内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars》Period 3(新人教版必修3)

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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars》Period 3(新人教版必修3)_第1页
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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars》Period 3(新人教版必修3)_第2页
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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars》Period 3(新人教版必修3)_第3页
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111【学习目标】1 阅读小文章,享受月球之旅带来的快乐,找出相关问题。2 鼓励同学们找出相关短语并且会运用。3 以小组合作形式完成当堂检测,巩固本课时的知识点。4 努力完成课后练习。【课内探究】Step 1 : Read the passage, and then find out the phrases.读课文,找出下列短语1. 进行一次太空之旅_2.对。解释_ 3.出发_ 4.升到空中_ 5.接近,靠近_6.感到兴奋,振奋_ 7.向前走_ 8.既然_ 9.熟悉,掌握,理解_ 10.返回地球_ 11.突发,爆发_ 12.密切注视,当心,提防_ 13.克服困难_ 14. 制定简单规则_ 15.撞击撞人_16.twice as far as_17.远离_18.忘记。_ Step 2 : Read the passage carefully and then describe the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Ping and how his weight changed. (描述重力改变的三种方式)_【当堂检测】翻译下列句子。(前五个句子当堂完成) 1当H1N1爆发时,突然的恐惧迅速地弥漫全国。(break out)2. 只要更努力,你终久会成功。(in time)3他们尽力使那些遭遇地震不幸的人们高兴起来。( cheer up)4我们应该想办法防止有害气体的蔓延。(prevent from)5 她发现河面上有奇怪的东西浮着,这使她感到非常害怕。(float )6. 是否这个形状会持续下去还是不持续不太清楚。7. 更重要的是,当他生病时,有人照顾她。8. 这对身体有害。9 这产生了连锁反应。10 海洋里充满了氧气。11. 这使得帮助别人成为了可能。【课后作业】一、单项选择。1.Ive learnt _, no matter what happens and how bad _seems today, life goes on and it will be better tomorrow A. it; that B. that; it C. it; it D. that; that2. Its wrong for a student to follow _his teachers say.Its true. I cant agree more. A. what B. no matter what C. however D. whatever3. The reason _he was late for the meeting was _his car had been blocked by an accident.A .that; why B. how; why C. why; that D. why ; because4. Black should have taken the doctors advice _in bed for a day or two.A. that he would lie B. he would lie C. that he lie D. that he must lie5. Nowadays the doctors are trying their best to reduce peoples fear _they would be affected by the present disease.A. why B. how C. if D. that 6. Who was the first man on the moon?I have no idea_A. who was the first man on the moon B. if the first man on the moon was C. who the first man on the moon was D. whether the first man on the moon was7. _well go camping this Sunday depends on the weather.A. If B. Can C. Whether D. That8. _troubles me most is _I cant learn all these English idioms by heart.A. What; that B. That; what C. What; what D. That; that9. Mother made a promise _ I passed the final exam, she would buy me a bicycle.A. that B. whether C. if D. that if 10. We have been walking a long way, so _is a good rest.A. what are we really needed B. what we really need C. That we really need D. what do we really need11. _will be suitable for the position?A. Who you think of B. Whom do you think C. Who do you think D. Do you think who12. The warm-hearted man often helps _is in trouble.A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whom13. No one can be sure _in a million years.A. what look will man like B. man will look like what C. what will man look like D. what man will look like14. I am lucky _the thing I enjoy doing most is _Ive ended up doing.A. what; what B. that; that C. what; that D. that; what15. I told you _he would come to see you. Actually I had little doubt _it was trueA. whether; that B. that; that C. if; that D. whether ; if 16. I want to know the thief was caught on the spot. A. which B. that C. what D. whether17. made the school proud was 90% of the students can play a kind of musical instrument. A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That; because18. It is better to the children to learn than to them to do their homework.A. encourage ; encourage B. force ; forceC. encourage ; force D. force ; encourage19. With the rapid development, Zhengzhou in all directions in the past few years.A. spreads B. has spread C. spread D. had spread二、根据句意及首字母提示,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.City life is very d_ from country life.2.The fire s_ _from the factory to the house nearby.3.Your _ (出场) is requested at the club meeting on Friday.4.Pieces of rubbish were floating on the _ (表面) of the river.5.I was _ (失望的) to hear that he lost the last game.6.I think we should try again using a different _ (方法).7.The _ (气氛) at home has been depressing since they had that flight.三、用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。prevent.from depend onspreadexist in time1.Lacey has a back injury that may _ him _ playing in the tomorrows game.2.The custom of arranged marriages still _ in many countries.3Why are you in a hurry to leave here? Get home _ to bathe the children.4.This kind of disease _ all over the country.5. Future agriculture should _ high technology as well as traditional methods.四、完成短文。 give birth to prevent.from depend on go by asas Peter is a pupil, whose mother_1_him seven years ago. Now he is not _2_ healthy_ before because he likes eating meat very much. So his parents are worried about him, they always say they must take measures to_3_ him _ becoming fatter. But it doesnt work. In fact, his parents know losingweight_4_ their own son,Peter. Unfortunately, as time _5_, his son becomes fatter and fatter.111


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