《New Frontiers》教案9(北师大版选修7)

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111Unit 20 New FrontiersWarm-up-教案Teaching Aims:Draw students attention to the unit objection.Practice students expressing ability.Resources used: computerTeaching procedures:Warm up:Step 1.Exercise 1: T: Today we study unit 20 New Frontiers, whats the meaning of the title?S:T: Scientists are working hard to develop advanced scientific technology to make our life more convenient. Can name some branches of scientific?S:T: Now lets read these words together.Biology, physics, Information technology, astronomy After reading these words, the teacher ask students to match the branches of science with the following objects ( show some slides)Step2 Exercise2T: In fact many things in life are connected with the four branches of science. Can you think of some words connecting with them?Give students some time to think over the question. Students will say out some words. In the way will the student be interested in class.Then ask the students to do the exercise 2 Step3 Exercise3 1.Listen to four extracts twice and identify these different programmes.2. Listen to four extracts again and do the exercise1. Why didnt the shuttle take off ? A. Because of the bad weather. B. There was something wrong with solar panels . C. The shuttle suffered slight damage last week. 2.Rosalind is a_ A. a writer who writes science fiction B. A person searching humans mood. C. An expert developing Emotional Computer. 3. The conversation will talk about _. A. human genome B. medicine C. ethical issues in biotechnology4.Marie Curie achieved the following achievement except_. A. won two Nobel Prizes B. discovered radium and polonium C. correct the process of producing radioactivity for the first timeAnswers: A C C DStep4 Exercise 4 Think about the answers to these questions.Now lets discuss the questions together (give students time to discuss the question freely then give some slides to help them )1.How has science affected our lives in the last two hundred yeas? Think about: communication, entertainment, housing, medicine, transport, war, work2. Which of the changes in our lives have not been beneficial? Why?3. In what areas do you think we need to do more research?Step5 Discuss the following topic (The purpose is to practice spoken English and arouse students interest to prepare for lesson 1).Imagine what our life will be like in the next two hundred years(give students time to express their ideas).The teacher can draw a conclusion to praise students imagination and their spoken English. Then lead to lesson 1In lesson 1 Futurology you will find many new and exciting ideas Read it quickly, please111

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