Module 5《The Great Sports Personality》教案1(外研版必修5)

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111课时计划课时1课题Module 5 The great sports personality New Words课型New教学目标1. Learn and remember the new words.2. Enable the students to use the words correctly.重点Learn and remember the new words.难点Enable the students to use the words correctly.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer教法Explanation-guidance-do the exx again教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2New Words1. track n. 跑道,踪迹,小道 vt. 追踪Police are on the track of the thieves.It is important to keep track of new ideas and development in education.Conclusionon the track of sb 追踪某人keep / lose track of sb / sth了解/ 不了解的动态/掌握/失去的线索网络有助于你了解实事动态. The Internet helps you keep track of what is happening in the world./ the current events.2 1) When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals. 2) She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health. 3) Because of illness, he retired early. 4) He retired to his own bedroom. 5) The manager we retired on half salary.Conclusion :1) retire vi退休2) retire from 从退休 3) retire early 提前退休 4) retire to sp. 隐退到5) retire on 依靠什么而退休 (多跟表收入的名词)Practice:1. My father is a _ teacher.A. retiring B. retired C. being retired D. having retired2. I hope to _ soon because I have worked for thirty years.A. receive B. require C. respond D. retire3 1) He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the Olympics. 2) The doctor performed the operation successfully. 3) He has performed his promise. 4) He will give a performance / put on a performance at the theater.perform well in 在中表现好 perform an operation 做手术 perform ones promise 履行诺言give/ put on a performance 演出 Practice 1. _ by a famous musician, the music sounds wonderful.A. Performing B. to be performed C. Performed D. to be perform2. After they have been elected, they can not actually _ what they promised in the election.A perform B. practice C. carry D. experience4 on the increase1) Traffic accidents in this city are on the increase.2) Although it turns cold at times in spring, the temperature in this season is on the increase. Conclusion:on the increase =on the rise反义词 on the decrease on the fall拓展: increase by 增加了 increase to 增加到1. I feel certain that things will _ with you in no time.A. remain B. reduce C. increase D. improve2. In China, a _ number of people are going overseas for their holiday.A. growing B. grown C. increase D. increasingly目前吸烟的年轻人的数量正在增加。At present, the number of young people who smoke is on the increase.5 advantage 优势, 长处1) He often takes advantage of her kindness and borrows money from her.他经常利用她的善良向她借钱。2) You have the advantage over me there.在那点上你比我强。3) It is to our advantage to prepare questions in advance. 事先准备好问题对我们有利。Conclusion :take advantage of sth. 利用have the advantage over 胜过,占优势to the advantage of sb. = to sbs advantage 对某人有利反义词:disadvantage 劣势,缺点Complete the sentences.1) We _ _ _ _ _ _ (利用晴朗的天气)and went on a bike. 2) You _ _ _ _ _ (胜过我)in experience.6. 1)I guarantee to pay off his debt. =I guarantee that Ill pay off his debt. 保证做2)They guarantee this clock for a year.3)The boss guaranteed the workers from loss. 保证某人不受/免遭4)The shop said they would replace the television as it was still under guarantee. 在保质期内PracticeIts still _ _(在保修期内), so the worker will repair it for free. The Car Club couldnt _ _ _ _ _(保证满足需求) of all its members. rise to ones feet 站起来The headmaster rose to his feet to welcome me.Useful expressions about feet:struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来stand on ones feet 独立自主,自立jump to ones feet 跳起来set foot on/ in 进入,踏上Practice :I promised never to _ _ _ the place again.When his parents died he has to learn to _ _ _ _ _.As the runner came into the stadium to run the last few meters of the race, the crowd _ _ _ _ to shout and cheer.Hearing the news, he _ _ _ _.8. declare sb. to be declare that clause declare war on/ against He declared the man to be innocent.他宣布那个人是无辜的。 He declared that the news was true.他宣布那个消息是的。The government had to declare war on Japan.政府不得不向日本宣战。拓展:declaration n. 宣告,声明They refused to _ him as lawful heir to a large fortune.A. recognize B. realize C. declare D. claimHomeworkReading the text in detail and finish all the reading exercises on the book.Learn & do exxLearn& do exxLearn & do exx441板书 Module 5 The great sports personality The 1st period New Words1. perform well in 在中表现好perform an operation 做手术perform ones promise 履行诺言give/ put on a performance 演出take advantage of sth. 利用have the advantage over 胜过,占优势to the advantage of sb. = to sbs advantage 对某人有利2. struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来stand on ones feet 独立自主,自立jump to ones feet 跳起来set foot on/ in 进入,踏上3. declare sb. to be declare that clause declare war on/ against 教学后记The Ss have difficult in getting some words in listening.课时计划课时2课题Module 5 The great sports personality Introduction课型New教学目标1. Enable the students to name the variety of sports.2. Talk about the favourite sports.重点Enable the students to name the variety of sports.难点Talk about the favourite sports.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer教法Explanation-guidance-do the exx again教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Introduction1. Look at the photos. Say who the people are and which sports they play. table tennis basketball football2. Can you name more names of the sports?badminton, basketball, bowling, rugby, volleyball, golf, boxing3. gymnasticsfloor/free exercises, rings, balance beam4. Other sports田径运动 track and field; athletics田赛 field events径赛 track events跳高 high jump撑杆跳高 pole jump跳远 long/broad jump三级跳远 hop, step and jump, triple jump马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race)接力 relay race; relay跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race竞走 walking; walking race体操 gymnastics自由体操 floor/free exercises单杠 horizontal bar双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse鞍马 pommel horse平衡木 balance beam球类运动 ball games足球 football; soccer足球场 field; pitch篮球 basketball篮球场 basketball court排球 volleyball乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong羽毛球 badminton网球 tennis棒球 baseball垒球 softball手球 handball曲棍球 hockey; field hockey5. Match the words in the box with their meanings.1) Athletes run along this.2) You hit a golf ball with this.3) Boxers fight inside this.4) sports shoes5) a field where football and rugby are played6) you use this to hit the ball and table tennis7) casual clothes you can wear at home or to do sport6. DiscussionTalk about our favorite sport with your partner.What? Where? How often? How good? Who . with?Example: What is your favorite sport?Now tell the class about your partners favorite sport.Homework Writing: write a short passage discussing who is your favorite gymnastic playerDo exxLearn & do exxLearn & do exx441板书 Module 5 The great sports personality The 2nd Period Reading体操 gymnastics自由体操 floor/free exercises单杠 horizontal bar双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse鞍马 pommel horse平衡木 balance beam足球 football; soccer足球场 field; pitch篮球 basketball篮球场 basketball court排球 volleyball乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong教学后记The Ss still dont know the names of all kinds of sports.课时计划课时3课题Module 5 The great sports personality Listening & cultural corner课型New教学目标1. Enable the students to describe the most beautiful places.2. Enable the students to talk about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.3. Enable the students to write a short description of a region.重点1. Enable the students to describe the most beautiful places.2. Enable the students to talk about advantages and disadvantages of traveling transportation.难点Enable the students to write a short description of a region.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer教法Reading-getting information-speaking教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6RevisionLook at the following pictures to learn more about the following topic体操 gymnastics 自由体操 floor/free exercises单杠 horizontal bar 双杠 parallel bars高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars 吊环 rings跳马 vaulting horse 鞍马 pommel horseBrainstorm: About Li NingWhat do you think of when you hear “Li Ning”?Work in groups. Make a list.Li Ning is not only _, but also _.As a person, Li Ning is_ (people call him the prince of gymnasts) as well as_.平衡木 balance beamLead-in Reading1. Match the main ideas of each paragraph._A. Several elements guaranteed Li Nings success._B. Li Nings sports life was very successful._C. Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport._ D. Li Ning products are very successful now._ E. Li Ning launched a new brand of sportswear after he retired.2. Read the passage again and check the true statements.1) Li Ning won six medals at the Los Angeles Olympics.2) He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.3) He got a new job working for Nike sportswear.4) He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully.5) Six Li Ning products are sold every minute.6) Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.7) In 1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali.8) He wants to help children become good at sport.3. Detail reading1) Paragraph 1Why did people call Li Ning the prince of gymnasts?He had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. They included six out of seven gold medals What did the sports journalists meet to do in 1999?Sports journalists met to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century and Li Nings name was on it.Why did Li Ning retire with the feeling that he had failed?He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.2) Paragraph 2What made him determined to succeed in his new life?The sense of failure made him determined to succeed in his new life.What did he decide to launch?He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants.What do you know about his logo?The bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of his name.3) Paragraph 3Why did Li Nings success come quickly?The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase. His designs were attractive. They had a major advantage over their betterknown rivals-they were cheaper. So success was guaranteed4) Paragraph 4How successful are Li Ning products?At home: Li Ning won _ of the national market. A Li Ning Product is _ every 10s. _ are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. Chinese athletes _ Li Ning tracksuits whenever they _ onto the track during the 2008 Olympics.Abroad: The company has grown _. Li Ning is worn by _ gymnastics teams and employs _ designers to create new style.5) Paragraph 5What has Li Ning continued to do since he opened a school for gymnasts?He has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.4. Post-readinggymnasts popularity retirement achieve market aiming making attractive anything listedFilling in the blanks with the words given below.As one of the greatest athletes, Li Ning had won lots of honours for China, for which his name even _ as the greatest sportsman of the 20th century. But that is not all of his sports life even after his _-he set up a sports clothes company under his own name, _ to compete with other global giants like Nike and Adidas. Because of the _ designs and the cheaper price coming at the right time, Li Nings products won _ in the national _. But _ money is not his goal of entering the business. In 1991, he opened a school for _ and he helped many young people _ their sporting ambitions -just as what his slogan says, _ is possible.Homework Some exercises about the textDo exxListenDo exxRead & do exxWrite810610101板书 Module 5 The great sports personalityThe 3rd PeriodReadingLi Ning is not only _, but also _.As a person, Li Ning is_ (people call him the prince of gymnasts) as well as _.教学后记The Ss can grasp all the materials.课时计划课时4课题Module 5 The great sports personality Grammar课型New教学目标1. Enable the students to learn the usage of model verbs.2. Enable the students to learn the usage of model verbs.重点Enable the students to learn the usage of model verbs.难点Enable the students to learn the usage of model verbs.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer教法Reading-getting information-speaking教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6DiscussionAnything is possible. - A sloganLogo All things are difficult before they are easy. Anything you do, do your best!Nothing is difficult if you put your mind into it.Listening1. Pre-listeningLook at the picture and talk about them. boxing running football2. Listen to Part 1 of the conversation and check what people listening to the programmer have to do.1) Guess the names of famous sports personalities.2) Say what famous sports personalities did.3) Vote for the greatest sports personality ever.4) Ring the programme and speak to journalists.3. Listening2. FillingName Sports Vocation Pelefootballfootball playerAliboxingboxerKip Keinorunningrunner4. Complete the facts below.Muhammad Ali Became world champion in (1) _ Gold medal in (2) _ Olympics Won (3) _ out of 24 world championship fights Kip Keino Silver medal in (1) _ metres Gold medal in (2) _ metres Winning time (3) _Pele Age in his first world cup (1) _ Number of world cups (2) _ Total number of goals scored (3)_ 5. Listen to Part 2 of the conversation and answer the questions.1) Why did Cassius Clay change his name?Because he became a Muslim.2) What did he like writing?Poems about his fights.3) How many goals did Pele score in his first World Cup?24) How did he score in the 1972 World Cup final?With his head.5) What happened to Kip Keino in the 10,000 metres race in Mexico?Just before the end of the race, he had terrible pain and had to pull out of the race.6) Why was he almost late for the 1,500 metres race?His bus got stuck in a traffic jam.6. Work in pairs and answer the questions.1) Who do the men and women vote for?They vote for their own greatest sports personalities of all the time.2) What reasons do they give for their decisions?Outstanding achievements and highlighted facts of their heroes.enter, religion, teenager, traffic, favourite, fantastic, poet7. Choose one of the following words to complete each sentence.1) He was born with the name Cassius Clay, but he changed this to Muhammad Ali when he changed his _ and became a Muslim. 2) Outside the ring, he was known as a _. He wrote poems about his fights.3) Although the doctor told him to stay in bed, he _ for another race the 1,500 metres.4) But the bus got stuck in a _ jam so what did he do?5) When he began playing football as a _ he worked cleaning shoes.6) They played Italy in the final and Pele scored a _ goal with his head. Afterwards he said it was his _ goal. Everyday EnglishChoose the correct meanings.1. Kip Keino is what the Olympic Games are all about means_.(a) Kip Keino represents the meaning of the Olympic Games(b) in every Olympic Games there are people like Kip Keino2. The choice is up to you, means _. (a) you must decide(b) someone must decide for you 3 Thats not the point means_. (a) you are not talking about what is important (b) I dont understand what you are talking about 4 So what? means _ (a) what happened next?(b) it isnt important.WritingRead the notice below and answer the questions. 1. Who is it for?(a) Athletics team members.(b) Parents. (c) Teachers.2. Who is it from?(a) A headteacher. (b) A team trainer. (c) An Olympic official3. Where can you find notices like this?(a) In a newspaper. (b) In a sports shop. (c) On a school noticeboard.Write a similar notice. Use these steps to help you.1. Choose a different sport. 2. You are the


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