高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Advertising》4-1(江苏专用)

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高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Advertising》4-1(江苏专用)_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Advertising》4-1(江苏专用)_第2页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Advertising》4-1(江苏专用)_第3页
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111Module 4Unit 1Advertising时间:30分钟.单项填空1Some adverts, like the environmental protection advertisements, _ to our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens.Aadapt BattachCappeal Dadjust答案C四个词都可以和介词to搭配,但是意思不同:adapt to适应;attach to依恋;附属;appeal to吸引;呼吁;adjust to适应;调节。根据题意,故选C。2At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Droads答案Aapproach强调对问题等的研究方法,比较正式,通常和介词to连用。3We all know that, _, the situation will get worse.Anot if dealt carefully withBif not carefully dealt withCif dealt not carefully withDnot if carefully dealt with答案B一方面要考虑if引导条件从句,另一方面要考虑否定词not的位置。这个结构的完整形式是:if the situation is not carefully dealt with,故选B。4In my opinion, life in the twentyfirst century is much easier than _.Athose used to be Bit is used to Cit was used to Dit used to be 答案D从句意判断,把“21世纪的生活”和“过去的生活”对比,used to do表示“过去常常”,不能用被动结构,可以排除B、C两项;本题用it指代前面提到过的life。5Im afraid Im not _ to help with the show next weekend.Aavailable BdependableCvaluable Dconvenient答案A由于convenient主语不能是人,应该排除D项;available可使用的;有空的;dependable可依靠的;valuable有价值的。句意为“我恐怕没有时间帮忙下周末的展览”,故选A。6He is quite _ of the risk, but he has no choice but to go ahead.Aeager BawareCsensitive Dserious答案Beager渴望的;aware明白的,清楚的;sensitive敏感的;serious严肃的,认真的。句意为“他很清楚危险,但是他毫无选择只有向前走”。7I dont think that your speech _ to the crowd, for they appeared quite puzzled.Agot back Bgot awayCgot through Dgot across答案Dget back回去,返回;get away离开,脱身;get through完成;通过;经历;get across在本题的意思是“(某事)被理解/接受”,符合句意。句意为“我认为人们没有理解你的演讲,因为他们显得很困惑”。8The residents approve of the measure _ so far in our city, _ to bring a sharp rise in oil prices.Ahaving been taken;intendedBto be taken;intendingCtaken;to intendDtaken;intended 答案D第一空用taken作后置定语,表示被动;第二空用intended,后半句补充完整为which is intended.。9The company has made a new type of computer.You will probably see the product _ wherever you go.Ato advertise Bto be advertisedCadvertising Dadvertised答案Dadvertise和the product之间是动宾关系,故D项为正确选项。10Because the driver was not _ the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.Agood at Btired ofCaware of Dinterested in答案Cbe good at擅长,精通;be tired of.厌倦;be aware of知道,明白,意识到;be interested in对有兴趣。句意为:“因为司机不知道新的限速,他被拦了下来并被警告超速”。11I must _ for a new secretary.Aapprove BadviseCassure Dadvertise答案D句意为“我得登广告招聘一名秘书”。advertise for sth/sb 登广告征求某物/招聘某人;approve赞成,满意;advise建议;assure保证,assure sb of sth向某人保证某事;使某人确信某事。12We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to _ and learn from failure.Adeal with Bdepend onCcarry on Dgo with答案A选项A的意思是“处理,处置”;选项B的意思是“依赖,依靠”;选项C的意思是“进行下去,继续开展,坚持下去”;选项D的意思是“伴随;与相配”。根据语境可知本题答案选A。13Once he has determined _ something, no one can change his mind.Ato do BdoingCto have done Dhaving done答案A当determine表示“下决心时”,后面的动词只能用不定式形式,因此B、D两项被排除。C项为不定式的动作在determine之前完成,显然不符合句意。14Teaching as a career _ to many people because of the long holidays.Aattracts BcallsCappeals Dpulls答案Cappeal to吸引,其后直接接宾语。由此可知C项符合句意。15The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a _ way to learn a school course.Aconvenient BdemandingCsatisfactory Dswift答案C由though it may result in a passing grade, is not a.判断,从长远的角度看,这种学习方法的效果是不能令人满意的,故只有C项符合题意。.完形填空It was a winter morning,just a couple of weeks before Christmas.While most people were_1_their cars,Trevor,my husband,had to _2_early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival,he _3_his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After _4_10 hours of labor,he returned to find his bike_5_.The bike,a black Kona 18 speed,was our only tool.Trevor used it to get to_6_,putting in 60hour weeks to _7_ his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries,_8_us from having to walk long distances from where we live.I was so_9_that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that,several people in our area _10_to help.One wonderful stranger_11_bought a bike,then called my husband to pick it up._12_my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is a (an)_13_that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.People say that a smile can be _14_from one person to another,but acts of kindness from_15_are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it_16_our faith in humanity as a whole.And it has _17_us to be more mindful of ways that we,too,can _18_with others.No matter how big or how small,an act of kindness shows that someone_19_.And the results can be_20_.1A.cooling down Bwarming upCspeeding up Dslowing down答案:Bwarm up 预热,(机器、发动机开动前)发动预热。全句意思是“当大多数人开始发动车辆,我的丈夫早早起床骑车四公里离家上班。”2A.get up Bwake up Cturn up Drise up答案:A见1解释3A.piled Bpushed Cparked Dpaused答案:Cpark 停车4A.putting in Bputting onCputting off Dputting away答案:Aput in 投入(工作时间),另外,在41空后重复使用了这个词组。5A.broken Brobbed Chidden Dgone答案:D从下文可以看出,自行车不见了。rob的宾语不能是被抢劫的东西,只能是受到抢劫的人或地点。故不选B6A.study Bshop Cwork Ddeliver答案:C从上文可以看出,Trevor用这辆自行车每天去上班。7A.live Bsupport Cserve Dprotect答案:Bsupport a family 是养家糊口的意思。8A.getting Bprotecting Csaving Dallowing答案:Csave sb.from doing sth.免得某人干某事,意思是“这辆自行车还用来购置杂货,免得我们从我们的住处很远走着去。”说明这辆自行车作用很大。9A.surprised Bthrilled Cpuzzled Dsad答案:D一辆很有用的自行车丢了,当然是很不高兴的。10A.offered Bsupported Cprovided Dagreed答案:Aoffer to do sth.主动提出,符合题意。11A.still Bfinally Ceven Dyet答案:Ceven 此处为递进。有一个陌生的好心人甚至给我们买了一辆自行车。12A.Now and then BOnce in a whileCOnce again DSooner or later答案:C有了新的自行车,我的丈夫又可以骑车上下班了。13A.honor Bpity Csympathy Drespect答案:Ahonor 此处的意思为“善举”“道义心”,意思是一个完全的陌生人能够对一个素不相识的人解囊相助是一种善举。14A.thrown Bpassed Csent Dgot答案:Bpass 传递,意思是笑脸可以从一个人传向另一人。15A.friends Bstrangers Crelatives Dparents答案:B根据上文可知,此处用strangers陌生人16A.weakened BspreadCreduced Dstrengthened答案:Dstrengthen 加强,强化, 在这里意思是强化了信念。17A.moved Bforced Curged Dinfluenced答案:D根据上文的意思,陌生人的善举对我们产生了影响,使得我们更加关注我们能够给别人分享点什么。18A.share Bconnect Cdeal Dwork答案:A从上文陌生人的行为(与人分享,解囊相助)可以看出。19A.likes Bcares Cworries Dwonders答案:Bcare 关心,全句的意思是“无论善举是大是小,都体现了人的关心”20A.short Bpromising Cpermanent Dtemporary答案:C全句意思,(善举产生的)结果是长期的。即影响深远。.任务型阅读You admire a person from a distance.Popular and known,you find it frightening just to be near that person.Suddenly,this person is in front of you,smiling.How will you start a conversation?Starting a conversation is a fear experienced by many people.Once in a situation where a person must start a conversation,he feels like hiding or vanishing into the air.Even though how prepared a person is ,words dont seem coherent(前后一致的)enough.The chance is likely to be lost forever,so never hesitate to start one.When you start a conversation with strangers,think that they may be feeling worried too.Being the first to start,you are the one breaking the ice.All they need to do is respond so start the conversation on a positive note.Observe your surroundingsthe people around you,food,weather,the place itselfand find a common topic.Be friendly.Give praise sincerely.Do not be afraid to ask questions.Start with closeended questions so it will be easier to ask for an answer.If a positive reaction is received then take it as a hint that the person is willing to converse with you.If at first you get a negative response,do not be blunt(真言的)about it.Act as if you did not notice it.Some people need time to get accustomed to your presence.They become conditioned to themselves that you are talking with them and not to the other people around.If the answer is too negative,then let go of the topic but do not respond rudely.Show that you respect their decision.Give them time to think.After receiving a positive answer,a few more closeended questions will be fine.Be sensitive.Observe how the response is being delivered.Show genuine interest in the answers.Listen attentively and respond accordingly.If you feel that the response is positive,you can start asking openended questions.Do not start topics about religion or politics.These two subjects are very controversial and arguments may arise because of conflicting ideas and perceptions.Talk about some personal information like your favorites but do not monopolize(垄断)the time.Talking only about you might bore the other person.You should show that you are also interested in getting to know him better by asking relevant questions.A light and wholesome joke can lighten the mood but it must be delivered correctly as it may offend the other party.When in a group,involve in the whole group.Do not isolate a single person but when a person is speaking,look at him and give soliciting response like a nod or a smile.Talk with confidence but do not overdo it.You might end up looking boastful(自夸的)Do not whisper with the people beside you when someone is talking.If you are knowledgeable with the subject at hand,then speak up.If you have questions,voice them out.These are the chances you should not pass to start a conversation._1_to start a conversation?The_2_of starting a conversationMany people couldnt express their words even though they have_4_them because of tension._3_forstarting a conversationDosStart with a common topic in a _5_way first,with a positive note._6_to pay no attention to a negative response and show respect to the persons decision.Take an interest in the positive answers,listen attentively and ask some questions according to the_7_.Show interest in the otherspersonal information,if necessary,and you can_8_an appropriate joke.Look at the speaker,responding with some gestures while he is speaking.DontsDont be afraid to ask questions.Dont start with religious or_9_topics.Dont monopolize the time when talking.Dont talk with too much_10_.Dont whisper with the people beside you when someone is talking.答案:1.How2.difficulty/trouble3.Suggestions/Tips4.prepared5.friendly6.Pretend7.response8.make/deliver9.political10.confidence111


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