高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习基础经典习题《Unit 4 Public transport》7-4(江苏专用)

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高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习基础经典习题《Unit 4 Public transport》7-4(江苏专用)_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习基础经典习题《Unit 4 Public transport》7-4(江苏专用)_第2页
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高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习基础经典习题《Unit 4 Public transport》7-4(江苏专用)_第3页
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111.单词拼写1Years of hard work in a foreign country leads to his acquisition (学到) of the language.2The Act makes no distinction (差别) between children and adults.3I lost my concentration (注意力) and fell asleep.4I wont sacrifice (牺牲) my health in pursuit of wealth.5He was regarded as the foremost authority (权威) on chemistry.6They put the papers in the first drawer beneath the top one.7The person should be responsible to the case in the eye of the law.8They confused me by asking me so many questions.9I visited Beijing and the surrounding countryside in a few months.10You can discount what Jack said;he is a dreadful liar.短语填空lead to;in addition to;cause trouble;at a discount;get off;arise from;choke off;responsible for;in honour of;make up for;aim at;speed up1In_addition_to English,he has to study French.2Where does this path lead_to?3Im afraid that boy is causing_trouble.4She kept talking and nobody could choke_her_off.5Heavy rains were responsible_for storage of vegetables.6I have cooked a special meal in_honor_of our visitors.7I bought a ticket at_a_discount and rode the underground four times.8I thought I could have a relaxing weekend to make_up_for all my hard work.9They got_off immediately after lunch.10This notice is aimed_at increasing peoples awareness of the problem.完成译文1两家机构为了帮助贫穷儿童联合举办一场慈善活动。(link up)The two organizations linked up to hold a charity event for the poor children.2这些新的挖掘方法加快了伦敦地铁的发展步伐。(accelerate the pace of)These new ways of digging accelerated the pace of the London Undergrounds development.3一般说来,人们喜欢买各种各样的减价商品。(discount)Generally speaking,people like to buy all kinds of things at a discount.4因缺乏交流而引发的家庭问题越来越多。(arise from)There are more and more family problems arising from the lack of communication.5由于不知道坐哪路车,她向我们求助。(turn to sb for help)Not knowing which bus to take,she turned to us for help.单项填空1There is a close _ between smoking and lung cancer.Adistinction BacquisitionCexpansion Dconnection答案Dconnection联系。句意:吸烟和肺癌密切相关。2According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is unnecessarily _ and effect.Areason Bimpact Cfact Dcause答案Dcause and effect因果。3He came here _ to see you,_ after he heard that you had returned from abroad.Aspecially;mainly Bspecially;especiallyCespecially;especially Despecially;specially 答案Bspecially专门地。句意:他来这里是专门看你的,特别是在听说你从国外回来后。4Our figures are based on the _ that the rate of inflation will be 5% by the end of the year.Asubstance Bassumption Cnotice Dtheory答案Bassumption猜测,设想;that从句为同位语从句。5They will start their project _ at helping the poor children to be educated in Chinas west.Aaims BaimingCbeing aimed Daim答案Baim at doing sth 致力于做某事,用来说明主语they的打算。6A new crisis has _.Aarisen Brisen Craised Daroused答案Aarise出现,多用于抽象意义,主语多为抽象名词。7It is reported that the car accident that happened last night caused 5 _ and many _.Adead;injure Bdead;injuredCdeaths;injuries Ddeaths;injure答案Cdeath作“死亡人数”讲,injury作“受伤人数”讲时,均为可数名词。8The boy was not _ to the school because he was too young.Apermitted BapprovedCallowed Dadmitted答案Dbe admitted to school被接纳入学。9_ achievement,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here came to a low,though not failing,grade.AIn terms of BIn ease ofCAs a result of DIn face of答案Ain terms of是“从方面考虑”,“就而言”;in ease of不存在,as a result of是“由于,因为”;in face of是“面对”。句意:就成就而言,上星期召开的世贸组织部长级会议尽管不是失败,但成就很小。10After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself,he _ it into the sea.Atransported BunloadedCreleased Dhanded答案Crelease释放,放走。11Buses have routes.They _ and _ people at different places on the routes.Atake on;get off Bpick up;drop offCtake up;take off Daccept;drop out答案Bpick up sb 让某人上车。drop off sb让某人下车。12Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course.You can never be _ careful with that.Aenough Btoo Cso Dvery 答案Bnot/never. too. 或not/never. enough表示“再也不为过,越就越”。答语句意:当然。你越小心越好。13Mr.Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine he had had _ went wrong again.Ait Bit repairedCrepaired Dto be repaired答案C考查have sth done结构。该定语从句是过去完成时态,省略了关系代词that/which。14If things are left _ they are,the problems will never be solved,Im afraid.Awhere Bwhich Chow Das答案Dleave things as they are为固定结构,as为连词,表示“按照方式”。句意:如果不去处理事情而放任自流,恐怕问题永远不会解决。15Whose advice do you think I should take?_.A .You speak BThats itCYouve got it DIts up to you答案DIts up to you.表示“由你来定”。111


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