Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task 5(外研版必修1)

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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task 5(外研版必修1)_第1页
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Module 1《My First Day at Senior High》cultural corner and task 5(外研版必修1)_第3页
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111 Module one 单元检测学案. 知识点回顾 enthusiastic about/over sb/sth amazed at/by sth _ be amazed to do sth _ be bored with _ be embarrassed about/at _be disappointed at/with _辨析:amazed/amazing bored/boring interested/interesting disappointed/disappointing embarrassed/embarrassing moved/moving amusing/amused 3. impress sb. _ be impressed by/with/at sth. _have/leave/make sb. a (good,/bad/deep/strong.) impression on sth. _ impress sb. with sth. _ impress sth. on sb. _ 4. be covered with/by _ 列举cover的其它词义: _5. nothing like sth. _ something like _6. have ( a lot/ a great) fun _ What fun it is! _ in a fun way _ make fun of _ funny_7. look forward to sth./doing sth. _ 类似短语:be used to _ devote to _ pay attention to _ get down to _ lead to _8. make (great/ good/ much/ rapid/ a lot of) progress _9. divide into _ divide between/ among _ separate from _10. attitude to/ towards sth./ doing sth. _11. in other words = that is to say = that is _12. be similar to _. 重点句型.1. I _ I will be bored in MS. Shens class.(否定疑问动词:believe, expect, suppose, imagine) He doesnt think we can do it by ourselves. (变成疑问句)_2. In other words, there are three times _ many girls _boys. (联想倍数表达的三个句型)3. “Oh, really?” _ have I. (我也去过)so its with sb./ sth. _Its the same with sb./ sth. _. 单项选择.1. -I havent heard from Henry for a long time. -What do you think _ to him? A. happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened 2. -David has made some mistakes in the test. - _ , and _ . A. So he has; so you have B. So has he ;so have you C. So has he; so you have D. So he has; so have you 3. -Which book do you want, the chemistry book or the English book? - _ . A. I like al l B. Everyone is OK C. Each will do D. Either will do 4. This cake is _ that one. Which of the following is wrong? A. three times the size of B. three times so big as C. three times bigger than D. one third as big as 5. Miss Smith, their new teacher of _ English, is _ European. A. a; an B. the; / C. an: the D. /; a 6. We have not had _ for many years. A. such cold day like this B. so cold day as this C. as cold a day like this D. such a cold day as this 7. There must be _ with the computer. A. something serious wrong B. something wrong seriously C. something seriously wrong D. something wrong serious 8. The questions which are _ to yours are not easy to answer. A. different B. similar C. real D. the same 9. As a young man, Comrade Zhou Enlai _ the students movements and later _ the Communist Party of China. A. joined; took part of B. took part in; joined C. joined in; took part in D. took part of; joined 10. It is reported that we have produced _ this week as we did last week. A. as much waste water B. as twice much waster waterC. twice as much waste water D. much as waste water twice11. _, and youll succeed in time. A. Keep on tryingB. If you keep on tryingC. Keeping on trying D. To keep on trying12. _ great fun it is to swim on such a hot day! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 13. _ I didnt understand the job but now Im getting on well with it. A. First B. At first C. First of all D. In beginning14. -How far apart do they live? -_ I know, they live in the neighbourhood. A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as15. Mr Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. tired, boring B. tiring, boredC. tired, bored D. tiring, boring.单词拼写1. If you want to speak English f_ and freely, you should speak and use it more often. 2. Before taking medicine, you should read the i_ on the bottle carefully.3. Though American and Chinese school systems are different, they also have some s_ to each other.4. Making speeches in public always _(使窘迫) me.5. The teenagers are _(狂热的)for the songs sung by Jay Zhou.6. Be on your best _(行为),and you will be welcome wherever you are.7. Perhaps you _(误解) him- he really didnt mean it.8. The foreign guests were _(惊奇) at the rapid development of China.9. Thanks to modern t_, we have a much higher standard of living.10. You need a _ (毕业证) if you want to go to college. 参考答案:1-5 CDDBD 6-10 CCBBC 1115 AABBA1. fluently 2.instructions 3.similarities 4.embarrasses 5.enthusiastic6.behavior 7.misunderstood 8.amazed 10.diploma111


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