河北省邯郸四中高二英语人教版语选修六《Unit 3 A healthy life》辅导 WORDS

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河北省邯郸四中高二英语人教版语选修六《Unit 3 A healthy life》辅导 WORDS_第1页
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河北省邯郸四中高二英语人教版语选修六《Unit 3 A healthy life》辅导 WORDS_第2页
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111WORDSStress观察 阅读下列各句,并观察stress在句中的词性及用法。1. Sally took a deep breath to release stress in the course of examinations.2. The hurricane put great stress on the building.3. Chinese Vice President lays stress on the unity especially in this hard time.4. The stress of the word is on the second syllable.5. The board (董事会) stressed that the plan must be carried out in one week.6. Stress the second syllable in today.7. The weight stressed the bridge to the point of damaging it.点拨 stress n. 精神压力,紧张, 如句 1;物理压力,应力, 如句 2;强调,重要性,常用于短语:lay / place / put stress on / upon 着重于,把重点放在,如句3;重音, 如句4。 vt. 强调, 如句 5;重读,如句6;加压力于,如句7。小试 把下列句子翻译成汉语。1. He doesnt like the stress of life in a big city. 2. We should put stress on the training of students creative (创造的) ability.3. He stressed the importance of a good education.4. Can you find out the stress of the word?5. The branch couldnt bear up under the stress of the heavy snow.Key: 1. 他不喜欢大城市生活的压力。2. 我们应该着重培养学生的创造能力。3. 他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。4. 你能找出这个单词的重音吗?5. 这根树枝在大雪的重压之下支撑不住了。Banban n. 禁令,禁止。其后通常跟介词on。 vt. 禁止,取缔。可用于短语ban sb. from (doing) sth.,意为“禁止某人做某事”。如:A great many people are against the ban on plastic bags.许多人反对禁止使用塑料袋。They put a ban on using the cars of this type.他们禁止使用这种类型的汽车。We ban all smoking in our club. 我们俱乐部禁止吸烟。Those who carry dangerous things are banned from boarding the plane. 携带危险物品的乘客不允许登机。拓展 impose a ban 颁布禁令lift a ban 解除禁令小试 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. _ (禁止游泳) in this lake.2. The majority support _ (禁止使用核武器).3. The students _ (禁止喧哗)in the library.Key: 1. Swimming is banned 2. the ban on nuclear weapons 3. are banned from making a noise111

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