高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Function(外研版必修4)教案

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高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Function(外研版必修4)教案_第1页
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高二英语备课《Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges》Function(外研版必修4)教案_第2页
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111Module5 A Trip Along the Three GorgesPeriod 3 Function-Talking about obligation, permission and prohibitionGoals To learn to talk about obligation, permission and prohibition ProceduresStep 1: Summing up ways to talk about obligation, permission and prohibitionProhibition/Permission/ObligationThe modal verbs can/should/must/have to/need to/ be supposed to/ be allowed to and their negative forms can be used to express these functions.Prohibition ObligationNo obligationPermissionnot supposed to supposed toshouldntshouldneed todont need tohave todont have tocant canmustntmust not allowed toallowed to Step 2: Making sentences expressing obligation, permission and prohibition1. You have to be seventeen to drive in this country. 2. I must remember to lock the door. 3. Must I pay for the coffee?4. Do I have to wear a uniform?5. I dont have to get up early. 6. We dont have to wear a uniform. 7. You must come to my party. Everyones going to be there.8. Im sorry but you have to wear a seat belt in the back seat of cars now.9. Youve got to stop wasting your money.10. If were going to work together, I need to know about your background and experience.11. Drivers must not exceed the speed limit. 12. You mustnt blame yourself. Its not your fault.13. You dont need to wear a uniform, but you can if you like.14. You neednt tell me your phone number if you dont want to. 15. We had to wait half an hour on the platform because the train was delayed. We neednt have hurried after all.16. Can I use the phone, please?17. In Spain, you cant leave school until the age of 16.18. You are allowed to buy cigarettes when you are 18.19. We were only permitted to take photographs in certain places. 20. My parents let me stay out late at weekends 111

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