高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版必修5 Module1《British and American English》(附解析)

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高考英语复习冲刺训练:外研版必修5 Module1《British and American English》(附解析)_第1页
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111必修5Module 1British and American English 能 力 闯 关.单词拼写1Young people are usually c_to the rising sun.2Humans d_from other mammals in their ability to speak.3It was o_to everyone that Jim was lying.4She cant stand other girls making rude r_about her.5The products that cannot come up to the s_have been picked out.6The laws have been_(简化)to shorten the process of divorce.7Your bike is_(相似的)to the one that I have just bought.8Professor Li gave us a most _(令人费解的)lecture and most of us failed to understand it.9All the people_(出席的,在场的)were satisfied with his answer.10I suggest that you should buy a dictionary for_(参考)答案:1.compared2.differ3.obvious4.remarks5.standard6.simplified7.similar8.confusing9.present10.reference.单项填空1Millions of people have to spend more time and energy studying new skills so that they can keep a(an)_position in the job market. Aconvenient Bfavorite Cadvanced Dfavorable解析:句意:数以百计的人们不得不花费更多的时间和精力学习新技能,以便在人才市场上占优势。该题考查形容词词义辨析:convenient“方便的”;favorite“最爱的”;advanced“先进的,高级的”;favorable“有利的,占优势的”,可见答案D最合题意。答案:D2She_her views to the commitee very clearly.Apreserved Bpresented Cprovided Dsupplied解析:句意:“她已清清楚楚地向委员会表达了自己的观点。”考查词义辨析:provide/supply sth.for/to sb.“提供,”preserve sth.是“保养,维护”,可见答案B最合语境。答案:B3_the Christmas card_to Mr White?No.Its still on the desk.AHas;given BWas;given CHas;been given DWill;be given解析:根据答句的时态,东西到目前还在原处,确定问话者问的是现在的情况,强调现在,应为现在完成时。答案:C4_her mother,she is tall.ACompared to BComparing with CCompare to DComparison with解析:compared to/with“和相比”;in comparison with“与相比”。答案:A5I hate_when people talk with their mouths full.Ait Bthat Cthese Dthem解析:句意:“我讨厌人们吃着东西说话。”考查it用于like/love/prefer/appreciate等动词后,代替后边所跟从句,故答案是A。答案:A6Well_without that much money somehow.Aget up Bget along Cget away Dget back解析:get long意为“过活”,get up“起床,起来”,get away“离开”,get back“回来,归来”,均不合题意。答案:B7My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _it.Ain honour of Bin memory of Cin favour of Din search of解析:句意为:我姐姐反对我的提议而我弟弟支持。in honour of表示“向表示敬意”,不妥。in memory of意思是“纪念”,与题意不符。(be)in favour of意为“赞 成”,且与前边be against构成反义词组,正确。in search of意为“寻找,寻求”,意思不符。答案:C8The way he did it was different_we were used to.Ain which Bin what Cfrom what Dfrom which解析:本题考查different与介词的搭配以及what引导的宾语从句。根据句意:他做这事的方式和我们已习惯的方式不同。根据短语different from“区别于,与不同”可排除A、B两项。from后是一个what引导的宾语从句,且what在宾语从句中作介词to的宾语,而which不能充当这双重的功能,故排除D。答案:C.翻译句子1要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好的多。(compare)_2赞成这项计划者,请举手。(in favour of)_3我被他刚才说的话弄糊涂了。(confuse)_4我们在那个问题上跟他们的意见不同。(differ)_5当我们在黄山市停留时,我到市区各处逛了逛。(get around)_答案:1.If you compare her work with his,youll find hers is much better.2Those in favour of the plan,please raise your hands.3I got confused by what he said just now.4We differ from/with them on/about that question.5When we stayed in the city of Huangshan,I got around the downtown.阅读理解“I grew up on Jacksons music and I still have all his stuff on myiPod.I think that Michael Jackson will go down in history as one of ourgreatest entertainers.His brilliance as a performance also was paired with a tragic and in many ways,sad personal life.”Michael Jackson was a singer,songwriter,dancer and celebrity iconwith a vast catalog of hit records and countless awards to his credit.Beyondthat,he had transfixed the world like few entertainers before or since.As a solo performer,he had enjoyed a level of superstardom previously known Barack Obamaonly to Elvis Presley,the Beatles and Frank Sinatra.Michael Jackson was unquestionably the biggest pop star of the 80s,and certainly one of the most popular recording artists of all time.Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29,1958.The fifth and youngest son of steelworker Joe Jackson,Michael displayed a talent for music and dance from an extremely young age.His father began to organize a family musical group around his three eldest sons in 1962,and Michael joined them the following year,quickly establishing himself as a dynamic stage performer.Dubbed the Jackson 5,the group signed to Motown in 1968 and issued their debut single in October 1969,when Michael was just 11 years old.I Want You Back,ABC,The Love You Save and Ill Be There all hit number one in 1970,making the Jackson 5 the first group in pop history to have their first four singles top the charts.Later in 1972,Jackson had his first numberone solo single,Ben.In 1977,he met producer/composer Quincy Jones for the first time.With Jones producing,Jackson recorded his first solo album as an adult,Off the Wall.Released in 1982,the Quincy Jonesproduced Thriller refined the strengths of Off the Wall:the dance and rock tracks were more driving,the pop tunes and ballads softer and more soulful,and all of it was recognizably Michael.There was no surprise that Thriller was a hit;what was a surprise was its staying power.Jacksons duet with McCartney,The Girl Is Mine,was a natural single choice,and it peaked at number two;then Billie Jean and the Van Halen track Beat It both hit number one,for seven and three weeks respectively.Michael Jackson died from heart disease on June 25 at age 50.【解题导语】 乐坛天王迈克尔杰克逊的突然离世是整个音乐界的重大损失。本文详细介绍了他的生平、他所取得的成就以及奥巴马总统对他的评价。1What does Barack Obama mean by saying“His brilliance as a performance also was paired with a tragic and in many ways,sad personal life”?AMichael Joseph Jackson was a success in his career as well as in life.BMichael Joseph Jackson was a success in his career.CMichael Joseph Jackson led a happy life.DMichael Joseph Jackson gained a lot in his career,but he also suffered a lot in his life.解析:句意理解题。该题可以由句意得出答案,迈克尔杰克逊的事业非常成功,但是生活却不幸福,即经历了很多苦难。注意该句的关键词brilliance,tragic,sad。答案:D2According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?ABarack Obama likes Michael Jacksons song very much.BBarack Obama and Michael Jackson are good friends.CMichael is good at music as well as at dance.DMichael Jackson had his first numberone solo single when he was 14 years old.解析:细节判断题。本题可用排除法。奥巴马的话告诉我们,奥巴马非常喜欢杰克逊的音乐,由此可以判断A项表述正确;由第三段中的“Michael displayed a talent for music and dance”可以判断C项表述正确;由第三段中的“Later in 1972,Jackson had his first numberone solo single.”可以判断D项表述正确。答案:B3.Choose the right time order of the following events.aBarack Obama,President of the US,assessed the whole life of Michael Jackson.bThe family musical group signed to Motown.cMichael joined the family musical group.dHis father began to organize a family musical group.eThriller became a hit.Aacebd BdcbeaCbeacd Ddebca解析:事实排序题。题目中所列举的后四个事件都可以在文章中找到具体的时间,需要注意的是,奥巴马对杰克逊的评价用的是过去时,也就是说是在迈克尔去世后作出的,由此可以判断a应该发生在最后。答案:B4What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?AMichael Jacksons job. BHow Michael Jackson performed.CMichael Jacksons great achievements. DMichael Jacksons life.解析:主旨大意题。由该段内容可以看出,该部分主要告诉我们迈克尔杰克逊的艺术成就,故C项正确。答案:C阅卷现场 (教师用书独具)议论文(2009山东卷B篇)“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”“Two full inches in the first three days!”These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising now shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device.The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face,smooth wrinkles, or in some other way add to beauty or desirability.Often such products are nothing more than moneymaking things for their promoters.The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug,FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that it is safe and effective before it is put on the market.But if the product is a device,FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action,including seizure (查封) of the product.One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor,which had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads.FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.Obviously,most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.61It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are _.Aobjective Bcostly Cunreliable Dillegal 62Which of the following is true according to the text?AThe court is in charge of removing dangerous products.BNew products are more likely to be questionable.CThe production of a device must be approved by FDA.DThe promoters usually just care about profits.63FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product _.Aif it is a drug Bif it is a deviceCif its consumers make complaints Dif its distributors challenge FDAs authority64.The Relaxacisor is mentioned as _.Aa product which was designed to produce electricityBa product whose distributor was involved in a legal caseCa successful advertisement of a beauty productDan example of a quality beauty product65The author intends to _Amake consumers aware of the promotersfalse promises Bshow the weakness of the law on product safetyCgive advice on how to keep young and beautifulDintroduce the organization of FDA【文章大意】 本文剖析了一下广告华丽语言背后的真相,提醒消费者要注意广告中的华而不实的宣传和承诺。61选择C。推理判断题。文章提出许多媒体上的广告都含有虚假成分,夸大其词,而事实上很不可靠,不具有其所宣称的效果。文章第四段提到这些产品是有疑问的,不可靠的,甚至是危险的。A.objective,客观的,不带偏见的;B.costly,昂贵的,代价高的; C.unreliable,不可靠的;D.illegal,不合法的,违法的。所以答案为C。62选择D。事实细节题。第四段第一句话说“常常这些产品对推销者来说只是挣钱的工具”,显然D项“推销者通常只关注利益”最符合文义。A,法庭负责清除危险产品,错在并非法庭的责任;B,新产品更有可能有问题;C,设备的生产必须经过食品与药品管理局的批准,错在并非设备的生产。故答案为D。63选择A。事实细节题。从文章第五段第二句话可知A项正确,如果是药物的生产,必须向FAD证明其安全性和有效性,答案为A。相比,B项错误;C项,如果顾客投诉;D,如果发行人挑战FDA的权威。都与细节不符。64选择B。事实细节题。文章倒数第二段提到这个案例,与上一段最后一句话紧密相连,对其进行举例说明,如何采取法律措施,第三句话说FDA对the Relaxacisor的发行商采取了法律措施制止产品的销售,所以答案为B。A项错在这不是一个设计用来发电的产品;C项successful明显错误;D项说这是一个优质美容产品的典范,错误。65选择A。主旨大意题。作者通过对一些虚假广告问题的分析,提醒消费者要关注生产者对产品的不实宣传和虚假承诺,避免上当受骗,故A最为恰当。作者不是为了告诉人们法律在产品安全上的弱点;更不是为了给读者提供保持年轻漂亮的建议,所以B,C错误,介绍FDA的组织结构也不是作者的目的。故选A项。111

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