河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit2《Healthy eating》复习学案(学生版)

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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit2《Healthy eating》复习学案(学生版)_第1页
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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit2《Healthy eating》复习学案(学生版)_第2页
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河北省张家口一中高中英语复习教案人教版必修3:Unit2《Healthy eating》复习学案(学生版)_第3页
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111一、 单词部分1. _日常饮食n. 2. _平衡 n./v. 3. _油煎、油炸v. 4. _苗条的,纤细的adj.5. _好奇心n. 6. _顾客,消费者n.7. _折扣n. 8. _缺点,虚弱,弱点n.9. _ 强项,长处,力量n. 10. _咨询,请教,商量v.11. _消化v. 摘要n. 12. _间谍,侦探n./v.13. _界限;限度n.限制;限定v. 14. _有益于v.利益n.15. _叹气,叹息n./v. 16. _(使)联合,接合v.17. _生的,未加工的adj. 18. _怒视,炫目的光n./v.二、短语填空1. 减肥_ 2. 被放过; (做坏事)不受惩罚_3. 说谎_ 4. 赢回;重新获得_5. 谋生_ 6. 欠债_7. 暗中监视;侦查_ 8. 削减;删节_9. 不久以后_ 10. 增加体重_11. 节食_ 12. 限制某人的饮食_用以上短语的适当形式填空1. From the little hole in the back door he could _ the whole class.2. I shall visit you again _.3. Everyone has to try to _ when he grows up.4. His gambling losses put him deeply_.5. We must _ the expenses.6. She has been taking exercise _ from day to day.7. For such a serious mistake, he was lucky to_ a fine.8. He must try to _ the support he has lost.9. Dont _ to your parents.10. Hes _ since he gave up smoking.11. He is_ to reduce some weight.12. The doctor_ a very strict _.三、重点句型1. “ Nothing could be better,” he thought.【注意】:否定句与比较级连用,表示最高级的含义。所以上句还可写成: _.【例句】: Nobody loved money better than he. 她最贪财。 I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. 我想没有什么比旅行更令人愉快。 We cant agree(with you) more. 我们非常同意。 I couldnt feel better. 我感觉太好了。【练习】1. -Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?-_. I love getting close to nature.A. I couldnt agree more.B. Im afraid not.C. I believe not.D. I dont think so2. -How do you like our hotel?- I couldnt have found a _ one.A. good B. better C. best D. fine四、重点短语1. before long “不久以后” long before “很久以前”; long before早在之前 【例句】:I shall visit you again before long. 我很快就会再来看你的。 Before long he had to move on. 不久他有得搬迁。 He had taken a doctors degree long before. 他很久以前就获得了博士学位。 He had come to America long before the war. 他早在战争之前就来到美国。 Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. 千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。【练习】:1. Theyve seen that _.2. It looks as if it will rain _.3. We had not waited. She came _.4. He is certain to arrive _.五、重点词汇1. limit (n.)界限;限度;限制(v.)限制,限定-_(adj.)有限的【用法】limit 作名词用时,其后常搭配介词to, 表示“对的限制”; 还常用复数表示(地区或地方的)境界、界限、范围,如:the city limits城市境界 limit作动词时,在其宾语后也常搭配介词to, 用于limitto【短语】within limits 有一定限制 set a limit to 对加以限制 push/stretch to the limit 推/拉达到限度【例句】1. There is a limit to what I can do for you.我能为你做的事情有限。【练习】1. There is _everything. 凡是皆有限度。2. Some drivers ignore _. 有些司机无视速度限制。3. We must _ our spending. 我们必须限制我们的开支。4. Im willing to help, _. 我愿适当给予帮助。5. I shall _myself _three as aspects of the subject. 我仅讨论这一问题的三个方面。2. benefit (n.)利益、好处;(v.)有益于,有助于,受益【短语】A benefit B A有益于B B benefit from/by A B从A中受益 be of benefit to/be beneficial to 对有益处 for the benefit of/ for ones benefit 为了(的利益)【例句】1. The new hospital benefited us enormously. 那家医院使我们受益匪浅。2. I benefited enormously from my fathers advice. 我从父亲的忠告获益良多。 【练习】1. It proved _ me. 它确实对我很有益处。2. What can I _ it? 我能得到什么好处呢?3. The climate will _ those patients. 那里的气候对那些病人有益。4. Students _ his lecture. 学生们从他的讲课中受益匪浅。3. balance (UN.)平衡、均衡(CN)天平、秤(v.)平衡、权衡balanced(adj.):_平衡的饮食【短语】balance (sth.) (on sth.) (使)保持平衡 balance A against B 权衡重要性 keep/lose ones balance 保持/失去平衡 a good sense of balance 很好的平衡感 keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡【例句】1. He can balance a ball on his finger.2. You should balance the advantages against the disadvantages.【练习】1. We should keep the _ of nature.A. silence B. importance C. balance D. clean 2. She balanced _ on her knee. 她把杯子在膝盖上放稳。 4. strength (UN)力量、体力(CN)优势、优点、长处-_(v)加强 【例句】1. Union is strength. 团结就是力量2. He doesnt have enough strength to walk upstairs. 他没有足够的力气走楼梯3. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their strengths and weaknesses. 教练为了让全队队员表现更好,首先做的是必须了解他们的强项和弱项。【练习】1. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _. A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind5. consult (vt.)咨询、请教、查阅(vi./vt.)(with)sb.商量【例句】1. I will consult my lawyer about it.我将就此事请教律师。2. I consulted with a friend on matter. 我和朋友商量一件事。【注意】consult表示“查阅”时,后面可接词典、参考书等,相当于refer to;而look up表示“查阅”时,后接查阅的内容,然后再接in+词典、参考书。【练习】1. He paused _ his notes, and then proceeded with his questions.2. He is the last man _.3. You should _ the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.【单项选择】1. There are only 5 minutes left. You should _ your talk to 3 minutes. A. limit B. lengthen C. give D. speak2. The naughty boy _ to the teacher that the book _ on the desk was gone. A. lay; laid B. lay; lied C. lied; laid D. lied; lay3. Many people in the earthquake stricken area _ the aid program. A. benefited in B. benefited of C. benefited to D. benefited from4. The army was _ from its base. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut up D. cut in5. Dont try to cheat the taxman;youll never _it. A. get out of B. get into C. get along D. get away with 111

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