴护肤产品b、自选培训卡:600元/人开放时间内,不限时间段具体时间由教练同学员自行商定每次一小时,共计15课时免费使用更衣室沐浴护肤产品注:14岁以下儿童必须要有监护人方可进入健身方式使用健身器材若无监护人不得进入健身房使用健身器材Body-building Equipments健身房设施列表Name名称Brand品牌Quantity 数量电脑编程商用电动跑步机T8000JOHNSON 乔山(台湾)4商用卧式健身车R80001商用立式健身车C8000 1动感单车P80002奥林匹克下斜椅FW1651高拉滑轮机SU152 1哑铃组合FW1531591二层哑铃调试腹肌板FW1521大腿伸展机SL1531蝴蝶扩胸器SU1641健美操垫4健身球4瑜珈垫4Swimming Pool游泳池The Swimming Pool : 20m8m1.5m游泳池规格: 20m8m1.5mIt is located on the 5 th floor of the hotel. You will enter a comfortable environment without any stimulus or odor to enjoy sporting and relaxing.Business hours: 6:30-22:30Telephone:8851位于酒店5楼,让您置身于一个无刺激,无异味良好舒适的环境中,更好地来享受运动和喜悦。服务时间:6:30-22:30电话:8851Sauna桑拿The Sauna center : 1000桑拿中心面积: 1000It is located on the 4 th floor of the hotel. Dry steam, wet steam, foot massage, massage etc. are available. You can relax, restore and gather your strength here.Telephone: 8852位于酒店4楼,为您提供干蒸、湿蒸、足疗、按摩等服务,达到放松身心、恢复体力、振奋精神、焕发活力的目的。电话:8852Shopping Center商场It is located on the 1st floor of the hotel. Various gifts, special local products and daily articles are available here.Business hours: 8:00-22:00Telephone: 8860位于酒店1楼,为您提供各类礼品、本地特产及日常用品。电话:88603. Rooms 客房篇房务中心内线电话:8858 Ext:8858 Standard Room 客房 ROOM AMENITIES 客房设施Satellite TV,Music channel 卫星电视、音乐频道Independently controlled air-conditioner 独立控制的空调系统Internet access 网络接口Bathroom/Shower (separated) 卫生间/独立淋浴Drier 吹风机 Alarm clock 闹钟IDD/DDD call 国际、国内长途电话Coffee/Tea 咖啡、茶品Mini-bar 小酒吧Summary of Rooms 客房总计Floor type 楼层名称Floor number 楼层数Room type 房间类型No. of rooms 客房数Subtotal 小记Superior 高级楼层17-20Twins room 标准间(双标房)3850King bed room 大床房7Suite with king bed套房(大床)5Biz floor 商务楼层20-25Twins room 标准间(双标房)50116King bed room大床房54Disable room 无障碍房2Suite with king bed 套房(大床)10Exe floor 行政楼层26-28Twins room 标准间(双标房)1334King bed room 大床房16Suite with king bed 套房(大床)5Grand total 客房总数200Tariff房价表Room Category房间种类Room Rate(RMB)房价(人民币:元)Superior Twin Room高级双床房880Superior King Room高级大床房880Business Twin Room商务双床房980Business King Room商务大床房980Executive Twin Room行政双床房1280Executive King Room行政大床房1280Superior Suite高级套房1280Business Suite商务套房1580Executive Suite行政套房2800 10% of room rate service charge is needed for each room每间客房在门市价基础上外加10%服务费 Check in time: 14:00. Check out time: 12:00 noon入住时间为下午2:00,退房时间为中午12:00 Extra bed charge at RMB 100加床: RMB100元/床 All major Credit Cards are accepted各主要信用卡均可使用 All rates are subject to charge without prior notice以上价格如有变动,恕不另行通知Executive Floor Privileges include:行政楼层特享: Complimentary Buffet breakfast served in the Executive Lounge行政酒廊免费享用自助早餐 Complimentary afternoon tea from 2:00 to 5:00pm下午2:00 5:00, 免费享用行政酒廊下午茶 Private check in and check out in the Executive Lounge单独贵宾等级入住及结帐服务 Welcome drink and refresher towel upon check in免费欢迎饮料和提神毛巾 Complimentary arrival fruit免费欢迎水果 Complimentary late check out until 2pm, subject to room availability退房延迟到下午2:00,具体按客房情况而定 Free pressing of 1siut or dress upon arrival入住当天享受免费熨烫套装一套 Complimentary high speed internet access免费宽带上网 Complimentary shoeshine service免费擦鞋 Complimentary air ticket booking and reconfirmations免费订票和确认服务Laundry Service洗衣服务We provide laundry services such as water washing, dry cleaning and ironing for you. Please put the clothes you want to wash into the laundry bag before 10PM every day and hangs it behind the door. The attendant will take the clothes to wash, and they will be sent back on the same day. Clothes collected after 12AM will be sent back in the next afternoon. We provide express laundry service as well. Please mark on the laundry list or inform our room attendants if you need it. The laundry bag and the price list are in the room closet. Please read the laundry price list carefully before enjoying such service.Telephone extension: 8858酒店为客人提供各类衣物湿洗、干洗、烫衣服务,每天上午十时前将需要洗烫的衣物放入洗衣袋挂于门后,服务生会来收取要洗的衣服,并在当天洗好送回。十二点以后收到的衣物,第二天下午送回。酒店还提供特快洗烫服务,请在洗衣单上注明及向服务生说明,房内有洗衣袋和洗衣价格。电话分机:88584. Food & Beverage餐饮服务West Lake Impression Chinese Restaurant西湖印象中餐厅The Chinese Restaurant : 430中餐厅面积: 430 Located in the second floor, but not lose prudent fashion design style, from the West Lake section Lotus texture its extension to the roof and the ground, the whole dining room has become clear, more tension. Senior chefs provided style Hang Zhou cuisine, Cantonese cuisine and superior abalone, sharks fin birds nest. Eight super private dining rooms in various sizes is not only the ideal place to meet friends, business meal is the preferred place.位于酒店二楼,时尚而不失稳重的设计风格,来自西湖莲藕的断面纹理将其延伸到了天花和地面,让整个用餐空间变得鲜明,更富有张力。由资深大厨主理提供杭帮菜、粤菜及高档燕鲍翅。8间风格迥异的豪华包厢不仅是好友聚会的理想场所,也是商务用餐的首选之地。 Opening hour:11:0014:00 17:0021;00 Ext:8873营业时间:11:0014:00 17:0021;00 服务电话:8873Chinese Restaurant Halls Include酒店包厢名称:1 Yinyue Hall 印月厅 21平方米 10人2 Fenghe Hall ASSOCIATE MANUAL-CONFIDENTIAL E.O. & H.R. DEPT.Page 32 of 32风荷厅 21平方米 10 人 3 Wenying Hall 闻莺厅 23平方米 10人4 Xizhao Hall 夕照厅 23平方米 10人5 Liulang Hall 柳浪厅 25平方米 12人6 Guiyu Hall 桂雨厅 25平方米 12人7 Yunxi Hall 云栖厅 39平方米 10人8 Mengquan Hall 梦泉厅 58平方米 14人Caf 咖啡厅Located on the 1st floor of the hotel, romantic and elegant modern style, a strong aftertaste elusive flavor to the full enjoyment of your business quickly and comfortable, pleasant and comfortable travel, leisure and relaxation holiday.位于酒店一楼,浪漫典雅的现代风格,回味悠远的浓厚香味,让您充分享受商务的快捷与舒适,旅游的惬意与愉悦,度假的闲暇与放松。营业时间:06:3024:00 Opening hour:06:3024:00服务电话:8871 Ext:8871Beyond-boundary Western Restaurant无国界西餐厅The Western Restaurant : 20西餐厅面积: 320 Located in the first floor of the hotel, elegant style, a unique flavor, from the hotel personally experienced chefs cooking for your excellent taste.位于酒店一楼,格调高雅,风味独特,由本酒店资深大厨亲自为您烹制绝佳美味。营业时间:06:3021:00 Opening hour:06:3021:00服务电话:8872 Ext:8872Various Conference Rooms各式会议室In the third floor of the hotel function rooms and four meeting rooms of different sizes to meet all your meeting requests.位于酒店三楼的多功能厅和4间大小各异的会议室能满足您的各项会议要求。1. Its the optimal choice for you to hold banquet and cocktail party in Zhongguan Hall. Located on the 3rd floor with magnificent views of Qiantang River, which is the best choice for banquet or cocktail reception. Equipped with the latest conference facilities and the meeting service.酒店三楼的中冠厅是一个大型的江景会议室,极具专业化、现代化的会议设备,加之我们周到而具个性化的会议服务,让您的每一次会议都渗透着无尽的惬意,中冠厅面积350平方米,可容纳200人,是您举行大型宴会、鸡尾酒会的最佳选择。2. Each of the three semicircle meeting room is about 60 contains 29guests. Each room has private lightening control system and high speed internet connection. They are specially designed for high powered business meetings and intimate banquets.三个中型商务会议室,面积为60平方米,可容纳20人,拥有独立的灯控系统、高速互联网等会议配套设备。静怡的周围环境,保证了与会者清晰的思路与飞跃的灵感。尤其适应于小型商务洽谈会、高层行政例会及大型会以后的分组讨论等。3. Yingguan Hall is a semicircle meeting room which is about 175 and it contains 60 guests for meetings.半圆形的英冠厅面积为175平方米,可容纳60人的会议。 Meeting Rooms 会议厅Room Rental for Ballroom and Function Room 会议场地租用价目表 Venue地点Surface面积Location区域Capacity容纳人数Half Day 半天人民币(RMB)Whole Day 全天人民币(RMB)Zhongguan Hall中冠厅 350 3/F 三楼2003600.007200.00Yingguan Hall英冠厅175 3/F 三楼902000.004000.00Xingyu Hall星育厅60 3/F 三楼501200.002400.00Shuguang Hall曙光厅60 3/F 三楼501200.002400.00Yinxiang Hall印象厅60 3/F 三楼161200.002400.00备注:1、一场打6折,两场(含)以上打5折。每场4小时。2、中冠厅有活动屏风可分隔成三个厅。3、星育厅及曙光厅在分隔情况下分别为最大容纳16人的董事会桌。 Support Facilities and Charges器材及收费表Items项目Half Day 半天人民币(RMB)Whole Day 全天人民币(RMB)Stage活动舞台Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Color TV彩色电视机Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Live-Recording录音150.00200.00Portable Screen移动投影幕布Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Video Projector电脑投影仪200.00400.00Laser Pointer激光教杆Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Wireless Microphone无线话筒Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Collar Microphone领夹麦克风100.00200.00Lecture Podium演讲台Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Flip Chart易纸板Complimentary免费Complimentary免费Executive Lounge行政酒廊At the 27th floor of the hotel to provide fast and quality service to enable simple meals you enjoy the Extreme taste only for distinguished guests.位于酒店27楼,提供快捷优质的简餐服务让您领略至尊享受,专为名仕打造。Ext:8878服务电话:8878Deli饼屋Authentic western cookies and bread as well as for that a unique flavor; various types of customized cake位于酒店一楼,提供正宗西式精美小点,造型独特,风味醇正;定做各式蛋糕。Opening hour:09:0021:00 Ext:8871营业时间:09:0021:00 服务电话:8871Room Service送餐服务Room service:06:3024:00服务电话:8876Ext:8876Coffee Selection咖啡精选极品蓝山 Blue Mountain Superior蓝山 Blue Mountain鲜磨咖啡 Fresh Brewed Coffee冰咖啡 Iced Coffee杏仁咖啡 Almond CoffeeSpecial Coffee特制咖啡特浓咖啡 Espresso卡布奇诺 Cappuccino拿铁咖啡 Coffee Latte百利咖啡 Baileys Coffee皇家咖啡 Royal Coffee维也纳咖啡 Viennese Iced Coffee5. 综合篇各部门电话号码部门岗位内线号码直线号码行政人事部徐总8701裘总873087753888许总870487753777行政秘书870287753111行政人事经理870686682326培训经理870887753333后勤主管873987753333行政文员874087753222驾驶办18732驾驶办28733员工餐厅18734员工餐厅28735医务室8736宿管8737活动室8738前厅部预定直线87778999酒店总机87779888经理8101文员8102康体主管8103总机房8104总台主管8105接待886687751437问讯886587751438收银886187751439收银(POS机)886387751450GSM886887751451礼宾8867部门岗位内线号码直线号码前厅部公用电话860787751452公用电话860887751453公用电话860987751454总机9商务中心886987751455客用电话811187751456客用电话811287751457行政楼层8856健身房885087751458游泳池8851棋牌885987751459商场8860桑拿8852预订885587751460康体收银8113餐饮部预定直线(订餐电话)87779777餐饮经理820186680977厨师长(中厨师长)8202办公室820386680977点心房8204主厨房8205冷菜间8206鲍翅间8207行政楼层8208一楼明档8209一楼加工房8210收银台(POS)821187751462会议室18212会议室28213会议室38214会议室48215会议室58216包厢18217包厢28218二楼收银8219二楼收银8220西餐POSE8221咖啡厅8871饼屋8871西餐厅8872中餐厅8873送餐电话8876部门岗位内线号码直线号码餐饮部餐务委托887787779777行政酒廊8878管家部经理860287751463管家部办公室862187751463房务中心1885887751463房务中心28620PA8622制服房8623市场营销部总经理助理878887753456营销部经理871086680877文员871286680877美工室875487751466营销1875087753555营销2875187753555营销3875287753555营销4875387753555财务部经理

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