Unit 1《Living with technology》Word Power同步练习1(译林版选修7)

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Unit 1《Living with technology》Word Power同步练习1(译林版选修7)_第1页
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Unit 1《Living with technology》Word Power同步练习1(译林版选修7)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Living with Technology1 altogether Hes not altogether sure what to do. _There were altogether 20 people at the dinner. _翻译:天在下雨,但总的来说,这是一次好的旅行._.辨析: altogether & all together Lets sing Happy Birthday _now.Im not _convinced by this argument.2.windn.we couldnt play tennis because there was too much wind. _He couldnt get his wind after his run. _强风 _v. wind-_-_1.Have you wound your watch? _2.The path wound down to the beach. _3.Can I wind my window down? _4.I wound the wool around the back of the chair. _.相关词组:wind down _wind up _练习: 1. They drove along with all the car windows _.A. wound up B. winding on C. winded up D. wind up 2.翻译: 当会议结束时,他让我留一下.(用 wind 词组) _ 突然一阵风吹走了我的帽子. _3.eletric adj. _ electrical adj _填空:1.The boy is playing an _ train.2. Now every room has an _ light.3. My brother studies _ engineers. 4. The machine has an _ fault. 4.apply vt. You may apply in person or by letter. _We can apply his findings in new developments._He has applied to join the army. _词组:apply for sth to sb _apply to sb/ sth _ apply oneself to (doing) sth _apply ones mind to _翻译:1,他努力干好新工作. _2. 这种标准不适用与孩子._3. 他专心思考这个难题._5. demand vt. n.翻译:对这种书的需求增大了. There is an _ _for the book.他要求被告知有关这件事的情况.( 2种翻译) He demanded to _ _ _the matter. He demanded that _ _ _ _ _the matter.demand 常用结构:meet/satisfy ones demand _in demand _demand to do sth _demand sb of sth _demand that sb should do sth _1. I _ you all to be seated.A. ask B. beg C. demand D. request 2.The citizens demanded that the murderer _.A. to be punished B. being punished C. be punished D. punish6.degreeTo what degree is she interested in films? _The teacher drew an angle of ninety degrees on the blackboard. _.He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master. _1. _ their friendship grew into love.A. By degree B. By degrees C. To degree D. To degrees2. I dont like very hot weather. Thirty degrees _ too warm for me.A. is B. are C. was D. were7. personally Personally (speaking), I dont like this painting. _ The president personally answered her letter. _ I will speak to him personally about his transfer. _8. delight n.快乐,高兴; vt. 使欣喜翻译:1 令他高兴的是, 他的小说得到了公众的认可. _ 2. 我高兴地读了你的信. _3. 这个消息使全国一片沸腾._. 总结词组: with delight _ to ones delight _ be in high delight _拓展: delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐的 常用短语: be delighted at _ be delighted to do _ Its _ to work with her. A. delighted B delight C. a delight D. pleasure 9. assume We cant assume anything in this case. _The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled. _He assumes his new responsibilities next month ._翻译:1.咱们暂时假设计划成功._ _ _ for a moment that the plan succeeds.2.我猜想你已听过了这个消息. _3. 他们认为战争会很快结束的假设是错误的. (用同位语从句) _10. merely adv.仅仅,只不过 翻译: 1. 这不仅仅是一份工作,而是一种生活方式._2. 我只不过把它当笑话说说而已._拓展: mere adj. It took her a mere 20 minutes to win. _题目:He is a _ nobody, and it is _ a matter of time for people to forget him.A. only, mere B. mere , only C. mere, merely D. merely, mere词型变化:1 review-(n)_(评论家)-(ant.)_2 broadcast(n)_(n)_3 consumer(v) _(n)_4 personally(adj) _(n)_(个性,人格)5 delight(adj)_(adj)_6 assume(n) _7 convenience(adj)_8 selection(v)_(adj)_(n)_9 weigh(n)_(adj)_(有利的)-(ant.)_(失重的)10. suitable-(v)_(adj.)_11.advancement(v)_(adj.)_12.necessarily(adj.)_(n)_1_13.caution(adj.)_(n)_14.expose(n)_15.equal(ant.)_(n)_16.dedfinite(n.)_(adv)_17.honest(adv.)_(n)_(ant.)_18.worrying(n.v.)_(adj.)_19.pricing(n.v.)_(adj)_(贵重的,无价的)答案1.altogether adv. (用以强调)完全,全部;(表示总数或数额)总共;总之,总而言之Hes not altogether sure what to do. 完全There were altogether 20 people at the dinner. 总共翻译:天在下雨,但总的来说,这是一次好的旅行.It was raining, but altogether it was a good trip.辨析: altogether & all together (all together 一起,共同)Lets sing Happy Birthday all together now.Im not altogether convinced by this argument.2.windn. 风,呼吸we couldnt play tennis because there was too much wind.He couldnt get his wind after his run. (=could not breathe properly) 呼吸强风 high/strong/heavy windv. wind- wound-wound1.Have you wound your watch? 上发条2.The path wound down to the beach. 这条小路弯弯曲曲通向海滩.3.Can I wind my window down? 摇窗户下来4.I wound the wool around the back of the chair. 我把毛线绕在椅背上.相关词组:wind down (钟表)慢下来,停住; (人)松弛下来wind up 给上发条, 结束,使某人高度兴奋练习: (A)1. They drove along with all the car windows _.A. wound up B. winding on C. winded up D. wind up 2.翻译: 当会议结束时,他让我留一下.(用 wind 词组) When the meeting wound up, he let me wait for a moment. 突然一阵风吹走了我的帽子. A sudden gust of wind blew off my hat.3.eletric adj. 电力的,以电为动力的 electrical adj 关于电的,电气科学的,填空:1.The boy is playing an electric train.2. Now every room has an electric light.3. My brother studies electrical engineers. 电气工程学4. The machine has an electrical fault. 4.apply vt. 申请,应用,施用You may apply in person or by letter. 你亲自或通信申请均可.We can apply his findings in new developments. 我们可将他的调查结果应用于新发展中.He has applied to join the army. 他已申请参军.词组:apply for sth to sb 向某人申请某物apply to sb/ sth 与某人/物有关, 适用于 apply oneself to (doing) sth 致力于, 集中精力做某事apply ones mind to 专心于翻译:1,他努力干好新工作. He applied himself to his new job.2. 这种标准不适用与孩子.The rule doesnt apply to children.3. 他专心思考这个难题.He applied his mind to the difficulty.5. demand vt. n.翻译:对这种书的需求增大了. There is an increased demand for the book.他要求被告知有关这件事的情况.( 2种翻译) He demanded to be told about the matter. He demanded that he should be told about the matter.demand 常用结构:meet/ satisfy ones demands 满足某人的需求in demand 需求量大, 有需求demand to do sth 要求去做某事demand sb of sth 要求某人某事demand that sb should do sth 要求.(D)1. I _ you all to be seated.A. ask B. beg C. demand D. request Ask 是最普通的用语,含有期待肯定的意味; beg 含有谦恭或恳求的意味; demand 要求得到某种东西并且一定要得到它; request 指比较正式或礼貌的请求(c) 2.The citizens demanded that the murderer _.A. to be punished B. being punished C. be punished D. punish6.degreeTo what degree is she interested in films? 她对电影的兴趣到了什么程度了?The teacher drew an angle of ninety degrees on the blackboard. 老师在黑板上画了一个90度的角.He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master.他通过了考试, 现在他有了硕士学位.(B)1. _ their friendship grew into love.A. By degree B. By degrees C. To degree D. To degrees 解释:by degrees= little by little = gradually 渐渐的, 一点一点地 (A)2. I dont like very hot weather. Thirty degrees _ too warm for me.A. is B. are C. was D. were7. personally Personally (speaking), I dont like this painting. 就我个人而言=in my opinion The president personally answered her letter. 亲自地, 由本人 I will speak to him personally about his transfer. 我将私下跟他谈调职之事.8. delight n.快乐,高兴; vt. 使欣喜翻译:1 令他高兴的是, 他的小说得到了公众的认可. To his great delight, his novel was accepted by the public. 2. 我高兴地读了你的信. I have read your letter with delight. 3. 这个消息使全国一片沸腾.The news delighted the whole nation. 总结词组: with delight 高兴地, 乐意地 to ones delight 令某人高兴的是 be in high delight 非常高兴拓展: delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐的 常用短语: be delighted at 因. 而高兴 Be delighted to do 因做. 而高兴 (C) Its _ to work with her. A. delighted B delight C. a delight D. pleasure 9. assume We cant assume anything in this case. 假定, 设想The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled. 装出, 装作He assumes his new responsibilities next month .开始从事, 承担翻译:1.咱们暂时假设计划成功.Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.2.我猜想你已听过了这个消息.I assume that you have heard the mews.3. 他们认为战争会很快结束的假设是错误的. (用同位语从句) Their assumption that the war would end quickly turned out to be wrong.10. merely adv.仅仅,只不过 翻译: 1. 这不仅仅是一份工作,而是一种生活方式.It is not merely a job, but a way of life.2. 我只不过把它当笑话说说而已.I said it merely as a joke.拓展: mere adj. It took her a mere 20 minutes to win . 只不过,仅仅题目:C.He is a _ nobody, and it is _ a matter of time for people to forget him.A. only, mere B. mere , only C. mere, merely D. merely, mere提示: 他是个十足的小人物, 要大家认清这一点只是个时间问题. mere 纯粹的,仅仅的 ; merely 仅仅,只不过11. accompany vt I must ask you to accompany me to the police station.我必须请你陪我去警察局.词型变化:10 review-(n)reviewer(评论家)-(ant.)preview11 broadcast(n)broadcaster(n)broadcasting12 consumer(v) consume(n)consumption13 personally(adj) personal(n)personality (个性,人格)14 delight(adj)delighted(adj)delightful15 assume(n) assumption16 convenience(adj)convenient17 selection(v)select(adj)selective(n)selector18 weigh(n)weight(adj)weighted(有利的)-(ant.)weightless(失重的)10. suitable-(v)suit(adj.)suited11.advancement(v)advance(adj.)advanced12.necessarily(adj.)necessary(n)necessity13.caution(adj.)cautious(n)cautiousness14.expose(n)exposure15.equal(ant.)unequal(n)equality16.dedfinite(n.)definition(adv)definitely17.honest(adv.)honestly(n)honesty(ant.)dishonest18.worrying(n.v.)worry(adj.)worried19.pricing(n.v.)price(adj)priceless(贵重的,无价的)111

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