Unit4《 law and orde》task 教案(牛津译林版选修10)

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Unit4《 law and orde》task 教案(牛津译林版选修10)_第3页
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111Unit 4 Law and orderTask Investigating and reporting factsSkills building 1: listening for emotions expressed by tones This part teaches you how to find out the speakers feelings, which are expressed by the tones of their voices.1. Listen to a recording of some abstracts of plays and try to analyze how the characters feel in the play.2. Look at the following dialogues. Try to role-play the dialogues and pay attention to the tones.Why do you think he or she is excited/afraid/ashamed/angry/happy?Dialogue 1 (excitement)A: Hello, Jane. How was your day at the theme park?B: It was great. We went on all the rides. The best one was the roller coaster. It starts really slowly. Then when you get to the highest point, it suddenly drops really quickly. Everyone screamed and waved their hands in the air. Dialogue 2 (fear)A: Oh, no! Help, somebody, help!B: Whats wrong?A: In the bath, theres a big spider. Its huge!B: Dont worry. It cant hurt you. Ill put it outside.Dialogue 3 (shame)A: Did you have a good time at your friends birthday party?B: I did, until it came to the birthday cake. Im afraid I was very greedy and ran towards the cake. I tripped, and fell into the cake. It was so embarrassing.A: The important thing is youre not hurt.Dialogue 4 (anger)A: Whats wrong? Your face is like thunder.B: I was on the bus home, and I think someone stole some money out of my pocket. It wasnt much, but it made me so mad.A: Oh, no! At least the thief didnt get very money though.Dialogue 5 (happiness)A: Congratulations on your exam results. You must be so pleased.B: I am. I worked really hard studying, and it all paid off.A: Lets go out to dinner to celebrate.3. Read the instructions in this part. Make sure you know how each feeling can be expressed by different tones. Create a dialogue in which different emotions are expressed. Present your dialogues to the whole class and the rest students guess which feelings are being expressed.Step 1: finding out about a boys feelingsIn this part, you will first listen to a teacher interviewing a boy who has stolen some money at school, and then you will take some notes about the investigation. You will listen to the investigation again to decide the boys feelings from his tones.1. Read the guidelines in Part A to understand what you will do first. Go over the note sheet to get the ideas about what you should pay attention to and write them down while you are listening to the recording. Fill in the answers or predict the answers for some blanks before listening.2. Listen to the recording and finish Part A on page 58. You will have the chance to listen to the recording again and try to fill in the missing words correctly.TapescriptMr Li: (stem) Well, Xu Jin, youre in serious trouble now, arent you?Xu Jin: (mumbles) Yes, Mr Li.Mr Li: You stole fifty yuan from the tin the monitor left on the desk after he collected the money for the school trip. Is that right?Xu Jin: (bad-tempered) How does he know it was me? It could have been anyone.Mr Li: (impatient) Now come on, you were the only person left in the room, alone with the money. Dont play games with me. (threatening) If you dont tell the truth, you could end up in trouble!Xu Jin:(afraid, voice shaking) Im sorry, Mr Li. I didnt mean that. Really, I was going to return the money later.Mr Li: (disbelieving) You were/ How did you think you were going to do that? The trip was the next day.Xu Jin: (embarrassed) I dont knowMr Li; (calm, fatherly) All right, now tell me why you wanted the money.Xu Jin: I wanted to go to the Internet caf, and I didnt have any money left.Mr Li: Have you been there before?Xu Jin: Yes. I go several times a week. Mr Li: What do you do there?Xu Jin: (mumbling a bit, not very convincing) I do my homework.Mr Li: (disbelieving) Homework? Is that all?Xu Jin; Well, no. I play games.Mr Li; Games?Xu Jin: (eager) Yes. I play Internet games with people all around the world. Its really fun, and I get to meet new friends from other countries.Mr Li: (disbelieving) Hmm. I am not so sure thats a good thing. Do your parents know that youre doing this?Xu Jin: No. I go late at night. They dont know that I go out.Mr Li:(angry) Do you realize that youve allowed this habit of yours to make you do some very bad things? Youve been lying to your parents and stole money from your classmates!Xu Jin: (sincere) Yes, Mr Li. Im really sorry. I wont do it again, I promise.Mr Li: (kindly) Well, I can see that you mean that, but well have to tell your parents about all of this now. First of all, youd better write a letter explaining what happened and apologizing for your behaviour. Then Ill have a talk to your parents. Of course, Im going to have to write a report about all this to the headmaster, and Im not sure what the final decisition will be, but Ill recommend that you should be given another chance.Xu Jin: (relieved) Oh, thank you, Mr Li.Answers:A (1) fifty yuan (2) school trip (3) alone (4) Internet caf (5) Internet games (6) several (7) late at night (8) no (9) what happened (10) apologizing (11) parents (12) report (13) headmaster (14) chance3. Read the guidelines in Part B so that you will know what you will do here. First read the sentences that follow and then focus on the boys feelings while listening to the recordings again. Try to explain why you think the boy is angry/afraid/ashamed.Answers:B 1. angry 2. afraid 3. ashamed4. Read Xu Jins letter of apology in Part C on page 59 and find out the details of the story.Answers:C His friends. Late at night or sometimes at lunchtime from school. They thought that he was studying. Because his parents did not know that he was lying to them. Yes.Skills building 2: asking and answering questions tactfully In this part you will know how to ask and answer questions tactfully so that you can use the expressions presented in this part to find some information you need to know.1. Read the following two dialogues and judge in which dialogue the speakers are more polite when asking and answering questions and state your reasons.Dialogue 1A: Are you coming with me to the concert tonight?B: No. Ive got my hands full with this report.Dialogue 2A: Excuse me, I would like to invite you to the concert. Could you please spare me some time tonight?B: I am terribly sorry. I am busy with this report and do not have any time to spare.The second conversation is formal using very polite language. The first one is more informal using colloquial language and contractions, such as Ive got my hands full.2. Read the guidelines and the expressions in this part. You will be given a situation in which you may use the expressions here. For example:Situation:Mr. Smith is explaining the meaning of the word fall in American English, but Mike does not quite follow her.M: Excuse me, Mr. Smith, I didnt quite follow you. Could you please explain the word fall again?S: Well, let me explain it to you. It means autumn in American English.Step 2: interviewing a parent In this part, you will work in pairs to discuss the situation. You are expected to create the conversation between Mr. Li and one of Xu Jins parents and discuss what can be done in the future.1. You will be divided into groups of four and discuss the ways to solve the problem of the boy stealing.2. You are going to discuss the situation with the boys parent. Read the guidelines of this part and think about what information you can get from the table below. Work in pairs. One should act as Mr. Li and the other as Xu Jins parent. Role-play the dialogue and after you have finished your dialogue, you should switch roles. Present your dialogue to the whole class.Sample answers:Mr. li: Hello, Mr. Xu, I wonder if you could spare me a few minutes. Id like to tell you about Xu Jins recent behaviour at school.Parent: Of course. What seems to be the matter?Mr. Li: A few days ago, he stole some money from his classmates. Do you know why he did this?Parent: Im afraid I dont know why he would do that. We give him pocket money. I dont think he lacks money.Mr. Li: Did you also know hes been visiting an Internet caf late at night and spends a lot of time playing computer games there?Parent: No, I didnt. Thank you for telling me this.Mr. Li: Would you mind telling me about his friends?Parent: Well, you see, I only know some of his friends, not all of them but most of his friends seem OK.Mar Li: I dont mean to be rude, Mr. Xu, but it seems that there are a lot of things you dont know about your son. Could you explain why this is?Parent; Its like this: both his mother and I are very busy, and we both work very late.Mr. Li: It must be hard to stay involved in Xu Jins life. Do you find time to check his school work?Parent: Im afraid its not been very good lately.Mt Li: Thats true. Id suggest you try talking to him more in the future.Parent: Thats a good idea. We will.Mr. Li: I wonder what you think about about getting to know his friends. That may be helpful as well.Parent: I think that would be a good start and pretty helpful.Mr. Li: Have you thought about encouraging him to concentrate on study?Parent: Yes. Well try to stop him from going to the Internet caf, and certainly not at night. Im sorry to have caused you so much trouble. Thank you for your help.Skills building 3: writing a reportHere you will read about how to write a report. You will learn that different kinds of reports may have certain points in common, and you are expected to know what a report should include.1. Think about your previous experience of reporting a scientific experiment. Answer the following questions: Have you ever conducted an experiment? If you have, what did you do at the end of the experiment? (A report is often written and submitted at the end.) What was included in your report? (Most reports usually have an introduction, and then they detail the procedure of the experiment, and finally, there is the conclusion.) Read the guidelines of this part. There are many different kinds of reports and different ways to write them. However, they have certain points in common. Focus on the points listed that should be included in a report.2. Discuss in pairs the boys problem and think about how to write a report on the investigation.Step 3: writing a teachers reportIn this part, you will write a teachers report about Xu Jins problem based on the information you have collected in Steps 1 and 2. You are expected to practice the skills you have learnt in the previous Skills building.1. Read the guidelines of this part so that you can know that you will write a teachers report about Xu Jins problem with the information gathered in Steps 1 and 2.2. Review the information in Steps 1 and 2 and look at the sheet below the guidelines for the main points you need to include in the report.3. Work in pairs to discuss what to write in the report. Write down you have discussed. You should complete the sheet based on your discussion and the notes you took. After finishing it, check spelling and grammar and then present your report to the whole class.Possible example:Report on Xu Jin stealing money from schoolStatement of the situationXu Jin stole some money from his classmates yesterday.Background to the situationHe got involved with some friends playing computer games in an Internet caf.Reasons for the situationHe was addicted to computer games and needed more money because of this.Details of the situation (Xu Jins reactions)He told the truth and wrote a letter of apology.Likely results of the situationWe should give him a second chance.Recommendations for actions to be taken-reasons for the recommendationGive his parents some suggestions, for example, ask them to talk to Xu Jin more often and get to know his friends.Encourage Xu Jin to concentrate on study and stop him from going to the Internet cafes. His bad habits caused him to steal, and he needs to stop.111


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