Unit 1《Other countries, other cultures》教案 1- words and expressions(牛津译林版选修9)

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Unit 1《Other countries, other cultures》教案 1- words and expressions(牛津译林版选修9)_第1页
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Unit 1《Other countries, other cultures》教案 1- words and expressions(牛津译林版选修9)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures主备人执教人授课日期班级总课题M9U1总课时10分课时 1课型新授课题Unit 1 words and expressions 1教学目标Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points. Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.教学重点defend, freeze, abundant, locate, for short, colonize教学难点Grasp the new language points教具Blackboard and handouts 教学内容教法学法Teaching procedure:Step1 : Greetings and revisionStep2: words and expressions1. defend(常和from, against 连用) (1) _ (2) _They defended the city against the enemy. He defended _. (保卫她免遭狗的袭击)He made a long speech defending his view. (译)_= He made a long speech_ _ _ his view.2. freeze, froze, frozen, freezing Our water pipes _ up last winter. Shut the window -Im _. Its _ outside. 那人冻死了。 _. freezing point _ freezing cold_3. abundant adj. available in large quantity 丰富的,充裕的 adj :_词组:an abundant harvest _ an abundant year _ be abundant in _This lake is abundant in fish.You have abundant time to go there.这个国家自然资源丰富。_.【典型例题】Canada _ natural resources _ superb scenery it has offered. A. has abundance of; in addition to B. is abundant in; alongsideC. is rich at; apart from D. has abundant supply of; as well asabundance:_ a year of abundance _ an abundance of food/records_4. locate: be located(坐落于位于)The house is located next to the river.Rome is located in Italy. Houses _(用现在分词)/_(用过去分词)(位于) in that areas must be worth a large amount of money 【典型例题】_ in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Towere for short. A. LocateB. To locate C. Located D. Having located关注类似的过去分词做表语。We _(面临) a serious problem.The road _ (排列)tall trees.He _(穿着) a new coat.He _(坐在) the armchair, silent.The man _(陶醉于) the achievements made.The troubled kid _(沉迷于) computer games.5. for short(简略形式), be short for (是的简写), in short(总之)Her name is “Frances”, or “Fran” _.Fran is _ _ Frances.Things cant be any worse: _, the project has got stuck. 【典型例题】The CN Tower _ the Canadian National Tower, which _ the heart of Toronto. A. is for short; lies inB. is in short; lies inC. is short of; locates inD. is short for; is located in关注类似的短语:for free(without payment), for certain/sure(=without doubt)I got the ticket _ from someone who didnt want it.He must live somewhere around. But I cant say _.6. colonize:_ colony: _ colonial:_ colonialist: _ colonialism: _ colonist: _ colonizer:_ colonization: _. 【典型例题】Quebec, once originally _ by France, _ the British in 1763. A. was colonized; was lost toB. being colonized; was lost inC. colonized; was lost to D. having being colonized; was lost in教后记:111

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