高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-10

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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-10_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-10_第2页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-10_第3页
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111冠词测试每小题2.5分,共40小题;满分100分得分:_1.They have their reasons for keeping their marriage _ secret for _ moment.Athe;a Bthe;不填Ca;the Da;a答案C第一空:表泛指;第二空:for the moment是“暂时”之意。2Nowadays,_ mobile phone is _ popular means of communication.Athe;a Ba;不填Cthe;the Da;the答案A第二空:需填a表示“一种”,故选A。3Isnt it amazing _ housemaid has turned _ general manageress? Athe;a Ba;aCthe;不填 Da;the答案C表示“变成”的turn后作表语的单数名词前一般不用冠词。4More and more people in China prefer to choose _ cheap wireless phone service known as _ “Little Smart”(2011四川内江一中高三第七次月考)Aa;the Ba;不填Cthe;the Dthe;it答案B第一空:表泛指。第二空:Little Smart为专有名词,因此不加冠词。5Hangzhou is _ most beautiful city,where you can see _ famous West Lake.Aa;the Ba;不填Cthe;a D不填;the 答案A第一空:根据句意应填a,此处most相当于very;第二空:West Lake是湖名,前应加the。6Drivers who use mobile phones on _ road are more likely to have _ accidents,a science report said recently.Aa;the Bthe;不填C不填;不填 D不填;the 答案B第二空:accidents为复数,此处表泛指,因此不加冠词the,排除A、D;第一空:必须用冠词,即可排除C。7Would you like _ knife and fork,or would you rather use _ chopsticks,sir? Athe;the Ba;不填C不填;the D不填;不填答案Ba knife and fork表示“一副刀叉”,因此排除A、C、D。8I wonder what it feels like to be one of _ really rich.The Browns already have two Rolls Royce and now they are buying _ third.Athe;a Bthe;theC不填;a D不填;the答案A第一空:theadj.表示一类人;第二空:a用于序数词前表示“再一”、“又一”。9_ person like him wont be simply satisfied with _ little progress that has been made.AThe;a BThe;不填CA;不填 DA;the 答案D第一空:表泛指,第二空:progress后有一个定语从句,因此表特指。所以D正确。10They happen to be of _ age,and they all go in for _ American football.Athe same;the B不填;不填Can;不填 Dan;the 答案C第一空可选A、C、D,第二空:球类名词前不加冠词。故选C。11Today the canal is still being used.Ships can be seen moving on _ water now and then.But it is no longer _ busy water highway.(2011安徽黄山市高中毕业班第二次质量检测)Aa;the Bthe;不填C不填;a Dthe;a答案D第一空:特指,第二空:泛指。故选D。12In face of _ failure,it is the most important to keep up _ good state of mind.A不填;a Ba;不填Cthe;不填 D不填;the答案Afailure为抽象名词表泛指,其前不加冠词;第二空:表泛指。13Dont worry too much about _ mistakes.They are _ natural part of learning.Athe;a B不填;aCthe;不填 Dthe;the答案B第一空:表泛指;第二空:填a,译为:学习过程中很自然的一部分。14As is known to us,life in _ modern world is easier in some ways than _ life our grandparents lived.Aa;the Bthe;theCthe;a D不填;the答案B第一空:world为独一无二的名词,前应用定冠词the;第二空:后有定语从句修饰表特指,需用the。15It is _ great pleasure to go to _ cinema after a weeks work.Aa;the Bthe;aCa;a Dthe;the答案A第一空:抽象名词具体化,a great pleasure译为:一件非常开心的事;第二空:go to the cinema是固定说法。16I have moved into a much bigger place.So next time you come here,I can find you _ bed in my flat.Oh,thats wonderful.Then I wont go to _ hotel.Athe;a Bthe;不填Ca;the Da;不填答案C第一空:表泛指,是“一张床”的意思;第二空:必须用冠词。17Its said that two Chinese engineers were kidnapped by terrorists in Pakistan yesterday.Yes,_ news came as _ great surprise.Athe;the B不填;不填Cthe;a D不填;a答案C第一空:news为不可数名词,此处表特指,因此填the;第二空:抽象名词具体化。18You can try _ second time if you fail _ first time.Athe;the Ba;theCa;不填 Dthe;不填答案B第一空:a second表“再一次”;第二空:表示“第一次”,序数词前应加定冠词the。19Judging from _ look on his face,he must have _ news of great excitement to tell us.Athe;a B不填;不填Cthe;the Dthe;不填答案D第一空:表特指;第二空:表泛指,news为不可数名词。20I often have conversations with John over _ telephone,while keep in touch with Tom by _ letter.Athe;the B不填;aCthe;不填 Dthe;a答案C第一空:over the telephoneby telephone;第二空:介词by构成的表示方式的短语中的名词前一般不加冠词。21In China _ bicycle is _ popular means of transportation.Athe;the Bthe;aCa;不填 Da;the答案B两空均表泛指。22While peacekeeping is _ UNs main duty,it also has programs for _ education,better health and business in more than 170 countries.(2011四川绵阳南山中学高三2月月考)Athe;an B不填;theCthe;不填 D不填;an 答案C第一空:UN为普通名词构成的专有名词,前应加定冠词the,第二空:泛指教育活动。23Who do you think will take _ office next month and become _ president of the USA,George WBush or John Kerry? Aa;the B不填;不填Cthe;不填 D不填;a答案B第一空:take office(执政)为固定短语;第二空:作表语的唯一的职位名词前一般不加冠词。24Good evening,Mr.Pierce.Im sorry to bother you.But its the fourth of December today.Oh,Mrs.Baxter,_ rent! Im sorry its late.Ill write you _ check right now.Athe;the Ba;aCa;the Dthe;a答案D第一空:表特指,第二空:表泛指。25As _ unemployment is very high nowadays,its very difficult for people to find _ work.Athe;不填 Bthe;aC不填;不填 Dan;the答案C两空均表泛指,unemployment和work都是不可数名词。26A serious accident happened at _ crossroads,not far from _ New World Supermarket.A不填;the Ba;aCthe;不填 Da;the 答案D第一空:表泛指,此处的crossroads为单数名词;第二空:New World Supermaket为普通名词构成的专有名词,其前应用冠词the。27Hey,Mr.Smith,you are wanted on _ phone.Who is calling?_ Mr.Green.I dont know who he is.A不填;A Bthe;不填Cthe;A D不填;不填答案C第一空:为固定短语on the phone;第二空:笼统指某类中的某一个,而不具体说明是哪一个时,用不定冠词。28My English teacher encourages us to guess the meanings of _ unknown words we meet in our reading according to _ context.Athe;an Bthe;theC不填;不填 D不填;the答案B两空均表特指。29When a giraffe has _ drink,it has to stand with its front legs wide apart in order to reach _ water.A不填;不填 Ba;theCthe;不填 D不填;the答案B第一空:表示动作的名词前一般用不定冠词;第二空:表特指。30Although he knew _ little about _ large amount of work done in the field,he succeeded where more wellinformed experimenters failed.(2011重庆二中高三上学期第五次月考)Athe;the Bthe;aCa;不填 D不填;the答案D第一空:是“几乎不”的意思,表否定,所以little前不用冠词;第二空:表“大量的”用the large amount of。31Reading is _ good habit.Stick to it,and youll make _ great progress.Aa;不填 Ba;aCthe;a D不填;a答案A第一空:表泛指;第二空:progress为不可数名词。32_ historic meeting between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and KMT Chairman Lian Zhan marked a new time in relations across _ Taiwan Straits.AThe;a BA;不填C不填;the DThe;the答案D第一空:表特指;第二空:Taiwan Straits为地名,其前用定冠词the。33Most people prefer to travel on _ train,because you can have a comfortable journey,but make sure you get _ fast one.Athe;the Ba;theCthe;a D不填;a答案C第一空:可填a或the,若前面的介词on改为by,则不加冠词;第二空:表泛指。34Is it right that developing countries want to build _ most modernlooking buildings as the first step towards becoming _ modern country? (2011云南昆明一中高三上学期第五次月考)Aa;the Bthe;不填Cthe;a Da;a答案C第一空:因buildings为复数,所以不可填a,即可排除A、D;第二空:表泛指,需填a。故选C。35_ material used for running tracks in schools across China may be _ danger to childrens health.A不填;a BThe;aC不填;the DThe;the答案B第一空:表特指;第二空:抽象名词具体化,a danger表示“一个危险的东西”。36_ history of the American South is _ history of suffering,also one of hope and success.AA;the BThe;theCA;a DThe;a 答案D第一空:表特指,第二空:表泛指。37Rosa didnt remember the exact date of the storm,but she knew it was _ Sunday because everybody was at _ church.A不填;the Ba;不填C不填;a Dthe;不填答案B第一空:指某一个星期天,应填a;第二空:at church为习惯表达,作“做礼拜”解,一般不用冠词。38The Chinese astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were so struck by _ beauty of _ nature that they took lots of pictures in space.A不填;不填 B不填;theCthe;the Dthe;不填答案D第一空:表特指;第二空:nature作“大自然”解时,其前一般不加冠词。39If I drive in this city myself,Ill probably get lost as I havent got _ very good sense of _ direction.Aa;不填 Bthe;不填Ca;the Dthe;a答案A第一空:表泛指;第二空:a sense of direction(一种方向感)为固定短语。40Do you know _ English for “校草”?Im afraid I dont.Im not interested in _ English language.(2011湖北鄂州市高三上学期模底考试)Athe;the Bthe;不填C不填;the D不填;不填答案A第一空:English指英语单词,表特指;第二空:the English languageEnglish。111


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